Xamarin iOS: Async / Await in DidFinishedLaunchingWithOptions - xamarin.ios

How should I await a Task in DidFinishedLaunchingWithOptions which has no Task returning signature?
bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
I have to await an initialization Task of a DataManager from my PCL in the plattform specific project. In the Android specific project I can add the async modifier to the main method which returns void. But the iOS main method returns bool.

You shouldn't await any initialization in this method since this one has a limited time to respond back, which if I am not wrong it's 24 seconds. After that time your application will be killed by the system.
I do suggestion instead to add a "splashscreen" as your first ViewController, if you need this to be done in the Platform specific project. There you can make any initialization and even add some nice animation to let the user know. Or you can have this initialization Page in the Xamarin.Forms project and transition from there to your current MainPage once the initialization is completed.

#apineda is totally right that you shouldn't be doing this. However, if you HAVE to...
You can call .GetAwaiter() and .GetResult() on your Task.
public Task<string> GetSomeStringAsync();
var myString = GetSomeStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Then you'll get the data you need. Be careful not to break your 17 second timeout!


Where Isolate can be defined in Flutter? How to start a thread in Flutter?

I am a new in Flutter, so the question can be kind of obvious, but I can't find any answer on the Internet.
I have a Flutter application with some screens and I would say on the fifth screen I have a button, which should trigger some heavy computation work (converting thousands of images). On the same screen there is a progress bar and it is supposed to display the progress.
I am puzzled how to implement that technically. The triggering is happening obviously on onPressed of the button.
if I simply call a Future<void> function, then the UI is freezing completely for the time of processing, which is obviously is not desired behavior
if I put my function inside compute, on the first await I get exception
Unhandled Exception: Exception: ServicesBinding.defaultBinaryMessenger was accessed before the binding was initialized. If you're running an application and need to access the binary messenger before runApp() has been called (for example, during plugin initialization), then you need to explicitly call the WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() first. which puzzles me, because I call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() before runApp(). Anyway this method is not working.
compute(computationFunction, 'argument');
// ...
static void computationFunction(String argument) async {
await firstStepFunction();
// ...
if I put my function into Isolate.spawn I get exception Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Isolate.spawn expects to be passed a static or top-level function which is also puzzling me. I tried to make the function static and moved the function to the top level of this fifth screen module. Nothing changed. Am I supposed to start the Isolate at the main function? In all beautiful examples it is done like that. Can't I start the Isolate in the middle by the button click.
Isolate.spawn(computationFunction, receivePort.sendPort);
// ...
void computationFunction(SendPort sendPort) async {
await firstStepFunction();
// ...
In Java I think a simple new Thread(...).start() will do the job.
But how to do it in Flutter?
In my experiments I've noticed, that neither Flutter Hot Restart nor Hot Reload are not working correctly with isolates. You need really to run again the whole app.
I managed to start Isolate.spawn all right if async/await keywords are removed. Off course the called function should have its synchronous version. So this does not work universally.
Isolate.spawn(computationFunction, receivePort.sendPort);
// ...
static void computationFunction(SendPort sendPort) { // async removed
firstStepFunctionSync(); // the function is replaced with its synchronous version
// ...
I've found package flutter_isolate which allows to run the async functions:
FlutterIsolate.spawn(computationFunction, argument);
// ...
void computationFunction(SendPort sendPort) async {
await firstStepFunction();
// ...
I will try to use flutter_isolate package in my prototype.
You should read https://dev.to/alphamikle/why-should-you-use-isolates-in-flutter-1k5o, and look at package:isolates.
The article contrasts using main thread, compute, Isolate proper, and the isolates package, with advantages and disadvantages of each. Best article I've seen in a long time.
Also keep in mind, Java threads are data-shared, leading to possible deadlocks. Dart isolates are share-nothing, using "ports" to carefully move data between isolates, and no need for locking!
Check out this plugin, which provides an easy way to work with isolates with a worker abstraction or using Parallel methods, and has well-explained documentation.
The use is simple as
void main() async {
final worker = Worker();
await worker.init(mainHandler, isolateHandler);
void mainHandler(dynamic data, SendPort isolateSendPort) {
// Top-level function (or static)
void isolateHandler(dynamic data, SendPort mainSendPort, SendErrorFunction onSendError) {
Or using the Parallel methods
Future main() async {
await Parallel.foreach(['test'], writeFile);
// Top-level function (or static)
void writeFile(String name) {
File(Directory.systemTemp.path + '/$name').createSync();

