Keras Lambda Layer for Custom Loss - keras

I am attempting to implement a Lambda layer that will produce a custom loss function. In the layer, I need to be able to compare every element in a batch to every other element in the batch in order to calculate the cost. Ideally, I want code that looks something like this:
for el_1 in zip(y_pred, y_true):
for el_2 in zip(y_pred, y_true):
if el_1[1] == el_2[1]:
# Perform a calculation
# Perform a different calculation
When I true this, I get:
TypeError: TensorType does not support iteration.
I am using Keras version 2.0.2 with a Theano version 0.9.0 backend. I understand that I need to use Keras tensor functions in order to do this, but I can't figure out any tensor functions that do what I want.
Also, I am having difficulty understanding precisely what my Lambda function should return. Is it a tensor of the total cost for each sample, or is it just a total cost for the batch?
I have been beating my head against this for days. Any help is deeply appreciated.

A tensor in Keras commonly has at least 2 dimensions, the batch and the neuron/unit/node/... dimension. A dense layer with 128 units trained with a batch size of 64 would therefore yields a tensor with shape (64,128).
Your LambdaLayer processes tensors as any other layer does, plugging it in after your dense layer from before will give you a tensor with shape (64,128) to process. Processing a tensor works similar to how calculations on numpy arrays works (or any other vector processing library really): you specify one operation to broadcast over all elements in the data structure.
For example, your custom cost is the difference for each value in the batch, you would implement it like so:
cost_layer = LambdaLayer(lambda a,b: a - b)
The - operation is broadcasted over a and b and will return a suitable result provided the dimensions match. The takeaway is that you really only can specify one operation for every value. If you want to do more complex tasks, for example computations based on the value you need single operations that take two operations and apply the correct one accordingly, i.e. the switch operation.
The syntax for K.switch is
K.switch(condition, then_expression, else_expression)
For example, if you want to subtract both values when a != b but add them when they are equal, you would write:
import keras.backend as K
cost_layer = LambdaLayer(lambda a,b: K.switch(a != b, a - b, a + b))


Action-selection for dqn with pytorch

I’m a newbie in DQN and try to understand its coding. I am trying the code below as epsilon greedy action selection but I am not sure how it works
if sample > eps_threshold:
with torch.no_grad():
# t.max(1) will return largest column value of each row.
# second column on max result is index of where max element was
# found, so we pick action with the larger expected reward.
return policy_net(state).max(1)[1].view(1, 1)
return torch.tensor([[random.randrange(n_actions)]], device=device, dtype=torch.long)
Could you please let me know what are indices in max(1)[1] and what is view(1, 1) and it’s indices. Also why “with torch.no_grad():” has been used
When you train a model, torch has to store all the tensors involved in computing the output into a graph, to then be able to make a backward pass during training; this is computationally expensive, and considering that after selecting the action you don't have to train the network, because your only goal here it to pick one using the current weights, then it's just better to use torch.no_grad(). Note that without that part the code would still work the same way, maybe just a bit slower.
About the max(1)[1] part, I'm not really sure how the inputs and outputs are taken considering that there's only a small portion of code here, but I guess that the model takes as input batches of data and outputs a Q-value for each action; then, for each of this outputs you have to take the action that gives you the highest value, so you basically need a max at each row, and that's done by specifying as axis (or dim as torch calls it) the first one, which represents the columns (at every row you take the max of the corresponding columns, which are the actions in this case).

What are some ways to speed up data loading on large sparse arrays (~1 million x 1 million, density ~0.0001) in Pytorch?

