libxmljs: how to use xinclude? - node.js

I try to use libxmljs with nodejs.
In my sample I want to use the xi:include.
<ord:order xmlns:ord=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" chapter04ord1.xsd"
<name>Priscilla Walmsley</name>
<xi:include href="/Users/mar/ws_e/libxml/test/resources/chapter5prod.xml" />
include File:
<ord:product xmlns:ord=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" chapter04ord1.xsd">
<name>Short-Sleeved Linen Blouse</name>
<size system="US-DRESS">10</size>
<color value="blue"/>
This is my code:
var xsdDoc = libxml.parseXml(schemaSource);
var xmlDocValid = libxml.parseXml(docSource);
var xmlDocInvalid = libxml.parseXml(xml_invalid);
Then I get the error:
Document {
errors: [],
[ { Error: Element '{}include': This element is not expected. Expected is ( product ).
So my question is how to use the x:include right at libxmljs?
Kind regards


Importing Data GI In web service

I have a requirement to import custom data into Acumatica using web service using web service.
I have created a custom table having 2 string field and one ntext field which will hold XML data.
Created a GI for it and exposed in web service endpoint.
The import JSON Data format is like this.
"OrderNbr": "1",
"CommandValue": "8",
"Xmldata": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><MLW Cmd=\"8\" TStamp=\"2018-12-21T11:38:25\" Id=\"dsgx1\" OrgId=\"157035408\" DevId=\"b9d863ca-REG-4825e4aa-566b5fc7\" RouteId=\"Resource-879-1\" StopId=\"Location230\" LocationKey=\"Location230\" StopType=\"67\"> <GPS Altitude=\"278.46383285522461\" Latitude=\"34.0487467032243\" Longitude=\"-84.673757432107507\" NoOfSat=\"7\" Speed=\"1.3679999828338623\" SatTStamp=\"2018-12-21T11:37:26\" Direction=\"0\" FixQuality=\"A\" /> <FieldData LCode=\"1\" OwnerId=\"Location230\"> <Field FId=\"89815\" Value=\"No\" /> <Field FId=\"89817\" Value=\"No\" /> <Field FId=\"89816\" Value=\"Patrick N\" /> </FieldData> <Job Id=\"Order-878-4\" Status=\"4\"> <Item Status=\"4\" Id=\"TIFTUF\" Mode=\"Manual\" /> </Job></MLW>"
I have tried in POSTMAN using basic authentication.
I am getting following error
PUT: 400 Bad request
GET: 500 Internal server error.
UPDATE: I have created a custom list page and configured it in the endpoint.
I have tested in POSTMAN and
Following are the endpoint and the JSON string used to create records
"OrderNbr": {value :"b"},
"CommandValue": {value :"8"},
"Xmldata": {value :"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><MLW Cmd='8' TStamp='2018-12-21T11:38:25' Id='dsgx1' OrgId='157035408' DevId='b9d863ca-REG-4825e4aa-566b5fc7' RouteId='Resource-879-1' StopId='Location230' LocationKey='Location230' StopType='67'> <GPS Altitude='278.46383285522461' Latitude='34.0487467032243' Longitude='-84.673757432107507' NoOfSat='7' Speed='1.3679999828338623' SatTStamp='2018-12-21T11:37:26' Direction='0' FixQuality='A' /> <FieldData LCode='1' OwnerId='Location230'> <Field FId='89815' Value='No' /> <Field FId='89817' Value='No' /> <Field FId='89816' Value='Patrick N' /> </FieldData> <Job Id='Order-878-4' Status='4'> <Item Status='4' Id='TIFTUF' Mode='Manual' /> </Job></MLW>"}
PUT Returns back OK and the response give below
"id": "94a00013-37bf-4077-bfb6-2e8662988547",
"rowNumber": 1,
"note": null,
"OrderNbr": {
"value": "b"
"ShippingStatus": {},
"XMLData": {},
"custom": {},
"files": []
I have checked in the back end and no record added to the table.
I have created the sitemap under the hidden section since the screen is only API call.
What may be the reason for the record not added to the table?
I have solved the Issue. The JSON Data field name is different from DAC label and API is look DAC label not the field name.
I have changed the JSON data to following and it works fine
"OrderNbr": {value :"b"},
"ShippingStatus": {value :"8"},
"XMLData": {value :"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><MLW Cmd='8' TStamp='2018-12-21T11:38:25' Id='dsgx1' OrgId='157035408' DevId='b9d863ca-REG-4825e4aa-566b5fc7' RouteId='Resource-879-1' StopId='Location230' LocationKey='Location230' StopType='67'> <GPS Altitude='278.46383285522461' Latitude='34.0487467032243' Longitude='-84.673757432107507' NoOfSat='7' Speed='1.3679999828338623' SatTStamp='2018-12-21T11:37:26' Direction='0' FixQuality='A' /> <FieldData LCode='1' OwnerId='Location230'> <Field FId='89815' Value='No' /> <Field FId='89817' Value='No' /> <Field FId='89816' Value='Patrick N' /> </FieldData> <Job Id='Order-878-4' Status='4'> <Item Status='4' Id='TIFTUF' Mode='Manual' /> </Job></MLW>"}

