Vala Threading: invocation of void method not allowed as expression - multithreading

Hey i've been writing an application in which i need to create thread to perform background tasks while the GUI is being loaded. However no matter that i do i can find a way around this error:
error: invocation of void method not allowed as expression
Thread<void> thread = new Thread<void>.try("Conntections Thread.", devices_online(listmodel));
The line in question is the creating of a new thread which calls the "devices_online" method.
The Full code which is being effected is:
try {
Thread<void> thread = new Thread<void>.try("Conntections Thread.", devices_online(listmodel));
}catch(Error thread_error){
//console print thread error message
stdout.printf("%s", thread_error.message);
And Method is:
private void devices_online(Gtk.ListStore listmodel){
//clear the listview
//list of devices returned after connection check
string[] devices = list_devices();
//loop through the devices getting the data and adding the device
//to the listview GUI
foreach (var device in devices) {
string name = get_data("name", device);
string ping = get_data("ping", device);
listmodel.append (out iter);
listmodel.set (iter, 0, name, 1, device, 2, ping);
Ive done so much Googleing but Vala isn't exactly the most popular language. Any help?

Like the compiler error says, you are getting a void by calling a method. Then you are trying to pass the void value into the thread constructor.
Thread<void> thread = new Thread<void>
.try ("Conntections Thread.", devices_online (listmodel));
The second cunstructor argument of Thread<T>.try () expects a delagate of type ThreadFunc<T> which you are not satisfying.
You are confusing a method call with a method delegate.
You can pass an anonymous function to fix that:
Thread<void> thread = new Thread<void>
.try ("Conntections Thread.", () => { devices_online (listmodel); });


