find number of repeating substrings in a string - string

I am looking for an algorithm that will find the number of repeating substrings in a single string.
For this, I was looking for some dynamic programming algorithms but didn't find any that would help me. I just want some tutorial on how to do this.
Let's say I have a string ABCDABCDABCD. The expected output for this would be 3, because there is ABCD 3 times.
For input AAAA, output would be 4, since A is repeated 4 times.
For input ASDF, output would be 1, since every individual character is repeated 1 time only.
I hope that someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you.

I am taking the following assumptions:
The repeating substrings must be consecutive. That is, in case of ABCDABC, ABC would not count as a repeating substring, but it would in case of ABCABC.
The repeating substrings must be non-overalpping. That is, in case of ABCABC, ABC would not count as a repeating substring.
In case of multiple possible answers, we want the one with the maximum value. That is, in the case of AAAA, the answer should be 4 (a is the substring) rather than 2 (aa is the substring).
Under these assumptions, the algorithm is as follows:
Let the input string be denoted as inputString.
Calculate the KMP failure function array for the input string. Let this array be denoted as failure[]. This operation if of linear time complexity with respect to the length of the string. So, by definition, failure[i] denotes the length of the longest proper-prefix of the substring inputString[0....i] that is also a proper-suffix of the same substring.
Let len = inputString.length - failure.lastIndexValue. At this point, we know that if there is any repeating string at all, then it has to be of this length len. But we'll need to check for that; First, just check if len perfectly divides inputString.length (that is, inputString.length % len == 0). If yes, then check if every consecutive (non-overlapping) substring of len characters is the same or not; this operation is again of linear time complexity with respect to the length of the input string.
If it turns out that every consecutive non-overlapping substring is the same, then the answer would be = inputString.length/ len. Otherwise, the answer is simply inputString.length, as there is no such repeating substring present.
The overall time complexity would be O(n), where n is the number of characters in the input string.
A sample code for calculating the KMP failure array is given here.
For example,
Let the input string be abcaabcaabca.
Its KMP failure array would be - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
So, our len = (12 - 8) = 4.
And every consecutive non-overlapping substring of length 4 is the same (abca).
Therefore the answer is 12/4 = 3. That is, abca is repeated 3 times repeatedly.

The solution for this with C# is:
class Program
public static string CountOfRepeatedSubstring(string str)
if (str.Length < 2)
return "-1";
StringBuilder substr = new StringBuilder();
// Length of the substring cannot be greater than half of the actual string
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length / 2; i++)
// We will iterate through half of the actual string and
// create a new string by appending the current character to the previous character
String clearedOfNewSubstrings = str.Replace(substr.ToString(), "");
// We will remove the newly created substring from the actual string and
// check if the length of the actual string, cleared of the newly created substring, is 0.
// If 0 it tells us that it is only made of its substring
if (clearedOfNewSubstrings.Length == 0)
// Next we will return the count of the newly created substring in the actual string.
var countOccurences = Regex.Matches(str, substr.ToString()).Count;
return countOccurences.ToString();
return "-1";
static void Main(string[] args)
// Input: {"abcdaabcdaabcda"}
// Output: 3
// Input: { "abcdaabcdaabcda" }
// Output: -1
// Input: {"barrybarrybarry"}
// Output: 3
var s = "asdf"; // Output will be -1

How do you want to specify the "repeating string"? Is it simply the first group of characters up until either a) the first character is found again, b) the pattern begins to repeat, or c) some other criteria?
So, if your string is "ABBAABBA", is that a 2 because "ABBA" repeats twice or is it 1 because you have "ABB" followed by "AAB"? What about "ABCDABCE" -- does "ABC" count (despite the "D" in between repetitions?) In "ABCDABCABCDABC", is the repeating string "ABCD" (1) or "ABCDABC" (2)?
What about "AAABBAAABB" -- is that 3 ("AAA") or 2 ("AAABB")?
If the end of the repeating string is another instance of the first letter, it's pretty simple:
Work your way through the string character by character, putting each character into another variable as you go, until the next character matches the first one. Then, given the length of the substring in your second variable, check the next bit of your string to see if it matches. Continue until it doesn't match or you hit the end of the string.
If you just want to find any length pattern that repeats regardless of whether the first character is repeated within the pattern, it gets more complicated (but, fortunately, it's the sort of thing computers are good at).
You'll need to go character by character building a pattern in another variable as above, but you'll also have to watch for the first character to reappear and start building a second substring as you go, to see if it matches the first. This should probably go in an array as you might encounter a third (or more) instance of the first character which would trigger the need to track yet another possible match.
It's not difficult but there is a lot to keep track of and it's a rather annoying problem. Is there a particular reason you're doing this?


