chrome-gnome-shell causing crash? - linux

I am not sure if this has been answered as I am not really sure of the problem. At least once (sometimes more) during the day I get a notice that Ubuntu crashed. The info says it's related to the chrome-gnome-shell(I have reinstalled chrome-gnome-shell). I also can't get my local Gnome extensions to list at: Using the browser console in Firefox, I get the following when I bring up that page:
Unchecked lastError value: Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. ExtensionCommon.jsm:265
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell:
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: (process:13043): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_application_release: assertion 'application->priv->use_count > 0' failed
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: [13043] Uncaught exception of type <class 'gi._glib.GError'> occured
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: File "/usr/bin/chrome-gnome-shell", line 550, in <module>
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: app = ChromeGNOMEShell('--gapplication-service' in sys.argv)
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: File "/usr/bin/chrome-gnome-shell", line 67, in __init__
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: self.register()
stderr output from native app org.gnome.chrome_gnome_shell: [13043] Exception: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
I am running Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome (v3.8.4), Linux kernel 4.4.0-71, Firefox 52.0.2 32-bit.
Any ideas of what is wrong and how to fix it?

You are using old chrome-gnome-shell version.
Just upgrade.


Flutter Web - error output points to JS file instead of dart file

I have a Flutter Web project, and when an error is thrown, I can't open the dart file where the error was thrown, because the error line points to a JS file:
Launching lib\main.dart on Chrome in debug mode...
Waiting for connection from debug service on Chrome...
This app is linked to the debug service: ws://
Debug service listening on ws://
Running with sound null safety
Debug service listening on ws://
Error: Invalid argument(s): A value must be provided. Supported values: 0, 1
at Object.throw_ [as throw] (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:5061:11)
at Object._$36enumDecode [as _$enumDecode] (http://localhost:53846/packages/web_app/core/models/pessoa/pessoa.dart.lib.js:482:17)
at Object._$36PessoaFromJson [as _$PessoaFromJson] (http://localhost:53846/packages/web_app/core/models/pessoa/pessoa.dart.lib.js:473:54)
at Function.fromJson (http://localhost:53846/packages/web_app/core/models/pessoa/pessoa.dart.lib.js:375:21)
at http://localhost:53846/packages/web_app/repository/pessoa_repository.dart.lib.js:60:193
at (http://localhost:53846/packages/web_app/repository/repository.dart.lib.js:33:18)
at (<anonymous>)
at http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:38640:33
at _RootZone.runUnary (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:38511:59)
at _FutureListener.thenAwait.handleValue (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:33713:29)
at handleValueCallback (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:34265:49)
at Function._propagateToListeners (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:34303:17)
at[_completeWithValue] (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:34151:23)
at (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:34172:35)
at Object._microtaskLoop (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:38778:13)
at _startMicrotaskLoop (http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:38784:13)
at http://localhost:53846/dart_sdk.js:34519:9
How can I make it to show the dart file where the error occurred, instead of a JS file?
I'm using Flutter Channel stable 2.5.2, Android Studio version 2020.3.
I have found a workaround for this issue.
You basically have to install a third-party patch; it will translate the paths in JS and point to the right line in dart file.
Download the patch and follow the instructions here:
Optionally you can see trace of dart files in the browser.
Make sure you have source maps enabled in your browser.
got the answer from this link on github

Python 3.6.4 can connect to Slack locally (via slackclient) but in Azure it cannot

