Is there any way to set file attributes in node js - node.js

Not sure about unix, but in windows you can add attributes to files, like a location on a photo file or a duration on a video file.
Is there a way to do this in node js. Would be very handy with my currently project. It would save me having to create separate attribute data files.

You may use the WinAttr package to do that.

See this module:
But it's for attributes like archive, hidden, readonly, system.
I don't think you can add an attribute of of duration to the video file - the duration is written in the container/codec of the video itself. The location for images is in the EXIF data - which can be manipulated with other modules on npm - see:
For the location on a photo file or a duration on a video file you need to use whatever information is appropriate for that given image or video format.

You can run a SHELL command:
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
// Remove Hidden and system attributes:
execSync("attrib -h -s " + yourFolder);
// Add Hidden attribute:
execSync("attrib +h " + yourFolder);


Autorenaming duplicate filename downloads in chrome/puppeteer/ubuntu

I'm downloading pdf files using headFULL chromium & puppeteer. I call a javascript function in the browser context and the download starts. The file name comes as is from the server. Issue: Many files I download in a directory are of same names coming from the server and Chrome instead of autosuffixing an index (1) to the file, overwrites the existing one.
Since the file is downloaded by calling a JS function and I have inspected the function as well, I don't have access to a the pdf url. It is triggered using the function call and thus I have no control over the file names.
I have a list of the file names but that in no way helps in changing the filename on the fly, if it it's duplicate name already exists on the machine.
Config: Ubuntu 18.04, Puppeteer 1.18.1
I know either it's a config issue with Nautilus file manager or with Chrome. Is it possible to configure any of these two?
I cannot foresee an option within nodejs where I can rename the file before it's downloaded. A workaround is to download each file in a temp folder, then move it to the required folder while doing a check if it already exists and rename if so. But it adds a lot of time complexity. It would be great to have chrome or nautilus do the task.
Function which triggers the download:
await page.evaluate( (doc_index,arg1,arg2) => openDocument(String(doc_index), String(arg1), String(arg2) ,'ABC','','','XYZ') , doc_index,arg1,arg2 )
Expected behaviour: When the above function is called and pdf starts downloading in the set folder, if a pdf of the same name exists, the new pdf should be renamed to something like pdf_name.pdf(1) or the like.

Use images in s3 with SageMaker without .lst files

I am trying to create (what I thought was) a simple image classification pipeline between s3 and SageMaker.
Images are stored in an s3 bucket with their class labels in their file names currently, e.g.
I've been trying to leverage several related example .py scripts, but most seem to be download data sets already in .rec format or containing special manifest or annotation files I don't have.
All I want is to pass the images from s3 to the SageMaker image classification algorithm that's located in the same region, IAM account, etc. I suppose this means I need a .lst file
When I try to manually create the .lst it doesn't seem to like it and it also takes too long doing manual work to be a good practice.
How can I automatically generate the .lst file (or otherwise send the images/classes for training)?
Things I read made it sound like was a solution, but I don't see how. The example I'm working with now is
but it seems to download the data as .rec,
which just skips working with the .jpeg files. I found another that converts them to .rec but again it has essentially the .lst already as .json and just converts it.
I have mostly been working in a Python Jupyter notebook within the AWS console (in my browser) but I have also tried using their GUI.
How can I simply and automatically generate the .lst or otherwise get the data/class info into SageMaker without manually creating a .lst file?
It looks like im2py can't be run against s3. You'd have to completely download everything from all s3 buckets into the notebook's storage...
Please note that [...] is running locally,
therefore cannot take input from the S3 bucket. To generate the list
file, you need to download the data and then use the im2rec tool. - AWS SageMaker Team
There are 3 options to provide annotated data to the Image Classification algo: (1) packing labels in recordIO files, (2) storing labels in a JSON manifest file ("augmented manifest" option), (3) storing labels in a list file. All options are documented here:
Augmented Manifest and .lst files option are quick to do since they just require you to create an annotation file with a usually quick for loop for example. RecordIO requires you to use tool, which is a little more work.
Using .lst files is another option that is reasonably easy: you just need to create annotation them with a quick for loop, like this:
# assuming train_index, train_class, train_pics store the pic index, class and path
with open('train.lst', 'a') as file:
for index, cl, pic in zip(train_index, train_class, train_pics):
file.write(str(index) + '\t' + str(cl) + '\t' + pic + '\n')

