Node.js thermal printer issue in loop printing - node.js

I am developing a web application in Laravel, which sends a list of articles via JSON to a process running on Node.js (i use websocket library), which must for each of these items call a print function (i use escpos library).
When i print one or two items there are no problem, and all its OK. But when i send 3 or more items, the printer print the first ok, but with the rest it have problems. I think when i send 3 or more items, the printer is too slow and can't end the jobs.
This is the part of my code in Node.js that print the items:
for (var i = 0; i < msg.items.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < msg.items[i].quantity; j++) {
(Note i use 2 loop because a item can have a quantity > 1 and i have to print 1 ticket for each item and quantity)
And this is the code of the printing library (irrelevant but i leave it to clarify)
function print(item){
escpos.Image.load(__dirname + '/logo3.png', function(image){
.size(2, 2)
.barcode(item.ean, "EAN8")
I hope you can help me, thank you in advance.

I found a solution to the problem. I decided to use asynchronous requests with a timeout to wait for the printer to complete each task, along with promises. The code fragment:
function asyncFunction (item, cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Print " + item.code);
}, 1200);
let requests = products.reduce((promiseChain, item) => {
return promiseChain.then(() => new Promise((resolve) => {
asyncFunction(item, resolve);
}, Promise.resolve());


Wait for a function to create modified Array

I'm writing React app. After clicking one button, I want the file to be downloaded. Before that, the array that I have has to be modified in order to have the downloaded report in proper format.
The problem I have is that I don't know how to force getReports() to wait for setInOrder() to process the data. Therefore code doesn't enter the loop.
export const setInOrder = async (objects) => {
var sortedObjectsAll = new Object();
for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i) {
if (sortedObjectsAll.hasOwnProperty(objects[i].addedBy)) {
} else {
sortedObjectsAll[objects[i].addedBy] = new Array();
return sortedObjectsAll
export const getReports = async (objects) => {
const sortedObjectsAll = await setInOrder(objects) // This is correct but not available instantly
console.log(sortedObjectsAll) // this is correctly printed
const reports = new Array();
for (let j = 0; j < sortedObjectsAll.length; ++j) {
console.log("Never enters here")
return reports
I'm trying to use await or async somehow, but can't solve it. I see some Promises advised but I don't know how to really return the resulting variable to the code that actually downloads the report.
First you do not need to write an async-await something like that, because it is not an async operation (and if you write one and do not have any await in it, it will wait for nothing).
Second you want to iterate through an object, and not through an array, and that is the problem. Replace with the following (there are other solutions as well):
for (const key in sortedObjectsAll) {

Nodejs - Fire multiple API calls while limiting the rate and wait until they are all done

My issues
Launch 1000+ online API that limits the number of API calls to 10 calls/sec.
Wait for all the API calls to give back a result (or retry), it can take 5 sec before the API sends it data
Use the combined data in the rest of my app
What I have tried while looking at a lot of different questions and answers here on the site
Use promise to wait for one API request
const https = require("https");
function myRequest(param) {
const options = {
host: "",
port: 443,
path: "/custom/path/"+param,
method: "GET"
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
https.request(options, function(result) {
let str = "";
result.on('data', function(chunk) {str += chunk;});
result.on('end', function() {resolve(JSON.parse(str));});
result.on('error', function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);});
Use Promise.all to do all the requests and wait for them to finish
const params = [{item: "param0"}, ... , {item: "param1000+"}]; // imagine 1000+ items
const promises = [];{
result = Promise.all(promises).then(function(data) {
// doing some funky stuff with dat
So far so good, sort of
It works when I limit the number of API requests to a maximum of 10 because then the rate limiter kicks in. When I console.log(promises), it gives back an array of 'request'.
I have tried to add setTimeout in different places, like:
promises.push(setTimeout(function() {
}, 100));
But that does not seem to work. When I console.log(promises), it gives back an array of 'function'
My questions
Now I am stuck ... any ideas?
How do I build in retries when the API gives an error
Thank you for reading up to hear, you are already a hero in my book!
When you have a complicated control-flow using async/await helps a lot to clarify the logic of the flow.
Let's start with the following simple algorithm to limit everything to 10 requests per second:
make 10 requests
wait 1 second
repeat until no more requests
For this the following simple implementation will work:
async function rateLimitedRequests (params) {
let results = [];
while (params.length > 0) {
let batch = [];
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
let thisParam = params.pop();
if (thisParam) { // use shift instead
batch.push(myRequest(thisParam.item)); // of pop if you want
} // to process in the
// original order.
results = results.concat(await Promise.all(batch));
await delayOneSecond();
return results;
Now we just need to implement the one second delay. We can simply promisify setTimeout for this:
function delayOneSecond() {
return new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, 1000));
This will definitely give you a rate limiter of just 10 requests each second. In fact it performs somewhat slower than that because each batch will execute in request time + one second. This is perfectly fine and already meet your original intent but we can improve this to squeeze a few more requests to get as close as possible to exactly 10 requests per second.
We can try the following algorithm:
remember the start time
make 10 requests
compare end time with start time
delay one second minus request time
repeat until no more requests
Again, we can use almost exactly the same logic as the simple code above but just tweak it to do time calculations:
const ONE_SECOND = 1000;
async function rateLimitedRequests (params) {
let results = [];
while (params.length > 0) {
let batch = [];
let startTime =;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
let thisParam = params.pop();
if (thisParam) {
results = results.concat(await Promise.all(batch));
let endTime =;
let requestTime = endTime - startTime;
let delayTime = ONE_SECOND - requestTime;
if (delayTime > 0) {
await delay(delayTime);
return results;
Now instead of hardcoding the one second delay function we can write one that accept a delay period:
function delay(milliseconds) {
return new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, milliseconds));
We have here a simple, easy to understand function that will rate limit as close as possible to 10 requests per second. It is rather bursty in that it makes 10 parallel requests at the beginning of each one second period but it works. We can of course keep implementing more complicated algorithms to smooth out the request pattern etc. but I leave that to your creativity and as homework for the reader.

