What are some approaches to exchange data without using SSL/TLS - security

When creating any kind of application web,api etc; This days the best practices recommend to secure endpoints by using TLS, but what we can learn from the cloudbleed issue, is that it may not be enough.
Therefore I would like to know what could be done to keep a certain level of security even when TLS is compromised.
For web applications what I currently use is jsencrypt, basically encrypts all data on client browser side before it is sent, but in order to to this I need first to exchange a shared secret (token/cookie) between the server and client, but when dealing with API's that don't support javascript what could be used?
Regarding the exchange of tokens, by instinct it may be obvious to say use OAUTH, OpenID Connect, json tokens , but all of them require or delegate trust to TLS, and again when this is compromised it became useless.
If I am right OpenID could be used without SSL to share a "common secret" by doing Diffie–Hellman key exchange, is there something similar that could be implemented keeping in mind that if TLS gets compromised, easy measure could be taking like revoking tokens or changing "salts" ?
For now I think by following the gpg or rsa (private/public) keys is the way to go, in a way that probably everyone could have access to the public keys but will not be available to see the content of some data signed to a specific user.
But question remains in how to exchange that very first "known secret" between client and server avoiding a possible man in the middle attack considering TLS can't be trusted.

The problem of exchanging the first "known secret" is the same for all protocols, SSL or not. SSL is a public key infrastructure where the basic information that needs to be distributed is the public key of the root certificate of the certificate issuer. The public keys for all ssl certificate issuers are distributed with the browser installation.
Any protocol will depend on some information that is communicated between the server and client in a different channel from the channel where the communication is established. If you don't trust the SSL infrastructure, you will have to send this information by email, postal mail, sms, or by some other means.
However, your problem does not start with the keys neccesary for the encryption libraries you are using in you web application. Your very web application (the javascript files) are also sent from the server to the web browser over SSL. If your SSL communication is compromised by a man-in-the-middle, this man-in-the-middle is also probably able to change the web pages and javascript code that you send to the browser. He could just rewrite your application and remove all encryption code, add new fields and messages for the user, send the user to a different site and so on.
The SSL infrastructure is really a cornerstone in web security, and a neccessity for web applications. Without it, you would have to build a custom protocol for sending encrypted web pages and write a custom browser that would understand this protocol.
With all that said, it is of course possible to add a tiny layer of extra security on top of SSL. You may i.e. create a private/public keypair for each user, send a public key to the user and encrypt all messages from your server to the user with the private key. This could protect against a scenario where a main-in-the-middle is able to listen to the communication but not able to change your messages.


How are passwords securely shared between the client and server?

Usually when a user logs in, the user details are sent to the sever to authenticate the user. How are these credentials protected in the best way during flight?
Main Questions :
I understand the passwords are many times hashed, keeping them secure. Also TLS maintains the in-flight security, But is that the only way the transaction details are kept secure or do websites add any of their own layer of security?
In our case, we want to send a passcode to the backend, where another API will be called (that uses password grant) of a third party application. We cannot hash the password, we'll need it in the backend. Will TLS be sufficient for securing it in flight?
We were also planing to implement and secure the passcode by RSA (public key) on the client side and unlock it on the backend for use. Should we consider RSA?
I understand the passwords are many times hashed, keeping them secure. Also TLS maintains the in-flight security, But is that the only way the transaction details are kept secure or do websites add any of their own layer of security?
There are very few cases where layering more cryptography on top of TLS are beneficial. Your case doesn't seem to fit them. So TLS should be enough. TLS already provides encryption in transit. RSA would do the same. Defense in depth means layering different security mechanisms on top of each other.
You might hash the password on the client side creating an intermediate password, but considering your 2. question, this is not what you can do.
In our case, we want to send a passcode to the backend, where another API will be called (that uses password grant) of a third party application. We cannot hash the password, we'll need it in the backend. Will TLS be sufficient for securing it in flight?
Yes, but let the client (your server) validate the certificate chain and don't accept protocol downgrades.
We were also planing to implement and secure the passcode by RSA (public key) on the client side and unlock it on the backend for use. Should we consider RSA?
No, just use TLS 1.2 or higher with a valid server certificate and let the client validate the certificate chain (browser does that automatically for you).
Keep in mind that TLS needs a trust root. Most client side libraries as well as many browser use the trusted root store of the operating system. A certificate chain presented by the server should end in one certificate that is in the trusted root store.
You could use a self-signed certificate, but then the client would need to pin the public key of that self-signed certificate.

