Cassandra - Row cache tuning - cassandra

I'm new to Cassandra and trying to get a better understanding on how the row cache can be tuned to optimize the performance.
I came across think this article:
And it suggests not to even touch row cache unless read workload is > 95% and mostly rely on machine's default cache mechanism which comes with OS.
The default row cache size is 0 in cassandra.yaml file so the row cache won't be utilized at all.
Therefore, I'm wondering how exactly I can decide to chose to tweak row cache if needed. Are there any good pointers one can provide on this?

What they are saying in this article, is that OS cache is better than row cache.
Cassandra's rows cache known as not efficient for most cases. The only case i see you can even start trying, is that 95% of your workload are reads + you have a relatively small set of hot rows that are not updated frequently.


Is there any side effect of increasing row_cache_size_in_mb in Cassandra?

In this config :
64 Gb, 16 cores, Linux CentOS with Cassandra 3.1
row_cache_size_in_mb is set to zero now (cassandra.yaml)
It seems working well since the OS Page cache is used for caching read.
So, is there any benefits/risks (JVM heap) to increase this number
vs using Linux page caching?
Row cache is used only for the tables that explicitly enable caching of the rows data, and not used by default. Row cache usually is used only for most read data that doesn't change very often, otherwise, change of the data will lead to an additional performance overhead from invalidating cache data & re-populating of cache entries from disk. You can read more in the following document from the "best practices" series published by DataStax.
Regarding relation between row cache and Linux's buffer cache - the main distinction is that row cache keeps the full rows that potentially could be assembled from multiple SSTables, while buffer cache keeps the chunks of the SSTables, that are often compressed, and Cassandra will need to decompress them again and again. Also, if partition is scattered over multiple SSTables, then Cassandra will need to check them when reading the row.
Its all about the workload and the application query pattern.
If you application frequently reads a small subset of rows (hot) and each row in its entirety, enabling this can bring in a significant performance benefit by avoiding a disk read. There are some row cache hit rate JMX metrics available which can inform about any performance variation between row and key cache sizes for your application load.
If you haven't manually configured row cache a table description should look like below.
Default: { 'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE' }.
If enabled the size should be proportional to in memory size of a row data and its column values over the hot subset. For a rough estimate use nodetool cfstats, multiply the Row cache size which is the number of rows in the cache, by the Compacted row mean size and sum them.
As with any memory allocation it has impact on garbage collection though there are some partial or complete off heap implementation classes available. From Datastax docs :
Default: disabled. note The classname of the row cache provider to use. Valid values: OHCProvider (fully off-heap) or SerializingCacheProvider (partially off-heap).
As the entire row is cached it can be expensive. One thing to note is if rows are frequently evicted from the row cache (size is set too low or row data frequently change), the garbage collector will definitely have more to do.
Bottomline : For an ideal row cache use, a small set of rows must be hot. Row cache provides benefit when the entire row is accessed at once. If an off-heap implementation is used it poses little risk to heap. In the end do some load testing and capture some latency metrics to determine the size of cache that best fits your need and is adequate.

What are the impacts of high value row cache?

Recently I have gone through a tutorial about key cache and row cache. Can anyone help me with some real time examples where these caches can impact? And what is the impact if we increase these values in the config file?
On using desc table I found this
AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}'
Your main concern is the memory profile of your application.
This diagram demonstrates how the key cache optimises the readpath, it allows us to skip the partition summary and partition index, and go straight to the compression offset. As for the row cache, if you get a hit, you've got your answer and don't need to go down the read path at all.
Key cache - The key cache is on by default as it only keeps the key of the row. Keys are typically smaller relative to the rest of the row so this cache can hold many entries before it's exhausted.
Row cache - The row cache holds an entire row and is useful when you have a fairly static querying pattern. The argument for the row cache is that if you read the same rows over and over, you can just keep them in memory rather going to the SSTable (storage medium) level and thus bypass an expensive seek on the read path. In practice the memory slow downs caused by usage of the row cache in non-optimal use-cases makes it an unpopular feature.
So what happens if you fill up the cache? Well, there's an eviction policy but if you're constantly kicking stuff out of either cache to make room for new items, then the caches won't exactly be useful as the gc related performance degradation will hurt overall performance.
What about having very high cache values? This is where there are better alternatives, more on this later. Making the row cache huge would just lead to GC issues, which depending on what you're doing exactly, typically leads to an overall net-loss in performance.
One idea I've seen being utilised relatively well is having a caching layer on top of Cassandra, such as Apache Ignite or Memcached. You load hot data in the caching layer to get fast READs and you write with an application that writes to the cache layer then to C* for persistence. These architectures come with many of their own headaches but if you want to cache data for lower query latencies, the C* row cache isn't the best tool for the job.