I am working on a binary classification problem. I have ~1.5 million data points, and the dimensionality of the feature space is 1 million. This dataset is stored as a sparse array, with a density of ~0.0001. For this post, I'll limit the scope to assume that the model is a shallow feedforward neural network, and also assume that the dimensionality has already been optimized (so cannot be reduced below 1 million). Naiive approaches to create mini-batches out of this data to feed into the network would take a lot of time (As an example, a basic approach of creating a TensorDataset (map style) from a torch.sparse.FloatTensor representation of the input array, and wrapping a DataLoader around it, means ~20s to get a mini-batch of 32 to the network, as opposed to say ~0.1s to perform the actual training). I am looking for ways to speed this up.
What I've tried
I first figured that reading from such a large sparse array in every iteration of the DataLoader was computationally intensive, so I broke down this sparse array into smaller sparse arrays
For the DataLoader to read from these multiple sparse arrays in an iterative fashion, I replaced the map style dataset that I had inside the DataLoader with an IterableDataset, and streamed these smaller sparse arrays into this IterableDataset like so:
from itertools import chain
from scipy import sparse
class SparseIterDataset(
def __init__(self, fpaths):
self.fpaths = fpaths
def read_from_file(self, fpath):
data = sparse.load_npz(fpath).toarray()
for d in data:
yield torch.Tensor(d)
def get_stream(self, fpaths):
return chain.from_iterable(map(self.read_from_file, fpaths))
def __iter__(self):
return self.get_stream(self.fpaths)
With this approach, I was able to bring down the time from the naiive base case of ~20s to ~0.2s per minibatch of 32. However, given that my dataset has ~1.5 million samples, this still implies a lot of time spent on even making one pass through the dataset. (As a comparison, even though it's slightly apples to oranges, running a logistic regression on scikit-learn on the original sparse array takes about ~6s per iteration through the whole dataset. With pytorch, with the approach I just outlined, it would take ~3000s just to load all the minibatches in an epoch)
One thing which I am aware of but yet to try is using multiprocess data loading by setting the num_workers argument in the DataLoader. I believe this has its own catches in the case of iterable style datasets though. Plus even a 10x speedup would still mean ~300s per epoch in loading mini batches. I feel I'm being inordinately slow! Are there any other approaches/improvements/best practices that you could suggest?
Your dataset in un-sparsified form would be 1.5M x 1M x 1 byte = 1.5TB as uint8, or 1.5M x 1M x 4 byte = 6TB as float32. Simply reading 6TB from memory to CPU could take 5-10 minutes on a modern CPU (depending on the architecture), and transfer speeds from CPU to GPU would be a bit slower than that (NVIDIA V100 on PCIe has 32GB/s theoretical).
Benchmark everything individually - eg in jupyter
%%timeit data = sparse.load_npz(fpath).toarray()
%%timeit dense = data.toarray() # un-sparsify for comparison
%%timeit t = torch.tensor(data) # probably about the same as the line above
Also print out the shapes and datatypes of everything to make sure they are as expected. I haven't tried running your code but I am pretty sure that (a) sparse.load_npz is extremely fast and unlikely to be a bottleneck, but (b) torch.tensor(data) produces a dense tensor and is also quite slow here
Use torch.sparse. I think torch sparse tensors can be used as regular tensors in most cases. You'd have to do some data prep to convert from scipy.sparse to torch.sparse:
A sparse tensor is represented as a pair of dense tensors: a tensor of
values and a 2D tensor of indices. A sparse tensor can be constructed by
providing these two tensors, as well as the size of the sparse tensor
You mention torch.sparse.FloatTensor but I'm pretty sure you're not making sparse tensors in your code - there is no reason to expect those would be constructed simply from passing a scipy.sparse array to a regular tensor constructor, since that's not how they're usually made.
If you figure out a good way to do this, I recommend you post it as a project or git on github, it would be quite useful.
If torch.sparse doesn't work out, think of other ways to either convert the data to dense only on the GPU, or avoid converting it entirely.
See also:

