Inheriting Copy and Paste function on extended screens - acumatica

We are trying to extend the concept of Copy and Paste function on screen to our custom screen so when users copy on Sales Order screen it should also copy the extended/custom screen fields so we can paste it back to new document.
How do we inherit copy and paste functionality to add those additional custom fields? Any help would be much appreciated.

The Copy-Paste feature only works with input controls and grid columns defined on Aspx page. To paste custom field values to a new sales order, you should create input controls for each custom field and verify they stay enabled for the Copy-Paste feature to work (values from read-only controls and cells are always excluded from the copy function).
Since the copy function does not check if control is visible on the screen (only is control is disabled), to extend the copy-paste function with custom fields you can add hidden control for every your custom field by setting Visible property to False in Layout Editor:


Force user to select only one value from filter spotfire

Is it possible to force the user to select only one value from a filter ?
For a radio button filter as below, is it possible to remove the buttons all & none and make sure that only one Choice is selected ?
you cannot change the existing filter features or functionality without developing a custom extension for a new filter control.
that said, you can certainly emulate a filter using what's called a Property Control and a Data Limiting Expression. for single selection, you're stuck with either a Dropdown control or a Listbox (single select) control.
you would need to...
create a Text Area Visualization on the page somewhere
insert a Listbox or Dropdown Property Control into the Text Area Visualization
create a Document Property with the same data type as your filter column and associate it to the Property Control. you can set this to Unique Values in Column or write in your own Fixed values.
open the Properties dialog on the visualization you'd like to filter and navigate to the Data page
scroll down to Limit Data Using Expression and use an expression like [MyFilterColumn] = "${MyDocumentProperty}" (quotes are required for string values; if numeric then omit quotes)
Please add this CSS in the HTML page of the spotifre to remove all and none
.ColumnFilter .sf-element-filter-item:last-of-type { display:none; }
.ColumnFilter .sf-element-filter-item:first-of-type { display:none; }
Another way to force the users to select one option is to add a Show/Hide in the visualization like this: Hide if UniqueCount([Field]) is greater than 1

Detecting visible sheets in Excel tabs list displayed at bottom of Excel application

Is it possible using VBA to determine whether or not a given sheet is currently visible in the list displayed at the bottom left corner of the window?
The Excel Window object has a ScrollWorkbookTabs method, but doesn't appear to expose any events. I'd like to be able to detect when the navigation buttons on the left side of the tabs list have been clicked so I can determine if a certain spreadsheet is visible in the tabs list.
No, this is not possible. The visible tab list will change based on both the screen resolution and the length of name of each sheet, and there are no native API calls that can tell you what's currently there.
The best workaround I've used to this problem (several sheets which are difficult to navigate) is to create a navigation header that gets inserted into each worksheet which enables the user to quickly move around the workbook.

Excel Form Controls Don’t Have Properties

Why is there no way to access Excel’s Form Controls properties? In Design Mode when, for e.g. button is right-clicked, the only options that pop-up are:
Edit Text
Assign Macro
Format Control
When clicking on Properties under Controls on the Developer tab, the only control that appears in the drop down is Sheet1 Worksheet.
Is there a setting that needs enabling or am I forced to use an ActiveX Control?
If you want those properties, you have to use ActiveX. Form controls are designed to be simpler, but with fewer options, like properties and events. Form controls still have properties, just not as many and you can't access them from a property sheet like first class Excel objects. You can still manipulate them through the UI and through VBA.

How do I enable a range selector on an Excel ribbon bar?

What is the standard practice for adding range selection controls to a ribbon bar in Excel? I'm creating an Add-In and need to enable the user to define a series of ranges. Here's a link to a question with an illustration of what I want Provide a range selection tool/utility to the user in Excel VBA. The answer to the question however only works in the context of a winform. My research suggests you can't use RefEdit controls directly in a ribbon bar. Is that true? If so, what solution do you recommend? I considered creating a button that triggers a popup containing a RefEdit control, but that strikes me as a poor user experience since it involves additional clicks by the user.
Unfortunately, you are correct: the RefEdit control cannot be used within a ribbon. However, you can use a button control to populate an editBox control with the currently selected range, using the editBox's getText dynamic attribute. This will not only place a control within the ribbon that displays the selected range and holds the value there with a single click, but -- if needed -- other automated processes can be executed as well.

Dynamic Layouts in Filemaker

First off I am new to FM but I have a good handle on the basics. What I need to do is this - in a contact information type layout I want to be able to alter the layout based on a specific field. Ex. When the record is brought up, the background of the layout will change colors for a client, another for vendor, etc.
I tried to change a label based on a field, with no success. My guess is that the layout is static and only the data fields change.
We use FM Pro.
FileMaker layouts are static, but there are still some things you can do to alter the layout based on the values of fields:
Calculation Fields
If you want the data shown in an area to change, you can use a Calculation field. A typical example of this would be a status field. To do this you would add a new field to your table and use enter a calculation on that field like:
Case (
IsEmpty(myTable::myField) ; "Please enter a value for myField." ;
myTable::myField = "wrong value" ; "Please enter a correct value for myField." ;
"Everything seems okay."
Conditional Formatting
To make things like background color change you can use a conditionally formatted field. I will typically add an empty numeric field (for this example we'll call it emptyField) and set it so that it can't be edited during modification.
If you place emptyField on your layout, below all the other fields and disallow the user to enter the field in either Browse or Find mode, you can then use conditional formatting to change the field's color.
Portal Hiding
You can use this technique when you want some elements of your UI to disappear when they aren't needed. For example, if you want a "submit" button to appear only when all of the records on a field are filled out.
To use this technique I will usually create a Calculated number field, called ReadyForSubmit, on the original table and give it a logical calculation like:
not IsEmpty(field1) and ... and not IsEmpty(fieldN)
(Note that the value of the above function would be 1 or 0)
I will then create a new Support table in my database and add to it a field One with a calculated value set to 1.
I will then make a relationship between myTable::readyForSubmit and Support::One.
On the layout, create a portal with one row. Put your Submit button in that layout. Now, when readyForSubmit calculates to 1 the button will appear. When it calculates to 0 the button will be hidden.
Hidden Tab Browser
Finally, you can use a tab browser where you set the title font size to 1 point, hide the border, and control the browser programmatically. You can use this for having different field arrangements for different types of records. To do this you would first give an Object name to each tab of the tab browser, say Tab1, Tab2, Tab3.
Then you would add a script, goToTab, with the logic for when you want to go to each tab. Say:
If (myTable::myField = "corn")
Go to Object (Tab1)
Else If (myTable::myField = "squash")
Go To Object (Tab2)
End If
You would then use Script Triggers to run goToTab when On Record Load.
With the release of filemaker 13 there may be another way to do this. You could use a slide control, name the panels in the control, and conditionally switch to the correct panel based on the record type.
you would drop the appropriate fields for the record type in each panel.
