PyQT Proper GUI settings management? - pyqt

I have two windows - main and conf. Main stores geometry and quick-settings, Conf - contains all kinds of configuration options.
Does anybody knows proper way to store config options for both windows in a same ini file, and read it from both windows ?

You can create a separate python class for each window, and then create an instance from one window inside the other. this way you can access both windows from the original window.
for example in your main window you can have something like this
instance = confWindow()


Extending Apache Superset and adding a link

I have a superset fork I managed to get it up and running using docker compose. Now I'm trying to do one simple thing: add a new link to the existing SQL Lab menu.
What I'm trying to do is use appbuilder.add_link under the init_views method of the SupersetAppInitializer class (
class SupersetAppInitializer:
# ...
def init_views(self) -> None:
# ...
__("Saved Queries"),
category="SQL Lab",
# This is a new link
category="SQL Lab",
I copied the existing 'Saved Queries' link and added a 'Test' link (using the same href). It doesn't seem to be working.
What do I need to make it work?
I could reproduce the issue by editing the changes to the app menu in vim.
The way Apache superset builds the menu is by requesting data from the backend.
When editing superset/ in vim, changes to it are not properly updated to file mounts in the running container.
You could configure your editor to perform edits in place.
Another option is to restart the container services to rebind the file mounts.

python pywinauto file selection dialog

I am in the process of automating a firmware update for a specific component we use a work a lot. I have the automation of the gui completed (and working) except for this particular screen.
What I need to do, is have the program automatically navigate to the correct folder (standardized across machines) and select the correct file to use for the update.
Here is my code so far:
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend='win32').connect(title_re=".*EBDS*", found_index=0)
main_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*EBDS*", found_index=0)
main_dlg.child_window(title="Launch Control Panel", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
sub_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*Bill Acceptor*", found_index=0)
sub_dlg.child_window(title="Open", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
sub_dlg.child_window(title="Download", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
file_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*download*", found_index=0)
It has a couple sub windows that pop up after clicking, thus the main_dlg, sub_dlg, and file_dlg.
I have already told it to select the download button, and it pops up the "select a file to download" window.
What I need to do now is be able to specify the path (where it says This PC), change the file type (currently says Bin files), and select the correct file.
I have done a "print control identifiers" and here is the link to the txt file of that output (it's over 3k lines, so I didn't want to paste it here) Control Identifiers .txt
What I then did was I correctly (manually) went through the steps to get it where it needs to be, and did another "print control identifiers." Again, this is over 3k lines long, so here is a Link to that output.
Assuming that I'm doing this right, the file path location in the gui is:
file_dlg.child_window(title="Select a file to download.", class_name='#32770').child_window(class_name="WorkerW").child_window(class_name="ReBarWindow32").child_window(class_name="Address Band Root").child_window(class_name="msctls_progress32").child_window(class_name="Breadcrumb Parent").child_window(title=".*Address:*", class_name="ToolbarWindow32")
The question is, how do I interact with that object specifically? A .click() or .sendkeys() both error out.
Bonus points if you can figure out how to change the file type.
I'm open to an easier/different way of doing this, however this has to be deployable to a couple hundred machines that don't have the same screen size, ergo I cannot use pyautogui and pixel counts.
Any ideas?
You can enter the full file path to the edit box and click "Open" button. It should look like this:
file_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*Select a file to download*", found_index=0)
file_dlg.child_window(title="&Open", control_type="Button").click()
I assume you have to bypass .click_input() and .type_keys(...) usage as they require active desktop which is hard to maintain on a big pool of machines.