Difference between Cassandra Row caching and Partition key caching

What is the difference between row cache and Partition key cache? shall i need to use both for the good performance Perspective.
I have already read the basic definition from dataStax website
The partition key cache is a cache of the partition index for a
Cassandra table. Using the key cache instead of relying on the OS page
cache saves CPU time and memory. However, enabling just the key cache
results in disk (or OS page cache) activity to actually read the
requested data rows.
The row cache is similar to a traditional cache like memcached. When a
row is accessed, the entire row is pulled into memory, merging from
multiple SSTables if necessary, and cached, so that further reads
against that row can be satisfied without hitting disk at all.
Can anyone elaborate the area of uses . do need to have both implement both . ?
TL;DR : You want to use Key Cache and most likely do NOT want row cache.
Key cache helps C* know where a particular partition begins in the SStables. This means that C* does not have to read anything to determine the right place to seek to in the file to begin reading the row. This is good for almost all use cases because it speeds up reads considerably by potentially removing the need for an IOP in the read-path.
Row Cache has a much more limited use case. Row cache pulls entire partitions into memory. If any part of that partition has been modified, the entire cache for that row is invalidated. For large partitions this means the cache can be frequently caching and invalidating big pieces of memory. Because you really need mostly static partitions for this to be useful, for most use cases it is recommended that you do not use Row Cache.

fake fsync calls to improve performance [duplicate]

