npm overwrite locally package - node.js

I have read many questions and articles but I don't have found a solution.
I have an npm package installed into my system, and I'm developing its new version.
I have download my repository make some updates and after I have followed the npm guide so I have done in this way inside my package folder:
npm install . -g
npm link
cd ../some-other-folder
npm install ../my-package
After these command I tried to launch my npm like:
But return me the same thing that old version, updates aren't shown.
How can I fix It?
How can I test my locally updates?


node js npm package installation not completed

I try to install node js npm packages, but It start to install and unfortunately freezes. I also try to install angular packages and it doesn't any problem. please help to fix this issue.
node version is 12.13.1;
npm version is 6.12.1;
I tried to install packages this way
npm i html-to-xlsx
here is a result:
another installation result:
Try the following commands then re-run the command:
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
And make sure you are in a place with good internet connection. Sometimes this is the issue.
I found way to fix this issue. I add -g before package name
npm install -g html-to-xlsx
Everything looks good
After that I enter this path C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules and copy needful module into my working folder

Fresh install of npm and node

I have recently started working with Angular 2 and am unable to get the Angular 2 Quickstart project to run correctly due to a number of errors in my npm dependencies.
Am I able to globally uninstall everything that was previously installed with npm to allow me to do a clean install of it and any required dependencies?
Note: The errors are the same as these examples which are caused by packages needing to be installed globally, however, the errors still occur having followed these steps...
To check your global installed packages you can type:
npm ls -g --depth=0
That lists all global installed packages with depth=0. That mean that it doesn't output dependencies of the packages. You can uninstall global packages with:
npm uninstall -g package-name
Please do not uninstall the npm package itself... But you can update your npm version with npm:
npm install npm -g
As mentioned in the Article your Node.js version should be at least v4.x.x and the npm version should be v3.x.x. You can get the installed versions with these commands:
node -v
npm -v
Updating your Node.js depends on your Operating System. Assuming that you use Windows you should uninstall the current version via control panel and download an actual release from the official Node.js page.
To get a great overview how npm works you should consider reading their
Make sure you have the correct node.js version. The guide says 5.0 or greater but points you to the wrong download link.
Try this:
With this node you should be able to follow the guide step by step.

npm install fails because package is missing in registry

I have an issue with a project where we are using node and brunch. The issue is current specific to brunch, but could occur for any module would be my guess.
The easiest way to currently reproduce this, is to do the following in a new folder:
npm init
npm install --save-dev brunch
The issue here is that brunch depends on loggy, which in turn depends on ansi-color, which no longer has an entry in the npmregistry:
I think this might be the github project:
In any case, I am unable to proceed, and all our builds fail because they are not able to fetch the given dependency.
I could perhaps use npm shrinkwrap in some way, but that depends on the modules already existing in node_modules, which I am currently missing.
So how can I force npm to use ansi-color from a different location, or ignore the dependency?
Not sure about npm 2 but you can fix this with beta npm 3. npm 3 has flat node_modules directory. So sub modules can sit in the top level. Read the Changelog.
The missing modules can be installed directly from their Github repo as a toplevel dependency in your project. If npm finds the module with the same version in node_modules directory, it won't look for it anymore in the registry.
Install npm 3:
npm install -g npm#3-latest
Then install depencies:
//install missing module from other location
npm install --save-dev
npm install --save-dev brunch
It looks like ansi-color is back on the npm registry ("" is back online)

How to install node.js modules downloaded manually [duplicate]

There are quite a few modules which are listed on node's github page but are not published with the npm-registry. These modules can't be installed using npm.
What is the correct way to install these nodejs modules after cloning them from Git?
You need to download their source from the github. Find the main file and then include it in your main file.
An example of this can be found here > How to manually install a node.js module?
Usually you need to find the source and go through the package.json file. There you can find which is the main file. So that you can include that in your application.
To include example.js in your app. Copy it in your application folder and append this on the top of your main js file.
var moduleName = require("path/to/example.js")
These modules can't be installed using npm.
Actually you can install a module by specifying instead of a name a local path. As long as the repository has a valid package.json file it should work.
Type npm -l and a pretty help will appear like so :
install npm install <tarball file>
npm install <tarball url>
npm install <folder>
npm install <pkg>
npm install <pkg>#<tag>
npm install <pkg>#<version>
npm install <pkg>#<version range>
Can specify one or more: npm install ./foo.tgz bar#stable /some/folder
If no argument is supplied and ./npm-shrinkwrap.json is
present, installs dependencies specified in the shrinkwrap.
Otherwise, installs dependencies from ./package.json.
What caught my eyes was: npm install <folder>
In my case I had trouble with mrt module so I did this (in a temporary directory)
Clone the repo
git clone
And I install it globally with:
npm install -g ./meteorite
One can also install in the same manner the repo to a local npm project with:
npm install ../meteorite
And also one can create a link to the repo, in case a patch in development is needed:
npm link ../meteorite
Nowadays npm supports also github and git repositories (see, as a shorthand you can run :
npm i
Download the code from github into the node_modules directory
var moduleName = require("<name of directory>")
that should do it.
if the module has dependancies and has a package.json, open the module and enter npm install.
Hope this helps
You can clone the module directly in to your local project.
Start terminal. cd in to your project and then:
npm install --save
let's say you are working on a project use-gulp which
uses(requires) node_modules like gulp and gulp-util.
Now you want to make some modifications to gulp-util lib and test it locally with your use-gulp project...
Fork gulp-util project on github\bitbucket etc.
Switch to your project: cd use-gulp/node_modules
Clone gulp-util as gulp-util-dev : git clone https://.../gulp-util.git gulp-util-dev
Run npm install to ensure dependencies of gulp-util-dev are available.
Now you have a mirror of gulp-util as gulp-util-dev. In your use-gulp project, you can now replace: require('gulp-util')...; call with : require('gulp-util-dev') to test your changes you made to gulp-util-dev

npm install locally

In the past when I installed packages using npm(>=1.0) they would be installed locally, but not anymore.
My setup:
First I use nvm to install node.js.
My operating System:
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/so/6513101$ cat /etc/lsb-release
My node version:
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/so/6513101$ node -v
My npm version:
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/so/6513101$ npm -v
Installing random package
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/so/6513101$ npm install notifo
notifo#0.0.2 ../../../node_modules/notifo
In the past it would install into the same directory but it does not install in the same directory anymore. is my npm/node.js broken or am I missing something or does npm not anymore install local packages(inside same folder => ~/node/so/6513101/node_modules) which I thought was a cool feature because I could bundle all my dependencies so that other users did not have to install npm to use my code(I still believe users should install npm because it is a great product). The bundle command is gone so I can't use that? Could someone please explain to me what is going on?
npm walks up the folder tree until it finds a node_modules or a package.json and uses that as the root. What does npm root print out?
If you mkdir node_modules or create a package.json file, then it'll use the cwd.
EDIT: I won't see updates you post here. For better results, just post everything in the github issue, and let's do the support over there.
