Ambiguous result shows in count(1) in documentdb query Explorer - azure

I have a collection with 90,000 records and each and every time,data is added onto it. But whenever I query 'select count( from c'. It will shows ambiguous result sometimes 20,190 or 19,916 or 22,897 like that, It won't able to give the exact output.
"$1": 21687

It's most likely that the query cannot finish in one shot. 20,000 is roughly the batch size we experience. To confirm this, look for a continuation token in the response headers. If there, you'll need to resubmit with that token until it comes back without a continuation token and sum all the counts from call-side.


Select one column from Type-ORM query - Node

I have a type ORM query that returns five columns. I just want the company column returned but I need to select all five columns to generate the correct response.
Is there a way to wrap my query in another select statement or transform the results to just get the company column I want?
See my code below:
This is what the query returns currently:
I want it to return:
const qb = createQueryBuilder(Entity, 'stats_table');'', 'company');
qb.addSelect('stats_table.title', 'title');
qb.addSelect('SUM(count)', 'sum');
qb.where('city_code IS NOT NULL OR country_code IS NOT NULL');
qb.addOrderBy('sum', 'DESC');
return qb.getRawMany();
TypeORM didn't meet my criteria, so I'm not experienced with it, but as long as it doesn't cause problems with TypeORM, I see an easy SQL solution and an almost as easy TypeScript solution.
The SQL solution is to simply not select the undesired columns. SQL will allow you to use fields you did not select in WHERE, GROUP BY, and/or ORDER BY clauses, though obviously you'll need to use 'SUM(count)' instead of 'sum' for the order. I have encountered some ORMs that are not happy with this though.
The TS solution is to map the return from qb.getRawMany() so that you only have the field you're interested in. Assuming getRawMany() is returning an array of objects, that would look something like this:
getRawMany().map(companyRecord => {return {company:}});
That may not be exactly correct, I've taken the day off precisely because I'm sick and my brain is fuzzy enough I was making too many stupid mistakes, but the concept should work even if the code itself doesn't.
EDIT: Also note that map returns a new array, it does not modify the existing array, so you would use this in place of the getRawMany() when assigning, not after the assignment.

How do I create a composite index for my Firestore query?

I'm trying to perform a firestore query on a collection which results in a failure because an index needs to be created for the query I'm attempting. The error contains a link that is suppose to auto create the missing index for me. However when I follow the link and attempt to create the index that has been prepared for me I encounter an error stating "name only indexes are not supported". I would also point out I have been using the npm functions-framework to test my cloud function that contains the relevant query.
I have tried creating the composite index myself manually but none of the index I have made seem to satisfy my attempted query.
Sample docs in my Items Collection:
descriptionLastModified: someTimestamp <a timestamp datatype>
detectedLanguage: "en-us" <string>
descriptionLastModified: someTimestamp <a timestamp datatype>
detectedLanguage: "en-us" <string>
descriptionLastModified: someTimestamp <a timestamp datatype>
detectedLanguage: "fr" <string>
descriptionLastModified:someTimestamp <a timestamp datatype>
detectedLanguage: "en-us" <string>
These are all queries I have tried which fail:
let queryRef = itemsRef.where('descriptionLastModified','<=', oneDayAgoTimestamp).orderBy("descriptionLastModified","desc").where("detectedLanguage", '==', "en-us").get()
let queryRef = itemsRef.where('descriptionLastModified','<=', oneDayAgoTimestamp).where("detectedLanguage", '==', "en-us").get()
let queryRef = itemsRef.where("detectedLanguage", '==', "en-us").where('descriptionLastModified','<=', oneDayAgoTimestamp).get()
I have made the following composite indexes at the collection level to no avail:
CollectionId:items Fields: descriptionLastModified:DESC detectedLangauge: ASC
CollectionId:items Fields: descriptionLastModified:ASC detectedLangauge: ASC
CollectionId:items Fields: detectedLangauge: ASC descriptionLastModified:DESC
My expectation is I should be able to filter my items by their descriptionLastModified timestamp field and additionally by the value of their detected Language string field.
In case anyone finds this in the future, its 2021, I still find composite indexes created manually, despite being incredibly simple, or you'd think and I fully understand why the OP thought his indexes would work, often just don't. Doubtless there is some subtlety that reading some guides would make clear but I haven't found the trick yet and have been using firestore for over 18 months intensively at work.
The trick is to use the link it creates, but this often fails, you get a dialogue box telling you an index will be created, but no details for you to manually create and the friendly blue 'create' button does nothing, it neither creates the index nor does it dismiss the window.
For a while I had it working in firefox but it stopped. A colleague across a couple of desks who has to create them a lot tells me that Edge is the most reliable, and you have to be very careful to not have multiple google accounts signed in - if edge (or chrome) takes you to the wrong login initially when following the link, even if you switch user back (and you have to do this because it will assume your default login rather than say the one currently selected in your only google cloud console window), even if you switch back its about a 1 in 3. He tells me in edge it works about 60%
I used to get about 30% with firefox just hitting refresh and soon a few times, but cant get it working other than in edge now, and actually, unless there is a client with little cash who will notice, I just go for inefficient and costly queries which return the superset of results and do some filters on the results. Mostly running in nodejs and its nippy enough for my purposes. Real shame to ramp up the read counts and consequential bills, but just doesn't seem a fix.