I am switching to PostgreSQL from SQLite for a typical Rails application.
The problem is that running specs became slow with PG.
On SQLite it took ~34 seconds, on PG it's ~76 seconds which is more than 2x slower.
So now I want to apply some techniques to bring the performance of the specs on par with SQLite with no code modifications (ideally just by setting the connection options, which is probably not possible).
Couple of obvious things from top of my head are:
RAM Disk (good setup with RSpec on OSX would be good to see)
Unlogged tables (can it be applied on the whole database so I don't have change all the scripts?)
As you may have understood I don't care about reliability and the rest (the DB is just a throwaway thingy here).
I need to get the most out of the PG and make it as fast as it can possibly be.
Best answer would ideally describe the tricks for doing just that, setup and the drawbacks of those tricks.
UPDATE: fsync = off + full_page_writes = off only decreased time to ~65 seconds (~-16 secs). Good start, but far from the target of 34.
UPDATE 2: I tried to use RAM disk but the performance gain was within an error margin. So doesn't seem to be worth it.
I found the biggest bottleneck and now my specs run as fast as the SQLite ones.
The issue was the database cleanup that did the truncation. Apparently SQLite is way too fast there.
To "fix" it I open a transaction before each test and roll it back at the end.
Some numbers for ~700 tests.
Truncation: SQLite - 34s, PG - 76s.
Transaction: SQLite - 17s, PG - 18s.
2x speed increase for SQLite.
4x speed increase for PG.
First, always use the latest version of PostgreSQL. Performance improvements are always coming, so you're probably wasting your time if you're tuning an old version. For example, PostgreSQL 9.2 significantly improves the speed of TRUNCATE and of course adds index-only scans. Even minor releases should always be followed; see the version policy.
Do NOT put a tablespace on a RAMdisk or other non-durable storage.
If you lose a tablespace the whole database may be damaged and hard to use without significant work. There's very little advantage to this compared to just using UNLOGGED tables and having lots of RAM for cache anyway.
If you truly want a ramdisk based system, initdb a whole new cluster on the ramdisk by initdbing a new PostgreSQL instance on the ramdisk, so you have a completely disposable PostgreSQL instance.
PostgreSQL server configuration
When testing, you can configure your server for non-durable but faster operation.
This is one of the only acceptable uses for the fsync=off setting in PostgreSQL. This setting pretty much tells PostgreSQL not to bother with ordered writes or any of that other nasty data-integrity-protection and crash-safety stuff, giving it permission to totally trash your data if you lose power or have an OS crash.
Needless to say, you should never enable fsync=off in production unless you're using Pg as a temporary database for data you can re-generate from elsewhere. If and only if you're doing to turn fsync off can also turn full_page_writes off, as it no longer does any good then. Beware that fsync=off and full_page_writes apply at the cluster level, so they affect all databases in your PostgreSQL instance.
For production use you can possibly use synchronous_commit=off and set a commit_delay, as you'll get many of the same benefits as fsync=off without the giant data corruption risk. You do have a small window of loss of recent data if you enable async commit - but that's it.
If you have the option of slightly altering the DDL, you can also use UNLOGGED tables in Pg 9.1+ to completely avoid WAL logging and gain a real speed boost at the cost of the tables getting erased if the server crashes. There is no configuration option to make all tables unlogged, it must be set during CREATE TABLE. In addition to being good for testing this is handy if you have tables full of generated or unimportant data in a database that otherwise contains stuff you need to be safe.
Check your logs and see if you're getting warnings about too many checkpoints. If you are, you should increase your checkpoint_segments. You may also want to tune your checkpoint_completion_target to smooth writes out.
Tune shared_buffers to fit your workload. This is OS-dependent, depends on what else is going on with your machine, and requires some trial and error. The defaults are extremely conservative. You may need to increase the OS's maximum shared memory limit if you increase shared_buffers on PostgreSQL 9.2 and below; 9.3 and above changed how they use shared memory to avoid that.
If you're using a just a couple of connections that do lots of work, increase work_mem to give them more RAM to play with for sorts etc. Beware that too high a work_mem setting can cause out-of-memory problems because it's per-sort not per-connection so one query can have many nested sorts. You only really have to increase work_mem if you can see sorts spilling to disk in EXPLAIN or logged with the log_temp_files setting (recommended), but a higher value may also let Pg pick smarter plans.
As said by another poster here it's wise to put the xlog and the main tables/indexes on separate HDDs if possible. Separate partitions is pretty pointless, you really want separate drives. This separation has much less benefit if you're running with fsync=off and almost none if you're using UNLOGGED tables.
Finally, tune your queries. Make sure that your random_page_cost and seq_page_cost reflect your system's performance, ensure your effective_cache_size is correct, etc. Use EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE) to examine individual query plans, and turn the auto_explain module on to report all slow queries. You can often improve query performance dramatically just by creating an appropriate index or tweaking the cost parameters.
AFAIK there's no way to set an entire database or cluster as UNLOGGED. It'd be interesting to be able to do so. Consider asking on the PostgreSQL mailing list.
Host OS tuning
There's some tuning you can do at the operating system level, too. The main thing you might want to do is convince the operating system not to flush writes to disk aggressively, since you really don't care when/if they make it to disk.
