Is there an Azure powershell cmdlet to get cores, cpu of an ARM VM in a subscription - azure

I am trying to get the list of ARM VM's in a subscription using Get-AzureRmVM and their instance sizes using the HardwareProfile.VmSize object. Is there a way to get the #of Cpu, #of Cores etc. for each vm using a cmdlet ( like in classic using the Get-AzureRoleSize cmdlet) ?

Do you mean use command to get information like this?
PS C:\User> $size = (Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName ubuntu -Name vm1).HardwareProfile.VmSize
PS C:\Users> get-azurermvmsize -location eastus | ?{ $ -eq $size }
Name NumberOfCores MemoryInMB MaxDataDiskCount OSDiskSizeInMB ResourceDiskSizeInMB
---- ------------- ---------- ---------------- -------------- --------------------
Standard_DS1_v2 1 3584 2 1047552 7168

Here the complete solution if you want to get the Total Cores of multiple VMs:
# Calculating total Amount of Cores
Write-Output "Calculating the total Cores of VMs ..."
try {
$TotalCores = $null
$Location = "westeurope"
$Cores = $null
$TotalVMs = (Get-AzVM -Status | Where-Object { $_.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded" }) | Sort-Object -Property Name
foreach ($VM in $TotalVMs) {
Write-Output "Checking $($Vm.Name) ..."
$VMSize = (Get-AzVM -Name $VM.Name).HardwareProfile.VmSize
$Cores = (Get-AzVMSize -location $Location | Where-Object { $ -eq $VMSize }).NumberOfCores
$TotalCores += $Cores
Write-Output "Wow! Found '$TotalCores' Cores ..."
catch {
$ErrorMsg = "[ERROR] while calculating the total CPU Cores: $($_.Exception.Message)!"
Write-Error -Message $ErrorMsg


How to loop through mulitple azure subscriptions parallelly

I am trying with nested ForEach-Object -Parallel to loop through multiple azure subscriptions parallelly and get data from all VMs in one go. I am using below code:
$SubsJob = Get-AzSubscription -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Name -match 'abc'} | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
$Context = Set-AzContext -Tenant $_.TenantId -SubscriptionId $_.SubscriptionId
[System.String]$ScriptBlock = {Get-Process}
$VMsJob = Get-AzVM | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
$FileName = $using:Context.Subscription.Name + "_$($_.Name)_" + (Get-Random) + ".ps1"
Out-File -FilePath $FileName -InputObject $using:ScriptBlock -NoNewline
$Output = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -Name $_.Name -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath $FileName
$PSCustomObject = [PSCustomObject]#{Subscription = $using:Context.Subscription.Name; ServerName = $_.Name; Output = $Output}
#Remove-Item -Path $FileName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Output $PSCustomObject
} -ThrottleLimit 200 -AsJob
Write-Output $VMsJob
} -ThrottleLimit 200 -AsJob
I am not able to get it work, not sure what is wrong. One thing I observed while debugging is that, Get-AzVM command is getting VMs list from all the subscriptions rather than specific subscription. I came to know that by looking at the Out-File -FilePath $FileName which are generated.
server1 is only present in sub1 but it is being picked in sub2 as well.