destroying a class instance doesn't kill instances it owns in vala

I have a subclass of Gtk.Box that contains a GLib.Timer that fires a notification after a given interval. I have method in this class that calls this.destroy() on the Gtk.Box. The timer continues to run and fires the notification even after its parent instance has been destroyed. All instances of this class that have been destroyed exhibit this behaviour and continue to use CPU and memory untill the process is killed.
How do I fix this? How can I kill instances effectively and how do I manually free memory instead of relying on vala's garbage collection.
edit: here's an (embarrassing) mvce
// mvce_deletable
// nine
// 2017.01.11
// valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 --pkg glib-2.0 deletablebox.vala
using Gtk;
using GLib;
class RemovableBox : Gtk.Box {
private Gtk.Button delete_button;
private GLib.Timer timer;
private Gtk.Label label;
public RemovableBox () {
delete_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("DESTROY");
delete_button.clicked.connect (()=>{this.destroy();});
this.add (delete_button);
label = new Gtk.Label ("0000000");
this.add (label);
timer = new GLib.Timer ();
timer.start ();
Timeout.add (50, update);
this.show_all ();
private bool update () {
if (timer.elapsed () > 10.0f) {
stdout.printf("and yet it breathes\n");
label.set_text ("%f".printf(timer.elapsed()));
return true;
int main ( string [] args ) {
Gtk.init(ref args);
var window = new Gtk.Window ();
window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
var delete_me = new RemovableBox ();
window.add ( delete_me );
return 0;
I added a timer_id the the RemovableBox class but it still doesn't work as desired.
class RemovableBox : Gtk.Box {
private Gtk.Button delete_button;
private uint timeout_id;
private GLib.Timer timer;
private Gtk.Label label;
public RemovableBox () {
delete_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("DESTROY");
delete_button.clicked.connect (()=>{this.destroy();});
this.add (delete_button);
label = new Gtk.Label ("0000000");
this.add (label);
timer = new GLib.Timer ();
timer.start ();
timeout_id = Timeout.add (40, update);
this.show_all ();
~ RemovableBox () {
Source.remove (timeout_id);
private bool update () {
if (timer.elapsed () > 10.0f) {
stdout.printf("and yet it breathes\n");
label.set_text ("%f".printf(timer.elapsed()));
return true;
GLib.Timer is a stopwatch that returns the elapsed time. It doesn't generate events, but GLib.Timeout does.
GLib makes use of an event loop. This is the same for GTK+, which uses the same underlying GLib event loop. GLib.Timeout is used to create one kind of event source - a timer that fires after a given interval. When your program creates the event source you are given an identifier for the source. For example:
timer_id = Timeout.add_seconds (1, my_callback_function);
What your program needs to do is store that timer identifier in the object and then when the button click handler is called you can remove the timer as a source of events:
Source.remove (timer_id);
Strictly speaking Vala doesn't have a garbage collection cycle. Other languages will collect references that are no longer used and then remove the resources allocated to them during a clean up cycle. Vala uses reference counting, but it is deterministic. So when an object is no longer used, usually when it goes out of scope, the resources allocated to the object are removed immediately. For normal objects in Vala, rather than compact classes, a destructor is also called when the object is freed. This allows for the resource allocation is initialization (RAII) pattern to be used effectively in Vala.
In general you should not be manually freeing objects, Vala's reference counting is very good. I think it is important to understand GLib's event loop and sources of events to understand what is going on. For a detailed description see GLib's documentation on its main event loop.
Now you have provided a MCVE we can look in detail at how Vala manages memory. If you want to dig deep into what is going on behind the scenes you can use the --ccode switch with valac.
The first line of interest in your program is:
Timeout.add (50, update);
Looking at the C code from valac this line uses the g-timeout-add-full () function:
g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, (guint) 50, _removable_box_update_gsource_func, g_object_ref (self), g_object_unref);
The crucial part here is g_object_ref (self). This increases the reference count for the object by one and passes a pointer to the object. This makes a lot of sense, because the update () callback passed in the Vala code makes use of the instance data from the object. Vala is doing the right thing and making sure that the instance data is kept alive while the timer is around. The 'g_object_unref' is called when the source is removed. Here's a modified version of your program putting this understanding in to practise:
// mvce_deletable
// nine
// 2017.01.11
// valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 deletablebox.vala
using Gtk;
class RemovableBox : Gtk.Box {
private Gtk.Button delete_button;
private uint timeout_id;
private GLib.Timer timer;
private Gtk.Label label;
public RemovableBox () {
delete_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("DESTROY");
delete_button.clicked.connect (()=>{this.tidy_up_and_destroy ();});
this.add (delete_button);
label = new Gtk.Label ("0000000");
this.add (label);
timer = new GLib.Timer ();
timer.start ();
timeout_id = Timeout.add (40, update);
this.show_all ();
~ RemovableBox () {
print ("RemovableBox destructor called\n");
private bool update () {
if (timer.elapsed () > 10.0f) {
stdout.printf("and yet it breathes\n");
label.set_text ("%f".printf(timer.elapsed()));
return true;
private void tidy_up_and_destroy () {
print ("RemovableBox.tidy_up_and_destroy called\n");
Source.remove (timeout_id);
this.destroy ();
void main ( string [] args ) {
Gtk.init(ref args);
var window = new Gtk.Window ();
window.window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER;
window.resize (250,50);
window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
window.add (new RemovableBox ());
Previously the program still kept a reference to the RemovableBox object and so was never completely removed. By removing the event source first then calling this.destroy (); it means there are no more references and the object is removed.
There is one other important point here. The lines:
var delete_me = new RemovableBox ();
window.add ( delete_me );
in main () have been changed to:
window.add (new RemovableBox ());
Vala objects exist for the scope of the block they were created in. By assigning the object to delete_me you are keeping a reference to the object for the rest of the main () block. By changing that to be an argument of a method call it is just for the call and so is freed when the button is clicked.
By the way, GLib is automatically included when using valac so there is no need for using GLib; or compiling with --pkg glib-2.0.
You are confusing automatic reference couting with full garbage collection.
There is no garbage collector in GLib, but classes have a reference count instead that is increased when a GObject is used in multiple places and decreased when it is no longer used in those places, until it reaches zero. The object is then freed.
In fact in C code the reference counting is manual:
// Reference count is set to 1 on gobject_new
gpointer obj = gobject_new (G_SOME_OBJECT, NULL);
// It can be manually increased when the object is stored in multiple places
// Let's increase the ref count to 2 here
gobject_ref (obj);
// Let's decrease it until it reaches 0
gobject_unref (obj);
gobject_unref (obj);
// Here the object is destroyed (but the pointer is still pointing to the previous memory location, e.g. it is a dangling pointer)
// gobject_clear (obj) can be used in situation where the variable is reused
// It still only unrefs the object by 1 though! In addition it will set obj to NULL
Vala adds the auto to reference counting, which makes it "automatic reference counting" (ARC). That is you don't have to worry about the reference count in Vala, it will add the appropriate ref and unref operations for you.
In full garbage collection (like in C#, Java, ...) memory deallocation is not deterministic, the object can be kept alive even if it isn't used anymore. This is done using something called a "managed heap" and a garbage collector is run in the background (i.e. as a GC thread).
Now that we have the background stuff covered to your actual problem:
You have to remove the Gtk.Box from it's parent container and also set any references you might still have in your Vala code to null in order to get the reference count to 0. It will then be unrefed.
There are of course other options, like disabling the timer, etc. You should really add an MVCE to your question for us to be able to give you some design advice on your code.
PS: Reference counting is often considered as a simple method of garbage collection. That's why I write full garbage collection (also called tracing garbage collection) in order to not confuse the two terms. See the Wikipedia article on garbage collection.