GradientTape losing track of variable

I have a script that performs a Gatys-like neural style transfer. It uses style loss, and a total variation loss. I'm using the GradientTape() to compute my gradients. The losses that I have implemented seem to work fine, but a new loss that I added isn't being properly accounted for by the GradientTape(). I'm using TensorFlow with eager execution enabled.
I suspect it has something to do with how I compute the loss based on the input variable. The input is a 4D tensor (batch, h, w, channels). At the most basic level, the input is a floating point image, and in order to compute this new loss I need to convert it to a binary image to compute the ratio of one pixel color to another. I don't want to actually go and change the image like that during every iteration, so I just make a copy of the tensor(in numpy form) and operate on that to compute the loss. I do not understand the limitations of the GradientTape, but I believe it is "losing the thread" of how the input variable is used to get to the loss when it's converted to a numpy array.
Could I make a copy of the image tensor and perform binarizing operations & loss computation using that? Or am I asking tensorflow to do something that it just can not do?
My new loss function:
def compute_loss(self, **kwargs):
loss = 0
image = self.model.deprocess_image(kwargs['image'].numpy())
binarized_image = self.image_decoder.binarize_image(image)
volume_fraction = self.compute_volume_fraction(binarized_image)
loss = np.abs(self.volume_fraction_target - volume_fraction)
return loss
My implementation using the GradientTape:
def compute_grads_and_losses(self, style_transfer_state):
Computes gradients with respect to input image
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = self.loss_evaluator.compute_total_loss(style_transfer_state)
total_loss = loss['total_loss']
return tape.gradient(total_loss, style_transfer_state['image']), loss
An example that I believe might illustrate my confusion. The strangest thing is that my code doesn't have any problem running; it just doesn't seem to minimize the new loss term whatsoever. But this example won't even run due to an attribute error: AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute '_id'.
import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
import tensorflow as tf
def compute_square_of_value(x):
a = turn_to_numpy(x['x'])
return a**2
def turn_to_numpy(arg):
return arg.numpy() #just return arg to eliminate the error
x = tfe.Variable(3.0, dtype=tf.float32)
data_dict = {'x': x}
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y = compute_square_of_value(data_dict)
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x) # Will compute to 6.0
From my current understanding the issue arises that my use of the .numpy() operation is what makes the Gradient Tape lose track of the variable to compute the gradient from. My original reason for doing this is because my loss operation requires me to physically change values of the tensor, and I don't want to actually change the values used for the tensor that is being optimized. Hence the use of the numpy() copy to work on in order to compute the loss properly. Is there any way around this? Or is shall I consider my loss calculation to be impossible to implement because of this constraint of having to perform essentially non-reversible operations on the input tensor?
The first issue here is that GradientTape only traces operations on tf.Tensor objects. When you call tensor.numpy() the operations executed there fall outside the tape.
The second issue is that your first example never calls tape.watche on the image you want to differentiate with respect to.

Compute a linear combination of tensors in Tensorflow

I am attempting to compute a linear combination of n tensors of the same dimension in Tensorflow. The scalar coefficients are Tensorflow Variables.
Since tf.scalar_mul does not generalise to multiplying a vector of tensors by a vector of scalars, I have thus far used tf.gather and performed each multiplication individually in a python for loop, and then converted the list of results to a tensor and summed them across the zeroth axis. Like so:
coefficients = tf.Variable(tf.constant(initial_value, shape=[n]))
components = []
for i in range(n):
components.append(tf.scalar_mul(tf.gather(coefficients, i), tensors[i]))
combination = tf.reduce_sum(tf.convert_to_tensor(components), axis=0)
This works fine, but does not scale well at all. My application requires computing n linear combinations, meaning I have n^2 gather and multiply operations. With large values of n the computation time is poor and the memory usage of the program is unreasonably large.
Is there a more natural way of computing a linear combination like this in Tensorflow that would be faster and less resource intensive?
Use broadcasting. Assuming coefficients has shape (n,) and tensors shape (n,...) you can simply use
coefficients[:, tf.newaxis, ...] * tensors
here, you would need to repeat tf.newaxis as many times as tensors has dimenions besides the one of size n. So e.g. if tensors has shape (n, a, b) you would use coefficients[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
This will turn coefficients into a tensor with the same number of dimensions as tensors, but all dimensions except the first one are of size 1, so they can be broadcast to the shape of tensors.
Some alternatives:
Define coefficients as a variable with the correct number of dimensions in the first place (a little ugly in my opinion).
Use tf.reshape to reshape coefficients to (n, 1, ...) instead if you don't like the indexing syntax.
Use tf.transpose to shift the dimension of size n to the end of tensors. Then the dimensions align for broadcasting without needing to add dimensions to coefficients.
Also see the numpy docs on broadcasting -- it works essentially the same way in Tensorflow.
There is a new PyPI module called TWIT, Tensor Weighted Interpolative Transfer, that will do this fast. It is written in C for the core operations.