MAC OS X difference between "open" and "" shell scripts

Somehow I get a problem, if I call an application twice or several times but only one instance should be running (which is desired).
First some (probably necessary) background information:
working on MAC OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)
I've got an Application made by node.js, electron and build by "npm build -m" (let's call it
I installed the application into program-folder by opening the built dmg-file and move it into the program-folder
Then I start the application by click on the in program-folder
The application starts with a visible Window and also has an hidden background process running
If I close the visible Window, the remains in the dock (which is okay, since the background-process is still running)
Now (and this is the difference to the windows build and running in windows), if I click again on the in the program-folder, I only get a focus on the already running application INSTEAD of opening the window and close the old application (I can see te focus switch/activation by the switching menu name beside the apple-logo on top of the screen; it becomes "App")
the closing of the previous running instance is defined in electron code in the init-method as follows:
var shouldQuit = app.makeSingleInstance(function (commandLine, workingDirectory) {'starting new instance');
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
var windows = options.closeWindowsOnRestart ? Browser.getAllWindows() : appWindows.slice();
windows.forEach(function (val, index) {
So, I did some homework and could figure out following:
my should look something like open /Applications/
with this, I get the same problem as descriped above if I call it again (it only focusses the already opened window)
Now comes the funny part. If I open the application by calling directly /Applications/ the old application-instance is closed and new is started
I read through open-manual and could figure out, that if I use the -n-flag, the application starts succesful a new instance, too. (open /Applications/ -n)
I was wondering WHY? Do you have any clues? What is the difference between open and directly call of the application?
I suggest that the info.pklist in is making the open-call different to the direct call of
Unfortunately I already tried to add try-catch-blocks to debug the problem, but open does not give an output to terminal, it just opens the call whereas the direct call does not throw an error and everything works fine.
Anyway, I believe it's more a MAC OS X problem than an
Hopefully there's somebody with same problems and a solution for me
Don't hesitate to ask for more details, if needed.
Short Version:
open starts the application with the LaunchService (and possible
added launch-parameters in info.plist)
whereas direct call of the
application just starts the application iself without any other
*Long Version *
I read through the open manual (man open; Source: and could figure out, that "the default application as determined via LaunchServices is used to open the specified files" if you click on an item.
So I read through the LaunchService-documentation and could figure out following:
"Opening Items by File-System Reference [...] default way:
If the designated item is an application: [...]
If the application is already running, it is activated (brought to the front of the screen) and sent an 'rapp' (“reopen
application”) Apple event."
This reflects exactly my watching that if I click on the icon the second time, the app is just focussed/activated.
Thus I need the possibility to tell the application to open a new instance (oapp-event) instead of activating the already opened application (rapp-event)
Further reading lead me to following informations:
"Launch Options When opening an application (whether by itself or to
open one or more documents or URLs), you can specify various launch
options to control the manner in which it is launched or activated.
These can include: [...] Whether to launch a new instance of the
application, even if another instance is already running"
Thus I only need to add the "launch option" to define, that a new instance should be created instead of activating the existing one. But there's not written what the launch-option for it is and how they will be applied to the application (I suggest it belongs into info.plist-file).
So at least this is the answer to my original question, so I posted it here.
open - starts the application with the Launch-Service (and the defined option-parameters in info.plist)
whereas direct call of the application just starts the application iself without any other launch-options

Change .eclipse folder in Linux

How can I change the .eclipse folder in Linux? I tried adding this line:
at the top of eclipse.ini but it doesn't work. I've also tried adding it to various other places in the eclipse.ini but still no luck.
I have added this line:
immediately below -vmargs. When Eclipse starts, it now reads from the correct .eclipse location and if .eclipse does not exist there, it creates it. Unfortunately, after Eclipse has loaded, another .eclipse folder is created in my home folder and Eclipse then continues to read from that folder. I suspect that my eclipse.ini file is now correct but there is another file I need to change.
The simplest thing to do is probably pass java a different user.home so that all the other myriad of places that derive a location base it off of user.home. So instead of what you have, use this in .ini file:
In addition to .eclipse, you will probably find other directories created in your overridden user.home, such as .p2, .oracle_jre_usage, etc.
Other notes:
-Dosgi.configuration.area is the changes the configuration area for Eclipse, it does not effect user area. You also probably don't want to change that setting away from the default unless you really want multiple configurations (read more below).
Additionally, the normal thing to do would be to use -configuration as an argument to eclipse{.exe} and let eclipse convert it to the appropriate VM argument.
You probably want -user though to override the user area. Have a look at locations in the Eclipse help for more info (quoted below).
However, there are still things that have individual control over their location, such as secure storage, which is controlled by the -eclipse.keyring command line argument.
The Eclipse runtime defines a number of locations which give
plug-in developers context for reading/storing data and Eclipse users
a control over the scope of data sharing and visibility. Eclipse
defines the following notions of location:
User (-user) {osgi.user.area} [#none, #noDefault, #user.home,
#user.dir, filepath, url]
User locations are specific to, go figure,
users. Typically the user location is based on the value of the Java
user.home system property but this can be overridden. Information such
as user scoped preferences and login information may be found in the
user location.
Install (-install) {osgi.install.area} [#user.home,
#user.dir, filepath, url]
An install location is where Eclipse itself
is installed. In practice this location is the directory (typically
"eclipse") which is the parent of the eclipse.exe being run or the
plugins directory containing the org.eclipse.equinox.launcher bundle.
This location should be considered read-only to normal users as an
install may be shared by many users. It is possible to set the install
location and decouple eclipse.exe from the rest of Eclipse.
Configuration (-configuration) {osgi.configuration.area} [#none,
#noDefault, #user.home, #user.dir, filepath, url]
locations contain files which identify and manage the (sub)set of an
install to run. As such, there may be many configurations per install.
Installs may come with a default configuration area but typical
startup scenarios involve the runtime attempting to find a more
writable configuration location.
Instance (-data) {osgi.instance.area}
[#none, #noDefault, #user.home, #user.dir, filepath, url]
locations contain user-defined data artifacts. For example, the
Resources plug-in uses the instance area as the workspace location and
thus the default home for projects. Other plugins are free to write
whatever files they like in this location.
While users can set any of
these locations, Eclipse will compute reasonable defaults if values
are not given. The most common usecase for setting location is the
instance area or, in the IDE context, the workspace. To run the
default Eclipse configuration on a specific data set you can specify:
eclipse -data c:\mydata
You must put property definitions like this at the end of the eclipse.ini after the -vmargs line. If there is no -vmargs line you must add one.
.... other lines ....
... other arguments