It's sends 4 times the amount of members

So I want my bot in a certain server to send a dm to a random member every 10 minutes. And when my bot has sent everyone from the server a dm it sends a complete message.
But when i start the bot it sends 4 times the amount of members
if (message.content.startsWith(botconfig.prefix + 'dmall')) {
var list = message.guild.members.array();
function sendMessage(list) {
setTimeout(function () {
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
console.log("I'm done, mate!");
}, 10 * 1000);
4 (is the amount of the members)
I'm done mate!
This part of your code:
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
tells Javascript to run the statement:
list.length times. If list.length is 4 which it appears to be here, then you will see in the console
That's what the code was instructed to do.
I don't see any reason why you'd put that in a loop unless you want to output each array element separately. So, if you want to just output the length once, then replace this:
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
with this:
In addition, if you were to use a for loop, you MUST declare all variables that you use. So, this:
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
is very dangerous. It relies on a higher scoped i which can easily conflict with other higher scoped i variables and create hard-to-figure out bugs. Every for loop should declare it's own loop variable as in:
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
If you run your code in strict mode (which you should), the above for loop declaration would likely cause an error (which is a good thing because you'd immediately see the coding error and fix it).
There are a couple of things wrong here.
For of: JavaScript variable scoping messing you up (Different example here
Second of all: setTimeout is not the same as setInterval.
Completely fixing your issue would be:
// Use the discord API
let users = ['justme']
function getUsers() {
// Mutate just to display a new one each time
users = [...users, users.length.toString()];
return users
function notifyUsers() {
// Retrieve all users now
const currentUsers = getUsers()
// Send a message to each user
currentUsers.forEach(user => sendMessage(user))
console.log('I have sent everyone a message')
function sendMessage(user) {
console.log(`Sending message to ${user}`)
// Start the application by looping every <whatever>
setInterval(() => notifyUsers(), 1000)

synchronous execution of methods

I have below snmp call in my code, and am executing this in api call and need to get array of values and return it to the client side. but i am facing issue in executing this lines synchronously, my res.json executing first before getting vales from session.subtree
var shelf = new Array();
function doneCb (error) {
console.log("shelf -----",shelf);
function feedCb (varbinds) {
console.log("feed cb");
shelf = [];
for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) {
if (snmp.isVarbindError (varbinds[i]))
console.error (snmp.varbindError (varbinds[i]));
else {
var temp = varbinds[i].oid.trim(".");
shelf.push({'id':temp[temp.length-1], 'name':shelfmap[varbinds[i].value.toString()]});
console.log (varbinds[i].oid + "|" + shelfmap[varbinds[i].value.toString()]);
shelf = [];
session.subtree (oid, maxRepetitions, feedCb, doneCb);
since feedcb and donecb are internal methods of net-snmp module i am not able to rewrite the functions to return the values, I tried with sync and async waterfall model, but it is not working as excepted, kinldy someone suggest some way to execute the method synchronously in node JS. Thanks in advance.

How to wait in node.js for a variable available on the cloud to have a specific value

I'm sorry if this is a basic question, but I am trying to implement a program in node.js that should wait for the value of a variable available trough a request to a cloud api (photon.variable()) to be 1. This variable should not be requested more than once per second. My first attempt is included in the sample code below. Despite knowing it does not work at all, I think it could be useful to show the functionality I would like to implement.
var photondata = 0;
while (photondata < 1)
setTimeout(function () {
photon.variable("witok", function(err, data) {
if (!err) {
console.log("data: ", data.result);
photondata = data.result;
else console.log(err);
})}, 1000);
Since you couldn't do async stuff in loops before, the traditional approach would be to create a function that adds itself to setTimeout for as long as needed, then calls some other function when it's done. You still need to do this in the browser if not using Babel.
These days, you can stop execution and wait for things to happen when using a generator function (which latest versions of Node now support). There are many libraries that will let you do this and I will advertise ours :)* () {
var photondata = 0;
while (true) {
yield CL.try(function* () {
var data = yield photon.variable("witok", CL.cb());
console.log("data: ", data.result);
photondata = data.result;
}, function* (err) {
if (photondata >= 1) break;
yield CL.sleep(1000);
// do whatever you need here