In Linux you can control this with the virtual memory subsystem's dirty_* settings, like dirty_writeback_centisecs.
The only issue with tuning writeback settings to be too slack is that a flush by some other program may cause all PostgreSQL's accumulated buffers to be flushed too, causing big stalls while everything blocks on writes. You may be able to alleviate this by running PostgreSQL on a different file system, but some flushes may be device-level or whole-host-level not filesystem-level, so you can't rely on that.
This tuning really requires playing around with the settings to see what works best for your workload.
On newer kernels, you may wish to ensure that vm.zone_reclaim_mode is set to zero, as it can cause severe performance issues with NUMA systems (most systems these days) due to interactions with how PostgreSQL manages shared_buffers.
Query and workload tuning
These are things that DO require code changes; they may not suit you. Some are things you might be able to apply.
If you're not batching work into larger transactions, start. Lots of small transactions are expensive, so you should batch stuff whenever it's possible and practical to do so. If you're using async commit this is less important, but still highly recommended.
Whenever possible use temporary tables. They don't generate WAL traffic, so they're lots faster for inserts and updates. Sometimes it's worth slurping a bunch of data into a temp table, manipulating it however you need to, then doing an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... to copy it to the final table. Note that temporary tables are per-session; if your session ends or you lose your connection then the temp table goes away, and no other connection can see the contents of a session's temp table(s).
If you're using PostgreSQL 9.1 or newer you can use UNLOGGED tables for data you can afford to lose, like session state. These are visible across different sessions and preserved between connections. They get truncated if the server shuts down uncleanly so they can't be used for anything you can't re-create, but they're great for caches, materialized views, state tables, etc.
In general, don't DELETE FROM blah;. Use TRUNCATE TABLE blah; instead; it's a lot quicker when you're dumping all rows in a table. Truncate many tables in one TRUNCATE call if you can. There's a caveat if you're doing lots of TRUNCATES of small tables over and over again, though; see: Postgresql Truncation speed
If you don't have indexes on foreign keys, DELETEs involving the primary keys referenced by those foreign keys will be horribly slow. Make sure to create such indexes if you ever expect to DELETE from the referenced table(s). Indexes are not required for TRUNCATE.
Don't create indexes you don't need. Each index has a maintenance cost. Try to use a minimal set of indexes and let bitmap index scans combine them rather than maintaining too many huge, expensive multi-column indexes. Where indexes are required, try to populate the table first, then create indexes at the end.
Having enough RAM to hold the entire database is a huge win if you can manage it.
If you don't have enough RAM, the faster storage you can get the better. Even a cheap SSD makes a massive difference over spinning rust. Don't trust cheap SSDs for production though, they're often not crashsafe and might eat your data.
Greg Smith's book, PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance remains relevant despite referring to a somewhat older version. It should be a useful reference.
Join the PostgreSQL general mailing list and follow it.
Tuning your PostgreSQL server - PostgreSQL wiki
Number of database connections - PostgreSQL wiki
Use different disk layout:
different disk for $PGDATA
different disk for $PGDATA/pg_xlog
different disk for tem files (per database $PGDATA/base//pgsql_tmp) (see note about work_mem)
postgresql.conf tweaks:
shared_memory: 30% of available RAM but not more than 6 to 8GB. It seems to be better to have less shared memory (2GB - 4GB) for write intensive workloads
work_mem: mostly for select queries with sorts/aggregations. This is per connection setting and query can allocate that value multiple times. If data can't fit then disk is used (pgsql_tmp). Check "explain analyze" to see how much memory do you need
fsync and synchronous_commit: Default values are safe but If you can tolerate data lost then you can turn then off
random_page_cost: if you have SSD or fast RAID array you can lower this to 2.0 (RAID) or even lower (1.1) for SSD
checkpoint_segments: you can go higher 32 or 64 and change checkpoint_completion_target to 0.9. Lower value allows faster after-crash recovery

Cassandra configuration of compaction parameters

I am reading cassandra yml to tune some parameters to optimize the performance.
# Throttles compaction to the given total throughput across the entire
# system. The faster you insert data, the faster you need to compact in
# order to keep the sstable count down, but in general, setting this to
# 16 to 32 times the rate you are inserting data is more than sufficient.
# Setting this to 0 disables throttling. Note that this account for all types
# of compaction, including validation compaction.
compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 16
Here cassandra have recommended to keep "compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec" 16 to 32 times of rate of data insert.We are inserting data with bulk loader which insert data at very high rate. Should I change this setting? OR it should be kept as it is ?
So do you have an idea on how much data your bulk loader will push in per second? Is that a sustained load or is it bursty? If you do know that, then you basically just follow the guideline in the config files comment for that parameter.
I suspect that you don't have that information, in which case the question is whether your system is misbehaving or not (do you currently see issues?). Sorry I don't know of a good way to otherwise predict that, this is a tuning exercise. You want to find a value that guarantees that Cassandra is not falling behind on compaction, but at the same time you don't want compaction to kill you disk i/o. The only way to figure that out (that I know off) is to try and observe.