Count number of wonderful substrings

I found below problem in one website.
A wonderful string is a string where at most one letter appears an odd number of times.
For example, "ccjjc" and "abab" are wonderful, but "ab" is not.
Given a string word that consists of the first ten lowercase English letters ('a' through 'j'), return the number of wonderful non-empty substrings in word. If the same substring appears multiple times in word, then count each occurrence separately.
A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.
Example 1 :
Input: word = "aba"
Output: 4
Explanation: The four wonderful substrings are a , b , a(last character) , aba.
I tried to solve it. I implemented a O(n^2) solution (n is input string length). But expected time complexity is O(n). I could not solve it in O(n). I found below solution but could not understood it. Can you please help me to understand below O(n) solution for this problem or come up with an O(n) solution?
My O(N^2) approach - for every substring check whether it has at most one odd count char. This check can be done in O(1) time using an 10 character array.
class Solution {
long long wonderfulSubstrings(string str) {
long long ans=0;
int idx=0; long long xorsum=0;
unordered_map<long long,long long>mp;
// if xor is repeating it means it is having even ouccrences of all elements
// after the previos ouccerence of xor.
// if xor will have at most 1 odd character than check by xoring with (a to j)
// check correspondingly in the map
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
long long temp=xorsum;
return ans;
There's two main algorithmic tricks in the code, bitmasks and prefix-sums, which can be confusing if you've never seen them before. Let's look at how the problem is solved conceptually first.
For any substring of our string S, we want to count the number of appearances for each of the 10 possible letters, and ask if each number is even or odd.
For example, with a substring s = accjjc, we can summarize it as: odd# a, even# b, odd# c, even# d, even# e, even# f, even# g, even# h, even# i, even# j. This is kind of long, so we can summarize it using a bitmask: for each letter a-j, put a 1 if the count is odd, or 0 if the count is even. This gives us a 10-digit binary string, which is 1010000000 for our example.
You can treat this as a normal integer (or long long, depending on how ints are represented). When we see another character, the count flips whether it was even or odd. On bitmasks, this is the same as flipping a single bit, or an XOR operation. If we add another 'a', we can update the bitmask to start with 'even# a' by XORing it with the number 1000000000.
We want to count the number of substrings where at most one character count is odd. This is the same as counting the number of substrings whose bitmask has at most one 1. There are 11 of these bitmasks: the ten-zero string, and each string with exactly one 1 for each of the ten possible spots. If you interpret these as integers, the last ten strings are the first ten powers of 2: 1<<0, 1<<1, 1<<2, ... 1<<9.
Now, we want to count the bitmasks for all substrings in O(n) time. First, solve a simpler problem: count the bitmasks for just all prefixes, and store these counts in a hashmap. We can do this by keeping a running bitmask from the start, and performing updates by an XOR of the bit corresponding to that letter: xorsum=xorsum^(1<<(str[idx]-'a')). This can clearly be done in a single, O(n) time pass through the string.
How do we get counts of arbitrary substrings? The answer is prefix-sums: the count of letters in any substring can be expressed as a different of two prefix-counts. For example, with s = accjjc, suppose we want the bitmask corresponding to the substring 'jj'. This substring can be written as the difference of two prefixes: 'jj' = 'accjj' - 'acc'.
In the same way, we want to subtract the counts for the two prefix strings. However, we only have the bitmasks telling us whether each letter has an even or odd frequency. In the arithmetic of bitmasks, we treat each position mod 2, so coordinate-wise subtraction becomes XOR.
This means counts(jj) = counts(accjj) - counts(acc) becomes
bitmask(jj) = bitmask(accjj) ^ bitmask(acc).
There's still a problem: the algorithm I've described is still quadratic. If, at every prefix, we iterate over all previous prefix-bitmasks and check if our mask XOR the old mask is one of the 11 goal-bitmasks, we still have a quadratic runtime. Instead, you can use the fact that XOR is its own inverse: if a ^ b = c, then b = a ^ c. So, instead of doing XORs with old prefix masks, you XOR with the 11 goal masks and add the number of times we've seen that mask: ans+=mp[xorsum] counts the substrings ending at our current index whose bitmask is xorsum ^ 0000000000 = xorsum. The loop after that counts substrings whose bitmask is one of the ten goal bitmasks.
Lastly, you just have to add your current prefix-mask to update the counts: mp[xorsum]++.

