Stop vim from folding git commit - vim

Vim automatically folds my code when I open a new file. How can I stop it from folding the text when I run git commit -a, since I don't want folding only in this specific case?
I currently have this line in my code setlocal foldmethod=syntax to fold all code automatically.
I tried to add this line before and after setting the foldmethod autocmd FileType gitcommit setlocal nofoldenable, but it did not changing anything.

Put this into after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim in your runtime (~/.vim) or a plugin:
setlocal nofoldenable
Alternately, in your .vimrc,
autocmd FileType gitcommit setlocal nofoldenable


Vim autocmd for FileType not working indirectly

I have a custom ~/.vimrc I made with this augroup:
augroup filetype_vim
autocmd! BufWritePost .vimrc* source %
autocmd FileType vim |
setlocal foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
augroup END
When I open vim directly to edit the ~/.vimrc like this: vim ~/.vimrc, the folding works as expected, I can fold {{{ marker:
:set foldmethod?
> foldmethod=marker
When I open vim without specifying a file: vim, and then trying to edit: :e ~/.vimrc, the foldmethod is different!
:set foldmethod?
> foldmethod=syntax
Which obviously comes from a different part of my vimrc.
Why doesn't it recognizes the file type when I open the file indirectly?
You've failed with VimScript syntax. Must be
autocmd FileType vim
\ setlocal foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
What you did instead is
autocmd FileType vim <nothing> | <nothing>
setlocal foo bar
Therefore setlocal applies to the current buffer only (i.e. command-line argument), not to anything else.

How to prevent global defaults from overriding 'filetype=vim' specific settings in .vimrc when automatically sourcing .vimrc?

I have my .vimrc automatically being sourced with:
autocmd! BufWritePost ~/.vimrc source ~/.vimrc
I also set defaults for spacing:
set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
Later on, I use the FileType event to override the spacing default above with filetype-specific spacing:
" Syntax of these languages is fussy over tabs & spaces¬
autocmd FileType make setlocal ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab¬
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab¬
" Customisations based on house-style (arbitrary)
autocmd FileType sh setlocal ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab
autocmd FileType vim setlocal ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab
The problem I am having is that sourcing my .vimrc will set the default values, but will not trigger the FileType event. This means that when I do a :write to my .vimrc while editting a file with filetype-specific spacing, the filetype-specific spacings get overridden by the defaults!
UPDATE: As pointed out by Ingo, the issue only arises in .vimrc and does not occur in any other files.
As an example, when I am working on my .vimrc, initially the file-specific spacing (ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab) is enabled, but after I make some arbitrary change in my .vimrc, the default spacing (tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab) is loaded but my file-specific spacing is NOT loaded (since the FileType event was not triggered by a write to my .vimrc) leaving me with the default spacing!
My question(s)
How can I override the default spacing with filetype specific spacings and preserve these even when auto-sourcing .vimrc?
If possible, I would like to accomplish this without getting rid of the autocmd's. Is that possible?
My hunch is that I should somehow manually trigger the FileType event when sourcing .vimrc Can this be done and is this the recommended approach?
Though you've very clearly described the problem, I doubt that this is happening.
As you're correctly using :setlocal for the filetype-specific settings, and :set in your ~/.vimrc, the sourcing of the latter will only affect the global defaults (and the current buffer, which is your .vimrc during the BufWritePost event). To affect other buffers, there would need to be a :bufdo command in your .vimrc.
You can check this with
:verbose set ts? sts? sw? et?
To avoid that your .vimrc settings are overridden with the global settings, you can append this:
if expand('%:t') ==# '.vimrc'
setlocal filetype=vim
I ended up solving this issue by grouping the sourcing autocmd with another autocmd with the same event
" Reload changes to .vimrc automatically
autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc source ~/.vimrc | setlocal filetype=vim
I had tried this earlier, but I was also using the AirlineRefresh command for vim-airline as such:
autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc source ~/.vimrc | AirlineRefresh | setlocal filetype=vim
which was giving me this error:
E488: Trailing characters: AirlineRefresh | setlocal filetype=vim
Switching the order of AirlineRefresh and set local filetype=vim fixed the error and results in the desired behavior:
autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc source ~/.vimrc | setlocal filetype=vim | AirlineRefresh
:bufdo e will do it but I couldn't just add it to my .vimrc. It will also remove syntax highlighting which is not so good.
:h bufdo execute the command in each buffer in the buffer list
:h :e re-edit the current file

How can I get MacVim to properly indent my .vimrc

I'm going through the archive of videos and number 5 covers using Vim's auto-indentation to format source code. I see it working properly in my Objective-C file but not my .vimrc.
My tab settings are as follows:
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set expandtab
My .vimrc file has the following if block:
if has("autocmd")
filetype on
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.rss,*.atom setfiletype xml
autocmd BufWritePre *.py,*.js :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
I would think that if I placed the cursor on the first line above and pressed Vjjjj= I would get the second, third and fourth line indented by two spaces, but what I get instead is:
if has("autocmd")
filetype on
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.rss,*.atom setfiletype xml
autocmd BufWritePre *.py,*.js :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
Are my expectations incorrect or is this correct for some reason given the Vimscript language?
You need to add filetype plugin indent on to your vimrc to get vim to do indentation properly. (The plugin part isn't really necessary but is nice to have)
I would recommend replacing the filetype on line with filetype plugin indent on

Vim autocommand not triggering on search?