Secure client server channel

I'm building an application that needs to establish a secure connection between a client and a server, providing web services.
I need to guarantee authenticity for both (client and server), the server will also be handling the client authorization to access the data and files.
If thought to do it using an EKE-like algorithm to authenticate both, but these relies on a previously shared secret.
I could use the client password as the shared secret, but I would need to securely establish that password upon the client sign up, in this case I would need a secure channel, and authenticate the server (the client needs to know which server he is registering into).
I would rather avoid using a CA to provide certificates with the server public keys, because its a lot of extra code for just one small job, and it wouldn't be the best solution, because I would just have to trust the CA.
Ultimately this is to let the client send (client-)encrypted files to the server and share them.
Any alternatives that I'm missing out?
Tl;Dr How to stablish a secure client/server channel, authenticating the server, without CA, know public keys, or previous
SSL/TLS offers wide choice of authentication mechanisms, including pre-shared secrets, OpenPGP keys etc. So you can go for SSL and avoid reinventing the wheel.
Also you can sign and encrypt individual data messages (again using OpenPGP as a variant).

Are OAuth2 and SSL enough to secure an API

I'm trying to figure out the best way to secure an API. I only allow SSL and I'm using OAuth2 for authentication, but that doesn't seem like enough.
The major concern I have is that anyone could inspect the requests being made by a legitimate client to the API and steal the OAuth client_id. At that point they would be able to construct any request they want to impersonate the legitimate client.
Is there any way to prevent this? I've seen people use a HMAC hash of the parameters using a secret key known only to the client and server but I see 2 problems with that.
It's very difficult (impossible?) to prevent a malicious user from decompiling your client and figuring out the secret key.
Some parameters seem odd to make an HMAC hash of. For example if a parameter was bytes of a file, do you include the whole thing in your HMAC hash?
You can deploy mutually-authenticated SSL between your legitimate clients and your API. Generate a self-signed SSL client certificate and store that within your client. Configure your server to require client-side authentication and only accept the certificate(s) you've deployed to your clients. If someone/something attempting to connect does not have that client certificate, it will be unable to establish an SSL session and the connection will not be made. Assuming you control the legitimate clients and the servers, you don't need a CA-issued certificate here; just use self-signed certificates since you control both the client-side and server-side certificate trust.
Now, you do call out that it's really hard to prevent someone from reverse engineering your client and recovering your credential (the private key belonging to the client certificate, in this case). And you're right. You'll normally store that key (and the certificate) in a keystore of sometype (a KeyStore if you're using Android) and that keystore will be encrypted. That encryption is based on a password, so you'll either need to (1) store that password in your client somewhere, or (2) ask the user for the password when they start your client app. What you need to do depends on your usecase. If (2) is acceptable, then you've protected your credential against reverse engineering since it will be encrypted and the password will not be stored anywhere (but the user will need to type it in everytime). If you do (1), then someone will be able to reverse engineer your client, get the password, get the keystore, decrypt the private key and certificate, and create another client that will be able to connect to the server.
There is nothing you can do to prevent this; you can make reverse engineering your code harder (by obfuscation, etc) but you cannot make it impossible. You need to determine what the risk you are trying to mitigate with these approaches is and how much work is worth doing to mitigate it.
Are you running the OAuth authentication step over SSL itself? That prevents all kinds of snooping though it does mean you'll have to be careful to keep your OAuth server's certificate up to date. (Note, the OAuth server can have a public SSL identity; it's still impossible to forge with even vaguely-reasonable amounts of effort. It's only the private key that needs to be kept secret.)
That said, you need to be more careful about what you are protecting against. Why do people have to use your client code at all? Why does it have to be “secret”? Easier to give that away and put the smarts (including verification of login identity) on your server. If someone wants to write their own client, let them. If someone wants to wave their account in public in a silly way, charge them the costs they incur from their foolishness…

Can I use a self-signed SSL certificate for commercial purposes?

