builder.Prompts.text not working after being hosted remotely - node.js

I have a simple bot that fetches news articles based on a user prompt. The entire flow works fine locally using emulator but after being deployed to a server the bot fails when it hits a builder.Prompts.text block. Below is my code and you will see a "Asking article count" prompt which is where it stops in flow.
Bot shows accepted when testing on the BOT Framework page
Bot is receiving messages via WebChat and Slack
Bot also shows 0 issues for each channel after interacting
var bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector);
var intents = new builder.IntentDialog();
bot.dialog('/', intents);
var HHCC = require('./hhcc.js');
intents.matches(/^news/i, [
function(session) {
console.log("Intent Given!");
function(session, results) {
session.send('Enjoy reading!');
bot.dialog('/news', [
function(session) {
console.log("Asking article count");
builder.Prompts.text(session, 'How many articles would you like to see?');
function(session, results) {
session.conversationData.count = results.response;
HHCC.getNews(session.conversationData.count, session, function(newsArticles) {
newsArticles.forEach(function(newsCard) {
}); = newsArticles;
]);'/api/messages', connector.listen());
Ive checked all logs and can't seem to find any clues as its failing pretty silently.

Have you attempted using builder.Prompts.number() instead of .text()? It only accepts numbers and (I'm guessing you're doing this) you won't have to parse the results.response into a number. Without provided error messages or logs it's difficult to help.
One thing you might have to look out for (if using builder.Prompts.number) is if a user provides a decimal, as the prompt will accept this input, requiring the bot to round to the nearest integer.
Also, if you've saved the results.response into your session object, you will not need to pass in session.conversationData.count as another parameter to HHCC.getNews(). You can instead access it from session in your function.


How can I send a message from bot framework sdk after a period of inactivity? In nodejs

I am using the nodejs SDK for Bot Framework to develop a chatbot. I want to send a message to the user if they do not write in 5 minutes.
I do not find an example in bot-framework documentation and, in stackoverflow there are not solutions for a started bot (I do not need it to start the conversation). Where do I need to create the code? I have an index.js and a dialog file. How can I set the timer and restart it when the user send a message?
I'm using directline.
There are two different ways you can approach this, one for directline only using events and one for all channels using setTimeout. The directline solution requires some code on your webchat client, but the latter requires you to save the conversation reference and start a new bot adapter. Both approaches could work.
Directline Only
You need to set up your webchat client to set up the timer and send an event to your bot if no activities are sent before the timer expires. You need to create a custom store to do this. Here is an example I used in the past:
const store = window.WebChat.createStore({}, function(dispatch) { return function(next) { return function(action) {
if (action.type === 'WEB_CHAT/SEND_MESSAGE') {
// Message sent by the user
} else if (action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/INCOMING_ACTIVITY' && !== "inactive") {
// Message sent by the bot
interval = setTimeout(function() {
// Notify bot the user has been inactive
payload: {
name: 'inactive',
value: ''
}, 300000)
return next(action);
This will send an event to your bot with the name 'inactive'. Now you need to set up your bot to handle it. So in your this.onEvent handler you need to do something like this:
if ( && === 'inactive') {
await context.sendActivity({
text: 'Are you still there? Is there anything else I can help you with?',
name: 'inactive'
All channels
As I'm typing this up, I'm realizing you should be able to emit the event from your bot itself and forego starting a new bot adapter instance. But I haven't tried that before, so I'm providing my existing solution. But you may wish to experiment with emitting an inactive event if the timeout is reached instead of the actions below.
That said, here is a solution you can use within your this.onMessage handler.
// Inactivity messages
// Reset the inactivity timer
this.inactivityTimer = setTimeout(async function(conversationReference) {
console.log('User is inactive');
try {
const adapter = new BotFrameworkAdapter({
appId: process.env.microsoftAppID,
appPassword: process.env.microsoftAppPassword
await adapter.continueConversation(conversationReference, async turnContext => {
await turnContext.sendActivity('Are you still there?');
} catch (error) {
//console.log('Bad Request. Please ensure your message contains the conversation reference and message text.');
}, 300000, conversationData.conversationReference);
Note that you have to get and save the conversationReference if you go this route, so that you can call continueConversation if the timer expires. I typically do this in my this.onMessage handler as well just to make sure I always have a valid conversation reference. You can get it with the below code (I'm assuming you already have your conversation state and state accessor defined).
const conversationData = await this.dialogState.get(context, {});
conversationData.conversationReference = TurnContext.getConversationReference(context.activity);
Now as I mentioned in the first solution, I believe you should be able to send an inactivity event in your try block instead of initiating the bot adapter. If you try that and it works, please let me know so I can update this solution!

