Right way to connect to Google Cloud SQL from Node.JS - node.js

I followed the example on how to set up Node.JS to work with Cloud SQL, and generally got it to work, but with some workarounds on how to connect to the SQL server. I am unable to connect in the proper way passing the INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME to the socketPath option of the options variable for the createConnection() method. Instead, as a temporary workaround, I currently specify the server's IP address and put my VM IP address into the server's firewall settings to let it through.
This all works, but I'm now trying put it together properly before publishing to AppEngine.
How can I get it to work?
The following code works fine:
function getConnection ()
const options =
host: "", //IP address of my Cloud SQL Server
user: 'root',
password: 'somePassword',
database: 'DatabaseName'
return mysql.createConnection(options);
But the following code, which I am combining from the Tutorial and from the Github page, which is referred to in the Tutorial, is giving errors:
function getConnection ()
const options =
user: 'root',
password: 'somePassword',
database: 'DatabaseName',
socketPath: '/cloudsql/project-name-123456:europe-west1:sql-instance-name'
return mysql.createConnection(options);
Here's the error that I'm getting:
{ [Error: connect ENOENT /cloudsql/project-name-123456:europe-west1:sql-instance-name]
code: 'ENOENT',
errno: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'connect',
address: 'cloudsql/project-name-123456:europe-west1:sql-instance-name',
fatal: true }
What am I doing wrong? I am concerned that if I publish the app to AppEngine with the IP address, I won't be able to allow the incoming traffic into the SQL server?

I met similar error while testing 'coud sql'.
error message : Error: connect ENOENT /cloudsql/xxx-proj:us-central1:xxx-instance
solution :
+----------------------------------------------------------+ wget https://dl.google.com/cloudsql/cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64 -O
cloud_sql_proxy chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy sudo mkdir /cloudsql;
sudo chmod 777 /cloudsql ./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql &
=> now node js server can connect to mysql
refer to guide : https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/nodejs/using-cloud-sql

Are you deploying your AppEngine app to the same region as the SQL database? (europe-west1)
The documentation at https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-app-engine states "Your application must be in the same region as your Cloud SQL instance."


Connecting to azure flexible postgres server via node pg

I am using the free subscription at Azure and have successfully created a Ubuntu Server and a Flexible Postgres Database.
Until recently I accessed the DB directly from my Windows 10 desktop. Now I want to route all access through the Ubuntu Server.
For this I have installed Open SSH Client and Open SSH Server on my Windows 10 machine and done the necessary local port forwarding with ssh -L 12345:[DB IP]:5432 my_user#[Ubuntu IP]
The connection works, I confirmed it with pgcli on my desktop with pgcli -h -p 12345 -u my_user -d my_db
But when I am trying to connect via node-pg I receive the following error
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[Ubuntu IP]", user "my_user", database "my_db", SSL off
I have already added a Firewall Rule in Azure with the [Ubuntu IP], and the error remains. What bugs me further is that in the Azure Portal of the DB I have enabled "Allow public access from any Azure service within Azure to this server", so the extra Firewall should not even be necessary for this connection.
For the last week, I have been stuck on this and now the connection is finally established, but not accessible by my code. Pretty frustrating. I would be glad about ANY pointers on how to fix this.
Edit #1:
I can't post the pg_hba.conf file. Because the Postgres DB is managed by Azure, I do not have access to pg_hba, which makes the situation more difficult to understand.
My node.js code for testing the connection:
const pg = require("pg");
const passwd = "...";
const client = new pg.Client({
user: 'admin',
host: '',
database: 'test',
password: passwd,
port: 12345
client.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
const query = "SELECT * FROM test";
try {client.query(query, (err,res) => {
if (err) {
catch (e) {
The comment by #jjanes helped me in understanding the issue, thank you.
This edited pg.Client config solved my problem:
const client = new pg.Client({
user: 'admin',
host: '',
database: 'test',
password: passwd,
port: 12345,
ssl: {rejectUnauthorized: false}
I found this specific SSL option here https://node-postgres.com/features/ssl

Kubernetes + consul: kv.get: connect ETIMEDOUT

I have deployed consul using hashicorp-consul-helm-chart
now, I want to connect to the consul from my Node.js project.
Therefore, I created an object like this : (using 'consul' npm package)
import consul from 'consul';
var consulObj = new consul({
host: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',
promisify: true
var watch = consulObj.watch({
method: consulObj.kv.get,
options: { key: 'config' },
backoffFactor: 1000,
I have got the host value from kubectl get endpoints
used the value opposite to consul-server
still, i get consul: kv.get: connect ETIMEDOUT when I run the code.
what could be the reason?
Thanks in advance!
You should be accessing the Consul client which is running on the node where your app is located instead of directly accessing the server.
Details can be found in the accepted answer for Hashicorp Consul, Agent/Client access.