.NET 4.0 BackgroundWorker class and unusual behavior

I am running into some strange behavior in the backgroundworker class that leads me to believe that I don't fully understand how it works. I assumed that the following code sections were more or less equal except for some extra features that the BackgroundWorker implements (like progress reporting, etc.):
section 1:
void StartSeparateThread(){
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_DoWork);
void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Execute some code asynchronous to the thread that owns the function
//StartSeparateThread() but synchronous to itself.
var SendCommand = "SomeCommandToSend";
var toWaitFor = new List<string>(){"Various","Possible","Outputs to wait for"};
var SecondsToWait = 30;
//this calls a function that sends the command over the NetworkStream and waits
//for various responses.
var Result=SendAndWaitFor(SendCommand,toWaitFor,SecondsToWait);
Section 2:
void StartSeparateThread(){
Thread pollThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoStuff));
void DoStuff(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Execute some code asynchronous to the thread that owns the function
//StartSeparateThread() but synchronous to itself.
var SendCommand = "SomeCommandToSend";
var toWaitFor = new List<string>(){"Various","Possible","Outputs to wait for"};
var SecondsToWait = 30;
//this calls a function that sends the command over the NetworkStream and waits
//for various responses.
var Result=SendAndWaitFor(SendCommand,toWaitFor,SecondsToWait);
I was using Section 1 to run some code that sent a string over a networkstream and waited for a desired response string, capturing all output during that time. I wrote a function to do this that would return the networkstream output, the index of the the sent string, as well as the index of the desired response string. I was seeing some strange behavior with this so I changed the function to only return when both the send string and the output string were found, and that the index of the found string was greater than the index of the sent string. It would otherwise loop forever (just for testing). I would find that the function would indeed return but that the index of both strings were -1 and the output string was null or sometimes filled with the expected output of the previous call. If I were to make a guess about what was happening, it would be that external functions called from within the bw_DoWork() function are run asynchronously to the thread that owns the bw_DoWork() function. As a result, since my SendAndWaitFor() function was called multiple times in succession. the second call would be run before the first call finished, overwriting the results of the first call after they were returned but before they could be evaluated. This seems to make sense because the first call would always run correctly and successive calls would show the strange behavior described above but it seems counter intuitive to how the BackgroundWorker class should behave. Also If I were to break within the SendAndWaitFor function, things would behave properly. This again leads me to believe there is some multi-threading going on within the bwDoWork function itself.
When I change the code in the first section above to the code of the second section, things work entirely as expected. So, can anyone who understands the BackgroundWorker class explain what could be going on? Below are some related functions that may be relevant.
public Dictionary<string, string> SendAndWaitFor(string sendString, List<string> toWaitFor, int seconds)
var toReturn = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var data = new List<byte>();
var enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
var output = "";
var FoundString = "";
//wait for current buffer to clear
output = this.SynchronousRead();
output = SynchronousRead();
//output should be null at this point and the buffer should be clear.
//send the desired data
//look for all desired strings until timeout is reached
int sendIndex=-1;
int foundIndex = -1;
output += SynchronousRead();
for (DateTime start = DateTime.Now; DateTime.Now - start < new TimeSpan(0, 0, seconds); )
//wait for a short period to allow the buffer to fill with new data
//read the buffer and add it to the output
output += SynchronousRead();
foreach (var s in toWaitFor)
sendIndex = output.IndexOf(sendString);
foundIndex = output.LastIndexOf(s);
if (foundIndex>sendIndex)
toReturn["sendIndex"] = sendIndex.ToString();
toReturn["foundIndex"] = sendIndex.ToString();
toReturn["Output"] = output;
toReturn["FoundString"] = s;
return toReturn;
//Set this to loop infinitely while debuging to make sure the function was only
//returning above
toReturn["Output"] =output;
toReturn["FoundString"] = "";
return toReturn;
public void write(byte[] toWrite)
var enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
var writeString = enc.GetString(toWrite);
var ns = connection.GetStream();
ns.Write(toWrite, 0, toWrite.Length);
public string SynchronousRead()
string toReturn = "";
ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
var ns = connection.GetStream();
var sb = new StringBuilder();
while (ns.DataAvailable)
var buffer = new byte[4096];
var numberOfBytesRead = ns.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
sb.AppendFormat("{0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, numberOfBytesRead));
toReturn += sb.ToString();
return toReturn;
All data to be used by a background worker should be passed in through the DoWorkEventArgs and nothing should be pulled off of the class (or GUI interface).
In looking at your code I could not identify where the property(?) connnection was being created. My guess is that connection is created on a different thread, or may be pulling read information, maybe from a GUI(?) and either one of those could cause problems.
I suggest that you create the connection instance in the dowork event and not pull an existing one off of a different thread. Also verify that the data connection works with does not access any info off of a GUI, but its info is passed in as its made.
I discuss an issue with the Background worker on my blog C# WPF: Linq Fails in BackgroundWorker DoWork Event which might show you where the issue lies in your code.

