File not found: HsAddin - excel

Recently I received macro excel file with Smart View. It was working all fine.
Today I added small piece of code - 5 lines to set formula in a small range of cells and then to do paste special values. That piece of code is correct, tested. Code is added on Workbook_Open, inside already present code.
But what happened, now when i open the file i get error:
"File not found: HsAddin file".
I checked for answers:
to check it in options->addins->disabled items
But there are no disabled items
to edit in regedit, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Resiliency,
But there is no Resiliency...
I am running Windows 8, 64-bit operating system, Excel 2013.
Can anyone suggest how to check what has happened to the add-in?


Broken workbook, VBE shows every worksheet twice with weird symbol

When I open a specific workbook, I receive a few VBA errors ("Automation error", "Compile error: Method or data member not found").
I opened the Visual Basic Editor and found that in the document tree under "Microsoft Excel Objects" every single worksheet suddenly appears twice: Once with the regular icon for a worksheet and a second time with a weird blue icon that I've never seen before: Screenshot
The entries with the weird icon show the "CodeName" I had specified for the worksheets but do not show any worksheet name, wile the entries with the regular icons show the "CodeName" followed by a "1" and the correct worksheet name.
This has now already happened the second time to me, both times with the same workbook. The first time (maybe two months ago), I've just deleted the file and continued with a backup from the day before. I will probably do the same this time, but would like to understand the issue.
What did I do?
The file was alright when I opened it the last time. I have then added some data, modified a UserForm and added some VBA code (nothing special). The workbook had initially been created on a computer with German Excel, the latest change took place on an English system (but this process works fine with other workbooks).
I found this link where another user described the same issue 6 years ago:
However, the suggested solutions do not work for me. Nothing changes when I save the file as *.xlsb. When I save it as *.xlsx, the entires with the blue icons disappear but the entries with the regular icons remain with the invalid "CodeName", breaking some of my macros.
Did anyone experience the same issue before? Any ideas what might went wrong?
Thanks a lot!

File corrupted after creating the second document based on template with macro

I have many Excel templates containing VBA code. Some of them create new documents based on other templates with VBA code. They all worked well until last Friday, but today I got a bad surprise: creating the first document based on a template with macro works well, but creating the second gets corrupted code.
I was able to reproduce the problem with two very small templates created from scratch:
double click on the first file to create the first document
double click on the second one to create another document
At this point you can see on the VBA editor that the VBA project for the second document is corrupted. Signs of corruption are wrong icons on the Wrokbook and Worksheet modules on the project explorer and message about catastrophic failure if you try to compile.
Using first the second template, then the first one will corrupt the second one that is opened.
Click here to get the files to reproduce the problem.
If you don't want to download the files (I understand, thanks to the comment #Mathieu Guindon) you can create them by simply:
create a new Excel file
add a module with a simple sub that shows a message box
save it as a template with macro
repeat with a second file
Now you have the two files that you can use to reproduce the problem described above.
Microsoft has confirmed that the build 1905 is broken and corrupts the second Excel document created from a template with macros.
They sent me a (long) list of steps to uninstall Office 365, run a script to clear some cache, create a new configuration and reinstall specifying the semi-annual channel for the updates and prevent the 1905 from being installed.
Excel 2019 MSO (16.0.11629.20210) 32-bit.
=== Tested: Opening sequence and filetypes ===
• FAIL - Open an Excel template that contains VBA, then another one that contains VBA.
• OK - Open an Excel template that contains VBA, then Excel template with no code in any module.
• OK - Open an Excel template that contains VBA, then an XLSB (Excel binary file) that was created by resaving any of the previous code-containing workbooks.
=== Tested: VBA Editor's Immediate window ===
• FAIL - In VBA Editor, open a code module from the second or any subsequent workbook that has VBA in it, then run a command in the Immediate window.
• OK - In VBA Editor, open a code module from the first workbook, then run a command in the Immediate window.
=== Couldn't find any MS article about it. ===
Not listed on but it's definitely an Excel issue:
Can't open more than one macro-enabled workbook and have macros actually run, unless the 2nd and all subsequent macro workbooks are .XLSB.
Even with no addins loaded.
• Excel is configured to allow macros, but no macros run.
• Excel is configured to prompt for macros, but doesn't.
• Attempting to run a macro in workbooks after the initial workbook causes Catastrophic Error, Automation Error, or Compile Error.

