Ctrl Right and Ctrl Left doesn't move from a word to another in Fish Shell - linux

When I use my Fish Shell on Linux Mint, using the Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right keys isn't moving the cursor to the previous or next word. It switches between an I and an N instead:
Here is the I and then the N:
I cannot do partial completion then, so it's really boring.
How can I fix this?

Glenn Jackman's comment is correct - you are using vi-mode.
Some third-party prompts (e.g. from Oh-My-Fish or similar) enable it for some reason.
To switch back, usually executing fish_default_key_bindings once interactively should suffice once you have deleted the offending line or package (search for fish_vi_key_bindings).
Or, if you like vi-mode, you can add a binding. Create a function called fish_user_key_bindings (e.g. with funced).
The content should look like this
function fish_user_key_bindings
bind -M $mode $sequence $command
where "$command" here would be "backward-word". $mode would be the vi-mode you want the binding to be valid for, e.g. "insert" or "default" (what vi would call "normal" mode).
"$sequence" would be the text sequence that the terminal sends to fish whenever this key combination is pressed. Unfortunately they aren't standardized, so you need to figure out which it is on your system.
fish_key_reader is useful here - execute it, press the combination and use what it tells you. On my terminal ctrl+left sends \e\[1\;5D (and ctrl+right sends the same with C instead of D).


tmux pin to avoid scrolling

Often when I run a command that writes to stdout, and that command fails, I have to scroll up (using uncomfortable key-bindings) looking for the place where I pressed Enter, to see what the first error was (out of hundreds others, across many screens of text). This is both annoying and time-consuming. I wish there was a feature which allowed me to pin my current terminal to the place where I am now, then start the command, see only the first lines of the output (as many as fits below my cursor) and let the rest of the output be written but not displayed. In other words I would like a feature to allow me automatically scroll up to the place where I gave the command, to see the first lines of the output (where usually the origin of the failure is displayed).
I searched for it but I didn't find it. Do you know if such feature exists? Or have an idea how to implement it with some tricks or workarounds?
If you have a unique shell prompt you could bind a key to jump between shell prompts, for example something like this will make C-b S jump to the previous shell prompt then S subsequent ones:
bind S copy-mode \; send -X search-backward 'nicholas#myhost:'
bind -Tcopy-mode S send -X search-backward 'nicholas#myhost:'
Or similarly you could search for error strings if they have a recognisable prefix. If you install the tmux 3.1 release candidate, you can search for regular expressions.
Alternatively, you could use capture-pane to load the entire history into an editor with key bindings you prefer, for example:
$ tmux capturep -S- -E- -p|vim -
Or pipe to grep or whatever. Note you will need to use a temporary file for this to work with emacs.
Or try to get into the habit of teeing commands with lots of output to a file to start with.

Vim rename variable

Most people say vim is greatest editor.
But is there any way to rename variable as fast as sublime.
function f($items) {
In sublime:
Go to items variable
click ctrl+d 2 times
rename variable
Search for /items
write the new name
"n" for next occurrence and then "." to repeat
In vim obviously the keystrokes are more.
Does anyone knows easier and faster rename variable method?
Thank you
There are few solutions:
Change command
Go to items and then hit:
*Ncgn{new name}<Esc>
And then you can . through rest of the files.
I have written plugin which simplifies this flow sad.vim which simplifies above to:
siw{new name}<Esc>
And then you can . through rest of the occurrences.
Select function body by vi{ and then call:
:'<,'>s/items/{new name}/g
Language Server
If your language has Language Server that supports renames then you can use one of the many LS clients for Vim out there and use the support from there.
The point is: in vim the moviment towards the target change point happens without touching the mouse, and it can also be made via terminal through a ssh session. You should also consider this. I have the following map:
:nnoremap c* *<C-o>cgn
Once you hit the variable just type c* followed by the new name, Esc and dot

Is there an editor that allows to evaluate the current line as a bash command?

I'd like to evaluate a bash script line by line. I also might want to jump back and execute a previous line again.
As described in How execute bash script line by line? , one could use the built-in debugging option -x, but this is not very handy, since you don't have the overview of previous and future commands.
For writing software in R, I used RStudio. The editor allows to evaluate the current line as an R-Command by hitting Ctrl+Enter. Afterwards the result is shown in a built-in shell, and the Cursor jumps to the next command.
Is there a simple text-editor (like gedit) that allows to send the current line to a built-in shell/console (bash, zsh,...) and view the result of the evlauation afterwards in the shell?
It's not built in to Emacs, but it's easy to do.
(defun shell-eval-line (pos)
"Evaluate the line around position as a shell command.
In interactive mode, use the cursor's position."
(interactive "d")
(goto-char pos)
(shell-command (buffer-substring
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))) ))
Bind to a key of your liking (C-c ! maybe?) and go.
Add a (next-line) outside the (save-excursion) to make it advance to the next line when it's done, or create a simple macro around it to invoke the function and jump to the next line.
You can also do it with the editor geany. In their Wiki they have a detailed instruction. In short:
Install geany
Open the file ~/.config/geany/geany.conf and set send_selection_unsafe=true
Restart geany
Set a key-binding Edit > Preferences > Keybindings (It is under Format / Send selection to terminal)
Actually you don't have to select the code you want to send. So far I couldn't find out how to instruct geany to jump to the next line afterwards.

