Full code: https://github.com/kenpeter/test_vue_simple_audio_2
In Main.vue
I tried to assign new value to this.player.currentTrack, by following this guide.
selectTrack: function selectTrack(id) {
this.player.currentTrack = Object.assign(
{ currentTrack: id },
this.player.elapsed = Object.assign(
{ elapsed: 0 },
// this.play();
It seems no error, until I click the button
Error: Cannot read property 'duration' of undefined
In Main.vue, currentTrack.duration
<div class="player__timer">
<div class="player__timer__elapsed" v-text="player.elapsed"></div>
<div class="player__timer__total" v-text="currentTrack.duration"></div>
<div class="slider player__progress-bar">
<input type="range" :value="player.elapsed" :max="currentTrack.duration" />
From the image, you can see that there is a value: 274, which is the value of currentTrack.duration initially. After I click the button, currentTrack becomes undefined. currentTrack is a computed value.
You used currentTrack.duration instead of player.currentTrack.duration, try this:
<div class="player__timer">
<div class="player__timer__elapsed" v-text="player.elapsed"></div>
<div class="player__timer__total" v-text="player.currentTrack.duration"></div>
<div class="slider player__progress-bar">
<input type="range" :value="player.elapsed" :max="player.currentTrack.duration" />
this is the correct way to do object.assign. My method above is wrong.
let player = {
currentTrack: 0,
other: ""
player = Object.assign(
{ currentTrack: 2}
I'm very new to react JS, and I am using it to build a app now. I have a question.
In of of the Button Click event i have a code logic like this:
handlestartbutton(event) {
const accesskey = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys.accessTokenKey);
const decodedAccessKey = jwt_decode(accesskey);
const date = dateConverter.epochToReadableDate(decodedAccessKey.exp);
if (date.currentTime < date.expiryDate) {
accesstokenexpirydate: true
}, () => {
if(this.state.accesstokenexpirydate === false) {
//rest of the code
In renderer() i have a a pop up UI like this:
{this.state.accesstokenexpirydate === true ? (
open ={this.state.open}
<div className={popstyles.popupBody}>
<div className={popstyles.modalClose}>
<a className="close" onClick={this.closeModal}>
<div className ={popstyles.unAutherizedUser}>
<label >{homeConstantMessages.accessTokenExpire}</label>
<div className ={popstyles.unAutherizedUserMsg}>
<button className ={styles.refreshaccessbtn} onClick = {this.navigateToHomePage.bind(this)} label = {homeConstantMessages.refreshbtn}>
) : (
The problem is when the first time start button is clicked this pop up UI is not getting popped even though the state variable accesstokenexpirydate is set to true. when second time the button is cicked UI is popping up. can anyone please help me out here
1) I think you have to apply arrow function like follows and then you can use this
handlestartbutton=(event)=> {...}
2) I'm quite confused about the name, don't you think it should be render(...) instead of renderer()
I'm trying two way binding (knockout observables) with sharepoint modal dialog
var ViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.firstName = "Irfanullah";
self.lastName = ko.observable('M.');
self.fullName = ko.computed(function () {
return self.firstName + ' ' + self.lastName();
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
<button type=button onclick="openDialog2()">click me</button>
<div id="wrap" style="display:none">
<div id="d10" class="dialogHolder">
<div id="kobasic">
<h4>Editable data</h4>
<p><input type="text" data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
<p><input type="text" data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>
<p>Full Name: <span data-bind="text: fullName"></span></p>
When i test this code on sharepoint wiki page its working good, but when i use same code on sharepoint dialog it shows values (one way binding)but two way binding/ko.observable() does not work (when i type something in lastname text box it does not update fullname)
function openDialog2() {
var e = document.getElementById('d10');
var options = {
title: "Test Knockout",
width: 700,
height: 800,
html: e.cloneNode(true)
mydialog = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options);
I believe that is alll becase e.cloneNode(true) but i could not figureout alternat solution
For SharePoint dialogs I am using this approach:
(note: jQuery needed)
// create dom element
var element = document.createElement('div');
// apply my custom view
$(element).append('<!--my HTML -->');
// apply knockout bindings
ko.applyBindings(myViewModel, element);
// show sharepoint modal dialog
var options = {
allowMaximize: false,
html: element,
title: "My title",
autoSize: true,
showClose: true,
dialogReturnValueCallback: myCallback
So in your case:
var element = document.createElement('div');
$(element).append('<div id="d10" class="dialogHolder"><div id="kobasic"><h4>Editable data</h4><p><input type="text" data-bind="value: firstName" /></p><p><input type="text" data-bind="value: lastName" /></p><p>Full Name: <span data-bind="text: fullName"></span></p></div></div>');
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel(), element);
var options = {
allowMaximize: false,
html: element,
title: "My title",
autoSize: true,
showClose: true,
dialogReturnValueCallback: myCallback
I have a vue component which prints out a list of radio buttons. I have a watch on internalValue which sends the selected value to the root
I am trying to send a console.log on a click event using a method called doSomething but it is not working. Furthermore I am not getting any errors or warnings.