Azure Powershell Question for Virtual Machine

I am reviewing a script that is supposed to delete a vm along with all of the resources attributed to the vm
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Please enter the VM name you would like to remove:"
$VMName = Read-Host
$vm = Get-AzVm -Name $VMName
if ($vm) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Resource Group Name is identified as-' $RGName
#boot diagnostics container auto generated in storage account. Auto delete this storageURI property
$diagSa = [regex]::match($vm.DiagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.storageUri, '^http[s]?://(.+?)\.').groups[1].value
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Marking Disks for deletion...'
$tags = #{"VMName"=$VMName; "Delete Ready"="Yes"}
$osDiskName = $vm.StorageProfile.OSDisk.Name
$datadisks = $vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks
$ResourceID = (Get-Azdisk -Name $osDiskName).id
New-AzTag -ResourceId $ResourceID -Tag $tags | Out-Null
if ($vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($datadisks in $vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks){
$ResourceID = (Get-Azdisk -Name $datadiskname).id
New-AzTag -ResourceId $ResourceID -Tag $tags | Out-Null
if ($vm.Name.Length -gt 9){
$i = 9
$i = $vm.Name.Length - 1
$azResourceParams = #{
'ResourceName' = $VMName
'ResourceType' = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
'ResourceGroupName' = $RGName
$vmResource = Get-AzResource #azResourceParams
$vmId = $vmResource.Properties.VmId
$diagContainerName = ('bootdiagnostics-{0}-{1}' -f $vm.Name.ToLower().Substring(0, $i), $vmId)
$diagSaRg = (Get-AzStorageAccount | where { $_.StorageAccountName -eq $diagSa }).ResourceGroupName
$saParams = #{
'ResourceGroupName' = $diagSaRg
'Name' = $diagSa
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Removing Boot Diagnostic disk..'
if ($diagSa){
Get-AzStorageAccount #saParams | Get-AzStorageContainer | where {$_.Name-eq $diagContainerName} | Remove-AzStorageContainer -Force
else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "No Boot Diagnostics Disk found attached to the VM!"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Removing Virtual Machine-' $VMName 'in Resource Group-'$RGName '...'
$null = $vm | Remove-AzVM -Force
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Removing Network Interface Cards, Public IP Address(s) used by the VM...'
foreach($nicUri in $vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id) {
$nic = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Name $nicUri.Split('/')[-1]
Remove-AzNetworkInterface -Name $nic.Name -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Force
foreach($ipConfig in $nic.IpConfigurations) {
if($ipConfig.PublicIpAddress -ne $null){
Remove-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Name $ipConfig.PublicIpAddress.Id.Split('/')[-1] -Force
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan 'Removing OS disk and Data Disk(s) used by the VM..'
Get-AzResource -tag $tags | where{$_.resourcegroupname -eq $RGName}| Remove-AzResource -force | Out-Null
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green 'Azure Virtual Machine-' $VMName 'and all the resources associated with the VM were removed sucessfully...'
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The VM name entered doesn't exist in your connected Azure Tenant! Kindly check the name entered and restart the script with correct VM name..."
I had a question: what does this block of code exactly do:
$diagSa = [regex]::match($vm.DiagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.storageUri, '^http[s]?://(.+?)\.').groups[1].value
I know it matches the storage uri, but how? And why is this needed? I am not sure what the .groups[1].value is referring to either
$diagSa =
I know it matches the storage uri, but how?
You are using the [regex] type accelerator & match method () in the above expression.
The Match() method is a way to instruct PowerShell to attempt to match a string inside of another string. The Match() method has two parameters; the string you'd like to match on and the regular expression you'd like to test against.
Whenever a match is found and a regex group is used; (), the [regex] type accelerator has a Captures property. This Captures property then has a property called Groups. This is a collection that contains lots of attributes of what was matched. The second element in that collection contains the actual value that was matched.
what the .groups[1].value is referring to either
groups[1].values returns the storage account name where the boot diagnostics container resides.
And why is this needed?
When creating an Azure VM, you always have the option of creating a boot diagnostics container. This is useful to troubleshooting VM boot issues but doesn’t get removed when a VM is deleted. Let’s remedy that.
To remove the boot diagnostics container, you first need to figure out the name of the storage account the container resides on. To find that storage account, you’ll have to do some parsing of the storageUri property that’s exists in the DiagnosticsProfile object on the VM.
for more information about [regex]::match().group[1].value expression refer the below blog :

PowerShell - Azure Delete Reserved disks over 90 days

i am facing a mission in my work and she goes like this:
We have disks in our Azure account that they are attached to stopped and stopped(deallocated) vms. if am saying right they called Reserved disks.
The problem that we are still charged for this disks, i need your help with a PowerShell Script to look for this disks over xx days and than delete them.
my script for now looks like this.. please anyone that expert in PowerShell can help me here?
*** UPDATE - The mission i got have changed to list all the vms that are in status deallocated over xx days and than remove the disks that related to them.
# Get orphan managed disks
$managedDisks = Get-AzDisk
foreach ($md in $managedDisks) {
if (($md.ManagedBy -eq $null) -and ($md -notlike '*-ASRReplica')) {
$md | Remove-AzDisk -Force -verbose
Thank you all !!!
Per my understanding, you already get the way to filter all managed disks that have not been appended to a VM. And now, you want to know how to filter all managed disks that have not been used for 30 days.
For this requirement, we can query disk metrics: if a disk has been used in 30 days, there should be some metrics data(i,e read bytes and write bytes):
and if it has not been used, its metrics data in this period of time should be empty. So we can use PowerShell below to check:
#check disk read and write metrics log for each hour in past 30 days
$now = Get-Date -AsUtc
$m = Get-AzMetric `
-ResourceId '<managed disk resource ID>' `
-StartTime $now.AddDays(-30) `
-EndTime $now `
-TimeGrain 01:00:00 `
-MetricName 'Composite Disk Read Bytes/sec','Composite Disk Write Bytes/sec'
$readMetricsRecord = $m[0].Data
$writeMetricsRecord = $m[1].Data
if($readMetricsRecord.length -eq 0 -and $writeMetricsRecord.length -eq 0){
echo 'this disk has no usage record'
echo 'this disk has been used'
sharing with you the script guys , Get the vms in deallocated state over X days than , if they have a disk that is over X GB tag the vm and the disk .
$ids = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$mergedTags = #{"Candidate"="Delete Me"}
$vms = (Get-AzVM -Status)
foreach ($vm in $vms ) {
$getStatuses = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Name $vm.Name -Status
$getTodaysDate = Get-Date
$ts = New-TimeSpan -Start (($getStatuses.Statuses).Time).DateTime -End $getTodaysDate
[bool]$flag = 0
if (($vm.PowerState -eq "VM deallocated") -AND ($ts.Days -gt 30)) {
foreach ($disk in $getStatuses.Disks.Name) {
$diskSize = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Name $disk
if ($diskSize.DiskSizeGB -gt 50) {
$flag = 1
if ($flag = 1) {
Update-AzTag -ResourceId $vm.Id -Tag $mergedTags -Operation Merge
Update-AzTag -ResourceId $diskSize.Id -Tag $mergedTags -Operation Merge

