Has Instagram changed their API ,Not able to fetch Followers details for any public user - instagram-api

Has Instagram changed their API ??,I am not able to fetch Followers details even for public users .But Site like Crowdbabble ,Magi Matrics has access to the follower details for any user .How is this possible ,What am I supposed to do if I wanted to get the follower details for any User using Instagram API .I am Using "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/{user-id}/relationship?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN " this query to fetch the data ,replacing user id by by friends user id who is there in my sandbox list but still getting API Not Allowed Error.

The public APIs do not support getting user followers/following other than the authenticated user's
This change was in effect after June 1st 2016 API changes.


Can I get user id via Instagram Graph API?

I'm using Instagram Graph API and getting some data.
Actually, this data is too few.
I want to get an user ID for an unique user, but this API doesn't include an user ID.
How do I get this value?
Instagram Graph API actually returns user ID. Please have a look into the reference for the user object: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/reference/user
You can either use the id field for unique user ID from Instagram Graph API or you can use ig_id. The latter is the ID that was used in legacy Instagram API.

Instagram graph api get amount of follows and followers

Trying to figure out a way to get the amount of follows and followers of a user via the Instagram-basic-display-api which is intended for consumer users.
I can only get the account_type, id, media_count, username
fields when doing a get on the user node
GET https://graph.instagram.com/{user-id}
Since the old Basic Instagram api https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/#get_users_self supported the amount of follows and followers Im wondering if they are going to add this or if this is possible via another new Instagram endpoint?

Instagram Followers

I need to display the followers list of instagram account in my website.
I have created app and generate access token successfully.
But if i run the instagram api to get the followers list, it shows me the empty result.
Can anyone help me to get the followers list.
In sandbox mode you will only see users approved to sandbox in API response.
Add one of your followers to sandbox users and let them accept it, then you will just see that user in the API response.
Once you get your app approved by Instagram and go live, you will see all (but I dont think Instagram is approving any app with permission other than basic anymore)

Instagram API get followers list

I am using Instagram public API using the following endpoint but am only getting details of one follower in the response. Why is the API returning only one follower (that is part of sandbox users, none else)?
https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/followed-by?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN where ACCESS_TOKEN is one I got from Instagram.
If your application is in sandbox mode, you can't access data of users other than listed in sandbox users.
As mentioned in API Behavior section of this documentation
Data is restricted to sandbox users and the 20 most recent media from each sandbox user.

Instagram API Tags Recent media not returning posts of private followers

We have an approved app for public_content on Instagram's API. But would like to confirm expected behavior after the latest API changes.
Previously (prior 2016 API update), using a user authenticated token and this endpoint /tags/[tag-name]/media/recent, we could fetch all the posts with a given hashtags from public users as well as private users, given they were followers of the authenticated account. Meaning, if you could log into your IG account and see that user's media, than our app would be able to grab that media as well through the API using your authenticated user token.
Recently ( start of 2017? ), we started noticing that the returned media doesn't always include the private users that are your followers. We can still get all the public user hashtagged content, but the private user's content was hit or miss. And we can't seem to figure out any pattern or rule to it.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Does anyone know what the official stance is from Instagram as it relates to a private user's photos who follow a certain account, and your app has that account's authenticated token.
You can't get anything from private followers even if the user you're logged in as can see them from the client.
This was done because, in the past, some applications were getting the media from private followers via the API and saving them locally. Then, these applications were not properly protecting these private images from search engines and web crawlers. User's complained about their private images showing up on Google images and so, here we are.
You also can't see bio or the follower count of private users even if the user you've authenticated with can see them in the application. Basically, only the public-facing information about private users can be accessed with the API regardless of who you've authenticated with via the API. That means only the profile picture and username can be accessed.