Error processing / merging manifest

I get this error
error: resource string/MyAppName (aka not found.
error: failed processing manifest.
My gradle contains this
flavor_customer1 {
java.srcDirs = ["W:/android-studio-projects/sharedid/app/src/main/java/"]
manifest.srcFile "W:/android-studio-projects/sharedid/app/src/customer1/AndroidManifest.xml"
assets.srcDirs = ["W:/android-studio-projects/sharedid/app/src/customer1/assets/"]
resources.srcDirs = ["W:/android-studio-projects/sharedid/app/src/main/res/", "W:/android-studio-projects/sharedid/app/src/customer1/res/"]
I have defined MyAppName in file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="MyAppName">Customer 1</string>
In "W:/android-studio-projects/sharedid/app/src/customer1/AndroidManifest.xml" I use the string like this
What am I missing? I am trying to switch over to using product flavors
Apparentlt merge depends on "main" folder also containing strings.xml even though each flavor has their own

how to pass parameter as object with xmlrpc - node module (

actually need to pass a parameter which is an xml as an object with xmlrpc node module;
client call is :
client.methodCall('anAction', ['aParam'], function (error, value) {})
need to replace aParam with something like that:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
I've tried :
var req1 = {
value: {
member:{$name:'subscriberNumberNAI',value: 1},
member:{$name:'originTimeStamp', value: new Date()},
member:{$name:'originNodeType', value: 'EXT'}
client.methodCall('GetBalanceAndDate', [req1], function (error, value) {})
but having error : faultString: 'Illegal request message'
any idea on how it works please??
try to pass xml as a parameter, I do so:
const request = `
<?xml version="1.0"?>
client.methodCall('CheckBal', [request], (error, value) => {

OCMod not finding blocks of code

What is up with OCMod? It will not find a block of code [that I need to replace]
Here is what I have in my mod:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<file path="catalog/controller/information/information.php">
<search><![CDATA[$data['breadcrumbs'] = array();]]></search>
<add position="after"><![CDATA[$template = 'newproducts.tpl';]]></add>
if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/information/information.tpl')) {
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view($this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/information/information.tpl', $data));
} else {
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('default/template/information/information.tpl', $data));
<add position="after"><![CDATA[echo 'booooooger';]]></add>
the First operation works just fine, the second does not find the block of code in the search [and it is there exactly - I've synced and diffed the files it IS there] Here is the error:
FILE: catalog/controller/information/information.php
CODE: $data['breadcrumbs'] = array();
CODE: if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/information/information.tpl')) {
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view($this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/information/information.tpl', $data));
} else {
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('default/template/information/information.tpl', $data));
I've tried the search with the trim attribute set to both true and false... no luck.
How do I get this to work?
I suggest to use single line search, if you want to search multiline then you need to use regex or more.
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('default/template/information/information.tpl', $data));
<add position="after" offset="1">
echo 'booooooger';

