I have images in my var folder under Symfony 3 -->
var --> uploads --> images --> myFile.jpg
I want to get access in my twig file to this jpeg file.
I use a global under
twig config: uploads_root_dir: /var/www/html/var/uploads
So my complete Url would be like this:
But it is no Image shown. I can't use asset and I also don't want to. Is it possbile to get access to this file?
Symfony (2 & 3) only expose the web folder.
You have two choices
move your uploads to the web directory but it makes it accessible to everyone
create a custom url that serve image if the user is authorized
exemple: (very abstract, just to have the general idea)
if(! $this->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
// throw unauthaurize exception
$imagePath = $this->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'../var/uploads/images/' . $imageName;
// then return the image file or its path
// [...]
I have .net core web API PROJECT. I want to put some static images in this project.I have below code in start up file
var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
// Add new mappings
provider.Mappings[".myapp"] = "application/x-msdownload";
provider.Mappings[".htm3"] = "text/html";
provider.Mappings[".image"] = "image/png";
provider.Mappings[".png"] = "image/png";
// Replace an existing mapping
provider.Mappings[".rtf"] = "application/x-msdownload";
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(
Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), #"MyStaticFiles")),
RequestPath = new PathString("/StaticFiles"),
ContentTypeProvider = provider
when I run or deployed this web project, i have checked under it has StaticFiles folder has test.png
when I browse for test.tt/StaticFiles/test.png, or test.tt/wwwroot/StaticFiles/test.png or test.tt/wwwroot/StaticFiles/images/test.png
browser is not loading that image, it is displaying white page, where I check on network console of by F12,it is delivering response of type document and json.
My problem is image is not displaying, i have tried more images but not helpful.I am sure there is image,folder in my path.
can you tell how if I browse test.png,direct hitting path to get static file .net core WEB API images?
By default, static files go into the wwwroot in your project root. Calling app.UseStaticFiles(), causes this directory to be served at the base path of the site, i.e. /. As such, a file like wwwroot/images/test.png would be available at /images/test.png (note: without the wwwroot part).
I'm not sure what in the world you're doing with the rest of this code here, but you're essentially adding an additional served directory at [project root]/MyStaticFiles, which will then be served at /StaticFiles. As such, first, test.png would have to actually be in MyStaticFiles, not wwwroot, and then you'd access by requesting /StaticFiles/test.png.
However, there's no need for this other directory. If you simply want to add some additional media types, you can do that via:
services.Configure<StaticFileOptions>(o =>
var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
provider.Mappings.Add(".myapp", "application/x-msdownload");
// etc.
o.ContentTypeProvider = provider;
And then just use:
Nothing else is required.
I am developing a chatbot using NodeJS and BotBuilder. I have the file chatbot.jpg stored in a folder named image. This sits just beneath the root directory. I am able to display the image (using Kudu to find the URL) in a web browser as follows:
If I remove the .scm element within the URL, I can no longer display the image.
Even more curiously, if I use the above URL in my bot code, the image doesn't display.
var welcomeCard = new builder.HeroCard(session)
.title("This is the new")
.subtitle('Virtual Assistant')
new builder.CardImage(session)
alt("Virtual Assistant")
session.send(new builder.Message(session)
My question is, how do I find out the regular URL of the image stored in the Azure App Service, so that I can use it in my code?
From the public web, the URL should be https://mysite.azurewebsites.net/images/chatbot.jpg
The wwwroot folder is the root folder served by the app service.
Your code can't just the scm URL as that URL requires you to be logged in to the Azure portal; it's an admin URL.
To accomplish your goal, you need to configure your Restify server to serve static files.
Example Restify config (add to your bot code):
server.get(/\/images\/?.*/, restify.serveStatic({
directory: './images'
I'm doing a node project where I expose my public folder like:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')))
So now, all my public files are accessible through localhost:8080/*
I have also created a folder called "views" where I save private views, javascript and css files associated with them. They are private views so I don't want any user to access them.
As I have html linked with my css files and javascript, when the browser try to GET them, it says "not found" because they are not in the public folder.
I'm sending the html as sendFile in the express route.
Is there any way to put all files in the public folder and then protect them for not being accessible to public users? Or is there any alternative to sendFile, so the file is rendered locally and it doesn't need to request the css and javascript files
Thank you in advance
Views are technically private. Because they are rendered server-side, and not directly accessible by the visitors.
But you generally don't want stuff like Javascript, CSS nor views to be private. They will be seen anyway by the user. The only reason to have things like Node.js views private is the fact that they need be rendered by Node.js prior sending them to the user.
If you have private files, you might want to do same.
Otherwise, simply place them on the /public folder. You should not be hiding any secrets inside your JS / CSS code.
Edit (following comment):
You have a couple ways to do that.
Either you build a unique response that contains all necessary HTML / views - CSS - JS.
render('view.ejs', { css: 'body { color: blue }' })
You will need render that variable into your view, just like you might already be doing with your other views.
You might also want to read it from a file:
fs.readFile(`${__dirname}/css/style.css`, (error, styles) => { ... }
Or you handle each file request separately:
Node.js - external JS and CSS files (just using node.js not express)
(if you use Node.js views simply render these one instead of HTML files)
I'm running self hosted Nancy web application on Owin and have troubles with static content.
Let's say my application runs from this folder:
My Views are in here:
so in my browser I can go to http://localhost:85/Manager and my page loads.
I simply can't make it to serve static content though, all my files are in /Content folder, I tried to place it both to /myfolder and /Manager folder with no luck.
Neither http://localhost:85/Manager/Content/css/styles.css nor http://localhost:85/Content/css/styles.css urls work
How do I get it to work?
Fixed the problem by adding these lines of code to Startup :
using Microsoft.Owin.FileSystems;
using Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles;
var options = new FileServerOptions()
RequestPath = PathString.Empty,
FileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem("/Path/here")
I've read that files in the public folder are accessible via a web browser in Laravel. When I type in the path to files in my public folder, I don't see the file, unless I defined the path in the routes.
I am making a downloads page so that a user can download encrypted/classified materials via a from.
I do not want the ability for a user to access the files in any other way other than the download form or other controlled methods.
Do I need to create lets say a private folder and store the files their. If I do, will I still have access to the files in the back end?
Or are files in the public folder not accessible unless defined by the routes? If thats right could I just store the files under public?
Files under public folder are accessible by anyone, unless your webserver has a policy set to a particular directory.
If you are currently not able to access a file in your public folder is because, maybe, you are not writing the url correctly, ie:
A file in
Will be accessible via:
Note that the public part of your folder is not present in your URL ONLY IF your webserver is correctly configured and your .htaccess file is in place and able to rewrite your URL.
For sensitive files, what you can do is to store them insite your app folder (or any other folder outside public), where just your application will have access to, something like this can be ok:
/var/www/myapp/app/storage/<create a new folder here>
And then, yes, create a route to read and present your secure files:
Route::get('readfile/{fileName}', ['before' => 'auth', 'use' => 'ReadFileController#read']);
The filter 'before' => 'auth' will assure that one not authenticated will never be able to access a file.
In your controller you could do something like this to check if one can see a file:
class ReadFileController extends Controller {
public function read($fileName)
if(Auth::user()->id == 1) // of course this is not a good way, just an example
return $this->getFile($fileName);
return Response::make(null, 403); // forbidden
private function getFile($fileName)
Also, you can use authentication "middelware" in your routes to add better access control.
Route::get('routeName', ['middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' =>'XController#action']);