Where/How to save a preferences file in a *nix command line utility?

I am writing a small command line utility. It should hopefully be able to run on OSX, UNIX and Linux.
It needs to save a few preferences somewhere, like in a small YAML config file.
Where would one save such a file?
Language: Python 2.7
OS: *nix
Commonly, these files go somewhere like ~/.rc (eg: ~/.hgrc). This could be the path to a file, or to a directory if you need lots of configuration settings.
For a nice description see
I would avoid putting the file in the ~ directory only because it has gotten totally flooded with crap. The recent trend, at least on ubuntu, is to use ~/.config/<appname>/ for whatever dot files you need. I really like that convention.
If your application is named "someapp" you save the configuration in a file such as $HOME/.someapp. You can give the config file an extension if you like. If you think your app may have more than one config file you can use the directory $HOME/.someapp and create regular-named (not hidden) files in there.
Many cross-platform tools use the same path on OS X as on linux (and other POSIX/non-Windows platforms). The main advantage of using the POSIX locations isn't saving a few lines of code, but saving the need for Mac-specific instructions, and allowing Mac users to get help from the linux users in the community (without any need to translate their suggestions).
The other alternative is to put them in the "Mac-friendly" locations under ~/Library instead. The main advantage of using the Mac locations is basically "Apple says so"—unless you plan to sandbox your code, in which case the main advantage is that you can do so.
If you choose to use the Library locations, you should read About the OS X File System and OS X Library Directory Details in the File System Programming Guide, but here's the short version:
Almost everything: Create a subdirectory with your app's name or bundle ID (unless you're going out of your way to set a bundle ID, you'll get org.python.python, which you don't want…) under ~/Library/Application Support. Ideally you should use APIs like -[NSFileManager URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:] to get the path; if not, you have to deal with things like localization, sandbox containers, etc. manually.
Anything that can be easily re-created (so it doesn't need to be backed up, migrated, etc.): An identically-named subdirectory of ~/Library/Caches.
Preferences: Use the NSUserDefaults or CFPreferences APIs instead. If you use your own format, the "old" way of doing things is to create a subdirectory under ~/Library/Preferences named with your app's name or bundle ID, and put your files in that. Apple no longer recommends that, but doesn't really recommend an alternative (short of "use CFPreferences, damnit!"); many apps (e.g., Aquamacs) still do it the old way, but others instead pretend they're not preferences and store them under Application Support.
In Python, this works as follows (leaving out the error handling, and assuming you're going by name instead of setting a bundle ID for yourself):
from Foundation import *
fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
appsupport = (fm.URLForDirectory_inDomain_appropriateForURL_create_error_(
NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None)[0].
appname, True))
caches = (fm.URLForDirectory_inDomain_appropriateForURL_create_error_(
NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None)[0].
appname, True))
prefs = NSUserDefaults.persistentDomainForName_(appname)
