OpenWrt no dmesg/lsusb when usb hid device is attached - linux

I am running OpenWrt on VirtualBox with host as Windows 10.
I have a USB - HID device which is attached to Windows host. I am making it available for the Guest OpenWrt. However, I don't see this in the OpenWrt. I don't see anything in the dmesg either.
I have also installed the kernel module for usb hid and its loaded.


Enable mass storage and ethernet over USB or a terminal device function over USB in Kubos Linux

I've been trying to emulate the ethernet over USB functional or a terminal device over USB function in Kubos Linux (
The version of linux kernel is 4.4.23. The Kubos Linux is deployed on beaglebone black and uses uboot to boot the linux. I have enabled CONFIG_USB_NET_DRIVERS in the linux-kubos.config which you can see here: After this I compiled the linux and created a kubos-linux.img and aux-sd.img and flashed the SD card. I booted the board from SD card however, I still could not see the ethernet over USB emulation after the flash.
I use buildroot for compiling and building the kubos kernel and aux image in the vagrant VM in virtual box.
I wanted to know if I am missing some key information to add these functionalities and if there were any beaglebone black specific driver configuration I need to enable in kubos linux kernel?
At the moment, I use an FTDI cable to communicate with the board serially using minicom however, this is very slow and want to use ethernet over USB or terminal functionality to make this communication faster.

FTDI FT232H not behaving as expected (not detected by Linux)

I have written an application using the FT232h with for GPIO assess. I had it running on two machines, a Linux openSUSE desktop and an openSUSE laptop. Both run the same kernel and both are Windows 10 boxes running VMware to give me the virtual openSUSE machines. For some reason it suddenly stopped working on the desktop. I have been using the same FTDI FT232H device on both machines.
On the laptop, the FTDI chip is detected. dmesg | grep -i usb says:
usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6014, etc.
On the laptop, lsusb says:
Bus 002 Device 004” ID 0x0403:6014 Future Technology Devices International. Ltd: FT232H
This information does not appear on the desktop. The desktop does not seem to detect the FT232H.
On the laptop I do sudo modprobe -r ftdi_sio usbserial and then perform an FT_Open(0, &fthandle) in
On the desktop, ftdi_sio is not loaded. When I try to FT_Open(0, &fthandle) it fails with FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND. It dose the same thing when I run my app as root.
What do I need to do to get my desktop to run my app again? I haven’t blacklisted anything, to my knowledge.
I’m really stuck! Please advise.
VMware may assign the USB to the host or to the guest. If the FT232H is plugged in but lsusb doesn't show the FT232H, then select VM -> Removable Devices -> Future Devices USB Serial Converter -> Connect (Disconnect from Host)
lsusb should now show the FT232H device and you should be able to invoke FT_Open on it.

Linux driver for embedded Linux

I'm looking to attach some USB devices to my embedded Linux board.
It is an TI-ARM processor running embedded Linux, but I guess it could be any embedded Linux board.
If I purchase an USB device which has Linux support/driver, can this driver (generally) be re-compiled to work with the ARM architecture? (Instead of Windows ect.).
Yes, USB drivers can generally be expected to compile for other architectures other than x86. Of course this presumes that your board does have a host USB port. There are a few boards that have only USB device ports, and many SoCs have both USB host & device ports.
But successfully compiling the (USB) driver may only be part of the task.
Some (USB) devices may require additional packages of libraries and other drivers for interfacing to application programs. For instance a USB digital TV tuner requires numerous packages (V4L, ALSA, I2C driver, userland firmware loading) to actually work.
These additional dependencies that you may have to build are not because of USB.
The dependencies are related to the type of device.
An Ethernet interface, whether integrated into the SoC or offboard using USB, would be easily configured for full support in the kernel (e.g. protocol stack) and userland (e.g. Busybox has ifconfig, ping and routing apps).
A PCI TV tuner would have the same dependencies as the USB tuner. But the embedded environment typically means that you don't have any/most of these multimedia dependencies already built/installed.

USB not detected by 287 EVK (FreeScale) board

I am using 287 EVK from freescale for my application development.
I am ported linux kernel and rootfs successfully.
But the problem is my hardware does't detect the USB stick if connected.
Nothing changes in /dev directory nor anything appears in log (dmesg).
Kindly help me resolve it.
Hardware has both usb host and device ports.
Basic things i would check :
Check with other USB.
Connect a USB Mouse or USB keyboard. Check if they are working. Check if the devices are getting power or not.
If you are not getting the power, definitely there is a problem with the kernel configuration.
Do make menuconfig from the linux folder, go to USB drivers section and enable all the flags that are needed for a USB pendrive to work.
Easy method would be to take the configuration file(kconfig) of a working linux kernel, copy it inside your kernel, compile it and run it. It should work
ITs been a while that i did the above things. But this should help you out of your current problem.

Bluetooth Module Appears Not to Be working

I've built a Buildroot linux image for my PhidgetSBC and included bluetooth support unfortunately it appears my bluetooth USB dongle isn't working. Although I have not tested it with code it's internal LED does not illuminate when I plug it in.
When I issue lsmod I see this:
Module Size Used by Not tainted
usb_storage 33699 -
btusb 8560 -
bluetooth 50130 -
It appears bluetooth is in the kernel but how could I test my usb dongle?
This is definitely not Buildroot related, but rather hardware and kernel configuration rleated. Unfortunately, you're giving way too few details: which Bluetooth USB dongle you're talking about, what kernel version using, what is your kernel configuration, etc.
First of all, check if your USB device appears when running lsusb.