How to delete managed disk snapshot every 10 minutes

I have the below script which I am using in order to delete snapshot older then 10 minutes and retain the snapshot that are not older then 10minutes, I have the below script but its not working as it suppose to, can anyone tell me whats being going wrong?
foreach($snapname in $snapshotnames)
Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rg -SnapshotName $snapname |?{$_.Name -Like "*-Server1*"} | ?{($_.TimeCreated).ToString('yyyyMMdd') -lt ([datetime]::Now.AddMinutes(-10).tostring('yyyymmdd'))} | remove-azurermsnapshot -force
You should use [datetime]::UtcNow instead of [datetime]::Now and not use .tostring('yyyymmdd').
So your command should be:
foreach($snapname in $snapshotnames)
Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $rg -SnapshotName $snapname | ?{$_.Name -Like "*-Server1*"} | ?{($_.TimeCreated) -lt ([datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes(-10))} | remove-azurermsnapshot -force
My specific test command:
Get-AzureRmSnapshot -ResourceGroupName "<ResourceGroupName>" -SnapshotName "<SnapshotName>" | ?{($_.TimeCreated) -lt ([datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes(-10))} | remove-azurermsnapshot -force
Result screenshot:

How to get all Azure Resources without tags in a Azure Resource Group

In my Azure dev/test lab (DTL), there are many resources which were not tagged. How can I get a list of all untagged resources under DTL/resource group?
Here's a simple PowerShell loop to get untagged resources.
$resources = Get-AzureRmResource
foreach($resource in $resources)
if ($resource.Tags -eq $null)
echo $resource.Name, $resource.ResourceType
Other ways to query this information and also set tags programmatically or as part of resource deployments are described here.
If you want to avoid the situation of ending up with untagged resources, you could enforce a customized policy that all resources should have a value for a particular tag.
Here is the idiomatic PowerShell to supplement #huysmania's answer which is expressed in procedural language mindset (and updated for the new PowerShell Az cmdlets):
Get-AzResource | Where-Object Tags -eq $null | Select-Object -Property Name, ResourceType
and the terse (alias) form:
Get-AzResource | ? Tags -eq $null | select Name, ResourceType
I usually just run this command to output a table of untagged resources using Get-AzResource. It filters Azure resources with tags that are $null or empty using Where-Object.
Get-AzResource `
| Where-Object {$null -eq $_.Tags -or $_.Tags.Count -eq 0} `
| Format-Table -AutoSize
If you want to list untagged resources for a specific resource group, you can just add the -ResourceGroupName switch to Get-AzResource.
$resourceGroupName = "My Resource Group"
Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
| Where-Object {$null -eq $_.Tags -or $_.Tags.Count -eq 0} `
| Format-Table -AutoSize
Note: The above uses the newer Azure PowerShell Az module, which is replacement for AzureRM.
<#Bellow is PowerShell script to locate untagged resources -
you may change the script out put as per your requirement.
Hope must be helpful. Thanks!#>
Write-Host "List all resource where Tag value is not Set"
Write-Host "********************************************"
#Fetch all resource details
foreach ($resource in $resources) {
$tagcount=(get-AzureRmResource | where-object {$_.Name -match $resource.Name}).Tags.count
if($tagcount -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Resource Name - "$resource.Name
Write-Host "Resource Type and RG Name : " $resource.resourcetype " & " $resource.resourcegroupname "`n"
This link has the solution for this question. It beautifully explains assigning and querying tags using powershell.
$resourceGroupName = 'InternalReportingRGDev'
$azureRGInfo = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName
foreach ($item in $azureRGInfo)
Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupNameEquals $item.ResourceGroupName | ForEach-Object {Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $PSItem.ResourceId -Tag $item.Tags -Force }