How to use the function transaction.retrieve() to get receipt data?

I am developing a transaction workflow capsule, and I use the function transaction.retrieve() to get order data from the platform. But it returns only part of the order data.
MyReceipt is a structure stored the order informations, it is defined like this:
structure (MyReceipt) {
description (order info)
// properties
features { activity}
And it is built as a output concept of Commit Action, like this
action (CommitRequest) {
type (Commit)
description ()
collect {
// MyRequest
output (MyReceipt)
I try to get data like this
It is supposed to return all the MyReceipt Data. But it return only part of the Receipt data.Is it right to get all the orders? Or is there other ways to get all the receipt data?
And I have found the sample code use it just like this to get the last Receipt data
transaction.retrieve("bixby.MyCapsule.MyReceipt", "ALL", 1)
but it doesn't explain what these two parameter "ALL" and 1 represent for. And I want to get more details about the usage of this function.
Could you plz tell me how to use the function transaction.retrieve() or other function to get all the Receipt historical data, and How can I check out the transaction data for someone when I try to find the cause of the issue.
Copy the answer from dogethis. (Thanks, man! You do the hard work, I took credit)
We have the DOC ready online here
Basically, ALL is the default to get all state of transaction data, and 1 means only one record. The API page was not there before, so thanks for let us know.
I think it's the 1 cause you not get all record, but it does has a limit 20...
Have fun with Bixby!

Mongoose/MongoDB batchSize(30) still returning all results

The following query returns all my users. I was hoping it would be batched.
statics.findAllUsers = function findAllUsers(callback) {
this.find({}, callback).batchSize(30);
batchSize() instructs the driver to retrieve a certain number of items per time. It'll still get everything from the DB, only a batch at a time.
To make it clearer: If you use batchSize(30) then it'll ask for 30 items then, when you need the 31st, it'll query the next 30 and so forth.
If you need only that number of items, then use limit() (and offset() to set which is the first item)

Why is GetPaged() Executing two database calls?

I'm a bit new to subsonic (i.e. evaluating and have come across a strange behavior in GetPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize). When I execute the method it does two SQL calls. Any ideas why ?
Lets say I have a "Cultures" table with 200 rows. In my code I do something like ...
var sonicCollection = from c in RTE.Culture.GetPaged(1, 25)
select c;
Now, I would expect this executes a single query returning the first 25 entries in my cultures table. When I watch SQL profiler I see two queries run by.
First this--
SELECT [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureCode], [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureName]
FROM [dbo].[Cultures]
Then This--
ORDER BY cultureID ASC) AS Row,
[dbo].[Cultures].[cultureCode], [dbo].[Cultures].[cultureName]
FROM [dbo].[Cultures]
AS PagedResults
WHERE Row >= 1 AND Row <= 25
I expect the 2nd query to roll by, as it is the one returning the 25 rows I politely requested of subsonic. The first query, however, appears to return 200 rows (at least according to SQL profiler).
Any ideas what's going on?
It's a bug in the code. The code actually queries every record and then iterates over each one for the count. I've created an issue in the github repo here:
You can download the source, fix the issue and recompile pretty easily. I've done this and its fixed my issue.
You just want to use RTE.Culture.GetPaged() - it runs the paged query for you.
