Corecursive fibonacci using recursion schemes - haskell

There is an elegant derinition of list of fibonacci numbers:
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = fib 1 1 where
fib a b = a : fib b (a + b)
Can it be translated to use recursion-schemes library?
The closest I could get is the following code that uses completely different approach:
fibN' :: Nat -> Integer
fibN' = histo $ \case
(refix -> x:y:_) -> x + y
_ -> 1
I can provide the rest of the code if necessary, but essentially I get the Nth fibonacci number by using a histomorphism of Nat = Fix Maybe. Maybe (Cofree Maybe a) turns out to be isomorphic to [a], so refix can be thought just as a sort of toList to make the pattern shorter.
I found shorter code but it only stores one value and in a non-generic way:
fib' :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Integer]
fib' = ana $ \(x, y) -> Cons x (y, x+y)
A non-generic way to store full history:
fib'' :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
fib'' = ana $ \l#(x:y:_) -> Cons x (x + y : l)

Sure. Your fibs is readily translated into an unfoldr, which is just a slightly different way to spell ana.
fibs = unfoldr (\(a, b) -> Just (a, (b, a + b))) (1,1)

Here is (sort of) what I wanted:
type L f a = f (Cofree f a)
:: (Functor f, Corecursive t) =>
(f (Cofree g a) -> Base t (L g a))
-> (L g a -> f a)
-> L g a -> t
histAna unlift psi = ana (unlift . lift) where
lift oldHist = (:< oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
takes an "old history" as a seed,
produces one level and seeds just like in normal ana,
then the new seeds are appended to the "old history", so the newHistory becomes newSeed :< oldHistory
unlift produces current level from seed and history.
fibsListAna :: Num a => L Maybe a -> [a]
fibsListAna = histAna unlift psi where
psi (Just (x :< Just (y :< _))) = Just $ x + y
unlift x = case x of
Nothing -> Nil
h#(Just (v :< _)) -> Cons v h
r1 :: [Integer]
r1 = take 10 $ toList $ fibsListAna $ Just (0 :< Just (1 :< Nothing))
Stream version can also be implemented (Identity and (,) a functors respectively should be used). The binary tree case works too, but it's not clear if it's of any use. Here is a degenerated case I wrote blindly just to satisfy the type checker:
fibsTreeAna :: Num a => L Fork a -> Tree a
fibsTreeAna = histAna unlift psi where
psi (Fork (a :< _) (b :< _)) = Fork a b
unlift x = case x of
h#(Fork (a :< _) (b :< _)) -> NodeF (a + b) h h
It's not clear if we lose anything by replacing Cofree with lists:
:: (Functor f, Corecursive t) =>
(f [a] -> Base t [a])
-> ([a] -> f a)
-> [a] -> t
histAna unlift psi = ana (unlift . lift) where
lift oldHist = (: oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
In this case 'history' becomes just the path to the tree root filled by seeds.
The list version turns out to be easily simplified by using different functor so seeding and filling the level can be accomplished in one place:
histAna psi = ana lift where
lift oldHist = (: oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
fibsListAna :: Num a => [a]
fibsListAna = histAna psi [0,1] where
psi (x : y : _) = Cons (x + y) (x + y)
The original code with Cofree can be simplified too:
histAna :: (Functor f, Corecursive t) => (L f a -> Base t (f a)) -> L f a -> t
histAna psi = ana $ \oldHist -> fmap (:< oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
fibsListAna :: Num a => L Maybe a -> [a]
fibsListAna = histAna $ \case
Just (x :< Just (y :< _)) -> Cons (x + y) (Just (x + y))
fibsStreamAna :: Num a => L Identity a -> Stream a
fibsStreamAna = histAna $ \case
Identity (x :< Identity (y :< _)) -> (x + y, Identity $ x + y)
fibsTreeAna :: Num a => L Fork a -> Tree a
fibsTreeAna = histAna $ \case
Fork (a :< _) (b :< _) -> NodeF (a + b) (Fork a a) (Fork b b)


How to update a structure with recursion schemes?