Python 3.6.4 (32 bit x86) using slackclient locally connects to the RTM API and is able to listen in on slack channel changes. That same code running in Azure (64 bit AMD) does not work.
I've made sure that the Azure python install is as close to my local machine as possible. There are a few package discrepancies (see below) though this should not be the issue since these are not being used:
Azure vs. Local Machine
* numpy 1.15.3 vs. numpy 1.16.0
* pyodbc 4.0.24 vs. pyodbc 4.0.25
* pytz 2018.7 vs. pytz 2018.9
* setuptools 38.5.2 vs. setuptools 28.8.0
I've looked at the following links though I am not sure they will help. Some of the instructions for setting up a proxy in Azure are no longer valid (off by several steps). Recently Azure stopped serving a web app of mine (C#/ASP) when I changed the (totally unrelated Python) setting below.
Application settings->General settings->Python version (from Off to 3.4)
It was a real pain to get it back. I think that I will need a proxy though I would imagine Azure should provide better instructions for this. I am somewhat of an Azure newb though not new enough to start changing things willy nilly!
make Python 3.x Slack (slackclient) use a corporate proxy
Custom Slack Bot cannot connect
import time, logging, os
from slackclient import SlackClient
from datetime import datetime
def main():
#proxies = dict(https="", http="")
sc = SlackClient(BOT_TOKEN)
CHANNEL_ID = "some channel id"
logger.debug("Listening to channel '{0}' with id '{1}' for the following actions: ".format(CHANNEL_NAME, CHANNEL_ID))
if sc.rtm_connect():
logger.debug("Connected to Slack!")
while True:
# Read latest messages
# If activity is in CHANNEL_ID do something
logger.debug("Couldn't connect to slack")
On my local machine I get the following (I cut out some of the code):
DEBUG - Listening to channel 'news' with id 'CFDQ3BXYZ' for the following actions:
DEBUG - message_replied
DEBUG - message_deleted
DEBUG - message_changed
DEBUG - Connected to Slack!
However, in Azure, I get the following:
DEBUG - Listening to channel 'news' with id 'CFDQ3BXYZ' for the following actions:
DEBUG - message_replied
DEBUG - message_deleted
DEBUG - message_changed
DEBUG - Couldn't connect to Slack!
The Azure error message is as follows:
01-14-2019 23:17:26, urllib3.connectionpool, DEBUG, Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
01-14-2019 23:17:26, urllib3.connectionpool, DEBUG, "POST /api/rtm.start HTTP/1.1" 200 18349
01-14-2019 23:17:26, slackclient.client, WARNING, Failed RTM connect
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\slackclient\", line 192, in connect_slack_websocket
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\websocket\", line 511, in create_connection
websock.connect(url, **options)
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\websocket\", line 220, in connect
options.pop('socket', None))
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\websocket\", line 120, in connect
sock = _open_socket(addrinfo_list, options.sockopt, options.timeout)
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\websocket\", line 164, in _open_socket
OSError: [WinError 10042] An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\slackclient\", line 140, in rtm_connect
self.server.rtm_connect(use_rtm_start=with_team_state, **kwargs)
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\slackclient\", line 159, in rtm_connect
File "D:\home\python364x64\lib\site-packages\slackclient\", line 200, in connect_slack_websocket
raise SlackConnectionError(message=str(e))
slackclient.server.SlackConnectionError: [WinError 10042] An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call
01-14-2019 23:17:26, Slack_bot_listener, DEBUG, Couldn't connect to slack
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
It appears that WebJobs are restricted to port 80 only. So there is no way to open up ports, etc. on Azure WebJobs at least at this time (see article/post below). So it appears that a VM or some other route is the way to proceed.
Can I open ports on Azure Websites?

NWJS (Node Webkit) app is not responding on Linux systems when I use it with Web Workers

NWJS Version: v.0.32.1 (Tested on different 0.31 versions also and 0.32.beta)
Operating System: Linux only. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 and Elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki x64
Expected behaviour
The program must respond.
Actual behaviour
The program not responding and if I break it (Ctrl + C) i seen in console that messages:
[14399:14410:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[14399:14410:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[14399:14409:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[14399:14409:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[14399:14409:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[14399:14410:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
But if I'am using nwjs-builder-phoenix and running SDK - working correctly.
How to reproduce
Download and extract fake data to parsing:
git clone
cd myq-jobs-archive-parser
npm i
Working correctly (only with nwjs-builder-phoenix SDK)
npm start
In the opened window click Select folder to parse
Select folder with fake data
Wait some time while data will have parsed.
Use filters
Close the program
Working not correctly
npm run build.dist
cd dist/myq-jobs-archive-parser-0.1.3-linux-x64/
Select folder to parse and waiting some time.
The program does not respond.
Close program (Ctrl + C or [x] on the window) and see console output:
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
[16012:16023:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[16012:16023:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[16012:16012:0802/] Error sending sync broker message: Broken pipe (32)
[16012:16012:0802/] ContextResult::kFatalFailure: AllocateAndMapSharedMemory failed
killall exe - to stop the process
If download nwjs from the official website, working not correctly with SDK version also.
On Linux system program not responded when comes to the game Web Worker:
When program not responding I'm can not open Chrome dev tools and get more info.