Unique Substrings in wrap around strings

I have been given an infinite wrap around of the string str="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" so it looks like
"..zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcd...." and another string p.
I need to find out how many unique non-empty substrings of p are present in the infinite wraparound string str?
For example: "zab"
There are 6 substrings "z", "a", "b", "za", "ab", "zab" of string "zab" in str.
I tried finding all suffixes of p in a particular concatenation of the string str say for example: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
and as soon as i get a suffix which is a part of the above i add all its substrings to my result, as:
for (int i=0;i<length;i++) {
String suffix = p.substring(i,length);
if(isPresent(suffix)) {
sum += (suffix.length()*(suffix.length()+1))/2;
} else {
And my isPresent function is:
private boolean isPresent(String s) {
if(s.length()==1) {
return true;
String main = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcde
return main.contains(s);
If the length of p is greater than my assumed concatenated string assumed in isPresent function, my algorithm fails!!
So how should i find the substrings irrespective of the the wrap around string str? Is there a better approach for this problem?
Some ideas/suggestions (not a full algo)
you don't need to consider an infinite repetition of the wrap around string but only len(p)/len(repeating-fragment) + 1 (integral division) repetitions. Let's denote this string with S **
if a substring sp of p is a substring of S, than any substrings of sp will be substrings of S
So the problem seems to reduce to:
find sp (substring of both p and S) with the maximal length. This is called longest common substring and admits a dynamic programming solution with the complexity of O(n*m) (lengths of the two strings). The cited has a pseudo-code algo.
repeat the above recursively with the 'remnants' of p after eliminating the longest common substring.
Now, you have a sequence of "longest common substrings". How many do you need to retain? I feel that the "longest common substring" may be used to trim down the need of brute-forcing every substring of any and all the above, but I'd need more time than I have available now.
I hope the sketch above helps.
** I might be wrong on the number of repetitions which need to be considered. If I am, then in any case there will be a maximal number of repetitions to be considered and there will be an S of minimal length that is sufficient for the purpose.