PyTorch: Relation between Dynamic Computational Graphs - Padding - DataLoader

As far as I understand, the strength of PyTorch is supposed to be that it works with dynamic computational graphs. In the context of NLP, that means that sequences with variable lengths do not necessarily need to be padded to the same length. But, if I want to use PyTorch DataLoader, I need to pad my sequences anyway because the DataLoader only takes tensors - given that me as a total beginner does not want to build some customized collate_fn.
Now this makes me wonder - doesn’t this wash away the whole advantage of dynamic computational graphs in this context?
Also, if I pad my sequences to feed it into the DataLoader as a tensor with many zeros as padding tokens at the end (in the case of word ids), will it have any negative effect on my training since PyTorch may not be optimized for computations with padded sequences (since the whole premise is that it can work with variable sequence lengths in the dynamic graphs), or does it simply not make any difference?
I will also post this question in the PyTorch Forum...
In the context of NLP, that means that sequences with variable lengths do not necessarily need to be padded to the same length.
This means that you don't need to pad sequences unless you are doing data batching which is currently the only way to add parallelism in PyTorch. DyNet has a method called autobatching (which is described in detail in this paper) that does batching on the graph operations instead of the data, so this might be what you want to look into.
But, if I want to use PyTorch DataLoader, I need to pad my sequences anyway because the DataLoader only takes tensors - given that me as a total beginner does not want to build some customized collate_fn.
You can use the DataLoader given you write your own Dataset class and you are using batch_size=1. The twist is to use numpy arrays for your variable length sequences (otherwise default_collate will give you a hard time):
from import Dataset
from import DataLoader
class FooDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data, target):
assert len(data) == len(target) = data = target
def __getitem__(self, index):
def __len__(self):
return len(
data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6,7,8]]
data = [np.array(n) for n in data]
targets = ['a', 'b']
ds = FooDataset(data, targets)
dl = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=1)
# [(0, [
# 1 2 3
# [torch.LongTensor of size 1x3]
# , ('a',)]), (1, [
# 4 5 6 7 8
# [torch.LongTensor of size 1x5]
# , ('b',)])]
Now this makes me wonder - doesn’t this wash away the whole advantage of dynamic computational graphs in this context?
Fair point but the main strength of dynamic computational graphs are (at least currently) mainly the possibility of using debugging tools like pdb which rapidly decrease your development time. Debugging is way harder with static computation graphs. There is also no reason why PyTorch would not implement further just-in-time optimizations or a concept similar to DyNet's auto-batching in the future.
Also, if I pad my sequences to feed it into the DataLoader as a tensor with many zeros as padding tokens at the end [...], will it have any negative effect on my training [...]?
Yes, both in runtime and for the gradients. The RNN will iterate over the padding just like normal data which means that you have to deal with it in some way. PyTorch supplies you with tools for dealing with padded sequences and RNNs, namely pad_packed_sequence and pack_padded_sequence. These will let you ignore the padded elements during RNN execution, but beware: this does not work with RNNs that you implement yourself (or at least not if you don't add support for it manually).
