Clustered server hangs - node.js

I'm writing a based server in Node.js (6.9.0). I am using the builtin cluster module to enable multiple processes. For now, there is only two process: a master and a worker. The master receives the connections and maintains an in-memory global data structure (which the worker can query via IPC). The worker process does the majority of work by handling each incoming connection.
I am finding a hanging condition that I cannot attribute to any internal failure when the server is stressed at 300 concurrent users. Under lower concurrency, I don't see the hanging condition.
I'm enabling all forms of debugging (using the debug module:, as well as my own custom calls to debug).
The last activity I can see is in, however, the messages indicate that sockets are closing ("reason client namespace disconnect") due to their own "end of test" cycle. It just seems like incoming connections are not be serviced.
I'm using as the test client.
In the server application, I have handlers for uncaught exceptions and try-catch blocks around everything.
In a prior iteration, I also used cluster, but reversed the responsibilities so that the master process handled the connections (with the worker handling global data). That didn't exhibit the same failure. Not sure if something is wrong with the connection distribution. For that, I have also dumped internalMessage events to monitor the internal workings of cluster.
I am not using any other module for connection distribution or sticky sessions. As there is only a single process handling connections (at this time), it doesn't seem relevant.

I was able to remove the hanging condition by changing the cluster scheduling policy from Round Robin (SCHED_RR) to None, which is OS specific (SCHED_NONE). I can't tell whether this is due to a bug in connection distribution (or something else inherent in the scheduling policy), but this one change seems to prevent the hanging condition.


Do I really need to call client.shutdown() when finished with Cassandra in Node.js script?

I've been trying to find information about Cassandra sessions relating to the Node.js cassandra-driver by Datastax. I read something which said that cassandra-driver automatically manages a session and that I don't need to call client.shutdown().
I'm looking for general information about how cassandra-driver manages sessions, how can I see all active Cassandra sessions, and do I need to call shutdown() or is that counter productive having to reopen a session every time the script is run?
Based on "pm2 info" I don't see a ton of active handles so I don't think anything wrong is going on but I may be mistaken. Ram usage does seem a bit high for a small script (85mb).
In the DataStax drivers, Session is a stateful object handling a pool of connections and aware of the status of nodes in the Cluster at any time (avoiding sending request to unavailable node). TCP sockets are opened and it is a best practice to close when you don't need it anymore. See here to get more infos :
Now session.connect() may takes a bit of time: the more nodes you have in your cluster, the longer it will be to open connections to every single one. This is the reason why, it is better to init connections in a "cold start" when you work with FAAS (avoiding to open/close for each request)
Always close your connections (shutdown()) when you don't need it anymore (shutdown hook in your applications)
Keep your connections "alive" as long as you need it, do not shutdown for each request, this is NOT stateless.
yes, it is "better" to connect the client outside of the handler function. to keep it state-Full.
however, AWS Lambda with nodeJS, by default function execution continues until the event loop is empty or the function times out.
create the client outside of handler, set the context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false and don't call client.shutdown.

nodejs cluster distributing connection

In nodejs api doc, it says
The cluster module supports two methods of distributing incoming
The first one (and the default one on all platforms except Windows),
is the round-robin approach, where the master process listens on a
port, accepts new connections and distributes them across the workers
in a round-robin fashion, with some built-in smarts to avoid
overloading a worker process.
The second approach is where the master process creates the listen
socket and sends it to interested workers. The workers then accept
incoming connections directly.
The second approach should, in theory, give the best performance. In
practice however, distribution tends to be very unbalanced due to
operating system scheduler vagaries. Loads have been observed where
over 70% of all connections ended up in just two processes, out of a
total of eight.
I know PM2 is using the first one, but why it doesn't use the second? Just because of unbalnced distribution? thanks.
The second may add CPU load when every child process is trying to 'grab' the socket master sent.

How to loadtest microservices with Python 3.5?

We have a set of micro-services that I'd like to load test in a manner that is consistent with how they are accessed.
After settling on Locust as my tool of choice, I found out that the TCP connection underpinning has connection pooling because I keep seeing messages like these:
WARNING/requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: Connection pool is full, discarding connection:
As I understand it, this message is telling me that it discards a connection from the pool that it manages. I assume that it still creates a new connection, and adds it in the place of the one that it discarded.
Is that what it does?
Does it do this without the connection failing?
I don't think that our micro-services keep any sessions open. The connections are made, from a far end, to our services, which provide a result, and then the connection is closed. So, the test is handling the connections in a way that's different than the services are used. Is there a way to get the requests lib to not use a pool, and go through the work of setting up and tearing down all connections made through it, each time?
Is there any reason why we wouldn't want to test this way?
If it is preferable to test with a connection pool, how should I anticipate the difference in load when it's not done this way in production?
That's correct. Unless you set the urllib3 pool to blocking, it will generate more connections than the pool is configured to hold, as needed, and then will discard them once the request is done.
This often happens when you have more threads using a pool than the number of connections the pool is configured to store. urllib3 takes a maxsize parameter (defaults to 1) which you can set to the number of threads you're running. For requests, you'll need to make a custom adapter to do this. See:,89/
That said, it's merely a warning which some people ignore, so it's not a failure. But if this happens a lot in production, that probably means you should tweak your configuration because creating/discarding new connections all the time is fairly costly.
In general, it's a good idea to re-use connections for this reason.
My suggestions would be in this order:
Re-use connections, or
Increase the number of connections that get pooled to match the number of threads, or
Disable the warning if you'd rather not deal with it.

