Apache Spark Transformations: groupByKey vs reduceByKey vs aggregateByKey - apache-spark

These three Apache Spark Transformations are little confusing. Is there any way I can determine when to use which one and when to avoid one?

I think official guide explains it well enough.
I will highlight differences (you have RDD of type (K, V)):
if you need to keep the values, then use groupByKey
if you no need to keep the values, but you need to get some aggregated info about each group (items of the original RDD, which have the same K), you have two choices: reduceByKey or aggregateByKey (reduceByKey is kind of particular aggregateByKey)
2.1 if you can provide an operation which take as an input (V, V) and returns V, so that all the values of the group can be reduced to the one single value of the same type, then use reduceByKey. As a result you will have RDD of the same (K, V) type.
2.2 if you can not provide this aggregation operation, then use aggregateByKey. It happens when you reduce values to another type. So you will have (K, V2) as a result.

In addition to #Hlib answer, I would like to add few more points.
groupByKey() is just to group your dataset based on a key.
reduceByKey() is something like grouping + aggregation. We can say reduceBykey() equvelent to dataset.group(...).reduce(...).
aggregateByKey() is logically same as reduceByKey() but it lets you return result in different type. In another words, it lets you have a input as type x and aggregate result as type y. For example (1,2),(1,4) as input and (1,"six") as output.


is there have different between distinct() and reduceByKey() in spark

i have a RDD type like this: RDD[((String), SomeDTO)]
this RDD is come from an union method, and I can be sure that the element value of the same key must be the same, so if i want distinct all element of the rdd, what is the difference between the two methods I use
context.union(Array(rdd1, rdd2)).distinct()
context.union(Array(rdd1, rdd2)).reduceByKey((_, curr) => curr)
i'm beginner of spark, the only different i know is that distinct() running slowly
Referring the source code https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/5d45a415f3a29898d92380380cfd82bfc7f579ea/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/rdd/RDD.scala#L449 , distinct also follows the reduceByKey approach so you should be alright. distinct would not be slower than reduceByKey.

reduce, reduceByKey, reduceGroups in Spark or Flink

reduce: function takes accumulated value and next value to find some aggregation.
reduceByKey: is also the same operation with specified key.
reduceGroups: is apply specified operation to the grouped data.
I don't know how memory managed for these operations. For example, how data is taken while using reduce function(e.g all data loaded to the memory?)? I want to know how data is managed for reduce operations. I also want to know what is the difference between these operations according to the data management.
Reduce is one of the cheapest operations in Spark,since that the only thing it does is actually grouping similar data to the same node.The only cost of a reduce operation is the reading of the tuple and a decision of where it should be grouped.
This means that the simple reduce,in contrast to the reduceByKey or reduceGroups is more expensive because Spark does not know how to make the grouping and searches for correlations among tuples.
Reduce can also ignore a tuple if it does not meet any requirement.

Difference between reduce and reduceByKey in Apache Spark

What is the difference between reduce and reduceByKey in Apache Spark in terms of their functionalities?
Why reduceByKey is a transformation and reduce is an action?
This is close to a duplicate of my answer explaining reduceByKey, but I will elaborate to the specific part that makes the two different. However refer to my answer for a bit more specifics on the internals of reduceByKey.
Basically, reduce must pull the entire dataset down into a single location because it is reducing to one final value. reduceByKey on the other hand is one value for each key. And since this action can be run on each machine locally first then it can remain an RDD and have further transformations done on its dataset.
Note, however that there is a reduceByKeyLocally you can use to automatically pull down the Map to a single location also.
Please go through this official documentation link .
reduce is an action which Aggregate the elements of the dataset using a function func (which takes two arguments and returns one),also we can use reduce for single RDDs (for more info Please click HERE).
reduceByKey When called on a dataset of (K, V) pairs, returns a dataset of (K, V) pairs where the values for each key are aggregated using the given reduce function func, which must be of type (V,V) => V. (for more info Please click HERE)
this is the qt assistant :
reduce(f): Reduces the elements of this RDD using the specified
commutative and associative binary operator. Currently reduces
partitions locally.
reduceByKey(func, numPartitions=None, partitionFunc=) :
Merge the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce

Are RDDs in Spark multisets?

In Learning Spark you can find the section "Pseudo set operations". There, it is, rightfully, stated that RDDs are not sets from a mathematical point of view. This is obviously correct; e.g. elements in an RDD are not unique. One is tempted to argue that RDDs are multisets. It raises two questions:
Are RDDs multisets or not?
In turn:
If RDDs are not multisets, why? What is the difference between RDDs and multisets?
If RDDs are multisets, why the (multi)set-operations are not defined accordingly? For example If M1 = [a,b,a,b] and M2 = [a,a,b,c], then from a mathematical point of view their intersection should be [a,a,b]. However, Spark returns [a,b]; kind of the purely set view of the operation. What is the motivation behind?
N.B.: Cartesian product: As if to add to the confusion, the cartesian product of M1 and M2 behaves like a multiset product; i.e. returns a multiset.

treeReduce vs reduceByKey in Spark

I saw the following post a little bit back: Understanding TreeReduce in Spark
I am still trying to exactly understand when to use a treeReduce vs a reduceByKey. I think we can use a universal example like a word count to help me further understand what is going on.
Does it always make sense to use reduceByKey in a word count?
Or is there a particular size of data when treeReduce makes more sense?
Are there particular cases or rules of thumbs when treeReduce is the better option?
Also this may be answered in the above based on reduceByKey but does anything change with reduceByKeyLocally and treeReduce
How do I appropriately determine depth?
Edit: So playing in spark-shell, I think I fundamentally don't understand the concept of treeReduce but hopefully an example and those question help.
res2: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((D,1), (18964,1), (D,1), (1,1), ("",1), ("",1), ("",1), ("",1), ("",1), (1,1))
scala> val reduce = input.reduceByKey(_+_)
reduce: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] = ShuffledRDD[11] at reduceByKey at <console>:25
scala> val tree = input.treeReduce(_+_, 2)
<console>:25: error: type mismatch;
found : (String, Int)
required: String
val tree = input.treeReduce(_+_, 2)
There is a fundamental difference between the two-reduceByKey is only available on key-value pair RDDs, while treeReduce is a generalization of reduce operation on any RDD. reduceByKey is used for implementing treeReduce but they are not related in any other sense.
reduceByKey performs reduction per each key, resulting in an RDD; it is not an "action" in RDD sense but a transformation that returns a ShuffleRDD. This is equivalent to groupByKey followed by a map that does key-wise reduction (check this why using groupByKey is inefficient).
On the other hand, treeAggregate is a generalization of reduce function, inspired from AllReduce. This is an "action" in spark sense, returning the result on the master node. As explained the link posted in your question, after performing local reduce operation, reduce performs rest of the computation on the master, which can be very burdensome (especially in machine learning when the reduce function results in a large vectors or a matrices). Instead, treeReduce perform the reduction in parallel using reduceByKey (this is done by creating a key-value pair RDD on the fly, with the keys determined by the depth of the tree; check implementation here).
So, to answer your first two questions, you have to use reduceByKey for word count since you are interested in getting per word-count and treeReduce is not appropriate here. The other two questions are not related to this topic.