Load Component
Vue.component('topic', require('./components/Topicselect.vue'));
Use Component
<div class="form-group" id="topic">
<topic v-model="selectedTopic"></topic>
Initialise Vue
new Vue({
el: '#topic',
data: {
selectedTopic: null
<label v-for="topic in topics" class="radio-inline radio-thumbnail" style="background-image: url('http://s3.hubsrv.com/trendsideas.com/profiles/74046767539/photo/3941785781469144249_690x460.jpg')">
<input type="radio" v-model="internalValue" :click="doSomething" name="topics_radio" :id="topic.id" :value="topic.name">
<span class="white-color lg-text font-regular text-center text-capitalize">{{ topic.name }}</span>
export default {
props: ['value'],
data () {
return {
internalValue: this.value,
topics: []
axios.get('/vuetopics').then(response => this.topics = response.data);
watch: {
this.$emit('input', v);
console.log('the value is ' + this.value);
methods: {
doSomething: function (){
console.log('doSomething is firing');
In my portlet I have one form where I am showing dates through following code
<aui:input type="text" name="createdDate" size="10" value="" id="createdDate" label="" />
<div class="calendar-icon" id="imageDiv">
<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-calendar"></span>
Script in JSP
function renderCalendar(imageDiv,inputDisplay,calendarDiv) {
AUI().ready('aui-calendar', function(A) {
var inputField1 = A.one(imageDiv);
var inputField2 = A.one(inputDisplay);
var calendar1 = new A.Calendar({
dates: [ new Date() ],
dateFormat: '%d/%m/%Y',
selectMultipleDates: false,
after: {
datesChange: function(event) {
var formatted = event.target.getFormattedSelectedDates();
calendar1.toggle(); // hide after a date was selected
var boundingBoxCal1 = calendar1.get('boundingBox');
boundingBoxCal1.setY(inputField1.getY() + 25);
inputField1.on('click', function() { calendar1.toggle(); });
It is showing date on page but the problem is with layout Date text field and calender icon both not coming in same line.Please help me out
use <span> instead of <div>. <div> opens a new block while <span> will remain in the same line
Strange that <span> didn't fix your problem. Try floating your <div> to the left, as in,
<div class="calendar-icon" id="imageDiv" style="float: left;">
I am an absolute beginner in node.js and geddy. I've followed a few tutorials and now I try to write something similar for my purposes.
When I try to create a new item, though, I get the following message:
/arithmetic_problem_types/function%20(id)%20%7B%20%20%20%20%20%20options.id%20=%20id;%20%20%20%20%20%20return%20helpersBase.urlFor.action(options);%20%20%20%20%7D not found.
I have no idea where this could come from. I've looked through the code and found nothing.
var ArithmeticProblemTypes = function () {
this.respondsWith =[ 'html', 'json', 'xml', 'js', 'txt'];
this.index = function (req, resp, params) {
var self = this;
geddy.model.ArithmeticProblemType.all(function (err, arithmetic_problem_types) {
params: params, arithmetic_problem_types: arithmetic_problem_types
this.add = function (req, resp, params) {
params: params
this.create = function (req, resp, params) {
var self = this, arithmetic_problem_type = geddy.model.ArithmeticProblemType.create({
name: '1', title: 'open', numberType: '1', numberRanges: '1', operators: '1', askedFor: '1', specialProblemCategory: '1', askedForNumDenomOrBoth: '1',
reducedFractions:'1', mixedFractions: '1'
arithmetic_problem_type.save(function (err, data) {
if (err) {
params.errors = err;
} else {
controller: self.name
exports.ArithmeticProblemTypes = ArithmeticProblemTypes;
<div class="hero-unit">
<%= partial('_form', {params: params}); %>
<div class="hero-unit">
<h2>Arithmetic Problem Types List</h2>
<%- linkTo('Create a new Aritmetic Problem Type', addArithmeticProblemTypePath, {class: 'btn pull-right'}) %>
<% if (arithmetic_problem_types && arithmetic_problem_types.length) { %>
<% for (var i in arithmetic_problem_types) { %>
<div class="row todo-item">
<div class="span8">
<h3><%- linkTo(arithmetic_problem_types[i].title, arithmeticProblemTypePath(arithmetic_problem_types[i].id)) %></h3>
<div class="span4"><h3><i class="icon-list-alt"></i><%= arithmetic_problem_types[i].status; %></h3></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>
How can I get rid of that message and make it work?
This is the beginning of the _form.html.ejs file:
var isUpdate = params.action == 'edit'
, formTitle = isUpdate ? 'Update this Arithmetic Problem Type' : 'Create a new Arithmetic Problem Type'
, action = isUpdate ? arithmeticProblemTypePath(params.id) + '?_method=PUT' : arithmeticProblemTypePath
, deleteAction = isUpdate ? arithmeticProblemTypePath(params.id) + '?_method=DELETE' : ''
, btnText = isUpdate ? 'Update' : 'Add'
, nameValue = isUpdate ? arithmeticProblemTypePath.name : ''
, errors = params.errors;
<form id="arithmetic-problem-type-form" class="form-horizontal" action="<%= action %>" method="POST">
Inspecting the page where I should write the name of the item and click the add button, I've found this
<div class="hero-unit">
<form id="arithmetic-problem-type-form" class="form-horizontal" action="function (id) {
options.id = id;
return helpersBase.urlFor.action(options);
}" method="POST">
<legend>Create a new Arithmetic Problem Type</legend>
<div class="control-group">
<label for="title" class="control-label">Title</label>
<div class="controls">
<input class="span6" name="name" placeholder="enter name" type="text">
<div class="form-actions">
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add">
Indeed the message comes from the action attribute of the form element, but how can I solve it?
The message is telling you that the requested URL could not be found. AKA 404
is definitely not a nice looking url. So i'm assuming there's something wrong with your form's action attribute. If that's what happened when you validate the form.
If that's what happened when you click the link to "Create a new arithmetic problem type" then you should probably put parenthesis after addArithmeticProblemTypePath