Excel will not update links, entire day of research and tests with random results

Short version, my Excel is set properly to automatically update links and all my files(locally stored) work fine for years. Suddenly one will not update linked data. I click on Connections>Edit connections>Check Status every linked file has "Warning! Values referring to other workbooks were not updated"
Refresh/calculate all does nothing.Changing to manual and doing this, back to auto, open and closing, restarting, using these same files on another PC. Nothing I did fixes it.
Clicking into an individual cell(F2) then back out though updates that one cell.
All security settings are correct I am 98% sure, regardless whatever settings I had haven't changed and it did work.
I read a post that seemed exactly the same but his solution was enable protected content. Not the case here, i disabled it fully. There seems to be an error causing this possibly..
Long version. This is my largest file I continue to build
I have a main excel sheet that is linked to 35 workbooks. The source workbooks have lists of 3-4 columns, ranging from 1,000-10,000 rows long. The main WB uses index match for each source to pull two small fields. It takes about 5-6mins to do a calculate all with a desktop i7 3.64ghz ivy with 16gb ram.I never have issues on. Win 10/64bit and office 2016 64bit.
Some source files are .xls, I am in the process of changing them to xlsx but when I open the xls file and the values update. I then save as xlsx with a shorter name as well (trying to lighten the formulas) I go back to Connections>Edit connections>Check Status and the same warning is there. However I can click update values and it says OK.
This is very important file and is not physically monitored. Until something sells wrong I realize it wasnt updated, I am hoping for a concrete answer I can solve instead of just changing random things and hoping.. all help is greatly appreciated!
I actually resolved this by opening all source workbooks with the main workbook open and resaving them one by one (Status on some turned OK, most remained). Then I simply used Edit Links and Update Values for each connection which changed the status to OK. Saved the main workbook and no more issues..
Yes I need to take those suggestions and the workbook to the next level as it has clearly outgrown my skillset, but getting there..

Excel workbook not responding

I am using Excel 2010 and am having difficulty with one old workbook created in Excel 2003. Lots of symptoms to report!
No other workbooks are giving me this problem. This problem file usually causes "MS Excel - (workbook name.xls) [Compatibility Mode] (Not responding) and a blank screen apart from the task bar and this Excel message on a single line across the top of the screen. Waiting doesn't solve the problem. If I close Excel and choose the "Close program" option, it sometimes shows me the file as I remember it for a couple of seconds, then the program closes. Re-opening the file just gives the same behaviour again. During the first few seconds of loading, I can see the message "Contacting server for information" at the bottom of the Excel screen.
In Task Manager I can find EXCEL.EXE *32 running. I'm using Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
This is a file I use regularly in projects as a specialised calculator, and so I re-copy it each time and save it to save the calculation records in the project file. I've found that versions of the workbook created even several years ago and have given no trouble until now all suffer this problem, so it looks like a problem with Excel 2010. This is the first time I've tried to open these files since migrating from a Win XP computer running Excel 2003.
Please can anyone help me to open the file and to resolve the problem?
There might be a calculation or a marcro activated on start up that messes things up.
Try the following:
Open the Excel application, with a blank workbook. Set calculation to manual. Now look up your Macro settings and set these to "disable with notifications".
With these things set, open your misbehaving workbook again and see what happens now. Dont let the macros (if any) start yet! Open the VBA Editor window and check for a script in Workbook called Workbook_Open. If that is present check its content or put a break in and debug it.
Let us know what you find, if any.
It sounds like there is a database link to an external source that is trying to refresh on startup but isnt working correctly (anymore). I now remember likewise behaviour when I had an Excel workbook with tons of SQL queries in it that (in case of showing a complete table or view by applying SELECT * FROM ...) could overlap other data and that would create autoshutdowns for me. Change the option in the Trust Center for External Content to Disable when you open this workbook and let us know!
I have a client with the same issue. The problem was resolved by removing all the logo's (Images) from the sheet. It appears that the logo contains a link to some web site. I copied the logo into paint and copied it back.
Problem Solved!
It appears that an object placed in the sheet can have its own links embedded in it???
I hope this helps!

Excel #Name Error keeps popping up each time spreadsheet is opened

I have a Excel Workbook in which I have created an analysis using Datatables. For some reason each time I open the workbook, the formulas that reference the Datatable turn into #Name erorrs.
The first time I opened it, I thought I had simply made a typo and needed to reenter the formula. I did that and saved the file. On opening it two minutes later.... same error!
The error is only for two referenced columns in the datatable. Other columns from the same table reference fine, without error!
Here a sample of what the error looks like:
=SUMIFS(tblDB #REF!,tblDB[AWGW 2012],$B$3,tblDB[NWGW 2012],$B13)
The file (saved as an .xlsm) contains the following, none of which are used or touched by the formulas with the error:
Pivot Tables
VBA Code (none are event based... regular subs that need to be manually started only)
Other Datatables
I have tested on the the following Systems:
Excel 2010 (32bit) and Windows XP
Excel 2010 (64bit) and Windows 7
Does anyone have any idea why this happens?