In recursion schemes, how can I construct something with type definition like (Recursive t, CoRecursive t) -> t -> ? -> t
I try to use recursion-schemes to update nodes. Taking list as an example, I can come up with two methods like:
update :: [a] -> Natural -> a -> [a]
update = para palg where
palg Nil _ _ = []
palg (Cons a (u, _)) 0 b = b : u
palg (Cons a (u, f)) n b = a : f (n-1) b
update' :: [a] -> Natural -> a -> [a]
update' = c2 (apo acoalg) where
c2 f a b c = f (a,b,c)
acoalg ([], _, _) = Nil
acoalg (_:as , 0, b) = Cons b $ Left as
acoalg (a:as , n, b) = Cons a $ Right (as, n-1, b)
However, these two implementations are good. In these two implementations, the constructor of ListF and [] appears in both sides of the equation. And the definition does not appear to be unique. Is there a better way to perform List update with recursion schemes?
Recursion schemes is flexible approach. You can also implement your own variant.
(Reuse cata)
zipo :: (Recursive g, Recursive h) => (Base g (h -> c) -> Base h h -> c) -> g -> h -> c
zipo alg = cata zalg
zalg x = alg x <<< project
update :: forall a. [a] -> Natural -> a -> [a]
update xs n a = zipo alg n xs
alg :: Maybe ([a] -> [a]) -> ListF a [a] -> [a]
alg _ Nil = []
alg Nothing (Cons y ys) = a:ys
alg (Just n') (Cons y ys) = y:(n' ys)
Also u can implement some parallel version like
zipCata :: (Recursive g, Recursive h) => ((g -> h -> r) -> Base g g -> Base h h -> r) -> g -> h -> r
zipCata phi x y = phi (zipCata phi) (project x) (project y)
update' :: forall a. [a] -> Natural -> a -> [a]
update' xs n a = zipCata alg n xs
alg :: (Natural -> [a] -> [a]) -> Maybe Natural -> ListF a [a] -> [a]
alg _ _ Nil = []
alg _ Nothing (Cons _ ys) = a:ys
alg f (Just n) (Cons y ys) = y:(f n ys)
Both variants (also as your) will be get the same result
PS. I hate approach for code sample on SO

Histomorphism a la Mendler

Using a histomorphism (histo) from recursion-schemes I can get the a list containing only the odd indexes from an initial list:
import Data.Functor.Foldable
odds :: [a] -> [a]
odds = histo $ \case
Nil -> []
Cons h (_ :< Nil) -> [h]
Cons h (_ :< Cons _ (t :< _)) -> h:t
How can get the same thing using mhisto?
nil = Fix Nil
cons a b = Fix $ Cons a b
list = cons 1 $ cons 2 $ cons 3 $ nil
modds :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a]
modds = mhisto alg where
alg _ _ Nil = []
alg f g (Cons a b) = ?
This is it:
modds :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a]
modds = mhisto alg
alg _ _ Nil = []
alg odd pre (Cons a b) = a : case pre b of
Nil -> []
Cons _ b' -> odd b'
GHCi> list = cata embed [1..10] :: Fix (ListF Int)
GHCi> odds (cata embed list)
GHCi> modds list
odd folds the rest of the list, while pre digs the predecessor. Note how the availability of an y -> f y function in the Mendler algebra mirrors the introduction of Cofree in the ordinary histomorphism algebra (in which digging back can be done by reaching for the tail of the Cofree stream):
cata :: Functor f => (f c -> c) -> Fix f -> c
histo :: Functor f => (f (Cofree f c) -> c) -> Fix f -> c
mcata :: (forall y. (y -> c) -> f y -> c) -> Fix f -> c
mhisto :: (forall y. (y -> c) -> (y -> f y) -> f y -> c) -> Fix f -> c
For further reading on mcata and mhisto, see chapters 5 and 6 of Categorical programming with inductive and coinductive types, by Varmo Vene.

