Kubernetes Subdomain for each service - dns

How to add multiple ingress or Load balancers in kubernetes for separate services,
here is the post who I ended up creating a ingress to my sub-domain. Is there any way we can specific the same IP address created by GCE to launch multiple Ingress resources.
I am using GCE for hosting my cluster. If there is a better way to handle this scenario to have multiple resources to expose a service with a sub-domain www.app1.domain.com, www.app2.domain.com which are entirely different apps and have two ingress resources that point to two these specific services using same external IP address.
From the post I could able to create but unable to specify the external IP address to it.
Any help is much appreciated, thank you.

You can just define multiple Ingress resources and put them to Kubernetes - they don't have to be in the same yaml file. All ingress resources share the same proxy and they are routed via the defined hostname and path to the wanted service.
I am not sure what you mean with the external IP address.


When to use external LoadBalancer in K8s?

Explaining my confusion / lack of understanding
When reading about the external LoadBalancer in K8s, which is a cloud provider only feature, I don't quite understand when it should be used, as when one creates a Deployment K8s will do Round Robin load balancing on the pods in that Deployment.
So from my current understanding all one would need to do is make a NodeIP, and you have the equivalent of an external load balancer?
Or should I think of the LoadBalancer type as haproxy/nginx/Envoy, where one can do SSL, reverse proxy, and many other useful things?
My current guess is that the proper use of LoadBalancer is to add many NodeIP's, but I can't find anything to back that up.
Can anyone explain when and why to use LoadBalancer and not just using the NodeIP?
For example, You want to deploy multiple applications in your cluster, say 10 apps.
You would like to access these 10 apps over internet. One way is to set those 10 application services as nodeport so you can access them from outside. For this to happen kubernetes opens 10 nodeports on each cluster node. This is a security risk.
In most of the enterprises where they work behind firewall in a closed network dont allow external traffic to/from any ports other than http/https ( 80/443 ).
One way is to set service type as Loadbalancer for each application service. So, to access 10 app, you will be provisioning 10 load balancers to access the app servers over http/https ports. Since loadbalancers are charged resources, economically it is not viable to have one load balancer for each service that you want to access over itnernet.
Is there a way to access all those 10 app services running inside kubernetes over single port. This is where ingress controller comes into picture.
Ingress controller allows single ip-port to access all services running in k8s through ingress rules. The ingress controller service is set to load balancer so it is accessible from public internet

Kubernetes AKS bind domain

Question regarding AKS, each time release CD. The Kubernetes will give random IP Address to my services.
I would like to know how to bind the domain to the IP?
Can someone give me some link or article to read?
You have two options.
You can either deploy a Service with type=LoadBalancer which will provision a cloud load balancer. You can then point your DNS entry to that provisioned LoadBalancer with (for example) a CNAME.
More information on this can be found here
Your second option is to use an Ingress Controller with an Ingress Resource. This offers much finer grained access via url parameters. You'll probably need to deploy your ingress controller pod/service with a service Type=LoadBalancer though, to make it externally accessible.
Here's an article which explains how to do ingress on Azure with the nginx-ingress-controller

How to expose multiple kubernetes services trough single azure load balancer?

I want to expose multiple services trough single load balancer. Each service points to exactly one pod.
So far I tried to:
kubectl expose <podName> --port=7000
And in Azure portal to manually set either load balancing rules or Inbound Nat rules, pointing to exposed pod.
So far I can connect to pod using external IP and specified port.
Depends on how you want to separate services on the same IP. The two ways that come to my mind are :
use NodePort services and then map some ports from your LB to that part on your cluster nodes. This gives separation by port.
way more interesting in my opinion is to use Ingress/IngressController. You would expose only IC on standard ports like 80 & 443 and then it will map to your services by hostname and uri
In Azure container service, Azure will use Load Balancer to expose k8s services, like this:
root#k8s-master-E27AE453-0:~# kubectl get svc
jasonnginx 8080:32011/TCP 4m
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 11m
mynginx 80:32366/TCP 5m
yournginx 80:32289/TCP 4m
Via Azure portal, check Azure load balancer frontend IP configuration(different IP address):
ACS will create Load Balancer rules and add rontend IP address automatically.
How to expose multiple kubernetes services trough single azure load
ACS expose k8s services through that Azure Load Balancer, do you mean you want to expose k8s services with a single Public IP address?
If you want to expose k8s services with a single public IP address, as Radek said, maybe you should use Nginx Ingress Controller.
The Ingress Controller works like this:
Thanks guys. I think I have found viable solution to my problem. I should have been more specific about what I'm going to do.
I want to host game server over UDP. So any kubernetes ingress controller is not really an option, since they rarely support UDP routing.
I also don't need to host multitude of services on single machine 1-4 of pods per single node is probably the maximum.
I have found about using :
hostNetwork: true
in yaml config and it actually works pretty well for this scenario.
I get IP directly from host node. I can then select matching node within load balancer and create NAT or load balancing rule
Create multiple nodePort type service, and fix the nodePort.
And the cloud load balancer, set multiple listener groups. The listen port is same as the service's nodeport, and the target are all the worker nodes.

Configure linux hosts file to resolve domain name to kubernetes cluster

So I have a simple node app for "hello node" and I am running it on a kubernetes cluster, I have exposed it as a service, configured an ingress for it and now I would like to target that service with a domain name, so I can use that instead of the ip address.
Does anybody know how to configure this? I have tried searching for External domain names and dns, but they keep pointing me back to how to configure some part of kubernetes which configures the external dns, which is not what I am looking for.
I am perhaps not using the correct terminology for this. Can anybody help?

Does running an app on gke allow you to build a SaaS where customers use their own domains?

If my application runs on GKE, will this give me the flexibilty to run a SaaS product where customers use their own domain names?
The one thing I need to confirm is that I want my customers to be able to use their own custom domains and point them (A-record and CNAME) to my service's IP address.
Example, say I am creating a SaaS product that is a CMS. Customers will use their own domain name and point it to my service's IP like:
My SaaS runs on example.com
Customers will have their own domain and do the following DNS changes:
A record
CNAME to myservice.example.com
Will I need to do anything else to allow my customers to use their domain name? This has to scale to tens of thousands of domains (in theory).
I'm not sure when I run a GKE cluster, do I get a static IP address?
You can use an ingress resource, which is an HTTP(S) Load Balancer, to expose your application in GKE using a global static IP. If you have your application deployed, the next steps are:
Create a global static IP.
gcloud compute addresses create your-static-ip-name --global
Once you have it reserved, create an ingress resource with:
kind: Ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: your-static-ip-name
You can get more detailed information in the official docs to Configure Domain Names with Static IP Addresses
