How can I capture a user define target in first page and track the target in second page in Vuforia? - vuforia

How can I capture a user define target in first page and track the target in second page in Vuforia?

By page, I assume you mean "scene". The thing is you cant. The User Defined Target can not be passed to other scenes. The only way is to recapture a user defined target on your second scene. Though, this can be done using Predefined targets.


xPath Namemapping for several dropdowns

I have a button that is dynamic in several webscreens using TestComplete.
I have a buttonKeep object that is successfully implemented in the first screen it goes through the first screen and selects a Word and Excel document copies data up and then I paste it to the website
//div[(contains(#style,'display: block'))]//button[#id='Keep']
OR //div[not(contains(#style,"display:none'))]//button[contains(#class, 'fr-keep-word')]
OR //button[contains(#class, 'fr-keep-word')]
OR //div[2]/div/div/button[2]
OR //div[contains(#style,'display: block')]
Now I will select a screen that will move me on to a series of dropdowns where I will do the same thing in one of the drop downs. The system wants to add a different buttonKeep object everytime I run the test rather than recognized that the item had been mapped correctly earlier. Or even when I selected the first time I run the test.
Any suggestions would be very helpful.
I imagine this issue is due to a dynamic element in the page object. With the page objects being different, that cause the same object to be mapped again.
I would recommend investigating the page objects, and if they are the same page, but with a dynamic section, add wildcard values to account for the dynamic nodes.
To make mapping settings independent of dynamic changes in web page URLs, you can use the asterisk () wildcard in place of the values --, or in place of the entire query string --

JHipster ComboBox lazyloading

I'm starter to use JHipster. One of my entity A has more than 3000 data. So I used infinite-scroll as pagination. But as relation to another Entry B, it will be generated as a comboBox in the dialog. I got only 20 data in the comboBox. There is no infinit-scroll or search and loading to get more data.
Can someone give any advice to fix the problem?
The infinite scroll uses pages (which is mapped to pageablea in spring). Thus, your service call that fetches the data for the box only fetches the first page. And the default page size is 20. So, you need to increase the page size to get more results.
You can either overwrite the "size" variable or the global constant called "itemsPerPage" which is located in pagination.constants.js
Am I right that it is a one-to-many relationshiop and you want to choose one of 3000 possible A for an entity B?
If so, you don't want to load all 3000 possible As into the dropdown. Therefore, I would replace the dropdown with another input, e.g. the typeahead from angular-ui (, so you can fetch a filtered subset of your entities.
Another way, I also used before, would be a list with a pagination for A that opens in a modal and returns the selected entity that could be passed to b.
Or, if you really want to fetch all: I would add a new endpoint without the pageable, add a new method to the angular-resource-service and call this instead of the paged version.

sequence diagram for android application that uses NFC

The below diagram is based on an android application. When the application loads the user is given 3 button to select add, update and Search. On click on add button the user is given an option to add a new user or add a new item. When the user selects the add item option he enters the required data. Once the data is entered the system check if all the values are entered is correct. if it is correct it is saved if not the user is asked to re-enter the values.One the data is saved the user is asked to write the asset id to an NFC tag.
The same process is applied for update section.
In the search the user is given 2 option to either search the asset through text or by tapping the NFC device onto the NFC tag to search the desired item from the database.
I wanted to know if the sequence diagram I have done is correct.
I would remove the Choose an Option messages. The machine does not trigger anything at the actor. It's the actor who decides. So the initial message always comes from the actor.
The Return Result is implicit with the dotted line. Instead describe what is being returned.
Finally (and most important) you do not use objects but classes in your SD. Always (!) use objects since its an object which communicates, not a class.

Detect first log of user

I'm realizing a theme with liferay using velocity. I would like to add some functions to the theme homepage only in the case the user logs in the portal for the first time.
How can I use velocity (portal_normal.vm) to achieve that?
As stated by #Olaf Kock it is not suggested to use the business logic in the theme section.
But, If you want to do it anyway then Liferay provides a set of Velocity Variables that can be accessed in the Themes. Which includes the User details too.
These are some of the User related Variables available globally in themes,
$user_id,$is_default_user,$user_first_name,$user_middle_name .... $user_login_ip, $user_last_login_ip
You can check out more at : themes\_unstyled\templates\init.vm inside ROOT.WAR.
So, For your specific purpose here you can use $user_last_login_ip. If the value is null then it would be the first time the user has logged into the portal.So, use this inside the portal_normal.vm,
#if (!$user_last_login_ip)
... do stuff here if the variable is null
And, Alternately you can fetch the User last login date using and check null to ensure whether it is his first login,
#if (!$user.getLastLoginDate())
... do stuff here if the variable is null
Don't add this to the theme. Rather have a separate custom LoginAction for this. This will be executed on every login (you can choose pre- or post-login, I'm assuming that post-login will be appropriate) and should find some more information than I linked on this topic all over the net.
A theme is made for look&feel and should not contain any business logic - especially not when it's for a one-off purpose.

Drupal6: How to handle node links in user profile attributes?

One of the fields in my user profiles is a list of nodes. (This list is generated automatically, based on other data on the site.) Currently, it displays like this:
nid1, nid2, nid3
I want it to look like this:
$nid1->title, $nid2->title, $nid3->title
where each title is a link to its node. What is the best way to do this? I tried filling the field with links generated by l(), but the html gets filtered out.
Also, when using l(), is there a way to say: create a link to the node with $nid, no matter where it happens to be located at runtime?
Concerning the first question:
The field values of a profile list are run through ´check_plain()inprofile_view_field()`, so you can only get markup in there after they got loaded, which leaves you with at least two options, depending on where you want to alter the output:
Implement hook_user() and, on the 'view' operation, modify the field values in the $account->content array (Make sure that your modules weight is below that of the profile module or the values will not be in there yet).
Add your own preprocess functions for all templates where the fields are used and make your adjustments there. On first sight, these should be the following, but the list might be incomplete:
yourModule_preprocess_profile_block() (profile module)
yourModule_preprocess_profile_listing() (profile module)
yourModule_preprocess_user_profile_item() (user module)
As for the second question:
Also, when using l(), is there a way
to say: create a link to the node with
$nid, no matter where it happens to be
located at runtime?
I do not understand what you mean by "no matter where it happens to be located at runtime". Anything that is not covered by the following?
l('SomeTitle', 'node/' . $nid)