Efficient algorithm for phrase anagrams

What is an efficient way to produce phrase anagrams given a string?
The problem I am trying to solve
Assume you have a word list with n words. Given an input string, say, "peanutbutter", produce all phrase anagrams. Some contenders are: pea nut butter, A But Ten Erupt, etc.
My solution
I have a trie that contains all words in the given word list. Given an input string, I calculate all permutations of it. For each permutation, I have a recursive solution (something like this) to determine if that specific permuted string can be broken in to words. For example, if one of the permutations of peanutbutter was "abuttenerupt", I used this method to break it into "a but ten erupt". I use the trie to determine if a string is a valid word.
What sucks
My problem is that because I calculate all permutations, my solution runs very slow for phrases that are longer than 10 characters, which is a big let down. I want to know if there is a way to do this in a different way.
Websites like can do the job in less than a second and I am curious to know how they do it.
Your problem can be decomposed to 2 sub-problems:
Find combination of words that use up all characters of the input string
Find all permutations of the words found in the first sub-problem
Subproblem #2 is a basic algorithm and you can find existing standard implementation in most programming language. Let's focus on subproblem #1
First convert the input string to a "character pool". We can implement the character pool as an array oc, where oc[c] = number of occurrence of character c.
Then we use backtracking algorithm to find words that fit in the charpool as in this pseudo-code:
result = empty;
function findAnagram(pool)
if (pool empty) then print result;
for (word in dictionary) {
if (word fit in charpool) {
result = result + word;
update pool to exclude characters in word;
// as with any backtracking algorithm, we have to restore global states
restore pool;
restore result;
Note: If we pass the charpool by value then we don't have to restore it. But as it is quite big, I prefer passing it by reference.
Now we remove redundant results and apply some optimizations:
Assuming A comes before B in the dictionary. If we choose the first word is B, then we don't have to consider word A in following steps, because those results (if we take A) would already be in the case where A is chosen as the first word
If the character set is small enough (< 64 characters is best), we can use a bitmask to quickly filter words that cannot fit in the pool. A bitmask mask which character is in a word, no matter how many time it occurs.
Update the pseudo-code to reflect those optimizations:
function findAnagram(charpool, minDictionaryIndex)
pool_bitmask <- bitmask(charpool);
if (pool empty) then print result;
for (word in dictionary AND word's index >= minDictionaryIndex) {
// bitmask of every words in the dictionary should be pre-calculated
word_bitmask <- bitmask(word)
if (word_bitmask contains bit(s) that is not in pool_bitmask)
then skip this for iteration
if (word fit in charpool) {
result = result + word;
update charpool to exclude characters in word;
findAnagram(charpool, word's index);
// as with any backtracking algorithm, we have to restore global states
restore pool;
restore result;
My C++ implementation of subproblem #1 where the character set contains only lowercase 'a'..'z': .
Instead of a two stage solution where you generate permutations and then try and break them into words, you could speed it up by checking for valid words as you recursively generate the permutations. If at any point your current partially-complete permutation does not correspond to any valid words, stop there and do not recurse any further. This means you don't waste time generating useless permutations. For example, if you generate "tt", there is no need to permute "peanubuter" and append all the permutations to "tt" because there are no English words beginning with tt.
Suppose you are doing basic recursive permutation generation, keep track of the current partial word you have generated. If at any point it is a valid word, you can output a space and start a new word, and recursively permute the remaining character. You can also try adding each of the remaining characters to the current partial word, and only recurse if doing so results in a valid partial word (i.e. a word exists starting with those characters).
Something like this (pseudo-code):
void generateAnagrams(String partialAnagram, String currentWord, String remainingChars)
// at each point, you can either output a space, or each of the remaining chars:
// if the current word is a complete valid word, you can output a space
// if there are no more remaining chars, output the anagram:
if(remainingChars.length == 0)
// output a space and start a new word
generateAnagrams(partialAnagram + " ", "", remainingChars);
// for each of the chars in remainingChars, check if it can be
// added to currentWord, to produce a valid partial word (i.e.
// there is at least 1 word starting with these characters)
for(i = 0 to remainingChars.length - 1)
char c = remainingChars[i];
if(isValidPartialWord(currentWord + c)
generateAnagrams(partialAnagram + c, currentWord + c,
You could call it like this
generateAnagrams("", "", "peanutbutter");
You could optimize this algorithm further by passing the node in the trie corresponding to the current partially completed word, as well as passing currentWord as a string. This would make your isValidPartialWord check even faster.
You can enforce uniqueness by changing your isValidWord check to only return true if the word is in ascending (greater or equal) alphabetic order compared to the previous word output. You might also need another check for dupes at the end, to catch cases where two of the same word can be output.

Find the smallest period of input string in O(n)?

