Growing svg with fixed-size elements? - svg

I have an arrow SVG, set up like this one:
<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="arrow">
<g class="tail">
<circle (...)></circle>
<g class="body">
<rect (...)></rect>
<g class="head">
<polygon (...)>
And I want to set it up so that when resizing it via CSS, regardless of its size,
the tail will remain in the left hand side with the same proportions,
the head will stay in the right hand side, also with the same proportions, and
the body will stretch horizontally indefinitely.
Can I do that? How can I do that?

Basically, you can create such SVG graphics by using nested svg elements with relative positioning (%value of root svg element's size), like this.
margin:0 10px;
transition: 1s ease-in-out 0s;
<svg class="root">
<svg class="tail" y="50%">
<circle r="10" fill="red"/>
<svg class="head" x="100%" y="50%">
<polygon points="-10,-10 10,0 -10,10" fill="blue"/>
<svg class="body" y="50%">
<rect x="0" y="-2" width="100%" height="4" fill="green"/>


How to add a hover effect to an html img tag with an SVG as it's src

I understand that I could simply swap one image for another on hover, or I could move the position of a sprite as a background, but is there any way I can change the fill of the svg on hover in some other way?
I originally thought the below would work but have discovered it does not work if the SVG is used as the src of an html image tag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="24px" height="17px" viewBox="0 0 24 17" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
#Page-1:hover #Shape{
fill: #00A49E !important;
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Desktop" transform="translate(-454.000000, -1073.000000)" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#9B9B9B">
<g id="email" transform="translate(454.000000, 1073.000000)">
<g id="Group">
<g id="Shape">
<path d="M22.2254762,0 C23.2055186,0 24,0.797143779 24,1.78716696 L24,15.212833 C24,16.1998581 23.2014771,17 22.2254762,17 L1.77452382,17 C0.794481378,17 0,16.2028562 0,15.212833 L0,1.78716696 C0,0.800141908 0.798522933,0 1.77452382,0 L22.2254762,0 Z M10.6054162,9.87197556 L2.12964982,3.11784921 C1.93425396,2.96214312 1.77777778,3.0378817 1.77777778,3.28512523 L1.77777778,14.7628523 C1.77777778,15.0060917 1.97746978,15.2105263 2.22380231,15.2105263 L21.7761977,15.2105263 C22.0198764,15.2105263 22.2222222,15.0100958 22.2222222,14.7628523 L22.2222222,3.28512523 C22.2222222,3.04188583 22.0646837,2.96298968 21.8703502,3.11784921 L13.3945838,9.87197556 C12.624058,10.4859884 11.3756236,10.4857346 10.6054162,9.87197556 Z M12.3507416,8.42142877 L20.3224534,2.06897091 C20.5152517,1.91533479 20.473415,1.78947368 20.2269738,1.78947368 L3.77302622,1.78947368 C3.52161302,1.78947368 3.48383733,1.91460885 3.67754658,2.06897091 L11.6492584,8.42142877 C11.8420567,8.57506489 12.1570324,8.57579083 12.3507416,8.42142877 Z"></path>

Clip Path not working in an SVG element

I'm trying to get a rectangular <clipPath> to clip a <circle> in an SVG element, but I can't seem to get it work.
Does anyone know what the problem is?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
#circle {width: 10rem;}
<clipPath id="myClipPath">
<rect x="30" y="30" width="100" height="100"/>
<svg id="circle" style="clip-path: url(#myClipPath)" viewBox="0 0 391 391">
<circle fill="#000" cx="195.5" cy="195.5" r="195"/>
You forget <svg> around your clip path declaration .
<svg width=0 height=0 >
<clipPath id="myClipPath">
<rect x="50px" y="50px" width="200px" height="200px"/>
<svg style="clip-path: url(#myClipPath)" id="circle" width="400" height="400">
<circle fill="#000" cx="100px" cy="100px" r="100px"/> </svg>
edit: i simplified and i added a witdh and height attribute

svg clipping mask not working

How can I make my clipping masks work?
I have 4 paths positioned at 0,0. I translate them and scale them so they are positioned at the same position as the referenced clipping mask.
<svg xmlns="" id="svg" width="600" height="800"
style="margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddd; background-color: white">
<g id="grid">
<path d="M1.1,0.4l0-0.3L1.1,0.9L0.5,0.8l0-0.5l0.3,0.2L0.6,0.1l-0.2,0l0,0.6l0.1,0.4L0.3,0.8L0,0.2l0,0.2l0.3,0.3l0.1,0.1"
stroke="black" stroke-width="0.0033333333333333335" fill="black"
transform="translate(0, 0) scale(300, 400) " clip-path="url(#grid-rect-0)"></path>
<path d="M-0.4,0.7l1,0.1l-0.6,0.2l0.1,0l0.4,0L0.4,0.8L0.4,1l0.1,0.1l0-0.4l0.1-0.7l0.1,0.2L0.6,0.9L1.2,0L1.1,1.1l0.4-0.9"
stroke="black" stroke-width="0.0033333333333333335" fill="black"
transform="translate(300, 0) scale(300, 400) " clip-path="url(#grid-rect-1)"></path>
<path d="M0,1l0.5,0L0.4,0.8L0.2,0.9l0.4,0.2l0.2-0.7L0.7,0.7l0-0.6l0.1,0.6L1,0.9l0.1,0L1,0.2L1,1l0.2-0.2L1.1,0.5"
stroke="black" stroke-width="0.0033333333333333335" fill="black"
transform="translate(0, 400) scale(300, 400) " clip-path="url(#grid-rect-2)"></path>
<path d="M0.8,0.8L1,0L0.7,0.7l0.2-0.3L1.1,0L0.7,0.6l0.1-0.4L0.6,0.5l0,0.3l-0.2,0L0.2,0.1l0.4,0.6L0.3,1.1l-0.3,0l0.5-0.6"
stroke="black" stroke-width="0.0033333333333333335" fill="black"
transform="translate(300, 400) scale(300, 400) " clip-path="url(#grid-rect-3)"></path>
<clipPath id="grid-rect-0">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="300" height="400"></rect>
<clipPath id="grid-rect-1">
<rect x="300" y="0" width="300" height="400"></rect>
<clipPath id="grid-rect-2">
<rect x="0" y="400" width="300" height="400"></rect>
<clipPath id="grid-rect-3">
<rect x="300" y="400" width="300" height="400"></rect>
The problem is that the translate and scale is also applied to the clip-path when the translate and scale is applied to an element. If you adjust the x/y/width/height on the clip path definition to something like 0.2/0.2/0.5/0.5 then you'll see the clip-path take effect.
You may want to express your clip path using %'s by specifying clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" in your clipPath element. That way, you may only need one clipPath definition.