Expression expansion using recursion schemes

I have a data type representing arithmetic expressions:
data E = Add E E | Mul E E | Var String
I want to write an expansion function which will convert an expression into sum of products of variables (sort of braces expansion). Using recursion schemes of course.
I only could think of an algorithm in the spirit of "progress and preservation". The algorithm at each step constructs terms that are fully expanded so there is no need to re-check.
The handling of Mul made me crazy, so instead of doing it directly I used an isomorphic type of [[String]] and took advantage of concat and concatMap already implemented for me:
type Poly = [Mono]
type Mono = [String]
mulMonoBy :: Mono -> Poly -> Poly
mulMonoBy x = map (x ++)
mulPoly :: Poly -> Poly -> Poly
mulPoly x = concatMap (flip mulMonoBy x)
So then I just use cata:
expandList :: E -> Poly
expandList = cata $ \case
Var x -> [[x]]
Add e1 e2 = e1 ++ e2
Mul e1 e2 = mulPoly e1 e2
And convert back:
fromPoly :: Poly -> Expr
fromPoly = foldr1 Add . map fromMono where
fromMono = foldr1 Mul . map Var
Are there significantly better approaches?
Upd: There are few confusions.
The solution does allow multiline variable names. Add (Val "foo" (Mul (Val "foo) (Var "bar"))) is a representation of foo + foo * bar. I'm not representing x*y*z with Val "xyz" or something. Note that also as there are no scalars repeated vars such as "foo * foo * quux" are perfectly allowed.
By sum of products I mean sort of "curried" n-ary sum of products. A concise definition of sum of products is that I want an expression without any parentheses, with all parens represented by associativity and priority.
So (foo * bar + bar) + (foo * bar + bar) is not a sum of products as the because of middle + is sum of sums
(foo * bar + (bar + (foo * bar + bar))) or corresponding left-associative version are right answers, although we must guarantee that associativity is always left of always right. So the correct type for right-assoaciative solution is
data Poly = Sum Mono Poly
| Product Mono
which is isomorphic to nonempty lists: NonEmpty Poly (note Sum Mono Poly instead of Sum Poly Poly). If we allow empty sums or products then we get just the list of list representation I used.
Also of you don't care about performance, the multiplication seems to be just liftA2 (++)
I am no expert in recursion schemes, but since it sounds like you are trying to practice them, hopefully you will not find it too onerous to convert a solution using manual recursion to one using recursion schemes. I'll write it with mixed prose and code first, and include the complete code again at the end for simpler copy/pasting.
It is not too difficult to do using simply the distributive property and a bit of recursive algebra. Before we begin, though, let's define a better result type, one that guarantees we can only ever represent sums of products:
data Poly term = Sum (Poly term) (Poly term)
| Product (Mono term)
deriving Show
data Mono term = Term term
| MonoMul (Mono term) (Mono term)
deriving Show
This way we can't possibly mess up and accidentally yield an incorrect result like
(Mul (Var "x") (Add (Var "y") (Var "z")))
Now, let's write our function.
expand :: E -> Poly String
First, a base case: it is trivial to expand a Var, because it is already in sum-of-products form. But we must convert it a bit to fit it into our Poly result type:
expand (Var x) = Product (Term x)
Next, note that it is easy to expand an addition: simply expand the two sub-expressions, and add them together.
expand (Add x y) = Sum (expand x) (expand y)
What about a multiplication? That is a bit more complicated, since
Product (expand x) (expand y)
is ill-typed: we can't multiply polynomials, only monomials. But we do know how to do algebraic manipulation to turn a multiplication of polynomials into a sum of multiplications of monomials, via the distributive rule. As in your question, we'll need a function mulPoly. But let's just assume that exists, and implement it later.
expand (Mul x y) = mulPoly (expand x) (expand y)
That handles all the cases, so all that's left is to implement mulPoly by distributing the multiplications across the two polynomials' terms. We simply break down one of the polynomials one term at a time, and multiply the term across each of the terms in the other polynomial, adding together the results.
mulPoly :: Poly String -> Poly String -> Poly String
mulPoly (Product x) y = mulMonoBy x y
mulPoly (Sum a b) x = Sum (mulPoly a x) (mulPoly b x)
mulMonoBy :: Mono String -> Poly -> Poly
mulMonoBy x (Product y) = Product $ MonoMul x y
mulMonoBy x (Sum a b) = Sum (mulPoly a x') (mulPoly b x')
where x' = Product x
And in the end, we can test that it works as intended:
expand (Mul (Add (Var "a") (Var "b")) (Add (Var "y") (Var "z")))
{- results in: Sum (Sum (Product (MonoMul (Term "y") (Term "a")))
(Product (MonoMul (Term "z") (Term "a"))))
(Sum (Product (MonoMul (Term "y") (Term "b")))
(Product (MonoMul (Term "z") (Term "b"))))
(a + b)(y * z) = ay + az + by + bz
which we know to be correct.
The complete solution, as promised above:
data E = Add E E | Mul E E | Var String
data Poly term = Sum (Poly term) (Poly term)
| Product (Mono term)
deriving Show
data Mono term = Term term
| MonoMul (Mono term) (Mono term)
deriving Show
expand :: E -> Poly String
expand (Var x) = Product (Term x)
expand (Add x y) = Sum (expand x) (expand y)
expand (Mul x y) = mulPoly (expand x) (expand y)
mulPoly :: Poly String -> Poly String -> Poly String
mulPoly (Product x) y = mulMonoBy x y
mulPoly (Sum a b) x = Sum (mulPoly a x) (mulPoly b x)
mulMonoBy :: Mono String -> Poly String -> Poly String
