Why is switch statement implemented the way it is in most languages? - switch-statement

pseudo code
int i=10
case 1:
case 10:
case 20:
Intuitively this would be expected to print 10. But because of absence of break statement, this will print 10 and 20.
Does anyone else think this feels like an error in the language?

Not every language allows fall-through in switch statement. Wikipedia has a brief section on it.
The C (C, C++, Objective-C) family allows fall through by default
The Pascal family does not
Perl does not by default but you can ask by for it by including continue keyword
C# (which is closer to Java than C) requires a break to end every case block but allow you to group empty blocks together:
Swift does not allow fall through and has a powerful pattern-matching system, in addition to requiring the switch to be exhaustive.
There's wide variety of requirements on the switch statements. Not every language is the same! A couple small examples:
// C#
switch (i) {
case 1:
case 2:
// you can group empty case blocks together
break; // but must end with break
case 3:
// do something else
// Swift
switch i {
case 1: // match 1
case 2,3: // match 2 or 3
case 4...10: // match 4 to 10 (inclusive)
case let n where n % 2 == 0: // match an even number and assign it to n
default: // must be exhaustive
See also: Appropriate uses of fall-through switch statements


Why does the expression: If (A:=!A) evaluate differently each time a hotkey is pressed?

In an Autohotkey script, once a user presses the CapsLock key, a SplashText should pop up indicating that it is ON, or out when it is OFF, the problem here is not about the code that gets it to work but how much simpler it can get.
There are different ways that do it, some need about 25 lines, some use SetTimer and GetKeyState internal functions and several loops to get it to run, some just about five and no loops.
#SingleInstance Force
SetCapsLockState, Off
If (Tog:=!Tog)
SplashTextOn ,350 ,35 , Wanted !, [CapsLock] Activated.
How does: If (Tog:=!Tog) get this code running so easily? Tog is just a variable not initiated, and each time the CapsLock is pressed it is continuously changing its value from 1 to 0
It seems to be acting as a Flag in the code? what am I missing in this line:
If (Tog:=!Tog)
What makes it evaluate different each time?
This is one below is another approach with A = 0 working as a switch, I made this one and it doesn't quite get as simple as I'd like it to be but it does the job.
Longer code:
#SingleInstance Force
SetCapsLockState, Off
If (A = 0)
SplashTextOn ,350 ,35 , Wanted !, [CapsLock] Activated.
Longest code:
This last one gets the same result but checks the actual physical state of the key It wouldn't rely on SetCapsLockState, Off at the top of the script to make sure a switch will do the rest of the work in just one line as the simpler one.
#SingleInstance Force
SetTimer, StateCapsLockON_Timer, 100
If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
SetTimer, StateCapsLockOFF_Timer, 100
SplashTextOn ,350 ,35 , Wanted !, [CapsLock] Activated.
SetTimer, StateCapsLockON_Timer, Off
If !GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
SetTimer, StateCapsLockOFF_Timer, Off
SetTimer, StateCapsLockON_Timer, On
Any good ideas about the way If (Tog:=!Tog) works in the simplest of these three examples?
I got this now, check logical-not on this link:
If the operand (In this case Tog) is blank or 0, the result of applying logical-not (or !Tog) is 1, which means "true". Otherwise, the result is 0 (false)
if (Tog = 0)
Tog = 1
would bring the same result as:
If Tog:=!Tog
Because an operation was taking place before the If even checked the changed value, if wasn't just comparing data, the operation was happening before the if since the values inside the parenthesis were not just being read but were also being changed and the variable being reassigned.
(expression) Any sub-expression enclosed in parentheses. For example, (3 + 2) * 2 forces 3 + 2 to be evaluated first.
The key difference is the usage of the assignment operator := as opposed to the comparing operator =. Since, as you've seen, you can evaluate expressions in an if-statement, you can actually include both operators in the same if-statement. Here's an example:
If (( test := 3+2 ) = 5 )
Here "test" is first being assigned the sum of 3+2, then compared to 5. So, the key is that if-statements allow assignments to take place and that assignments take place first, that is, before anything is compared and evaluated to be true or false.
If there is no comparing operator (= , <, >, <=, >=), as is the case in your toggle, it just evaluates whether the variable itself is true or false. If the variable is blank, 0, or false, it evaluates to false; everything else is true, even the string "false".
Now for the fun bit. We can actually reduce your code to one line if we use Progress with the "zh0" option.
~CapsLock::Progress , % ( Tog := !Tog ) ? "zh0 w350 h35" : "Off" ,, [CapsLock] Activated. , Wanted !
Unfortunately, this isn't possible with SplashText since these are actually two separate commands. But the upside is that Progress actually has a lot more options available, so you can change the font size and color, etc.