Node OracleDB connection not working in remote server

I'm using oracledb with Node and ExpressJS to develop my app. In localhost, I have no problems in my connections, but I need to configure the project in a server that connects to the database that it's in other server. When I do that, I get the error (Translated from spanish):
Error: Error: ORA-12154: TNS: the specified connection identifier could not be resolved.
This is my configuration code:
const oracleDbConfig = {
user: "myUser",
password: "myPassword",
connectString: "",
Also, if I install my project in the database server and I run the same configuration using localhost, it works with no problem:
const oracleDbConfig = {
user: "myUser",
password: "myPassword",
connectString: "localhost:1521/myDatabase",
Please, help me to understand the error.
NetworkCheck: Is your dbnode reachable? : dig,ping,host,nslookup
FirewallCheck: Can you connect to the dbnode oracle listener? nc -vz dbnode 1521
ServiceCheck: Is the database service myDatabase exposed in listener on dbnode? dbnode>$lsnrctl status | grep myDatabase
If you can mark these tree points a success, you should be able to connect.
Best of luck.
I solved the problem changing the connection string as the documentation says:
const oracleDbConfig = {
user: "myUser",
password: "myPassword",
Both ways are valid, but I only have made it work with this.

Node postgres ECONNREFUSED in localhost

This issue is totally driving me insane. I spent months with this, trying to make a SIMPLE NODE APP WORK. I finally managed to make an APP work in a nice server (Heroku) and with mysql. Problem? The server only accepts postgres. And this is my nightmare. I just cannot make it work. Searched dozens of webs and problems, all of them with the same error log as me... but I just cannot figure what to do. I'm totally idiot at configuring things, I cannot even start programming my app.
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1044:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afteeConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1198:14)
My start of server.js
const pg = require('pg');
const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgres://myrole:12345#localhost:5432/mydb';
And here the error.
var pool = new pg.Pool();
pool.connect().then(client => {
It crashes right at connection.
I did everything I searched for. I created "myrole" login role with all permission, password "12345", to connect to "mydb" database. I opened "pgAdmin4" application. Connected to "PostgreSQL 10" and "mydb". I saw that the first one connects to port 3000. I tried port 3000 in the connection string. I searched for the service at Windows. It's running. I JUST DID EVERYTHING and nothing works... I installed and made MySQL database to run in local in just 2 hours. But Heroku doesn't accept MySQL and I don't want to put any credit card. What's happening here?
I was having the same issue and I'll put my situation here and hopefully help someone else.
I was testing some AWS Lambda functions and since the code runs in a container and the container has its own localhost so my postgres connection was failing because there is no postgres server running on the container. Remember that your machine's localhost is not the same as the container's one, if your app is running inside a container the instead of localhost use your machine IP.
in your case, you shuld include connectionString inside new Pool() as property of Object
var pool = new pg.Pool({connectionString}); pool.connect().then()
or here is a more detailed version
let c = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
database: 'mydb',
options: `application_name=${app}&application_cmd=${cmd}`
const connection_string = {connectionString : `postgresql://${c.user}:${c.password}#${c.host}:${c.port}/${c.database}?${c.options}`};
const pool = new Pool(connection_string);
more details can be found here node-postgres.com


I have a bluemix node js application which communicates with a server. I have test and production environment. On the development environment we communicate to the test server, and I get a node js error.
When I change the server URL to the production server everything is ok.
When I run the app on localhost and connect to the test server everything is ok too.
So my problem is only on bluemix environment with communication to my company test server. Error is:
"code": "ENOTFOUND",
"errno": "ENOTFOUND",
"syscall": "getaddrinfo",
"hostname": "www.xxxxxxxxx.cz"
Hostname in error is masked.
From the exception, I think the failing code is doing a dns lookup. I wrote this sample code and found that the error is similar or same.
var dns = require('dns');
dns.lookup('non-existent server', function(e, a) {
And the output is:
bash-4.1$ node h.js
{ [Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND non-existent server]
code: 'ENOTFOUND',
errno: 'ENOTFOUND',
syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
hostname: 'non-existent server' }
Problem determination steps would be:
ping your target server from a machine which has outbound access - to make sure the server is present. If not, resolve that problem.
Logon to bluemix debug console
ping your target server. If it does not respond, there is a wall between bluemix and the target. If it responds, try this test case. If that too works, we will have to debug further, I can be of further help.
Bluemix debug console is obtained through:
Export an environment variable "BLUEMIX_APP_MGMT_ENABLE" with value "shell"
Restage the app.
Login into the web shell in browser at https://your-app-url/bluemix-debug/shell/ using your Bluemix user credentials
Hope this helps.