How do I insert a tab character in Iterm?

Simply put, I know you can do ctrl+v+tab to insert a physically real tab character in a bash statement. But how do I do the same for iTerm?
The answer was to hit control+v, then tab afterwards, not all together! Hope this helps someone.
It's not iTerm, but your shell that affects how you''re able to insert a tab.
First, make sure you're in BASH shell: Type the following command:
23714 3
The first is a random number, and the second should be the BASH Version number. If you get a blank line or just a random number, you're not in the BASH shell, and that's probably one of your issues.
Another thing is to execute this command:
$ set -o
allexport off
braceexpand on
emacs on
errexit off
errtrace off
privileged off
verbose off
vi off
trace off
The two lines of interest is the emacs and the vi lines. One of those should be on. If they're both off, you can't do the Ctrl-V-Tab to insert a tab character.
When the vi mode is on, it should be Ctrl-V-Tab like you said. With emacs mode on, it is either Ctrl-V-tab, or possibly Ctrl-Q-tab.
However, this isn't an iTerm thing, this is your shell that's doing it.
If by a "physically real tab character" you mean sending the tab hex code (0x09) to the shell, then you can do this in iTerm by pressing Ctrl + Tab (⌃ ⇥).
This is the default setting, although you can change it (as well as add other hex code values to send) in iTerm > Preferences > Profiles > Keys.
I'm not certain why you're comparing a "bash statement" with iTerm. You write bash scripts in iTerm. Which means, assuming you're writing your scripts in iTerm, you're already doing what you want.
I'll assume you mean scripting in vi vs command line. The way I get literal characters on the command line is by using vi editing mode. Do set -o vi. Then you can use ctrl+v followed by tab in the manner that you're used to.
IMO, using vi editing mode comes with a slew of other pluses like searching your history, faster navigation, etc. So you could just add it to your .bashrc if you wanted and use it all the time.
One should also try Ctl + V Ctl + I. It is working in konsole where Ctl+V+Tab deosn't work.

In bash, how to make control-delete mean kill-word?

Bash uses readline, and readline can delete the word to the right of the cursor with "kill-word".
The problem is in recognizing the keypress of control-delete. When I press them in bash, "5~" is output on the screen. I could just bind for this, but it would mean that one day I need to type "5~", and it deletes a word to the right instead! So I'd much rather discover the correct control sequence.
I have googled, and quite a few resources discuss the "delete" key, but none that I've found discuss "control-delete" key. I've experimented with many variations, but nothing works.
The worst is the hours I've spent on this tedious, mindless grind, when it really should be a non-problem.
EDIT: It's through X, so maybe there's a solution with xev and xmodmap
On my machine, pressing Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Delete outputs this:
The ^[ escape character can be replaced with \e, so you can then use bind like this for bash (in your ~/.bashrc for example):
bind '"\e[3;5~":kill-word'
Or, you can add the following to your ~/.inputrc so Ctrl-Delete does kill-word in any program that uses readline:
"\e[3;5~": kill-word
This will bind only the Ctrl-Delete key, you don't have to worry about what will happen if you need to type 5~.
What you see is not the whole truth. It's probably <ESC>5~ or something like that. Try Ctrl-V Ctrl-Delete. The Ctrl-V means "do not interpret the next thing".
So binding <ESC>5~ that should be pretty safe.
Alt+D deletes one word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+W deletes one word to the left of the cursor
(both are based on Emacs, I believe)
If you type ^Q^V (that's Control-Q followed by Control-V, releasing the Control key between them is fine), and then press Control-Delete, do you get the output you mentioned? I just tried it, and at least using Putty I don't get a response at all. Perhaps the behvior is different on an actual Linux console, though.
For other keys, readline prints a longer sequence, often including a special "command sequence introduction" character, which is hard to type by mistake. Try it, and see if you get a longer sequence with the ^Q^V command (which is, btw, called quoted-insert).
For example, if I press ^Q^V and then Delete (without control held down), readline prints ^[[3~. This tells me I can bind stuff to the Delete key by saying \e[[3~. It seems highely likely that the CSI character is present for you, but you're not seeing it since you're not asking readline to quote the input properly.
Ctrl-W deletes words.
Ctrl-u deletes lines.
They're based on Emacs (M-w and M-u).