Groovy compareTo for CustomClass and numbers/strings

I am building DSL and try to define a custom class CustomClass that you can use in expressions like
def result = customInstance >= 100 ? 'a' : 'b'
if (customInstance == 'hello') {...}
Groovy doesn't call == when your class defines equals and implements Comparable (defines compareTo) at the same time.
Instead Groovy calls compareToWithEqualityCheck which has a branching logic. And unless your custom DSL class is assignable from String or Number your custom compareTo won't be called for the example above.
You can't extend CustomClass with String.
I feel like I am missing something. Hope you can help me figure out how to implement a simple case like I showed above.
Here is a short answer first: You could extend GString for the CustomClass. Then its compareTo method will be called in both cases - when you check for equality and when you actually compare.
Edit: Considering the following cases, it will work for 1 and 2, but not for 3.
customInstance >= 100 // case 1
customInstance == 'hallo' // case 2
customInstance == 10 // case 3
Now I will explain what I understand from the implementation in Groovy's ScriptBytecodeAdapter and DefaultTypeTransformation.
For the == operator, in case Comparable is implemented (and there is no simple identity), it tries to use the interface method compareTo, hence the same logic that is used for other comparison operators. Only if Comparable is not implemented it tries to determine equality based on some smart type adjustments and as an ultima ratio falls back to calling the equals method. This happens in DefaultTypeTransformation.compareEqual#L603-L608
For all other comparison operators such as >=, Groovy delegates to the compareToWithEqualityCheck method. Now this method is called with the equalityCheckOnly flag set to false, while it is set to true for the first case when it the invocation originates from the == operator. Again there is some Groovy smartness happening based on the type of the left side if it is Number, Character, or String. If none applies it ends up calling the compareTo method in DefaultTypeTransformation.compareToWithEqualityCheck#L584-L586.
Now, this happens only if
!equalityCheckOnly || left.getClass().isAssignableFrom(right.getClass())
|| (right.getClass() != Object.class && right.getClass().isAssignableFrom(left.getClass())) //GROOVY-4046
|| (left instanceof GString && right instanceof String)
There are some restrictions for the case of equalityCheckOnly, hence when we come from the == operator. While I can not explain all of those I believe these are to prevent exceptions to be thrown under specific circumstances, such as the issue mentioned in the comment.
For brevity I omitted above that there are also cases that are handled upfront in the ScriptBytecodeAdapter and delegated to equals right away, if left and right hand side are both of the same type and one of Integer, Double or Long.

Why were Logical Operators created?

Almost all programming languages are having the concept of logical operator
I am having a query why logical operators were created. I googled and found its created for condition based operation, but that's a kind of usage i think.
I am interested in the answer that what are the challenges people faced without this operator. Please explain with example if possible.
I am interested in the answer that what are the challenges people faced without this operator.
Super-verbose deeply nested if() conditions, and especially loop conditions.
while (a && b) {
a = something;
b = something_else;
written without logical operators becomes:
while (a) {
if (!b) break; // or if(b){} else break; if you want to avoid logical ! as well
a = something;
b = something_else;
Of if you don't want a loop, do you want to write this?
if (c >= 'a') {
if (c <= 'z') {
No, of course you don't because it's horrible compared to if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'), especially if there's an else, or this is inside another nesting. Especially if your coding-style rules require 8-space indentation for each level of nesting, or the { on its own line making each level of nesting eat up even more vertical space.
Note that a&b is not equivalent to a&&b: even apart from short-circuit evaluation. (Where b isn't even evaluated if a is false.) e.g. 2 & 1 is false, because their integer bit patterns don't have any of the same bits set.
Short-circuit evaluation allows loop conditions like while(p && p->data != 0) to check for a NULL pointer and then conditionally do something only on non-NULL.
Compact expressions were a big deal when computers were programmed over slow serial lines using paper teletypes.
Also note that these are purely high-level language-design considerations. CPU hardware doesn't have anything like logical operators; it usually takes multiple instructions to implement a ! on an integer (into a 0/1 integer, not when used as an if condition).
if (a && b) typically compiles to two test/branch instructions in a row.