Crossbar Thruway worker crashes

I have a server with PHP Thruway workers. Recently, I started getting the following error. It happens about once a day now:
2016-04-17T21:08:12+0000 [Router 9572] Unable to format event {'log_logger': <Logger 'crossbar.router.protocol.WampWebSocketServerProtocol'>, 'log_time': 1460927292.17918, 'log_source': None, 'log_format': 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 88, in onMessage\n for msg in self._serializer.unserialize(payload, isBinary):\n File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 106, in unserialize\n raise ProtocolError("invalid serialization of WAMP message ({0})".format(e))\nProtocolError: invalid serialization of WAMP message (Expected object or value)\n'}: tuple index out of range
2016-04-17T21:08:15+0000 [Guest 9583] The connected has closed with reason: close
2016-04-17T21:08:19+0000 [Guest 9583] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function call() on null in /var/www/html/pickupServer/vendor/voryx/thruway/src/Thruway/ClientSession.php on line 106
2016-04-17T21:08:19+0000 [Guest 9583] Fatal error: Call to a member function call() on null in /var/www/html/pickupServer/vendor/voryx/thruway/src/Thruway/ClientSession.php on line 106
2016-04-17T21:08:19+0000 [Controller 9565] Guest worker2 exited with error A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 255.
Does anyone know hot to prevent this?
How do I automatically restart the worker if it fails as in this case?
I solved it in linux with MONIT checking crossbar-controler process and adding the following line:
if children < 3 then restart
3 is the number os child processes that crossbar-controler has on my environment. If any of them exits then crossbar restarts itself and notifies me. You have to check the number of child processes you have running using:
sudo service crossbar status.
This solves the error exit worker but with a cost of restarting the crossbar-controler. I am convinced that must be a crossbar/thruway way of solving the problem.
The ideal way is to try catch all possible errors of php to prevent fatal worker exits.

CherryPy running tut01 file on Windows

Bit of info: Python 3.2.3,
Cherrypy version 3.2.2. Windows 7 64-bit.
Installed Cherrypy, set up PATH with the right Python directory, etc. However, whenever I run the tutorial file (tut01, Hello world) or any other python file with the same code, I get the following output:
F:\Code>python [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Listening
for SIGTERM. [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Bus STARTING CherryPy
Checker: The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.
[29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Started monitor thread
'_TimeoutMonitor'. [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Started monitor
thread 'Autoreloader'. [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Error in 'start'
listener > Traceback (most recent call last): File
"C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\process\", line 197,
in publish
output.append(listener(*args, **kwargs)) File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\", line 150, in
self.httpserver, self.bind_addr = self.httpserver_from_self() File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\", line 140,
in https erver_from_self
from cherrypy import _cpwsgi_server File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\", line 7, in
from cherrypy import wsgiserver File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\", line
14, in
exec('from .wsgiserver3 import *') File "", line 1, in ImportError: No module named wsgiserver3
[29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start
listener: Traceback (most recent call last): File
"C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\process\", line 235,
in start
self.publish('start') File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\process\", line 215,
in publish
raise exc cherrypy.process.wspbus.ChannelFailures: ImportError('No module named wsgiserver 3',)
[29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Bus STOPPING [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22]
ENGINE HTTP Server None already shut down [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22]
ENGINE Stopped thread 'Autoreloader'. [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE
Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'. [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Bus
STOPPED [29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Bus EXITING
[29/Nov/2012:22:37:22] ENGINE Bus EXITED
And pointing browser to localhost:8080 does nothing, when it should show Hello World.
Pretty sure I did everything correctly according to the installation guide on the Cherrypy website. Not entirely sure how to fix it, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the import errors. Has anyone else had success with installing cherrypy on windows for python3?
Found a solution:
The original installer was missing the wsgiserver3 module, which was needed for it to work on Python 3.x. The above installer should fix the issue.
I struggled with this, there is a simple solution:
clone the repository to your local machine.
navigate to the root folder and execute the following command: python install
It is mentioned in the README.txt here in the official source repo.
Just to notice that this is a answered question, quoting rashdanml:
Found a solution:
The original installer was missing the wsgiserver3 module, which was needed for it to work on Python 3.x. The above installer should fix the issue.