mulMonoBy x (Product y) = Product $ MonoMul x y
mulMonoBy x (Sum a b) = Sum (mulPoly a x') (mulPoly b x')
where x' = Product x
main = print $ expand (Mul (Add (Var "a") (Var "b")) (Add (Var "y") (Var "z")))
This answer has three sections. The first section, a summary in which I present my two favourite solutions, is the most important one. The second section contains types and imports, as well as extended commentary on the way towards the solutions. The third section focuses on the task of reassociating expressions, something that the original version of the answer (i.e. the second section) had not given due attention.
At the end of the day, I ended up with two solutions worth discussing. The first one is expandDirect (cf. the third section):
expandDirect :: E a -> E a
expandDirect = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> apo coalgAdd (Add x y)
Mul' x y -> (apo coalgAdd' . apo coalgMul) (Mul x y)
coalgAdd = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgAdd' = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
Add x (Add y y') -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add y y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgMul = \case
Mul (Add x x') y -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x' y))
Mul x (Add y y') -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
With it, we rebuild the tree from the bottom (cata). On every branch, if we find something invalid we walk back and rewrite the subtree (apo), redistributing and reassociating as needed until all immediate children are correctly arranged (apo makes it possible to do that without having to rewrite everyting down to the very bottom).
The second solution, expandMeta, is a much simplified version of expandFlat from the third section.
expandMeta :: E a -> E a
expandMeta = apo coalg . cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> pure (Var s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> Mul <$> x <*> y
coalg = \case
x :| [] -> Left <$> project x
x :| (y:ys) -> Add' (Left x) (Right (y :| ys))
expandMeta is a metamorphism; that is, a catamorphism followed by an anamorphism (while we are using apo here as well, an apomorphism is just a fancy kind of anamorphism, so I guess the nomenclature still applies). The catamorphism changes the tree into a non-empty list -- that implicitly handles the reassociation of the Adds -- with the list applicative being used to distribute multiplication (much like you suggest). The coalgebra then quite trivially converts the non-empty list back into a tree with the appropriate shape.
Thank you for the question -- I had a lot of fun with it! Preliminaries:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as N
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import Test.QuickCheck
data E a = Var a | Add (E a) (E a) | Mul (E a) (E a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)
data EF a b = Var' a | Add' b b | Mul' b b
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type instance Base (E a) = EF a
instance Recursive (E a) where
project = \case
Var x -> Var' x
Add x y -> Add' x y
Mul x y -> Mul' x y
instance Corecursive (E a) where
embed = \case
Var' x -> Var x
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> Mul x y
To begin with, my first working (if flawed) attempt, which uses the applicative instance of (non-empty) lists to distribute:
expandTooClever :: E a -> E a
expandTooClever = cata $ \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> foldr1 Add (Mul <$> flatten x <*> flatten y)
flatten :: E a -> NonEmpty (E a)
flatten = cata $ \case
Var' s -> pure (Var s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> pure (foldr1 Mul (x <> y))
expandTooClever has one relatively serious problem: as it calls flatten, a full-blown fold, for both subtrees whenever it reaches a Mul, it has horrible asymptotics for chains of Mul.
Brute force, simplest-thing-that-could-possibly-work solution, with an algebra that calls itself recursively:
expandBrute :: E a -> E a
expandBrute = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' (Add x x') y -> Add (alg (Mul' x y)) (alg (Mul' x' y))
Mul' x (Add y y') -> Add (alg (Mul' x y)) (alg (Mul' x y'))
Mul' x y -> Mul x y
The recursive calls are needed because the distribution might introduce new occurrences of Add under Mul.
A slightly more tasteful variant of expandBrute, with the recursive call factored out into a separate function:
expandNotSoBrute :: E a -> E a
expandNotSoBrute = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> dis x y
dis (Add x x') y = Add (dis x y) (dis x' y)
dis x (Add y y') = Add (dis x y) (dis x y')
dis x y = Mul x y
A tamed expandNotSoBrute, with dis being turned into an apomorphism. This way of phrasing it expresses nicely the big picture of what is going on: if you only have Vars and Adds, you can trivially reproduce the tree bottom-up without a care in the world; if you hit a Mul, however, you have to go back and reconstuct the whole subtree to perform the distributions (I wonder is there is a specialised recursion scheme that captures this pattern).
expandEvert :: E a -> E a
expandEvert = cata alg
alg :: EF a (E a) -> E a
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> apo coalg (x, y)
coalg :: (E a, E a) -> EF a (Either (E a) (E a, E a))
coalg (Add x x', y) = Add' (Right (x, y)) (Right (x', y))
coalg (x, Add y y') = Add' (Right (x, y)) (Right (x, y'))
coalg (x, y) = Mul' (Left x) (Left y)
apo is necessary because we want to anticipate the final result if there is nothing else to distribute. (There is a way to write it with ana; however, that requires wastefully rebuilding trees of Muls without changes, which leads to the same asymptotics problem expandTooClever had.)