How to set the common background In SVG?

How to set the common background for all svg?
<g id="dsfdf">
<g id="dsfgfdgdf">
How to set the common background for G tags. Please any one help
By specifying the fill in the svg element itself, you can always specify another color in the containing elements, like the red circle on the first position in the sample.
<svg fill="green" id="svg1" xmlns="" style="width: 3.5in; height: 1in">
<circle id="circle1" r="30" cx="100" cy="34" style="fill: red; stroke: blue; stroke-width: 2"/>
<circle id="circle2" r="30" cx="200" cy="34"/>
<circle id="circle3" r="30" cx="300" cy="34"/>

Adding svg to page from svg sprite

I'm using grunt-svgstore in my grunt set up to create a svg sprite file from svg I add to my project.
The output is something like this.
<svg xmlns=""><symbol viewBox="0 0 32 32" id="shape-times"><title>times</title><desc>Created with Sketch.</desc> <!-- Generator: Sketch 3.4.4 (17249) - --> <g id="times-Icons" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" sketch:type="MSPage"> <g id="times-times" sketch:type="MSArtboardGroup" fill="#B7C0C7"> <path d="M17.4142136,16 L23.7764339,9.63777963 C24.1745374,9.23967616 24.1686989,8.6123497 23.7781746,8.22182541 C23.3849276,7.82857845 22.753706,7.83208044 22.3622204,8.22356607 L16,14.5857864 L9.63777963,8.22356607 C9.23967616,7.8254626 8.6123497,7.83130112 8.22182541,8.22182541 C7.82857845,8.61507236 7.83208044,9.246294 8.22356607,9.63777963 L14.5857864,16 L8.22356607,22.3622204 C7.8254626,22.7603238 7.83130112,23.3876503 8.22182541,23.7781746 C8.61507236,24.1714215 9.246294,24.1679196 9.63777963,23.7764339 L16,17.4142136 L22.3622204,23.7764339 C22.7603238,24.1745374 23.3876503,24.1686989 23.7781746,23.7781746 C24.1714215,23.3849276 24.1679196,22.753706 23.7764339,22.3622204 L17.4142136,16 L17.4142136,16 Z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/> </g> </g> </symbol></svg>
At the top of my document I'm adding a reference to the svg file.
<?php include_once("images/svg/processed/svg-defs.svg"); ?>
Whats the best way or how do I show the svg on the page. I'm trying things like this.
<object type="image/svg+xml" width="100" height="100" data="#times-Icons"></object>
To can reference a <symbol> element with a <use> element.
You should include the SVG with the symbols at the top of your document. Actually it could go anywhere, but I believe Safari has a bug which requires the definitions to be before the references to them.
You will need to hide the symbol definition SVG so it is not visible. To do that can either use display="none" or set width="0" height="0".
Then to reference the symbol, create another SVG of the desired size with a <use> element.
<svg width="40px" height="40px">
<use xlink:href="#shape-times"/>
You can set the size explicitly as above, or use CSS as in the following example.
.large {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.small {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
<svg xmlns="" display="none"><symbol viewBox="0 0 32 32" id="shape-times"><title>times</title><desc>Created with Sketch.</desc> <!-- Generator: Sketch 3.4.4 (17249) - --> <g id="times-Icons" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" sketch:type="MSPage"> <g id="times-times" sketch:type="MSArtboardGroup" fill="#B7C0C7"> <path d="M17.4142136,16 L23.7764339,9.63777963 C24.1745374,9.23967616 24.1686989,8.6123497 23.7781746,8.22182541 C23.3849276,7.82857845 22.753706,7.83208044 22.3622204,8.22356607 L16,14.5857864 L9.63777963,8.22356607 C9.23967616,7.8254626 8.6123497,7.83130112 8.22182541,8.22182541 C7.82857845,8.61507236 7.83208044,9.246294 8.22356607,9.63777963 L14.5857864,16 L8.22356607,22.3622204 C7.8254626,22.7603238 7.83130112,23.3876503 8.22182541,23.7781746 C8.61507236,24.1714215 9.246294,24.1679196 9.63777963,23.7764339 L16,17.4142136 L22.3622204,23.7764339 C22.7603238,24.1745374 23.3876503,24.1686989 23.7781746,23.7781746 C24.1714215,23.3849276 24.1679196,22.753706 23.7764339,22.3622204 L17.4142136,16 L17.4142136,16 Z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/> </g> </g> </symbol></svg>
<svg width="40px" height="40px">
<use xlink:href="#shape-times"/>
<svg class="large">
<use xlink:href="#shape-times"/>
<svg class="small">
<use xlink:href="#shape-times"/>