I use Vim 7.3, and have this in my .vimrc (and nothing else):
filetype plugin indent on
autocmd FileType java :setlocal sw=4 ts=4 sts=2 noet
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost ~/testdir/* setlocal sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et
I have a directory ~/testdir which only contains a subdirectory p and the file ~/testdir/p/ which contains this:
class A {
If I open by saying :e ~/testdir/p/ then :set et? reports that expandtab is currently ON.
On the other hand, if I start a new instance of Vim and go :vim A ~/testdir/** then this search will open, but now :set et? tells me expandtab is OFF.
How do I make my intended indentation settings always apply for files under ~/testdir/?
The event BufReadPost should be being fired. Check that writing a message. This is:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost $HOME/git/repo/* echom "Reading buffer " . expand("<afile>")
Look for the messages with:
If the messages are there, then you know you are setting those options for the buffer. So, if the options have changed when the buffer is displayed, perhaps a plugin is setting them to some other thing. Check who is the culprit by showing who last changed the option with
:verbose set sw?
If that doesn't lead you to a solution, try using BufWinEnter instead of BufReadPost. That would probably work.
Vim explicitly recommends using ~ for the user home.
The help at :h autocmd-patterns says that you can use environment variables in the event patterns ...
... [a]nd ~ can be used for the home directory (if $HOME is defined):
:autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc so ~/.vimrc
:autocmd BufRead ~archive/* set readonly
The environment variable is expanded when the autocommand is defined, not when
the autocommand is executed. This is different from the command!
So, change $HOME to ~ in your autocommand.
Even if your problem turns out to be unrelated it's good to follow the practice recommended in the docs.
The autocmd does work but probably not the way you expect since you did not set softtabstop.
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost ~/git/repo/* setlocal sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et
If you do not set softtabstop it will keep its old value. If this value is not 0 (which seems to be the case) when you press tab you will get the number of softtabstop spaces inserted into the file. And it will look like its not working.
It is generally a good idea to set shiftwidth, tabstop, and softtabstop to the same value if you ever change it.
Its also probably a good idea to make the set command local to the buffer by using setlocal.
Take a look at :h softtabstop
You can see that the autocmd "works" when softtabstop is set to its default value (of 0) if you run the command like this. And then run your :vim command
vim -u NONE -N -c'autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost $HOME/git/repo/* set sw=2 ts=2 et'

Disabling autocommenting for all filetypes

I turned on filetype plugin for some rails vim plugins I added, but a side effect of this seems to be that now autocommenting has been enabled in all filetypes (for instance, if I start a line with #, the next line, either by Enter in insert mode or O, etc. to enter insert mode, will also get a #).
I found a guide to disabling the auto-commenting formatoptions, and added the following to my .vimrc:
au FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=cro
However, I am still running into problems -- unless I explicitly :source .vimrc, (or enter the setlocal ... directly), it is not taking effect. I determined that this is the case because vim's ftplugins are overriding my options with their own.
I then found a second guide which talks about using an after ftplugin script to make changes after the ftplugin scripts have run, however their solution is to create symlinks for every single filetype in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin to a central file, and this seems to be kludgy to me.
Is there any way to create a generic after-ftplugin script or am I approaching this problem incorrectly? Any help would be appreciated.
How about an "after" plugin? Create a file in ~/.vim/after/plugin/ called noAutoComments.vim (or whatever) and place your autocmd in that?
The reason this works? I'm only guessing here, but I have a feeling that the autocmd in the ~/.vimrc file is getting removed by some other file (but before the "after" files are getting sourced).
I ended up removing my ~/.vim directory and replaced my ~/.vimrc with the following 3 lines:
filetype plugin on
syntax on
au FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=cro
With only these lines in my ~/.vimrc and no ~/.vim/ directory, the autocmd seems to work as expected (Vim 7.1).
For any file that I edit:
:verbose set formatoptions?
Last set from ~/.vimrc
I have yet to determine what file (plugin) is causing this issue however.
I've done some more investigation and it seems that the location of my autocmd within my .vimrc file determines if formatoptions will be overridden by vim's ftplugins or not. Using vim --noplugin to disable all external plugins, I found the following results:
If my vimrc looks like:
au FileType * setl fo-=cro
filetype plugin indent on
The result of :verbose set fo? is:
Last set from /usr/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin/ruby.vim
However, if the lines in my vimrc are reversed:
filetype plugin indent on
au FileType * setl fo-=cro
The result of :verbose set fo? is:
Last set from ~/.vimrc
... which is the desired result. So it seems that the autocmd needs to be specified after filetype plugins are enabled.
Another reason this might not be taking effect...
From :he :set-=:
When the option is a list of flags, {value} must be
exactly as they appear in the option. Remove flags
one by one to avoid problems.
I have
" Turn off auto-commenting
au FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c
au FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=r
au FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=o
because I've run into this.
Using one of the various autocmd events to set the configuration option should work if you find the right one, but I'd start by running:
:verbose set formatoptions?
This will tell you where the option was set, which may make it easier to determine which autocmd to use. Alternatively, if you don't mind a bit of minor hacking, the way I'd probably do it is just to find out where it's set in the plugin and comment out that line (and make a note of it in case you ever upgrade the plugin). You could also contact the plugin's author and ask them to make it a configurable option.
For the available autocmd events, read this:
:help {event}
I have tried solutions proposed by many, but none of them worked for me, but I found one very simple workaround, namely, in your ~/.bash_aliases:
# vim without auto comment
alias vi="vi +'set fo-=cro'"
I was struggling with this issue and I finally works with the following lines:
syntax on
filetype on
filetype plugin on
au FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=cro
I think the key here is that the autocmd is place after the filetype plugin on.