Can't get to exif data .JPG image

I'm trying to read the exif data from a .JPG image. I've tried differents solutions found here and there (PIL, piexif, exifread...) and none of them worked for this set of images. It worked for other images taken from another camera but not for this one, all these different methods returning empty dictionaries. It seems that there is no exif data but (I apologies for my newbyness) when I RIGHT-click + properties (I use windows), I do see what is exif data to me : date of creation, etc...
Here is one image :
If another of the thousands of anonymous heroes could help me on this one, I would be very grateful...
Alright so I found a solution which I share now.
The problem is that the libraries that open metadata are not taking all possible configurations for the image file and therefore, they can handle some and some others they cannot. I finally made it using exiftool, an executable that I dowloaded on my windows on this link :
Then I paste the executable in a folder and I add in that folder, that I got from :
Then, using this small piece of code (for example):
import exiftool
with exiftool.ExifTool("exiftool.exe") as et:
metadata = et.get_metadata_batch(files)
for d in metadata:
print("{:20.20} {:20.20}".format(d["SourceFile"],
Of course, this is just to show that you indeed can access the metadata, then you can do whatever you want with that. Here is the documentation of the library exiftool :
Cheers, JM

express-fileupload:get check size in express js

I am using this package
to upload the image into server ,i want to check the file size before upload but express-fileupload doesn't give any information about it
console.log(req.files.image); it returns only the name,data ,and image type
Assuming the name of your file in your HTML file is image, will give you the buffer length in bytes. See this Node.js. API Documentation for more details. You can then do the math to convert the number of bytes into any thing you want.
This will allow you to get the actual number of bytes independent of filetype and doesn't require using the mv function. So you can use this on any file type not just images.
Hopefully this helps!
I think only way to get image info using express-fileupload is using mv function to move image on server then using image-size to get width and height

Magento: "Image does not exist"

I'm importing a CSV file in Magento (version 1.9).
I receive the error: 'Image does not exist'.
I've tried to do everything I could find on the internet.
The template I'm using for upload is the default template taken from my export folder.
I've added the / before the image name and I've also saved the file as UTF-8 format.
Any advice would help.
Use advanced profiler
System > Import/Export > Dataflow – Profiles
You only need to include the attributes that are required, which is just the SKU. Plus the appropiate image attributes. Plus labels if you want to go all out.
When you are creating your new profile, enter the following settings:
Now you can hit save! With our Profile now complete, we just need to create the folder media/import. This is where you will be storing all your images awaiting import.
When uploading images, they need to be within a folder called media/import. Once saved to that folder you can then reference them relatively. By that I mean if your image is in media/import/test.jpg in your csv reference it as /test.jpg. It’s as easy as that.
Please check this link for more information
Import products using csv
in the Default Import
first move all the images in media/import folder and then use '/imagename' in csv and then import.
And give the 777 permission to the import folder.
Let me know if you have any query....
check 3 point before upload csv file in Magento
create media > import folder and place all images inside import
folder import folder should have 777 permission
the path of images should be /desert-002.jpg
It may issue with image path in CSV if a image path in CSV is abg/test.jpg then it path in Dir is check image extension letter issue. Suppose your image extension I'd JPG and you rewrite in CSV is jpg .then it show image not exits
Your file template must look like this:
This file must exist: yourdocroot/media/import/product_image.jpg
More detail please read this method:
You will see these lines:
$imageFile = trim($importData['_media_image']);
$imageFile = ltrim($imageFile, DS);
$imageFilePath = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . DS . $imageFile;
I hope this help!!!