Check queued reads/writes for MongoDB

I feel like this question would have been asked before, but I can't find one. Pardon me if this is a repeat.
I'm building a service on Node.js hosted in Heroku and using MongoDB hosted by Compose. Under heavy load, the latency is most likely to come from the database, as there is nothing very CPU-heavy in the service layer. Thus, when MongoDB is overloaded, I want to return an HTTP 503 promptly instead of waiting for a timeout.
I'm also using REDIS, and REDIS has a feature where you can check the number of queued commands (redisClient.command_queue.length). With this feature, I can know right away if REDIS is backed up. Is there something similar for MongoDB?
The best option I have found so far is polling the server for status via this command, but (1) I'm hoping for something client side, as there could be spikes within the polling interval that cause problems, and (2) I'm not actually sure what part of the status response I want to act on. That second part brings me to a follow up question...
I don't fully understand how the MondoDB client works with the server. Is one connection shared per client instance (and in my case, per process)? Are queries and writes queued locally or on the server? Or, is one connection opened for each query/write, until the database's connection pool is exhausted? If the latter is the case, it seems like I might want to keep an eye on the open connections. Does the MongoDB server return such information at other times, besides when polled for status?
MongoDB connection pool workflow-
Every MongoClient instance has a built-in connection pool. The client opens sockets on demand to support the number of concurrent MongoDB operations your application requires. There is no thread-affinity for sockets.
The client instance, opens one additional socket per server in your MongoDB topology for monitoring the server’s state.
The size of each connection pool is capped at maxPoolSize, which defaults to 100.
When a thread in your application begins an operation on MongoDB, if all other sockets are in use and the pool has reached its maximum, the thread pauses, waiting for a socket to be returned to the pool by another thread.
You can increase maxPoolSize:
client = MongoClient(host, port, maxPoolSize=200)
By default, any number of threads are allowed to wait for sockets to become available, and they can wait any length of time. Override waitQueueMultiple to cap the number of waiting threads. E.g., to keep the number of waiters less than or equal to 500:
client = MongoClient(host, port, maxPoolSize=50, waitQueueMultiple=10)
Once the pool reaches its max size, additional threads are allowed to wait indefinitely for sockets to become available, unless you set waitQueueTimeoutMS:
client = MongoClient(host, port, waitQueueTimeoutMS=100)
Reference for connection pooling-

How does the cluster module work in Node.js?

Can someone explain in detail how the core cluster module works in Node.js?
How the workers are able to listen to a single port?
As far as I know that the master process does the listening, but how it can know which ports to listen since workers are started after the master process? Do they somehow communicate that back to the master by using the child_process.fork communication channel? And if so how the incoming connection to the port is passed from the master to the worker?
Also I'm wondering what logic is used to determine to which worker an incoming connection is passed?
I know this is an old question, but this is now explained at here:
The worker processes are spawned using the child_process.fork method,
so that they can communicate with the parent via IPC and pass server
handles back and forth.
When you call server.listen(...) in a worker, it serializes the
arguments and passes the request to the master process. If the master
process already has a listening server matching the worker's
requirements, then it passes the handle to the worker. If it does not
already have a listening server matching that requirement, then it
will create one, and pass the handle to the worker.
This causes potentially surprising behavior in three edge cases:
server.listen({fd: 7}) -
Because the message is passed to the master,
file descriptor 7 in the parent will be listened on, and the handle
passed to the worker, rather than listening to the worker's idea of
what the number 7 file descriptor references.
server.listen(handle) -
Listening on handles explicitly will cause the
worker to use the supplied handle, rather than talk to the master
process. If the worker already has the handle, then it's presumed that
you know what you are doing.
server.listen(0) -
Normally, this will cause servers to listen on a
random port. However, in a cluster, each worker will receive the same
"random" port each time they do listen(0). In essence, the port is
random the first time, but predictable thereafter. If you want to
listen on a unique port, generate a port number based on the cluster
worker ID.
When multiple processes are all accept()ing on the same underlying
resource, the operating system load-balances across them very
efficiently. There is no routing logic in Node.js, or in your program,
and no shared state between the workers. Therefore, it is important to
design your program such that it does not rely too heavily on
in-memory data objects for things like sessions and login.
Because workers are all separate processes, they can be killed or
re-spawned depending on your program's needs, without affecting other
workers. As long as there are some workers still alive, the server
will continue to accept connections. Node does not automatically
manage the number of workers for you, however. It is your
responsibility to manage the worker pool for your application's needs.
NodeJS uses a round-robin decision to make load balancing between the child processes. It will give the incoming connections to an empty process, based on the RR algorithm.
The children and the parent do not actually share anything, the whole script is executed from the beginning to end, that is the main difference between the normal C fork. Traditional C forked child would continue executing from the instruction where it was left, not the beginning like NodeJS. So If you want to share anything, you need to connect to a cache like MemCache or Redis.
So the code below produces 6 6 6 (no evil means) on the console.
var cluster = require("cluster");
var a = 5;
if ( cluster.isMaster){
worker = cluster.fork();
worker = cluster.fork();
Here is a blog post that explains this
As an update to #OpenUserX03's answer, nodejs has no longer use system load-balances but use a built in one. from this post:
To fix that Node v0.12 got a new implementation using a round-robin algorithm to distribute the load between workers in a better way. This is the default approach Node uses since then including Node v6.0.0