IF ELSE vs Select Case

I wish to know how this would impact my coding when handling large volumes of data, and how I would construct my logic arguments
Two questions:
1) What are the main differences between IF-ELSE and Select CASE? Does select case operate by evaluating all cases at the same time?
If I have a situation where, by nature of its construction, need to fulfill two or more cases at the same time, for e.g.
int = 5
Select case int
Case >0
Case 5
Case <0
Where I would need to "trigger" both Cases "1" and "2" for action, do I use CASE over IF ELSE?
2) Now for the other case, if I have a variable that will trigger more one case but I would like to restrict to only one case by priority, say I would only like Case "1" for action and exclude the rest, am I right to say that IF-ELSE would triumph in this regard?
EDIT - I realized that my question was phrased poorly. I did some edits to the code
Some clarification on Select Case before actually answering your question:
as you suggested, you can combine several values in one Case switch in VBA, e.g.: Case Is>40, 20, 10, 2 To 3, for more information see documentation on MSDN
It'll execute at most one Case, it'll exit after finding a match (e.g. in the example execute Case >0 then exit without even evaluating Case 5)
It'll only evaluate your variable / expression once and use this same value for all comparisons in contrary to nested if which evaluates multiple time
if you want to execute "both" for a value you can nest if within case:
Case Is > 0
<Common code>
If i = 5 Then
<code only for case 5>
End If
Advantage of Select Case
It's more efficient when your decision is about multiple values of a single variant / expression
it also can be very useful when your expression is e.g. result of a time consuming function, in this case you really can save time compared to if
Advantage of If
Basically it's the good option in all the cases which are not described for Select Case e.g.:
you have only two options to choose from (it's the same time with both if and select, but if is easier to read)
you have multiple expressions to consider during decision and you can't easily convert them to a single value
Similarly to Select Case you can also use elseif to prepare multiple comparisons, it'll also stops at first fullfilled criteria, but here your expression will be evaluated every time until finding the match and of course you can use more complex criteria.
If-Else and Switch statement are good in different cases.
For example, If-Else has logic conditions like:
if (n < 5 && a > 5) { } // && is a logical AND
and nested constructions like
if (n < 5) {
if (n < 0)
} else { }
You cannot do this in switch statement.
However, switch is better, more elegant and faster in some situations:
switch (a)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// ...
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 10:
would look very bad in if-else format:
if (a == 1 || a == 2 || a == 3)
if (a == 4)
// ...
I'm not sure about your case but in most languages switch statement is more performant.
Simply said, use switch statement every time it is possible and there are more than two cases. If there are only two cases or it is impossible to use switch - use if.

switch vs if-else branching control structure in Node.JS

Which one is good to use when there is a large number of branching flow in Node.JS Program.
case 1:
execute code block 1
case 2:
execute code block 2
code to be executed if n is different from case 1 and 2
if (condition1)
execute code block 1
else if(condition2)
execute code block 2
code to be executed if n is different from condition1 and condition2
For just a few items, the difference is small. If you have many items you should definitely use a switch. It give better performance than if-else.
If a switch contains more than five items, it's implemented using a lookup table or a hash list. This means that all items get the same access time, compared to a list of if-else where the last item takes much more time to reach as it has to evaluate every previous condition first..
case 1,3,4:
execute code block 1
case 2,5,9,10:
execute code block 2
code to be executed if n is different from first 2 cases.
To write down the if...else if...else steps for the above case, you will have to write the 'OR (||)' condition-statement and repeat the variable 'n' in the statement, Where as switch cases can be separated by just a comma ','. Thus switch is more readable for such a case.