Given the following problem :
Definition :
Let S be a string over alphabet Σ .S' is the smallest period of S
if S' is the smallest string such that :
S = (S')^k (S'') ,
where S'' is a prefix of S. If no such S' exists , then S is
not periodic .
Example : S = abcabcabcabca. Then abcabc is a period since S =
abcabc abcabc a, but the smallest period is abc since S = abc abc
abc abc a.
Give an algorithm to find the smallest period of input string S or
declare that S is not periodic.
Hint : You can do that in O(n) ...
My solution : We use KMP , which runs in O(n) .
By the definition of the problem , S = (S')^k (S'') , then I think that if we create
an automata for the shortest period , and find a way to find that shortest period , then I'm done.
The problem is where to put the FAIL arrow of the automata ...
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated ,
Alright so this problem can definitely be solved in O(n), we just have to cleverly use KMP as you suggested.
Solving the longest proper prefix which is also a suffix problem is a vital part of KMP that we will make use of.
The longest proper prefix which is also a suffix problem is a mouthful so let's just call it the prefix suffix problem for now.
The prefix suffix problem can be pretty hard to understand so I'll include some examples.
The prefix suffix solution for "abcabc" is
"abc" since that is the longest string which is both a proper prefix
and a proper suffix (proper prefixes and suffixes cannot be the entire
The prefix suffix solution for "abcabca" is "a"
Hmmmmmmmmm wait a minute if we just chop off "a" from the end of "abcabca" we are left with "abcabc" and if we get the solution("abc") for this new string and chop it off again we are left with "abc" Hmmmmmmmmm. Very interesting.(This is pretty much the solution but I will talk about why this works)
Alright let's try to formalize this intuition a bit more and see if we can arrive at a solution.
I will use one key assumption in my argument:
The smallest period of our pattern is a valid period of every larger period in our pattern
Let us store the prefix suffix solution for the first i characters of our pattern in lps[i]. This lps array can be calculated in O(n) and it is used in the KMP algorithm, you can read more about how to calculate it in O(n) here:
Just so we are clear I will list some examples of some lps arrays
lps: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
lps: [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
lps: [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Alright now lets define some variables, to help us find out why this lps array is useful.
Let l be the length of our pattern, and let k be the last value in our lps array(k=lps[l-1])
The value k tells us that the first k characters of our string are the same as the last k characters of our string. And we can use this fact to find a period!
Using this information we can now show that the prefix consisting of the first l-k characters of our string form a valid period. This is clear because the next k characters which are not in our prefix must match the first k characters of our prefix, because of how we defined our lps array. The first k characters that from our prefix must be the same as the last k characters which form our suffix.
In practice you can implement this with a simple while loop as shown below where index marks the end of the suffix you are currently considering to be the smallest period.
public static void main(String[] args){
String pattern="abcabcabcabca";
int[] lps= calculateLPS(pattern);
//start at the end of the string
int index=lps.length-1;
//shift back
And since calculating lps happens in O(n), and you are always moving at least 1 step back in the while loop the time complexity for the whole procedure is simply O(n)
I borrowed heavily from the geeksForGeeks implementation of KMP in my calculateLPS() method if you would like to see my exact code it is below, but I reccomend that you also look at their explanation:
static int[] calculateLPS(String pat) {
int[] lps = new int[pat.length()];
int len = 0;
int i = 1;
lps[0] = 0;
while (i < pat.length()) {
if (pat.charAt(i) == pat.charAt(len)) {
lps[i] = len;
else {
if (len != 0) {
len = lps[len - 1];
else {
lps[i] = len;
return lps;
Last but not least, thanks for posting such an interesting problem it was pretty fun to figure out! Also I am new to this so please let me know if any part of my explanation doesn't make sense.
I'm not sure that I understand your attempted solution. KMP is a useful subroutine, though -- the smallest period is how far KMP moves the needle string (i.e., S) after a complete match.
this problem can be solved using the Z function , this tutorial can help you .
This problem can easily be solved by KMP
Concatenate the string to itself and run KMP on it.
Let n be the length of the original string.
Search for the first value >= n in the KMP array. That value must be at a position k >= n (0-based).
Then k - n + 1 is the length of the shortest period of the string.
Original string = abaaba
n = 6
New string = abaabaabaaba
KMP values for this new string: 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The first value >= n is 6 which is at position 8. 8 - 6 + 1 = 3 is the length of the shortest period of the string (aba).
See if this solution works for O(n). I used rotation of strings.
public static int stringPeriod(String s){
String s1= s;
String s2= s1;
for (int i=1; i <s1.length();i++){
return i;
return -1;
public static String rotate(String s1){
String rotS= s1;
rotS = s1.substring(1)+s1.substring(0,1);
return rotS;
The complete program is available in this github repository

remove fragments in a sentence [puzzle]

