I'm trying to download a JAR file from a repo, but I'm getting the below error:
pget { 'Download 123 jar file':
source => 'url'
target => 'C:\download,
targetfilename => '123.jar',
require => File['E:\download'],
I'm getting the below error while executing the resource
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Unknown resource type: 'pget'
Can anyone explain why I cannot use pget? Is there any other way to download the JAR file?
You either forgot to install the module that provides the pget type, or it was not installed correctly: https://forge.puppet.com/cyberious/pget
Install it either locally (using puppet apply) or on the master (using puppet agent) with:
puppet module install cyberious-pget
and then your resource will work.
I have puppet manifests which would download exe file and get installed in windows server.I am getting an error while running command: puppet agent -t on windows server.
Manifests file: /etc/puppet/modules/mercury/manifests/iisserver.pp
class mercury::iisserver {
download_file { "Download dotnet core 2":
url => 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/3/A/73A3E4DC-F019-47D1-9951-0453676E059B/dotnet-sdk-2.0.2-win-gs-x64.exe',
destination_directory => 'C:/dotnet-sdk-2.0.2-win-gs-x64.ex',
notify => Package["dotnercore2"],
package { "dotnercore2":
ensure => installed,
source => "C:/dotnet-sdk-2.0.2-win-gs-x64.exe",
require => File["C:/dotnet-sdk-2.0.2-win-gs-x64.exe"],
Error on windows server after running Puppet agent -t:
Error :Could not retreive catalog from remote server:error 400 on server:Syntax error at 'Stdlib::HTTPUrl'; Expected')' at /etc/puppet/modules/download_file/manifests/init.pp on node XXXX
Warning : not using cache on failed catalog.
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; Skipping run
If you look closely, your error output shows what is wrong. There is a Syntax error with your HTTPUrl on your /etc/puppet/modules/download_file/manifests/init.pp file. It is expecting a ')' character somewhere. Could you recheck your manifest for the download_file module or post it here so that we can review :)
I have set up Puppet master/agent in Oracle VirtualBox using Vagrant and installed netdev_stdlib on both master and agent according to instruction in the README.
I have set up module path to /etc/puppet/modules/netdev_stdlib where standard library stdlib also exists.
The master node is puppet.example.com and agent is node01.example.com.
My manifest file is as follows:
node default {
file { "/tmp/example_ip": ensure => present }
include stdlib # No error on this line
# include netdev_stdlib # Uncomment this line will cause error
netdev_device { $hostname: }
However, when I run puppet agent -t on the client I got
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid
resource type netdev_device at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:17 on node
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
I tried to use include netdev_stdlib in the manifest file site.pp, but Puppet couldn't find the class netdev_stdlib. However, include stdlib is fine.
I tried to use include netdev_stdlib in manifest file site.pp but Puppet couldn't find the class netdev_stdlib, but include stdlib is fine.
The netdev_stdlib module doesn't provide a class that can simply be included. It's more of a programming framework for writing new Puppet types to manage network devices in Ruby.
You should either use the module to write a new network device module of your own for interfacing to some new type of device, per the README, or remove it and don't include the class.
If you're trying to manage a network device, you should look for an existing module that supports that type of device - it may then use this module as a dependency instead. If you're not managing a network device, I don't think you should be trying to use the module.
Note that most module READMEs will indicate class names that can be included; not all modules will contain Puppet classes.
Miss { in end of file type:
change from:
file { "/tmp/example_ip": ensure => present,
file { "/tmp/example_ip": ensure => present, }
I am following the pluralsight's tutorial for puppet fundamentals by Ben Piper.
When installing the "vcsrepo" module in agents and downloading the repository the puppet agent run hangs.
Below is the excerpt from my puppet master "init.pp" file
I changed my puppetmaster init.pp file to use the ssh instead.
`file { '/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa':
ensure => 'present',
vcsrepo { '/var/www/html':
ensure => 'present',
provider => 'git',
source => 'git#github.com:wikimedia/mediawiki.git',
user => 'vagrant',
revision => 'REL1_23',
require => File['/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa'],
file { '/var/www/html/index.html':
ensure => 'absent',
File['/var/www/html/index.html'] -> Vcsrepo['/var/www/html']`
It now throws the below error
Notice: /Stage[main]/Linux/File[/info.txt]/content: content changed '{md5}dd4735ab73567a89caba62c6607e44b5' to '{md5}e30fa7cc7448a09071a0e4d33efa5986'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Mediawiki/Vcsrepo[/var/www/html]/ensure: Creating repository from present
Error: Execution of 'git clone git#github.com:wikimedia/mediawiki.git /var/www/html' returned 1:
Error: /Stage[main]/Mediawiki/Vcsrepo[/var/www/html]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of 'git clone git#github.com:wikimedia/mediawiki.git /var/www/html' returned 1:
I have shared my system's public key in github account
On Linux
Execute the following in the command line before executing the Git command:
export GIT_TRACE=1
On Windows
Execute the following in the command line before executing the Git command:
Error code 56 indicates a curl receive error of CURLE_RECV_ERROR which means there was some issue that prevented the data from being received during the clone process. Typically this is caused by a network setting, firewall, VPN client, or anti-virus that is terminating the connection before all data has been transferred.
Switch to using SSH to perform the clone.
I have an existing puppet manifest which installs a bunch of php5 packages and only after being installed restarts apache. The simplified manifest is something like
package { 'apache-php':
name => $modules,
ensure => installed
exec {'enable-mod-php':
command => $enable_cmd,
refreshonly => true
Package['apache-php'] ~> Exec['enable-mod-php'] ~> Service['apache']
After a system upgrade catalog runs have started failing with the following error message:
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter name failed on Package[apache-php]: Name must be a String not Array at /etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/php.pp:22
I found out that I was using an undocumented feature/bug: Puppet 3.4.0 name as an array in package.
However, I'm having a hard time finding out how to redo my setup after the upgrade. How can I rewrite this manifest so that it works with more recent puppet versions?
Instead of using an arbitrary title for the package define in your example. (eg. apache-php) and using a name parameter, you can do the following:
$modules = ['foo','bar','baz']
package { $modules:
ensure => present
notify => Exec['enable-mod-php']
exec {'enable-mod-php':
command => $enable_cmd,
refreshonly => true,
notify => Service['apache']
service { 'apache':
# your apache params
I haven't looked at the code for the package provider, but can verify that the above works. You should also note that chaining arrows are all well and good, but according to the Puppet style guide, metaparameters are preferred.
Hope this helps.
I was trying to write a module for epel repo.
here is the content of that module.
[root# manifests]# cat init.pp
class epel {
file { "/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo":
ensure => "present",
mode => "400",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
source => "puppet://$puppetmaster/modules/yumrepos/files/epel.repo"
While applying this module to client side, I am getting following error.
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class epel for
Please tell me where will be the error exists.
Thanks in adv
The class epel will only be located if the init.pp file is in the epel module.
Make sure that
The file is in the manifests subdirectory
The epel tree (including manifests/) is in a module search directory of the current environment
There is no other epel module (this is pretty far fetched, though)
Note that you probably want to use the yumrepo type to manage repositories, instead of deploying prepared configuration files.