Set DocumentViewer.Document from another thread?

I have a class with a method (CreateDocument) that fires an event at the end. The event args contain a FixedDocument. In my MainWindow code I try to set a DocumentViewer's Document like:
void lpage_DocCreated(object sender, LabelDocumentEventArgs e)
new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate
FixedDocument fd = e.doc;
documentViewer1.Document = fd;
return null;
}), null);
I receive "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it." on line documentViewer1.Document = fd;
I am able to update a progress bar in another event handler that the same method fires while it is working:
Int32 progress = Int32.Parse(sender.ToString());
new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate
progBar.Value = progress;
return null;
}), null);
I can't figure out why I can't set the document when I'm essentially doing the same type of thing when I set the progress bar value.
The FixedDocument element also has thread-affinity. So if you are creating it in a separate thread than the documentViewer1, then you would get that exception.
Basically, anything that derives from DispatcherObject has a thread-affinity. FixedDocument derives from DispatcherObject, just like the viewer controls.

How do I block access to a method until animations are complete

I have a Silverlight app. that has a basic animation where a rectangle is animated to a new position. The animation consists of two DoubleAnimation() - one transforms the X, the other transforms the Y. It works OK.
I basically want to block any other calls to this animate method until the first two animations have completed. I see that the DoubleAnimation() class has a Completed event it fires but I haven't been successful in constructing any kind of code that successfully blocks until both have completed.
I attempted to use Monitor.Enter on a private member when entering the method, then releasing the lock from one of the animations Completed event, but my attempts at chaining the two events (so the lock isn't released until both have completed) haven't been successful.
Here's what the animation method looks like:
public void AnimateRectangle(Rectangle rect, double newX, double newY)
var xIsComplete = false;
Duration duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1, 350));
var easing = new ElasticEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut, Oscillations = 1, Springiness = 4 };
var animateX = new DoubleAnimation();
var animateY = new DoubleAnimation();
animateX.EasingFunction = easing;
animateX.Duration = duration;
animateY.EasingFunction = easing;
animateY.Duration = duration;
var sb = new Storyboard();
sb.Duration = duration;
Storyboard.SetTarget(animateX, rect);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animateX, new PropertyPath("(Canvas.Left)"));
Storyboard.SetTarget(animateY, rect);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animateY, new PropertyPath("(Canvas.Top)"));
animateX.To = newX;
animateY.To = newY;
EDIT (added more info)
I ran into this initially because I was calling this method from another method (as it processed items it made a call to the animation). I noticed that the items didn't end up where I expected them to. The new X/Y coordinates I pass in are based on the items current location, so if it was called multiple times before it finished, it ended up in the wrong location. As a test I added a button that only ran the animation once. It worked. However, if I click on the button a bunch of times in a row I see the same behavior as before: items end up in the wrong location.
Yes, it appears Silverlight animations are run on the main UI thread. One of the tests I tried I added two properties that flagged whether both animations had completed yet. In the AnimateRectange() method I checked them inside of a while loop (calling Thread.Sleep). This loop never completed (so it's definitely on the same thread).
So I created a queue to process the animations in order:
private void ProcessAnimationQueue()
var items = this.m_animationQueue.GetEnumerator();
while (items.MoveNext())
while (this.m_isXanimationInProgress || this.m_isYanimationInProgress)
var item = items.Current;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => this.AnimateRectangle(item.Rect.Rect, item.X, item.Y));
Then I call my initial routine (which queues up the animations) and call this method on a new thread. I see the same results.
As far as I am aware all of the animations in Silverlight are happening on the UI thread anyway. I am guessing that only the UI thread is calling this animation function anyway, so I am not sure that using locking will help. Do you really want to be blocking the entire thread or just preventing another animation from starting?
I would suggest something more like this:
private bool isAnimating = false;
public void AnimateRectangle(Rectangle rect, double newX, double newY)