Write a program to remove fragment that occur in "all" strings,where a fragment
is 3 or more consecutive word.
s1 = "It is raining and I want to drive home.";
s2 = "It is raining and I want to go skiing.";
s3 = "It is hot and I want to go swimming.";
s1 = "It is raining drive home.";
s2 = "It is raining go skiing.";
s3 = "It is hot go swimming.";
Removed fragment = "and i want to"
The program will be tested again large files.
Efficiency will be taken into consideration.
Assumptions: Ignore capitalization ,punctuation. but preserve in output.
Note: Take care of cases like
a a a a a b c b c b c b c where removing would create more fragments.
My Solution: (which i think is not the most efficient)
Hash three word phrases into an int and store them in an array, for all strings.
reduces to array of numbers like
1 2 3 4 5
3 5 7 9 8
9 3 1 7 9
Problem reduces to intersection of arrays.
sort the arrays. (k * nlogn)
keep k pointers. if all equal match found. else increment the pointer pointing to least value.
To solve for the Note above. I was thinking of doing a lazy delete, i.e mark phrases for deletion and delete at the end.
Are there cases where my solution might not work? Can we optimize my solution/ find the best solution ?
First observation: replace each word with a single "letter" in a big alphabet(i.e. hash the worlds in some way), remove whitespaces and punctuation.
Now you have the problem reduced to remove the longest letter sequence that appears in all words of a given list.
So you have to compute the longest common substring for a set of "words". You find it using a generalized suffix tree as this is the most efficient algorithm. This should do the trick and I believe has the best possible complexity.
The first step is as already suggested by izomorphius:
Replace each word with a single "letter" in a big alphabet(i.e. hash the worlds in some way), remove whitespaces and punctuation.
For the second you don't need to know the longest common substring - you just want to erase it from all the strings.
Note that this is equivalent to erasing all common substrings of length exactly 3, because if you have a longer commmon substring, then its substrings with length 3 are also common.
To do that you can use a hash table (storing key value pairs).
Just iterate over the first string and put all it's 3-substrings into the hash table as keys with values equal to 1.
Then iterate over the second string and for each 3-substring x if x is in the hash table and its value is 1, then set the value to 2.
Then iterate over the third string and for each 3-substring x, if x is in the hash table and its value is 2, then set the value to 3.
...and so on.
At the end the keys that have the value of k are the common 3-substrings.
Now just iterate once more over all the strings and remove those 3-substrings that are common.
import java.util.*;
public class remove_unique{
public static void main(String args[]){
String s1 = "Everyday I do exercise if";
String s2 = "Sometimes I do exercise if i feel stressed";
String s3 = "Mostly I do exercise on morning";
String[] words1=s1.split("\\s");
String[] words2=s2.split("\\s");
String[] words3=s3.split("\\s");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i<words1.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<words2.length;j++){
for(int k=0;k<words3.length;k++){
if(words1[i].equals(words2[j]) && words2[j].equals(words3[k])
//Concatenating the returned Strings
sb.append(words1[i]+" ");
System.out.println(s1.replaceAll(sb.toString(), ""));
System.out.println(s2.replaceAll(sb.toString(), ""));
System.out.println(s3.replaceAll(sb.toString(), ""));
My solution would be something like,
F = all fragments with length > 3 shared by the first 2 lines, avoid overlaps
for each line from the 3rd line and up
remove fragments in F which do not exist in line, or cause overlaps
return sentences with fragments in F removed
I assume finding/matching fragments in sentences can be done with some known algo. but in terms of the time complexity for n lines this is O(n)
