Azure Deployment in VSTS with ARM Storage - azure

Is there components that Will be able to deploy a project to Azure with ARM storage?
Currently, We are using "Azure Deployment" with Azure Classic, that is working properly.
But, in that components We can'T select the ARM subscription, just only the classic one.
Do you have any information about that?
Maybe the ARM template will be the solution?

Cloud Services can only be associated with classic storage accounts.
More information, you can refer to: How to create and deploy a cloud service.
So, you need to use Azure Deployment step/task with Azure Classic.


Is there a list of Azure services supported by Azure Resource Manager?

Is there a list of Azure services that can be initiated by Azure Resource Manager templates?
And are there sample templates available?
Is there a list of Azure services that can be initiated by Azure
Resource Manager templates?
Almost every service in Azure can be initiated by ARM templates. Only exceptions are the services that have "Classic" in their name (Classic Storage Account, Classic Cloud Service for example).
And are there sample templates available?
You can find the sample templates (at least the schema and some quick start templates) for all Azure Services here:

How to create an Azure WebJob using terraform?

I am looking for an example on how to create an Azure Webjob inside an Azure Webapp in Azure but I was no able to find anything online. Does anyone know how to create one?
When Terraform definitions do not exist for Azure resources, you can utilize azurerm_template_deployment to deploy ARM templates.
For your case, looks like the WebJob ARM template can be deployed by azurerm_template_deployment.

How to integrate Azure Policy with Azure DevOps?

I created the ARM templates for Azure Web App, Azure SQL Database, Key vault and Azure Storage. And deployed these ARM templates in to azure using Azure DevOps process CI and CD.
But I want to enforce policies as part of the development process. I know Microsoft released the feature of Azure Policy integration with Azure DevOps is now available. But I don’t know how to integrate policies with Azure DevOps.
Can anyone suggest me or provide any useful documentation?
After creating and assigning policies, they are automatically evaluated on every template deployment. If there is an attempt to deploy a template that violates a policy with a deny effect, you can see this in Azure DevOps:
Edit: How to use steps for creating and assigning policies and finding the output can be found on the docs: Also, you can now evaluate Azure Policies via an Release Gate. See:
Azure Pipelines has Policy gates that can also be used to check if the underlying resources/resource group/subscription is compliant before proceeding.
You can find details here.

Deploy Azure Cloud Service using Azure Automation Powershell DSC

We are using Azure Automation DSC and were able to do simple things like create Automation account, create Resource group, VM creation and even able to deploy a web site on the target VM. All using powershell scripting.
How can we deploy Azure Cloud Services (web role / worker role)? what are the cmdlets? Any pointers? Please help.
What more things can be achieved using this? Moreover what limitations we can expect here.
Best Regards
Azure DSC is really focused on Azure's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering. Basically you can configure virtual servers (Windows and Linux) hosted on Azure.
To manage configurations for other services in Azure it is recommended to utilize Azure Resource Manager (ARM) which will allow you to define and configure Azure services in JSON.
Microsoft offers a lot of Quick Start ARM templates that can be accessed at the Azure Quickstart site.

How to add the diagnostics extension on cloud service using ARM template

I would like to know how we need to define the resource in ARM template for enabling the Diagnostics extension on Cloud service deployed. In the examples that i came across, i could see it only for Virtual Machines with IaasDiagnostics. But i couldnt find anything on enabling the diagnostics on cloud service(PaaSDiagnostics).
Thanks in Advance
ARM template is used to deploy and provision all of the resources for your application in a single, coordinated operation, which is only available in Azure Resource Manager while Cloud Service is in Azure Service Manager, so you could not use cloud service in ARM template.
You could look at Create a Windows Virtual machine with monitoring and diagnostics using Azure Resource Manager Template to enable diagnostics in ARM template.