Last, but not least, a solution which is both a successful realisation of what I had attempted with expandTooClever and my interpretation of amalloy's answer. BT is a garden-variety binary tree with values on the leaves. A product is represented by a BT a, while a sum of products is a tree of trees.
expandSOP :: E a -> E a
expandSOP = cata algS . fmap (cata algP) . cata algSOP
algSOP :: EF a (BT (BT a)) -> BT (BT a)
algSOP = \case
Var' s -> pure (pure s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> (<>) <$> x <*> y
algP :: BTF a (E a) -> E a
algP = \case
Leaf' s -> Var s
Branch' x y -> Mul x y
algS :: BTF (E a) (E a) -> E a
algS = \case
Leaf' x -> x
Branch' x y -> Add x y
BT and its instances:
data BT a = Leaf a | Branch (BT a) (BT a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BTF a b = Leaf' a | Branch' b b
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type instance Base (BT a) = BTF a
instance Recursive (BT a) where
project (Leaf s) = Leaf' s
project (Branch l r) = Branch' l r
instance Corecursive (BT a) where
embed (Leaf' s) = Leaf s
embed (Branch' l r) = Branch l r
instance Semigroup (BT a) where
l <> r = Branch l r
-- Writing this, as opposed to deriving it, for the sake of illustration.
instance Functor BT where
fmap f = cata $ \case
Leaf' x -> Leaf (f x)
Branch' l r -> Branch l r
instance Applicative BT where
pure x = Leaf x
u <*> v = ana coalg (u, v)
coalg = \case
(Leaf f, Leaf x) -> Leaf' (f x)
(Leaf f, Branch xl xr) -> Branch' (Leaf f, xl) (Leaf f, xr)
(Branch fl fr, v) -> Branch' (fl, v) (fr, v)
To wrap things up, a test suite:
newtype TestE = TestE { getTestE :: E Char }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary TestE where
arbitrary = TestE <$> sized genExpr
genVar = Var <$> choose ('a', 'z')
genAdd n = Add <$> genSub n <*> genSub n
genMul n = Mul <$> genSub n <*> genSub n
genSub n = genExpr (n `div` 2)
genExpr = \case
0 -> genVar
n -> oneof [genVar, genAdd n, genMul n]
data TestRig b = TestRig (Map Char b) (E Char)
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary b => Arbitrary (TestRig b) where
arbitrary = do
e <- genExpr
d <- genDict e
return (TestRig d e)
genExpr = getTestE <$> arbitrary
genDict x = M.fromList . zip (keys x) <$> (infiniteListOf arbitrary)
keys = nub . toList
unsafeSubst :: Ord a => Map a b -> E a -> E b
unsafeSubst dict = fmap (dict !)
eval :: Num a => E a -> a
eval = cata $ \case
Var' x -> x
Add' x y -> x + y
Mul' x y -> x * y
evalRig :: (E Char -> E Char) -> TestRig Integer -> Integer
evalRig f (TestRig d e) = eval (unsafeSubst d (f e))
mkPropEval :: (E Char -> E Char) -> TestRig Integer -> Bool
mkPropEval f = (==) <$> evalRig id <*> evalRig f
isDistributed :: E a -> Bool
isDistributed = para $ \case
Add' (_, x) (_, y) -> x && y
Mul' (Add _ _, _) _ -> False
Mul' _ (Add _ _, _) -> False
Mul' (_, x) (_, y) -> x && y
_ -> True
mkPropDist :: (E Char -> E Char) -> TestE -> Bool
mkPropDist f = isDistributed . f . getTestE
main = mapM_ test
[ ("expandTooClever" , expandTooClever)
, ("expandBrute" , expandBrute)
, ("expandNotSoBrute", expandNotSoBrute)
, ("expandEvert" , expandEvert)
, ("expandSOP" , expandSOP)
test (header, func) = do
putStrLn $ "Testing: " ++ header
putStr "Evaluation test: "
quickCheck $ mkPropEval func
putStr "Distribution test: "
quickCheck $ mkPropDist func
By sum of products I mean sort of "curried" n-ary sum of products. A concise definition of sum of products is that I want an expression without any parentheses, with all parens represented by associativity and priority.
We can adjust the solutions above so that the sums are reassociated. The easiest way is replacing the outer BT in expandSOP with NonEmpty. Given that the multiplication there is, much like you suggest, liftA2 (<>), this works straight away.
expandFlat :: E a -> E a
expandFlat = cata algS . fmap (cata algP) . cata algSOP
algSOP :: EF a (NonEmpty (BT a)) -> NonEmpty (BT a)
algSOP = \case
Var' s -> pure (Leaf s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> (<>) <$> x <*> y
algP :: BTF a (E a) -> E a
algP = \case
Leaf' s -> Var s
Branch' x y -> Mul x y
algS :: NonEmptyF (E a) (E a) -> E a
algS = \case
NonEmptyF x Nothing -> x
NonEmptyF x (Just y) -> Add x y
Another option is using any of the other solutions and reassociating the sums in the distributed tree in a separate step.
flattenSum :: E a -> E a
flattenSum = cata alg
alg = \case
Add' x y -> apo coalg (x, y)
x -> embed x
coalg = \case
(Add x x', y) -> Add' (Left x) (Right (x', y))
(x, y) -> Add' (Left x) (Left y)
We can also roll flattenSum and expandEvert into a single function. Note that the sum coalgebra needs an extra case when it gets the result of the distribution coalgebra. That happens because, as the coalgebra proceeds from top to bottom, we can't be sure that the subtrees it generates are properly associated.
-- This is written in a slightly different style than the previous functions.
expandDirect :: E a -> E a
expandDirect = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> apo coalgAdd (Add x y)
Mul' x y -> (apo coalgAdd' . apo coalgMul) (Mul x y)
coalgAdd = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgAdd' = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
Add x (Add y y') -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add y y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgMul = \case
Mul (Add x x') y -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x' y))
Mul x (Add y y') -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
Perhaps there is a more clever way of writing expandDirect, but I haven't figured it out yet.

