How to disable/pass refactoring preview window in Android Studio - android-studio

I'm using Android Studio for a long time and I always found annoying the fact that you have to manually move the mouse to click 'Do Refactor' when refactoring. Is there a way to do it by some keyboard shortcut or completely skip this preview window? When I'm refactoring I know what I'm doing and I don't feel like I need a preview in most cases.
I didn't find anything that could answer my question.

I had a similar issue with Android Studio. I couldn't find a way to disable preview, but I did find a keyboard shortcut workaround. Just press Alt+D and it will "do refactor".


How do I see both Resharper's and Visual Studio's refactoring suggestions?

In Resharper for Visual Studio, often I want to use a refactoring suggestion and I'm not sure whether it is part of Resharper or VS. Sometimes I have to push Ctrl+. to open Resharper's refactorings and then hit escape and then push Alt+Enter to open VS's wrench or light bulb.
Is there a way to combine these into one menu or otherwise see both, of course without losing the VS refactorings?
ReSharper used to be able to merge VS actions into the Alt+Enter menu, but right now as of 2022.3 this functionality is broken (see RSRP-486822).
I suggest you disable "Hide Visual Studio Quick Action icons in the left editor margin" setting in R# options. This was you will be able to see VS actions using Ctrl+., and R# actions using Alt+Enter.

Decompile button (kotlin to java) in Android Studio is disappeared?

I'm trying to decompile kotlin code to java.
This question describes how to do it
I have to see something like this:
But in fact i see next one.
As you can see I do NOT have a "Decompile" button
Android Studio 3.5
Can anybody help me please?
make sure you have this plugin enabled, should work after
Go to Extensions and look for "Java Bytecode Decompiler".
Install it and do a complete restart to the Android Studio. Don't just close and open the project, restart the whole program.
Then, when the Android Studio will pop open again, click on "Search Everywhere" (by clicking shift twice), look for "Java Bytecode Decompiler", and make sure it's turned into ON.
That's it. Now the button should be visible.

Copy warning message when you hover over a WORD in Android Studio using Mac

Not sure if this question was already answered in the past but I was not able to find anything on it. I wanted to know if there is a possibility to immediately copy a warning that appears under some "words" in Android Studio?
Is there a Mac keyboard shortcut to copy that '' message?
This is an IntelliJ inherited problem. You can find a workaround here.
Basically, click on the error/warning in order to have the cursor on it. Then you will find the same message in the message bar on the bottom. Right-click and copy
Alt+click(left button of the mouse) on popup copies the whole text. Tested on android studio 3.6 windows 10.
I think it is possible to mark it with the mouse and while you still hold the mouse button down press cmd + c.... but in fact this is not a shortcut.

visual studio 2012 puts a small number in the top left corner of my screen

I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue with visual studio (or a VS extension because I have a few installed) and what is causing this? The number goes away when I close visual studio and I have not been able to figure our what is causing this. The number is overlayed on my desktop and not just visual studio. It covers all other windows I have open as well telling me it's set to be always on top.
Anyone else come across this issue or what is causing it?
I figured it out!
This has been bothering me for years. I finally just sat down and solved the problem. Basically, VS has this little known feature where you can navigate through code lens with just your keyboard. If you press Alt for a couple of seconds, you will see numbers just like the ones that appear at the top of your screen above your current method. To fix it, just long press Alt again and the number should go away. If you have many VS instances open you might have to go through them one by one.
I don't have significant reputation to comment, but I am experiencing this both with VS2013 and VS2015 too. The only extension I have installed is Resharper.
My research shows that it is caused by the hover text / overlays from various components. The only way I have found to get rid of them is to close the Visual Studio IDE window responsible.

Resharper - Use only Inspection and Nothing Else at All in the Package

I have been evaluating Resharper and have heard how great it is. I agree that its code inspection is great, but I have to seriously disagree with the greatness of most other features.
All of the warts it adds to Visual Studio are killing my productivity. It has eaten Visual Studio's shortcut keys even though I told it not to, and even when I remap "Find All References" to Visual Studio, Resharper still coopts it.
We would like to be able to use the Code Inspection functionality and absolutely nothing else. Is this possible through documented or undocumented methods?
If problem only in keyboard shortcuts, you can change Keyboard scheme to Visual Studio. Go to menu Resharper -> Options -> Keyboard and Menus. Check Visual Studio Keyboard scheme at right part of window and apply it.