I'm making a server-client to use ssl for sign up and login process.
(and this is for iphone if it matters)
I just started looking at what ssl is and how to use it, and
saw there is a certificate in the process which can be bought or self-signed.
If I use self-signed certificate in web server, web browser would alert that cert is self-signed, that I understand.
But what would happen if I use self-signed certificate in regular application with tcp(not http), specifically iphone.
I just want to make the signup/login
info(their password) to be secure,
and hoping that using self-signed
certificate would be ok for this
purpose. But I also need to make
sure this won't cause "not trusted
certificate - alert" type of
interruption when used in application
other than a web browser.
I understand that "not trusted certificate alert" is saying client shouldn't trust this server.
But in my situation, client doesn't need to authenticate with the server.
The server just needs to get client's password in a secure way.
To answer your question: You can, but you shouldn't!
First, using SSL only for authentication isn't secure at all. The authentication process probably produces some kind of session (e.g. cookie) which is then transfered without encryption. Therefore, the session can be stolen (see Session hijacking).
Second, using a self-signed certificate allows man-in-the-middle attacks. So, someone can steal the user's password and he probably won't even notice it. The user doesn't know the difference between the alert that pops up when the client receives your self-signed certificat and the pop up that shows when the attackers self-signed certificate is used.
My advice: Don't use self-signed certificates. When an attack happens it's bad for you and your customers.
When you use an SSL connection to encrypt a login dialogue with a password the server sends the client a public key (in the form of a certificate), and the client generates a one-off session key, encrypts it using the server's public key, and sends it to the server. The server can then decrypt the session key because it has the private key.
The user then encrypts his password using the session key and sends that to the server, which can decrypt it because it knows the session key.
Now, without PKI if an attacker wanted to learn your password he could spoof the server. He'd send you his public key and you'd generate a session key, etc., in the usual way and send him your password which he would be able to decrypt because you'd be using his key without knowing whether you can trust it.
PKI protects you against this kind of attack by requiring that public keys are distributed as certificates. If you trust the CA that signed the certificate you can tell that the public key really does belong to the server and that it's safe to use it to encrypt your password. If you don't use a certificate -- or if you use an untrusted certificate -- you generally have no idea who you are sending your password to.
You don't give enough information about your own particular use case to say for certain whether you can use a self-signed certificate ... For example: It may be that you have one fixed certificate that is distributed in advance by some trusted channel and that you can check that the correct certificate is being used when you begin your SSL conversation. If that's the case then your client already knows that it has the correct public key and doesn't need to be able to check a signature. In general, though, you need a proper certificate signed by a trusted CA or else you have no security.
That's the entire point of trusted signing authorities - anything signed by someone else is supposed to give a security alert. So, no, there's no useful way to override this (unless you have control over the client computers - e.g. a self-signed certificate used for company-internal sites, when you can add your own CA into the clients' list), either for web browsers or anything else.
With a self-signed certificate, how can a user know whether the certificate is yours or an attacker's? He can't.
If you completely control both ends of the process (server and client), you can of course instruct the client to always trust "certificate from Eugene with a fingerprint of A01AABB546AC", for example, but then you need to build your own certificate infrastructure (expiration/revocation).
You will add no theoretical security by using a self-signed certificate, because of the possibility of man in the middle. The counterparts (your client and your server) in this communication will have no additional information about who is talking or listening, whereas the point of this kind of encryption is to make sure that there are only two participants in the communication and that the identity of at least one of them is known.
In your case, the password will not be transferred to you securely, because you don't know if it has passed through a third party on the way. Likewise, the user won't know who he sends the password to.
In practice, a man in the middle attack will be a bit of work to set up, and maybe that obstacle is some kind of security, but contrast that to the annoyance of forcing your users to accept a security warning with unclear consequences, and indeed the risk of "false sense of security".
There are companies that offer free certificates with the lowest form of validation (they will only check that you "own" the e-mail address hostmaster#domain). That way you won't have to do with the warning, either.
Unless there is a way for you to package your certificate or its fingerprint with the app, as Piskvor said.
Moved to answer - for this type of thing you should be fine. The only thing the users won't get is a way to confirm the trust level of the cert (like you could do with a signed cert in a browser for example) but as per your comment to #Piskvor that doesn't sound like an issue: you aren't using it for that.

How does SSL actually work?