How to use the RunOnUiThread on ContentPage on Xamarin Forms

I want to use the RunOnUiThread for Update the UI (Chart and Label) with UI Thread by Timer. I am using the ContentPage. How can I use the Add the Activity class for RunOnUiThread on Content Page ? It's not supported.
I'd like to do the following:
RunOnUiThread(() => { tvTimer.Text = Convert.ToString(CountSeconds );});
Currently I am using the
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => });
for update the UI but UI is stucking or not updating properly like shows count down timer per seconds.
Please help me out
The reason I think it is happening is that because you are probably doing some minor mistake and from the code that I see I cannot make that out so I will give a reference sort of thing for you to take a look on :
Define a method to be executed on the main thread:
private async void MethodOnUIThread()
await **something**;
//Probably your timer code
//This method does not necessarily have to be async.
Run the method on Main thread something like this :
Revert in case of queries or if you do not understand something

How do you run a task in the background in flutter?

I have a Kotlin function that will take a while, and will then return a result (It downloads and parses a file).
I run it from Flutter like this:
void click() {
platform.invokeMethod('runMyLongFunc').then((a) {
setState(() {});
What should I do for this to run in a background thread (as of now it's blocking on the UI thread).
I tried making click async and it didn't help (void click() async).
There are a couple things you could try.
One is to have the Kotlin function do its work in a background thread using one of the methods Android offers for that (AsyncTask, for example). You could use a MethodChannel to handle the communication between the JVM and Dart, and have the Kotlin code send a message when it was done.
Another possibility is to use a Dart Isolate to multithread on the Dart side. You'd create an Isolate, make the call to Kotlin in its run method, and your other dart code could asynchronously wait for it to be finished on the UI thread while still running the event queue. The Flutter team has an example of how that might work.
void click() async{
var a = await platform.invokeMethod('runMyLongFunc');
setState(() {});
the await there is the key. Although it still runs on the single thread.

Handling threading and web requests on Windows Phone 7

How can you make a background web request and then update the UI, but have all the code that does the web requesting/parsing in a separate class so you can use it in multiple places? I thought I could use the classes methods as event handlers for a BackgroundWorker class, like
APIHelper mHelper = new APIHelper("http://example.com?foo=bar");
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork +=new DoWorkEventHandler(mHelper.GetResponse);
bw.RunWorkerCompleted +=new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(mHelper.HandleResponse);
where APIHelper has the method
public void GetResponse(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker) sender;
WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(this.URL);
IAsyncResult result = (IAsyncResult)
request.BeginGetResponse(ResponseCallback, request);
but then I don't know how to access the worker thread from ResponseCallback and, anyway, HandleResponse gets called first (obviously). (I tried putting in result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); but I get a NotSupportedException error.) Yet I can't work out how to make the web request call synchronously. I'm clearly trying to go about this the wrong way, but I have no idea what the right way is.
My aim is to be able to go:
user clicks (a) button(s) (on various pages)
a "working" message is displayed on the UI thread (and then input is blocked)
in a background thread my APIHelper class makes the relevant API call, gets the response, and passes it back to the UI thread; I only seem to be able to do this by starting another thread and waiting for that to return, because there's no synchronous web requests
the UI thread updates with the returned message (and input continues as before)
I can do the first two bits, and if I have the response, I can do the last bits, but I can't work out how to do the middle bit. Hopefully that made it clearer!
It took me several tried before I found there is a Dispatcher.
During the BackgroundWorker's dowork and complete methods you can call:
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
I think the Dispatcher is only available in the view. So I'm not sure if the methods can exist outside of the xaml.cs
Put whatever you want to update in your UI; when updating an ObservableCollection you must do the update of you items in the Dispatcher.BeginInvoke too
This link might be a good read too:
Update to assist notes
This is just a rough idea mind you...
bw.DoWork +=new DoWorkEventHandler(DoWork);
bw.RunWorkerCompleted +=new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(Complete)
// At least I think the EA is DoWork....
public void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
UIObject.Visibility Collapse.
// Wait and do work with response.
public void Complete(object sender, RunWorkerCompleteEventArgs e)
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
UIObject.Visible ....
I'd put all this logic in a viewmodel that the viewmodel of each page inherits from.
Have the pages bind to properties on the viewmodel (such as ShowLoading, etc.) which the model updates appropriately. i.e. before making the webrequest and in the callback.
As you won't be running the viewmodel code in the UI thread you also wouldn't need to run in a separate BackgroundWorker and you'll be able to access the properties of the viewmodel without issue.
It might be useful if you use a helper class that I have developed for WebDownload purposes during WP7 development.
I'm using it in 2-3 WP7 apps and no problem so far. Give it a go to see if it helps. You can get the class from the my blog linked bellow:
[NOTE] When working with this class you don't need to run anything in a background worker or new thread; it handles it all asynchronously.