slack how to know if bot recently posted

I am using botkit, i have a bot that responses to a certain word.
But i don't want the bot to response if it recently did so.
Currently i am using channels.history method to retrieve 4 recent messages then find the bot id, if its there it won't reply. This is not pretty, i've been searching for useful methods to use but i can't find any. I just want to find out if the bot recently posted or not and do actions base on it.
const targetBotID = 'GKALXJCM6'
latest: message.ts,
count: 4,
inclusive: 1,
}, function(err, response) {
if(err) { bot.reply(message, 'Something is wrong with me, check log if there is??'); }
const recentPostFound = response.messages.filter(function (member) {
return member.user === targetBotID;
return bot.reply();
return bot.reply(answer) // Answer if no matching id found
I can see two solutions to your issue:
Record previous actions of your bot in some kind of app context (e.g. database). Then you can verify each time if your bot already answered.
Consider using Events API instead of loading the chat history each time. Then your bot gets exactly one event request for each new message in a channel and you can be sure that your bot will only react once.

Botbuilder - How to ignore user response without exiting prompt dialog

I have a multipatform bot (node.js through Azure Botframework) that uses a series of prompts to play a game with the user.
In group mode, such as on Kik or Slack, it waits for responses addressed to the bot.
However, I haven't found a way to simply ignore a message that doesn't address the bot. The solution I found ages ago was to simply reply with a new blank prompt:
builder.Prompts.text(session, "");
And this worked fine. However recently Slack must have changed something, because now this causes an error and the bot restarts.
How do I make the bot ignore certain responses without ending the dialog?
If suggesting a duplicate, please ensure it actually addresses this issue. Many other questions allow for the dialog to end, however this would interrupt the game.
You can setup middleware, as mentioned by Gary, that intercepts incoming messages and only processes it if the bot is #mentioned:
botbuilder: function (session, next) {
var message = session.message;
var botMri =;
var botAtMentions = message.entities && message.entities.filter(
(entity) => (entity.type === "mention") && ( === botMri));
if (botAtMentions && botAtMentions.length) {
send: function (event, next) {

Chatbot messages do not show up in Facebook Messenger chat heads

I am developing a chatbot for Facebook Messenger using Microsoft Bot Framework. The bot sends the user proactive messages (reminders). Unfortunately, for some reason the messages never show up in a chat head (the Android widget for conversations), nor pop up a chat head if it wasn't present on the screen before. It does happen for other chatbots (Jarvis, for example).
This is the code that sends the reminders:
Reminder.find({ next_reminder: { $lte: new Date() } }, (err, res) => {
if (err !== null) {
return console.error(err);
res.forEach(reminder => {
// Build a notification message and address it to user who created the reminder
const msg = new builder.Message().text('...');
bot.beginDialog(reminder.user_address, '*:/sendReminder', {message: msg, nudnik: nudnik});
I have also tried bot.send(msg, () => ....) and session.beginDialog('sendReminder', msg). However, there is still no indication from Messenger when the message is received. What could go wrong here?
OK, I figured it out! Apparently, the default notification setting for a Facebook message is not to show a notification. To change it, in NodeJS you should add channel-specific data to the message with the following code:
msg = msg.sourceEvent({
{notification_type: 'REGULAR'}
You can discover more in official documentation by Microsoft (here and here) and also in this Github discussion.

Bot Framework: Handle incorrect user inputs

I've built a bot that asks user to upload an attachment. But I also want to give the ability to the user to just type any text instead of uploading an attachment, but whenever I do that it says
I didn't receive a file. Please try again.
In the command line, I can see it says no intent handler found for null. How do I handle these nulls/incorrect inputs?
Sample code:
intents.matchesAny([/lost and found/i], [
function (session) {
builder.Prompts.attachment(session,"Please upload a picture of the item.");
function (session) {
session.endConversation('Thank you');
Per your issue message, no intent handler found for null, which seems that you are using builder.IntentDialog, and the issue means that your bot didn't match any intents provided in your bot.
Also I notice that your are using intents.matchesAny, according to the comment:
Invokes a handler when any of the given intents are detected in the users utterance. So I think you forget to set such intent lost and found in your LUIS server.
If you want to trigger any miss catched user utterance, you can try to use:
function (session) {
builder.Prompts.attachment(session,"Please upload a picture of the item.");
function (session) {
session.endConversation('Thank you');