if (isAnimating)
// rest of animation code
sb.Completed += (sender, e) =>
isAnimating = false;
isAnimating = true;
Just keep track of whether or not you are currently animating with a flag and return early if you are. If you don't want to lose potential animations your other option is to keep some kind of a queue for animation which you could check/start when each animation has completed.
This question really peaked my interest. In fact I'm going to include it in my next blog post.
Boiling it down, just to be sure we are talking about the same thing, fundementally you don't want to block the call to AnimateRectangle you just want to "queue" the call so that once any outstanding call has completed its animation this "queued" call gets executed. By extension you may need to queue several calls if a previous call hasn't even started yet.
So we need two things:-
A means to treat what are essentially asynchronous operations (sb.Begin to Completed event) as a sequential operation, one operation only starting when the previous has completed.
A means to queue additional operations when one or more operations are yet to complete.
Item 1 comes up in a zillion different ways in Silverlight due to the asynchronous nature of so many things. I solve this issue with a simple asynchronous operation runner blogged here. Add the AsyncOperationService code to your project.
Its item 2 that really took my interest. The variation here is that whilst an existing set of operations are in progress there is demand to add another. For a general case solution we'd need a thread-safe means of including another operation.
Here is the bare-bones of a AsyncOperationQueue:-
public class AsyncOperationQueue
readonly Queue<AsyncOperation> myQueue = new Queue<AsyncOperation>();
AsyncOperation myCurrentOp = null;
public void Enqueue(AsyncOperation op)
bool start = false;
lock (myQueue)
if (myCurrentOp != null)
myCurrentOp = op;
start = true;
if (start)
DequeueOps().Run(delegate { });
private AsyncOperation GetNextOperation()
lock (myQueue)
myCurrentOp = (myQueue.Count > 0) ? myQueue.Dequeue() : null;
return myCurrentOp;
private IEnumerable<AsyncOperation> DequeueOps()
AsyncOperation nextOp = myCurrentOp;
while (nextOp != null)
yield return nextOp;
nextOp = GetNextOperation();
Putting it to use
First thing to do is convert your existing AnimateRectangle method into a GetAnimateRectangleOp that returns a AsyncOperation. Like this:-
public AsyncOperation GetAnimateRectangleOp(Rectangle rect, double newX, double newY)
return (completed) =>
// Code identical to the body of your original AnimateRectangle method.
sb.Completed += (s, args) => completed(null);
We need to hold an instance of the AsyncOperationQueue:-
private AsyncOperationQueue myAnimationQueue = new AsyncOperationQueue();
Finally we need to re-create AnimateRectangle that enqueues the operation to the queue:-
public void AnimateRectangle(Rectangle rect, double newX, double newY)
myAnimationQueue.Enqueue(GetAnimateRectangleOp(rect, newX, newY)

Qt thread call issues

Please help me. I am struck-up with thread concept. Actually my problem : I want to display the cities List in the combobox. I am getting cities list from the webservice. I am using thread for update the combo box value after webserice call finished.
Here I can call the webservice. But I couldn't get the Reply.
I am using the following code.
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
CGNetwork *cgNetwork = new CGNetwork();
renderThread = new RenderThread(cgNetwork);
void MainWindow::initControls()
CGMainWindowUtility *pointer = CGMainWindowUtility::instance();
QStringList cityitems;
cityitems <<tr("All");
QStringListModel *cityModel = new QStringListModel(cityitems, this);
RenderThread::RenderThread(CGNetwork *cgnetwork)
cityUrl = "";
categoryUrl = "";
void RenderThread::run()
qDebug()<< "THREAD Started";
CGNetwork *cgnetworks = new CGNetwork();
void CGNetwork ::getCityList(const QUrl url)
cityGuideNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(cityGuideNetworkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(parseCityList()));
const QNetworkRequest cityRequest(url);
cityReply= cityGuideNetworkAccessManager->get(cityRequest);
connect(cityReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(slotError()));
void CGNetwork::parseCityList()
cgParser = new CGJsonParser();
Since QNetworkAccessManager works asynchronously, there's no need for a separate thread. You can call getCityList directly from your main thread and it won't block.
I think your slots weren't called because your QThread::run returned before any of the work its been doing had a chance to complete, since getCityList just initiated an http request without waiting for it (because QNetworkAccessManager::get doesn't block like I said above).
Also as a side note, your slots aren't getting the same parameters as their corresponding signals, I don't remember if Qt supports this.