Silverlight - Waiting for asynchronous call to finish before returning from a method

I have a Silverlight application that uses WCF services and also uses the Wintellect Power Threading library to ensure logic executes fully before the application continues. This is achieved by calling back to the application using delegates so it can continue after the service call has completely finished.
I wish to achieve the same thing in another part of my application but without the use of callbacks e.g. call method that uses WCF service to say load an object from the database, wait for this to return and then return the Id of the object from the original method called.
The only way I could see to do this was to carry out the call to the WCF service in a helper library which loads the object on a different thread and the original method would keep checking the helper library (using static variables) to wait for it to complete and then return it.
Is this the best way to achieve this functionality? If so here are details of my implementation which is not working correctly.
public class MyHelper
private static Thread _thread;
private static User _loadedObject;
public static GetUser()
return _loadedObject;
public static void LoadObject(int userId)
_loadedObject = null;
ParameterizedThreadStart ts = new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoWork);
_thread = new Thread(ts);
private static void DoWork(object parameter)
var ae = new AsyncEnumerator();
ae.BeginExecute(DoWorkWorker(ae, Convert.ToInt32(parameter)), ae.EndExecute);
private static IEnumerator<Int32> DoWorkWorker(AsyncEnumerator ae, int userId)
// Create a service using a helper method
var service = ServiceHelper.GetService<IUserServiceAsync>();
service.BeginGetUserById(userId, ae.End(), null);
yield return 1;
_loadedObject = service.EndGetUserById(ae.DequeueAsyncResult());
My method then is:
public int GetUser(int userId)
User user = MyHelper.GetUser();
while (user == null)
user = MyHelper.GetUser();
return user.Id;
The call to the get the user is executed on a different thread in the helper method but never returns. Perhaps this is due to the yield and the calling method sleeping. I have checked the call to get the user is on a different thread so I think everything should be kept separate,
The whole construct you are using does not match current best practices of Silverlight. In Silverlight your data access methods (via WebServices of course) are executed asynchronously. You should not design around that, but adapt your design accordingly.
However calling services sequentially (which is different than synchonously) can be valid in some scenarios. In this blog post I have shown how to achieve this by subscribing the Completed event of the remote call and block the UI in the meantime, with which the workflow looks and feels like normal async calls.
I believe calls to the server from Silverlight apps use events that fire on the UI thread; I think that's part of the Silverlight host environment in the browser and can't be worked around. So trying to call back to the server from another thread is never going to end well. If you are waiting in program code in the UI thread, your never going to get the call result events from your WCF calls.
You can simulate a synchronous call from a non-UI thread with a callback on the UI thread, but that is probably not what you want. It's better to bite the bullet and make your program logic work with the async calls Silverlight gives you.
If you code against the Interface created for your service reference you can call the Begin and End methods 'synchronously' for each one of your service calls, we then pass in an Action<T> to execute after the End methods has completed. Take note that you have to do this from a dispatcher. This is very close to making a synchronous call as the code to run after the call is still written where the call is made, and it executes after the service call is completed. It does however involve creating wrapper methods but we also worked around that by hiding our wrappers and generating them automatically. Seems like a lot of work but isn't, and ends up being more elegant than all the event handlers etc. Let me know if you need more info on this pattern
