Using Mongodb variables out of its functions - node.js

So I'm making a web application and I'm trying to send variables to an EJS file but when they are sent out of the mongo functions they come out as undefined because it's a different scope for some reason. It's hard to explain so let me try to show you.
router.get("/", function(req, res){
var bookCount;
var userCount;
Books.count({}, function(err, stats){
console.log("Books count failed to load.");
bookCount = stats;
User.count({}, function(err, count){
console.log("User count failed to load.")
userCount = count;
//Get All books from DB
Books.find({}, function(err, allbooks){
console.log("Problem getting all books");
res.render("index", {allbooks: allbooks, bookCount: bookCount, userCount: userCount});
So in the User.Count and Books.count I'm finding the number of documents in a collection which works and the number is stored inside of the variables declared at the very top.
After assigning the numbers like userCount i did console.log(userCount) which outputs the correct number which is 3, If was to do console.log(userCount) out of the User.count function it would return undefined, which is a reference to the declaration at the very top.
What is really weird is that Book.Find() has the correct userCount even though its a totally different function. The whole goal im trying to accomplish is doing res.render("index", {userCount: userCount}); outside of the Books.find(). I can do it but of course for some reason it passes undefined instead of 3. I hope this made a shred of sense.

I seem to have found a solution. but if anyone knows a different way I would love to know. So basically all you need to do is move the User.Count function outside of the router.get() function. Not completely sure about the logic of that but it works...

This is a classic asynchronous-operation problem: Your methods (Books.count, Books.find, User.count) are called immediately, but the callback functions you pass to them are not. userCount is undefined in your log because console.log is called before the assignment in the callback function is made. Your code is similar to:
var userCount;
setTimeout(function() {
userCount = 3;
}, 1000);
console.log(userCount); // undefined
User.count takes time to execute before calling back with the result, just like setTimeout takes the specified time to execute before calling its callback. The problem is JS doesn't pause and wait for the timeout to complete before moving on and calling console.log below it, it calls setTimeout, calls console.log immediately after, then the callback function is called one second later.
To render a complete view, you need to be sure you have all of the data before you call res.render. To do so you need to wait for all of the methods to call back before calling res.render. But wait, I just told you that JS doesn't pause and wait, so how can this be accomplished? Promise is the answer. Multiple promises, actually.
It looks like you are using Mongoose models. Mongoose has been written so that if you don't pass a callback function to your methods, they return a promise.
Books.count({}) // returns a promise
JS promises have a method then which takes a callback function that is called when the promise has been resolved with the value of the asynchronous method call.
Books.count({}) // takes some time
.then(function(bookCount) { // called when Books.count is done
// use the bookCount here
The problem is, you want to wait for multiple operations to complete, and multiple promises, before continuing. Luckily JS has a utility just for this purpose:
Promise.all( // wait for all of these operations to finish before calling the callback
.then(function(array) { // all done!
// the results are in an array
bookCount = array[0];
userC0unt = array[1];
allBooks = array[2];


Accessing restAPI response outside function in nodejs

I want to be access array outside the function or outside the loop in nodejs. I written following code.
var result = [];
function setid (swfid){
crud.getswift(swfid).then(function (response) {
result = response;
// res.send(response);
}).catch(function (err) {
return ("error:" + err);
But its returning null. your suggestions please
You wrote a new statement in the function call and therefore you scoped it. This is one of the things wrong there. Apart from that, as the first person commenting to this answer mentioned, you have an async call here. Therefore, you need to return a promise from setid and wait for the response to get the result.
You're mixing your Aysnc logic with Sync. You won't get the response outside the .then function scope because there's no response available at the time you're trying to get the results.
Try using a callback in the promise - You'd need to invoke the function in the promise callback and send the response as function param, then play with the data.
> Promise / API call etc
.then(() => gotDataCallBack(data));
// handle your data and logic here.
// this will make sure you have the data available before you move ahead with
your application/manipulation logic.

return value of a callback function in Node.js

I have a question about callback functions. Consider this simple code:
var array = [1,2,3];
return val * 2
This will correctly log back to the console [2,4,6] which means it is "returning" that value back.
Now consider this (NOTE: assume "ab" to be a valid directory)
This code works fine and will print an array of filenames in the directory "ab" to the terminal. However, the same code:
return data
This will print undefined.. why is this? if in the previous snippet I can log data to the terminal, why can't I return the value and log it to the console? And how is the first snippet including the map method working using this same logic?
Thank you.
fs is an Asynchronous function, it doesn't return the values as it doesn't know when the value will be available due to which it logs undefined.
When you say console.log(fs.readdir()), it reads the fs function and checks if it is returning anything which in this case is undefined and hence logs it. The execution didn't go inside the callback of fs.readdir() yet as it is asynchronous as takes time for that to complete.
fs.readdir() is like a promise, it calls to read the directory and forget about it till the reading operation is done and after which it's callback function is called.
Hence, we pass callback functions which will be called back when the asynchronous operation is done executing like below :
function readFile (callback){
return callback(data);
readFile(function (data){
Because the map() method by definition returns an array, and fs.readdir() returns undefined.
Why it returns undefined is because it is an asynchronous function, the result is not returned by the function but in the callback you have to wait, that's because you have to do the console.log inside that callback function.
Just for your information, the fs module has synchronous version of the methods as well, so in this case you could do:
But using the synchronous version you are blocking your code until you get the result, so it would not be recommended depending on the situation; that's up to your case.
I hope that the following will help someone else having similar problem with reading values from MongoDB using socket io.
In those cases you can use the following code (both functions on server side):
socket.on('readTopicMessages', (intGr, callback) => {
readTopicChats(intGr, function (data){
io.emit('topicMessages', data);
function readTopicChats (intGr, callback){
.find({ 'intGr': intGr.intGr })
.sort([['dateTime', 'ascending']])
.exec(function (err, data){
return callback(data);