Whenever I see it being talked about, it sounds like one simply 'turns on' SSL and then all requests/responses to/from an online server are magically secure.
Is that right? Is SSL just about code - can I write two apps and make them communicate via SSL, or do you have to somehow register/certificate them externally?
Secure web pages are requested on port 443 instead of the normal port 80. The SSL protocol (plenty complicated in and of itself) is responsible for securing communication, and using the certificate information on both the SERVER and the BROWSER to authenticate the server as being who they say they are.
Generating an SSL certificate is easy. Generating one that is based on the information embedded in 99% of web browsers costs money. But the technical aspects are not different.
You see, there are organizations (Verisign, Globalsign, etc...) that have had their certificate authority information INCLUDED with browsers for many years. That way, when you visit a site that has a certificate that they produced (signed), your browser says:
"well, if Verisign trusts XYZ.com, and I trust Verisign, then I trust XYZ.com"
The process is easy:
Go to a competent SSL vendor, such as GlobalSign. Create a KEY and Certificate Request on the webserver. Use them (and your credit card) to buy a certificate. Install it on the server. Point the web-browser to HTTPS (port 443). The rest is done for you.
SSL is a protocol for encrypted communications over a TCP connection (or some other reliable scheme). The encryption uses public key encryption using X.509 certificates. SSL handles both privacy and trust. These are related: if you don't trust the server, you don't believe that the server hasn't handed out its private key to everyone in North America.
Thus, the client has to trust the server's certificate. For public sites, this is arranged via a hierarchy of certificate authorities, with the root authorities trusted, automatically, by browsers and things like the JRE's socket implementation.
Anyone can generate a self-signed certificate for a server, but then the client has to be manually configured to trust it.
SSL is not, in itself, a magic bullet that makes everything secure. Security has no such things.
SSL is, however, an already-designed, ready-to-use system for solving a common problem: secure stream communication over a network connection.
There are two things you need to do to secure your application with SSL:
Modify the application's code to use SSL.
Determine the certificate trust model (and deploy and configure the application respectively).
Other answers and documentation provide better answers to how to do each of these things than I could provide.
I'll throw caution to the wind and attempt to condense an enormous subject.
SSL attempts to solve two problems:
1) Authentication and hence trust i.e can the client trust the server and vice versa
2) Communication without eavesdropping
1) Is handled by means of an intermediary i.e a trusted 3rd party - these are called 'Root Certificate Authorities' ( or Root CAs ) examples include Verisign, RSA etc
If a company wants to authenticate users and more importantly if a user wants to authenticate the company's website it's connecting to i.e your bank then the Root CA issues the company a certificate which effectively says 'I the trusted Root CA verify that I trust that Company X are who they say they are and am issuing a certificate accordingly'. So you get a chain of trust i.e I trust the certificate from ACME Co because Root CA Verisign created and issued it.
2) Once the two parties have authenticated then the certificate ( typically X590 ) is used to form a secure connection using public/private key encryption.
Hopelessly simple and incomplete but hope that gives a rough idea
Yes and no. You should self-sign a certificate and test the site with SSL internally before deploying it with SSL, first of all. To make the public site secure under SSL, you will need to purchase a certificate from one of any number of certificate providers. Then you will have a certificate signed by a trusted third party, tied to your domain name, so that users' browsers won't complain that the certificate is invalid, etc. Turning SSL on is pretty much just flipping a switch, otherwise.
For the most part you need to buy and register a certificate externally.
You need to have your server certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), for which they will charge you. The client needs to trust that CA and have a copy of the relevant CA public key. The client can then check that you are who you claim to be (including domain name (from DNS) and display name for https).
This is a good tutorial on how to create self signed certificates for Apache.
If you want to know how SSL works on either the Server or the Client, then I suggest Googling it. As you suspected, it is a ridiculesly complex procedure, with lots of communication between the client and server, a lot of very peculiar math, and tons of processing. There is also a lot of theory involved, several protocols and many different algorithms and encryption standards. It's quite incredible how changing http:// to https:// is so simple to the user, but results in so much work for both sides, and is so secure. To really understand it you need to take a security course (multiple courses to fully understand it), as the entire history of encryption goes into making your login to Gmail secure.
Turning on TLS (colloquially "SSL") does not make your site magically secure. You may still be vulnerable to application-level vulnerabilities like stack overflows, SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF.
As other answers have explained, TLS only protects against a man in the middle. Traffic between a client and a properly-configured TLS server cannot be intercepted or modified, and the client can reliably confirm the identity of the server by validating the X.509 certificate. This prevents an attacker from impersonating your TLS server.
SSL actually does two things:
Encrypts the communication so that an observer seeing the data stream will not be able to read the conversation.
Guarantees that you are talking to who you think you are talking to.
It is only for #2 that you need to get official certificates. If you only care to encrypt the communication without setting up a trust relationship, you can use self-signed certificates or you can use an algorithm that does not require certificates (i.e. Diffie-Hellman).