Read TLV encoded data on JavaCard Classic

I'd like to read TLV encoded certificates on a Java Card (NXP JCOP J3D081, JCOP version 2.4.2, Java Card version 3.0.1 Classic).
The cap file is created successfully, but when I try to install it on the card I get an gpshell error:
load() returns 0x80206A80 (6A80: Wrong data / Incorrect values in command data.)
I use the jars from JCDK 3.0.3 and this usually works with stuff like elliptic curves etc. What could be different with the TLV stuff?
The applet code used (installs fine when not using the BERTLV stuff):
package org.thomas;
import javacard.framework.APDU;
import javacard.framework.Applet;
import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
import javacard.framework.ISOException;
import javacard.framework.Util;
import javacardx.framework.tlv.BERTLV;
import javacardx.framework.tlv.ConstructedBERTLV;
public class TlvApplet extends Applet {
private ConstructedBERTLV certificate;
byte[] certificateLength = new byte[2];
* TlvApplet constructor
* #constructor
private TlvApplet() {
// Register with the JCRE
* Installs applet
* #param bArray
* the array containing installation parameters
* #param bOffset
* the starting offset in bArray
* #param bLength
* the length in bytes of the parameter data in bArray
public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
new TlvApplet();
public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException {
byte buffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
short incomingLength = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive();
certificate = (ConstructedBERTLV) BERTLV.getInstance(buffer,
ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, incomingLength);
certificateLength[0] = (byte) (certificate.size() & 0xff);
certificateLength[1] = (byte) ((certificate.size() >> 8) & 0xff);
Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(certificateLength, (short) 0, buffer,
ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, (short) 2);
I create the cap file by using the following ant build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project default="convert" name="Create JC 3 applet" basedir=".">
<property environment="env" />
<!-- Include properties in the file -->
<property file="" />
<!-- Build specific properties -->
<property name="source.path" location="${basedir}/${source.folder}" />
<property name="jcdk.libs" location="${basedir}/${jcdk.basefolder}/${jcdk.subfolder.libs}" />
<property name="jcdk.apiexports" location="${basedir}/${jcdk.basefolder}/${jcdk.subfolder.apiexportfiles}" />
<property name="target.path.classes"
location="${basedir}/${target.basefolder}/${target.subfolder.classes}" />
<property name="target.path.cap"
location="${basedir}/${target.basefolder}/${target.subfolder.applet}" />
<!-- set the classpath for the tasks and the API, include all jar files -->
<path id="classpath" description="Sets the classpath to Java Card API and tools">
<fileset dir="${jcdk.libs}">
<include name="*.jar" />
<!-- set the export path to the Java Card export files -->
<path id="export" description="set the export file path">
<fileset dir="${jcdk.apiexports}">
<include name="**/*.exp" />
<pathelement path="${jcdk.apiexports}" />
<pathelement path="${target.path.classes}" />
<path id="capexport" description="set the export file for the cap path">
<fileset dir="${jcdk.apiexports}">
<include name="**/*.exp" />
<pathelement path="${jcdk.apiexports}" />
<!-- Definitions for tasks for Java Card tools -->
<taskdef name="apdu" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.APDUToolTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<taskdef name="capgen" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.CapgenTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<taskdef name="convert" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.ConverterTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<taskdef name="verifyexport" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.VerifyExpTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<taskdef name="verifycap" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.VerifyCapTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<taskdef name="verifyrevision" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.VerifyRevTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<typedef name="appletnameaid" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.types.AppletNameAID" classpathref="classpath" />
<typedef name="jcainputfile" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.types.JCAInputFile" classpathref="classpath" />
<typedef name="scriptgen" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.ScriptgenTask" classpathref="classpath" />
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="${target.path.classes}" />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${target.path.classes}" />
<target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compile source code to class files">
<javac debug="${javac.debug}"
<classpath refid="classpath" />
<target name="convert" depends="compile" description="Convert class files to cap files">
<convert packagename="${}"
debug="${cap.creation.debug}" verbose="${cap.creation.verbose}"
<appletnameaid aid="${applet.aid}" appletname="${}" />
<exportpath refid="capexport" />
<classpath refid="classpath" />
<target name="all" depends="clean, convert" />
The used:
# Source folder
source.folder = src/org/thomas
# Java Card Development Kit folders
jcdk.basefolder = lib/javaCardKit303
jcdk.subfolder.apiexportfiles = api_export_files
jcdk.subfolder.libs = lib
# Target folders (will be created, no need to adapt)
target.basefolder = target
target.subfolder.classes = classes
target.subfolder.applet = applet
# Applet properties
package.aid = 0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x42 = org.thomas
applet.aid = 0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x41:0x42:0x42 = TlvApplet
applet.version = 1.0
# Java class compiler options
javac.debug = no
javac.optimize = no
javac.version.source = 1.5 = 1.5
# CAP file creation options
cap.creation.verbose = false
cap.creation.noverify = false
cap.creation.debug = false
cap.creation.jca = false
cap.creation.exp = false
So suspected the cap to be compiled with the api_connected.jar, but removing the file from kit, didn't change anything.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Thomas
The card simply does not support the TLV classes of the java card API. The JC API is just a recommendation but the card manufacturer may choose to implement a subset of it.
In general anything in javacardx is optional (hence the x at the end). The API methods in javacard must be implemented though. Even for javacard packages and classes not all functionality may be available at runtime. For instance, cryptographic algorithms may not be present.
