Unable to creat new key for watson virtual agent - watson-virtual-agent

I am trying to create a new key for my virtual agent. When I submit entry to request new key after entering key name the response is always!
"Failed to create new key; try again later"

In this case the issue was tied to a defect where if the last key in the subscription has been deleted, a new key cannot be created.
One way to address is to request a new subscription using a different email address, or reach out to IBM support for an interim solution.


Getting Account ID from Segment.io Salesforce (Actions) Mapping to Create Contact

The Salesforce (Actions) destination in Segment allows one to map Accounts and also Contacts. I'm using this for upserts upon receipt of an identify call.
Their documentation says, that for a contact to be associated with an account, the account ID must be provided.
The ID of the account that this contact is associated with. This is the Salesforce-generated ID assigned to the account during creation (i.e. 0018c00002CDThnAAH).
Fair enough, but the account is created by Segment using another mapping from the same identify. So how can I get the newly created account ID from that step to include in the Account ID field of the contact mapping triggered by the same identify?
The account ID is required to map the new contact to an existing account. But the account ID doesn't exist except as created by another mapping, which isn't made available as a variable in the current context.
Account ID field customer mapping
Simply, how can a single identify event - not having a pre-existing account ID - trigger the creation of both a new account and a related contact using the Segment Salesforce (Actions) destination?
I've tried configuring the mappings in different orders to see if Segment could just recognize that it was itself creating the new account ID. I would expect that at some point the ID it's creating, which I can see in testing, is made available to the other mappings, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Segment support says it’s not possible to create a new account and a new related contact at the same time from a single Identify.
The account ID needs to be Included in the identify to create a contact related to the account being created. But the account ID doesn’t exist before Segment creates the account, so can't be included in the Identify.
Very frustrating.

Azure devops service connection expired and cannot edit/renew

I have a Service Connection which is being used for Pipelines in Azure DevOps. It was created by another user some time ago. Recently it expired and would not allow me to change the username it was associated with. So I deleted that Service Connection and created a new one, and it took me a lot of time to modify each Pipeline where it was being used.
I have two questions.
Is it possible to change the creator name of the Service Connection?
If not, is there any other way to reuse an existing Service Connection after its secret expires?
Thanks in advance.
I just got stuck in the same position trying to manually update the connection with a new client secret. Here's what worked for me:
From the DevOps Service Connection | Click Manage Service Principal
Then on the service principal | Certificates & Secrets
Create a "New Client Secret"
Delete the expired secret
Return to the DevOps Service Connection
Click Edit - click the verify button. It should tell you the client certificate has expired
Now you need to make a meaningless change and save it. I just type a character in to the optional description and save.
Now edit again and click verify, it will now pick up the new client secret and all is happy. Just go delete the meaningless character you typed into the description and click save.
Defining service connection you can pick a name what you want. So in your case you can reuse old name to minimize your work.
If you ahve already define service connection you can change a name using REST API:
PUT https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints/{endpointId}?api-version=5.1-preview.2
You can also edit it from the poertal:
and then:
Assuming you are using automatic authentication method. Automatic configured service connection does't allow updating the connection name or other information. You could try manual authentication method or Managed identity.
I had a similar issue that I couldn't edit an Azure RM Service Connection that had an expired client credential. However, turning off "New service connections experience" in the Preview features blade made it possible to update using the old service connection dialog.

Azure SSL certificate shows Guest User Error

I have purchased an SSL cert for my site and the cert has three steps you need to do in order to have it fully configured. The first step is "Key Vault Status" which I then click on and it shows the following error:
You do not have permission to get the service prinicipal information needed to assign a Key Vault to your certificate. Please login with an account which is either the owner of the subscription or an admin of the Active Directory to configure Key Vault settings.
This is very confusing because I am the owner of this subscription and I also went and created a new Key Vault just in case it was due to not having one created in the first place. In addition I checked the Access Control for this cert and I am also listed as Owner.
Any help is appreciated.
Ok, so I finally got to the bottom of it - I'll outline the story here as this was the solution but may not work for everyone.
When I first created my Azure account I did so under email address 1
A few years later I had migrated most of my email to email address 2. To get status updates and other things I transferred the subscription to email address 2.
Every other service has worked fine accept for this SSL issue as well as not being able to buy a support plan (it popped open an email app to send to email address 1)
In speaking with the AzureSupport twitter account they agreed that it was strange and arranged for a one time ticket for support.
The support agent asked me to check my Access Policies for the Key Vault I had created. This showed that email 1 is indeed a user in the Azure Active Direction and they mentioned that I'd need to have the admin add it. Since I had noticed the irregularities with email address 1 showing up in the URL and in the email for adding support I logged into Azure using email address 1 and went to Azure Active Directory->Users under that account.
I then selected the guest account, selected Directory Role, and added a new role of Application Administrator. Now all of it is working as expected!
My subscription was attached to employer Active Directory and I can't change my role in it.
I solve this problem by creating my own Active Directory and by moving subscription to this AD.

Is creating linked service in data factory has been changed? There are not two options of connection string and keyvault anymore

I created a linked service in data factory using keyvault option about some months ago. I wanted to create a new linked service some days ago and I understood the UI for linked service creation has been changed!
Previously based on this article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/store-credentials-in-key-vault#azure-key-vault-linked-service there were two option 1. connection string (needed DB name, server name and username and password for DB)2.KeyVault(Just needed secret name and keyvault connection).
While now those two options has been changed to 1.password 2. Keyvault. and the weird part is that in both two options DB name, username and password are mandatory! which is not acceptable because the point of using keyvault is not to share DB properties with developers and just sharing the secret name.
Does someone have any opinion about it??
You can edit the json code of linked service to make it reference connection string.
Here's the format, then click finish button, it will be published.
Yes. It has been changed. Now you only need put your password into your azure Keyvault.
You old linked service will still work. But the new UI will only support password only azure Keyvault.

Not able to configure endpoint keys in LUIS

How to publish in the new UI of Luis? The tenant id is not getting listed in my account. I have generated keys in the azure portal but not able to configure it in LUIS. Earlier we had a keys tab and we could add the key there. It seems they have changed it now. Any help on this?
I see what you mean: there was previously a My Keys tab in LUIS.ai website.
This tab seems to have been removed, but you can still change your key inside your project, using Publish App: there is an item called Assigned endpoint key.
Based on the image you put in your question, I suppose you have found it. On my side it is successfully listing my Tenant IDs, then my subscriptions and keys so I am able to managed them.
If you are talking about creating a new key, it must be done from the Azure portal.
