How change Powered By Liferay - liferay

How can i change powered by liferay to custom label and hyperlink when clicking liferay . I am new to liferay development . Can some suggest to create hook for changing basic functionalities in liferay 7.

You need to write a fragment in Liferay 7
Here is the tutorial
The latest IDE Of Liferay (Released in Dec 2016) provides option to create Liferay fragment hook through IDE.
Previous IDE didnt had the support, other option is you can create through Blade.

To change powered by liferay you must create your custom theme for the liferay.
In liferay you can customize the liferay default theme and there you can modify powered by and liferay with any message as per your requirement.
For more info use these links: Creating theme and Creating basic theme.


Unable to create fragment module project in liferay developer studio

when i select module fragment project i got this in maven environment and liferay dxp 7.3 version
(error:Please set a valid liferay portal runtime, you can initBundle or modify 'liferayHome' property to make it point to an existing runtime)

Why i cannot found the theme project in the import window in Liferay 7? [duplicate]

how to import a theme in liferay 7 workspace?
I added the theme under workspace/themes and I tried to deploy it but did not work. The build type of my Theme is Ant.
The following picture shows the details:
I put the Theme under *sdk\com.liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-1.0.11\themes* and I tried to test it as in Liferay 6. Import-> Liferay Projects from plugins SDK then when adding the SDK I got an error :
app.server.dir is invalid. Please reconfigure Plugins SDK setting:
app.server.dir=path to liferay portal/tomcat-8.0.32
Then I tried to migrate the theme from the plugins sdk liferay workspace.
I puted the sdk under: liferay-workspace\plugins-sdk\sdk\com.liferay.portal.plugins.sdk-1.0.11
Then I tried this commande C:\Users\User1\workspace2\liferay-workspace>blade convert --themebuilder name_theme she does not return anything.
The structure of the original theme:
The css directory:
I fixed the problem app.server.dir is invalid. by switching the java jdk from 8 to 7 in eclipse.ini file:
D:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.79/bin/javaw.exe
When I did Import-> Liferay Projects from plugins SDK and I puted the SDK path, I got this error:
No available projects can be imported.
Do I need to upgrade it?
Sorry, I checked the compatibility of Theme. The theme is already compatible with Liferay 7 and no need to upgrade it.
I am trying to import the Theme on Liferay 7.0.0 GA1.
1- I am using jdk 1.8 for eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3).
Image description:
2- I updated sdk /build.{ username}.properties
Image description:
3- I putted the Theme under sdk\liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0\themes and I did Import-> Liferay Projects from plugins SDK and I putted the SDK path D:\FormationJEE\Liferay\Liferay7_g1\sdk\liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0. I do not find the theme. I did Refresh and it does not appear.
Image description:
I followed #OlafKock 's instructions:
I declared the compatibility with 7.0.0+ and when I did Import-> Liferay Projects from plugins SDK I did not have the right to put the path of sdk. It is set by default to this: D:\FormationJEE\Liferay\Liferay7_g1\sdk\liferay-plugins-sdk-‌​7.0. I do not find the theme. I did Refresh and it does not appear.
Now, I can not change the path of sdk anymore. It is stuck at D:\FormationJEE\Liferay\Liferay7_g1\sdk\liferay-plugins-sdk-‌​‌​7.0. I can not test the theme on Liferay 7.0 GA5.
I fixed that by creating another workspace but still can not import the theme project.
4- Hello, I tried to migrate the theme from the plugins sdk to workspace using this command:
blade convert --themebuilder [THEME_PROJECT_NAME]
I typed the command and nothing happens.
I followed this link:
To upgrade existing liferay 6 theme refer following url
use following command to upgrade your existing liferay 6 theme.
gulp upgrade
You can build liferay 7 theme using following url, and copy your existing liferay theme css, js and portal files to new theme directory.
Not sure if this helps, but: Try 7.0 GA5. It might have fixed an issue that you're running into. Also, it might help the mismatch of your stated version and the declared compatibility
7.0.2+ refers to "7.0 GA3 and later", but you state that you're using GA1.
Many issues have been fixed since then. Do a quick try declaring compatibility with 7.0.0+, but, by all means, use the most current version as a long term fix.

Does codenameone support liferay screens?

Liferay screens is available for iOS and android allowing development of native apps using Liferay portal as backend - sort of. Is this supported in codenameone?
Unlike Lifray with Codename One you only build the UI once to do that you need to use our GUI builder or API both of which would be incompatible with Lifray.

How to create our own portlet in liferay

Please describe me in brief how to create portlets using eclipse ide and to add these in liferay.
You can install the Liferay IDE (which comes as a plugin) in Eclipse, can download it from here.
And then create a Liferay project the same way as you create a normal Eclipse project by going to File --> New --> Liferay Project --> A window will open which will ask you about what kind of project you need to create in liferay (portlet, hooks, theme, ext, layout etc).
Some more links to get you started with Liferay IDE:
Installation guide for Liferay IDE
Getting started with Liferay IDE
Hope this helps.
File->New->Liferay project->
Enter the name
click ok
It will show project
and then goto docroot/WEB-INF/src
create a portlet here
Very simply, see the screencast:

Liferay theme upgrade from 5.2 to 6.1

I am upgrading Liferay from 5.2 to 6.1. I want to know similar to core liferay, for theme also we have to follow two steps up-gradation (i.e from 5.2 to 6.0 then 6.0 to 6.1) or we can directly go for 5.2 to 6.1 theme upgrade.
The theme doesn't require any sort of upgrade process so you'll only need to rewrite it once.
Basically you'll just need to make sure that the theme is using 6.1 API and AUI.
The most complicated of the two being migrating from jQuery to AUI (YUI).
Here is a "rosetta stone" to get you started:
The upgrade is not like the core liferay.
Steps (more of a check-list) to look for when upgrading themes:
1) You have to change the liferay-look-and-feel.xml's <version>6.1+</version>.
2) You would need to manually include jQuery, as now it is not part of Liferay (Alloy UI is now a part). You can include them through the template files (*.vm).
3) There are a lot of customizations in the template files (portal_normal.vm, portlet.vm, navigation.vm etc) from 5.2 to 6.1, so if you have done customizations to these then you would have to again customize them.
4) Also a lot of CSS changes have happened since 5.2, infact 6.1 UI is almost completely different from 5.2. So you will have to again style liferay html elements as it now uses alloy UI JSP tags to render them.
Hope this helps.