relation between monadic filter and fold

Many higher-order functions can be defined in term of the fold function. For example, here is the relation between filter and foldl in Haskell.
myFilter p [] = []
myFilter p l = foldl (\y x -> if (p x) then (x:y) else y) [] (reverse l)
Is there a similar relation between their monadic versions filterM and foldM ? How can I write filterM in term of foldM ?
I tried hard to find a monadic equivalent to \y x -> if (p x) then (x:y) else y to plug into foldM without success.
Like in D.M.'s answer, only without the reverse. Let the types guide you:
import Control.Monad
foldM :: (Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b
filterM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
filtM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
filtM p xs = foldM f id xs >>= (return . ($ []))
f acc x = do t <- p x
if t then return (acc.(x:)) else return acc
Not sure that it has any sense (since it has that strange reverse), but at least it type checked well:
myFilterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
myFilterM p l = foldM f [] (reverse l)
f y x = do
p1 <- p x
return $ if p1 then (x:y) else y

"No instance for (Ord k)" when implementing Functor over Data.Map.Map

I am attempting to implement the Functor fmap over a Data.Map.Map, but I am getting an error. I'm sure I don't need to convert the Map to and from a List in order to get this working, but this is the best I've come up with so far.
class Functor' f where
fmap' :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance Functor' (Map.Map k) where
fmap' f m
| Map.null m = Map.empty
| otherwise = let x:xs = Map.toList m
mtail = Map.fromList xs
a = fst x
b = snd x
in Map.insert a (f b) (fmap f mtail)
The error:
No instance for (Ord k)
arising from a use of `Map.fromList'
In the expression: Map.fromList xs
In an equation for `mtail': mtail = Map.fromList xs
In the expression:
x : xs = Map.toList m
mtail = Map.fromList xs
a = fst x
in Map.insert a (f b) (fmap f mtail)
Any ideas?
The error is due to not assigning the Ord predicate to the type-variable k. Just do this:
instance Ord k => Functor' (Map.Map k) where