node.js for loop execution in a synchronous manner

I have to implement a program in node.js which looks like the following code snippet. It has an array though which I have to traverse and match the values with database table entries. I need to wait till the loop ends and send the result back to the calling function:
var arr=[];
for(int j=0;j<arr.length;j++) {
var str="/^"+arr[j]+"/";
// consider collection to be a variable to point to a database table
collection.find({value:str}).toArray(function getResult(err, result) {
//do something incase a mathc is found in the database...
However, as the str="/^"+arr[j]+"/"; (which is actually a regex to be passed to find function of MongoDB in order to find partial match) executes asynchronously before the find function, I am unable to traverse through the array and get required output.
Also, I am having hard time traversing through array and send the result back to calling function as I do not have any idea when will the loop finish executing.
Try using async each. This will let you iterate over an array and execute asynchronous functions. Async is a great library that has solutions and helpers for many common asynchronous patterns and problems.
Something like this:
var arr=[];
asych.each(arr, function (item, callback) {
var str="/^"+item+"/";
// consider collection to be a variable to point to a database table
collection.find({value:str}).toArray(function getResult(err, result) {
if (err) { return callback(err); }
// do something incase a mathc is found in the database...
// whatever logic you want to do on result should go here, then execute callback
// to indicate that this iteration is complete
} function (error) {
// At this point, the each loop is done and you can continue processing here
// Be sure to check for errors!

Node.JS MySQL query nested function returning array

function searchCoords(){
var result = result;
connection.query('SELECT * FROM monitoring', function(err, result){
result: result};
That's my code. I'm using that code to find the last coordinates of some devices and display them in google maps. but i need to first be able to access the array from the ouside so i can do something like:
However I still can't access the array (result) from the outside function, let alone from another module.
I've been reading on closures, scopes, nested functions, anonymous functions, etc. but i still can't find the solution. What am i doing wrong?
Problem is, that the query is asynchronous, so it can't return a value in the normal flow. If you pass a function when you call searchCoords, then that function can be called after the results come back - which could be after a long delay. This is necessary to prevent the program flow from being blocked whilst potentially long operations are in process.
// accept a callback function to execute after getting results...
function searchCoords(callback){
var result = result;
connection.query('SELECT * FROM monitoring', function(err, result){
// run the callback function, passing the results...
callback({result: result});
// call like this...
// pass a function accepting results object that will be executed as callback
// once results have been returned...

Asynchronous Database Queries with PostgreSQL in Node not working

Using Node.js and the node-postgres module to communicate with a database, I'm attempting to write a function that accepts an array of queries and callbacks and executes them all asynchronously using the same database connection. The function accepts a two-dimensional array and calling it looks like this:
['SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM ideas', function(result) {
console.log("FUNCTION 1");
["INSERT INTO ideas (name) VALUES ('test')", function(result) {
console.log("FUNCTION 2");
And the function iterates over the array, creating a query for each sub-array, like so:
function perform_queries_async(queries) {
var client = new pg.Client(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
for(var i=0; i<queries.length; i++) {
var q = queries[i];
client.query(q[0], function(err, result) {
if(err) {
} else {
client.on('drain', function() {
When I ran the above code, I expected to see output like this:
However, the output bizarrely appears like so:
Not only is the second function getting called for both requests, it also seems as though the drain code is getting called before the client's queue of queries is finished running...yet the second query still runs perfectly fine even though the client.end() code ostensibly killed the client once the event is called.
I've been tearing my hair out about this for hours. I tried hardcoding in my sample array (thus removing the for loop), and my code worked as expected, which leads me to believe that there is some problem with my loop that I'm not seeing.
Any ideas on why this might be happening would be greatly appreciated.
The simplest way to properly capture the value of the q variable in a closure in modern JavaScript is to use forEach:
queries.forEach(function(q) {
client.query(q[0], function(err, result) {
if(err) {
} else {
If you don't capture the value, your code reflects the last value that q had, as the callback function executed later, in the context of the containing function.
forEach, by using a callback function isolates and captures the value of q so it can be properly evaluated by the inner callback.
A victim of the famous Javascript closure/loop gotcha. See my (and other) answers here:
I am trying to open 10 websocket connections with nodejs, but somehow my loop doesnt work
Basically, at the time your callback is executed, q is set to the last element of the input array. The way around it is to dynamically generate the closure.
It will be good to execute this using async module . It will help you to reuse the code also . and will make the code more readable . I just love the auto function provided by async module
