Why does node.js plugin in Intellij-Idea don`t work? - node.js

I installed plugin for Intellij-Idea and it doesn`t work. Why can it be? As you can see the require word doesn`t become yellow.
And here is my plugin installed:

Please make sure to enable Node.js Core library in File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Node.js and NPM

I like to hover over things that are underlined to give me clues as to where to start. Your "path" and "require" are underlined. Your errors might say Unused local variable 'path' and Unresolved method or function require()
You might not have installed node in the current project. If you don't have node installed, try:
npm init to create a package.json file.
IntelliJ will walk you through creating the file. You can just press enter all the way through if you want and edit it later.
npm install express --save (replace express with whatever library you are trying to use) to save library in the dependencies list
Installing express
How can I fix WebStorm warning “Unresolved function or method” for “require”


NodeJS require doesn't work. Cannot import downloaded npm modules

I have a slight problem with a basic Node.JS method. When I'm trying to use "require()' method to import any downloaded (with 'npm install ..) module/library, I get a Visual Studio Code message that asks 'to convert 'require'(which is a Common JS module) into ES. If I do it, it transforms 'require()' into 'import..' though I want keep using 'require()'. Why is it so ? I read somewhere that Common JS is already included in the Node.JS environment though.
Then, when trying to compile my index.js file (with 'node index.js'), I obviously get an error about 'require' not recognized method.
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:\Users...index.js from C:\Users...index.js not supported.
I tried then to install Webpack to fix this issue, but nothing change. I also kind of installed CommonJS (npm i common-js)..
Another common answer was to remove 'type':'module' from package.json file which normally should allow to use 'require', but I don't even have such a line in the file.
On top of that I've recently read that 'require' is not compatible with browser development tools (it's ok). But I'm trying to import a downloaded module/npm package in VSC terminal, not even in a browser.
As you understand I'm new to Node.JS, but I don't really get what's going on in this case...

JetBrains WebStorm npm modules autocompletion not working

I am new to Node.js development and I have installed WebStorm from JetBrains to use it as my JavaScript IDE.
So I am following a tutorial in Udemy and I have come to notice the following problem.
I installed some modules with npm from WebStorm Console and although my JS script is working as intended, WebStorm autocompletion for the npm modules is not working.
Coding assistance for Node.js in my settings is marked! What do I do wrong?
The problems occur because of the weird way properties are defined.
For example, in chalk package they are generated dynamically using Object.defineProperty(this, styleName, {value: builder});, where the styleName is a color name you use in your code. There is no way to resolve them when analyzing file statically.
Normally installing Typescript stubs can be used as a workaround. But this doesn't work for validator due to WEB-43528.
chulk typings are included in package distribution, but not resolved because the required fields in package.json are missing. As a workaround, open node_modules/chalk/package.json and add "types": "index.d.ts", to it:
this should help:

Enabling implicit type checking for Javascript in VS Code results in "Cannot find name 'require'" error

I made a very simple Node project (npm init, accept all defaults) and opened it in VS Code. I followed the instructions in the docs to turn on global implicit type checking: set javascript.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs to true in user prefs.
Now, when I try to use require() in the code, I get a red squiggly underline with the error [js] Cannot find name 'require'. Do I need to do something to tell the Typescript server that this will run in a Node environment, and thus require will be provided as a global?
ETA: I'm not totally clear on the disconnect between whatever is generating the "Cannot find name" error, and whatever is creating Intellisense suggestions. In spite of the require() error, Intellisense works correctly. If I npm install --save moment, then write
const moment = require("moment");
then I get Intellisense completion of Moment functions, even though require has a red squiggly line under it.
You may have to install node typing via
npm install --save-dev #types/node
This will install node types locally.

Using localForage and angular-localForage with Browserify causing errors with require statements

I am attempting to install localForage into a node.js application (with Angular) and Browserify.
Here is a link to the localForage documentation
It appears that using localForage and angular-localForage causes a problem with browserify based around the use of 'require'
If I require the localforage.js file in the src file I get the following error:
Warning: module "promise" not found from "/Users/mgayhart/Sites/epson- receipts/bower_components/localforage/src/localforage.js" Use --force to continue.
If I require the localforage.js file in the dist file, I get the following error:
Warning: module "./drivers/indexeddb" not found from "/Users/mgayhart/Sites/epson- receipts/bower_components/localforage/dist/localforage.js" Use --force to continue.
Anyone know of a workaround to be able to move forward with these libraries?
There is an issue on github with this problem: https://github.com/ocombe/angular-localForage/issues/26
I'll be working on it soon, you can subscribe to the github notifs on this issue to know when it's fixed !
For me installing it through bower and using it with browserify-shim worked. So in package.json:
"browser": {
"browserify-shim": {
And to expose it as an angular-service (if you don't want to use angular-localforage):
app.factory "localforage",-> require 'localforage'
I've just been having this issue myself tonight, but I think I found a fix.
Instead of trying to get the bower modules to work with browserify, why not just use npm like its made for?
npm install localforage
and then when you use require you don't have to give it the path
but it still didn't work for me until I copied the folder:
localforage/src/drivers TO localforage/dist/drivers
Then it found all the dependencies and worked like a champ!
Alternatively if you must use bower you could try to use the debowerify tranform w/ gulp:

Error code: 800A1391 Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error Running Grunt - Module is undefined

New Grunt user here who is using a lot of new tools (npm nodejs) today.
I've got Grunt "installed" and have been able to create a grunt.js file using the init task as described here: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/meeting-grunt-the-build-tool-for-javascript/ and here: https://github.com/cowboy/grunt/blob/master/docs/getting_started.md. But whenever I run the "grunt" command I get an error:
Windows Script Host
Script: c:\users\[]\Documents\code\grunt\grunt.js
Line: 2
Char: 1
Error: 'module' is undefined
Code: 800A1391
Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error
As explained in the FAQ, you need to type grunt.cmd instead on Windows because the OS tries to launch grunt.js
Or you can install grunt-cli globally instead. This package will run any version of Grunt if it's been installed locally to your project.
So, this problem occur because windows by default associative < *.js > files
with >>
"Microsoft Windows Based Script Host".
grunt need to open by default with (grunt.cmd).
it easy to slove, by change default app (open with..)
Guide :
Go to any javascript file with "js" extension. (any file)
Right-Click(mouse) > Properties > "Opens with:" Change...(button)
Choose Notepad ( or any javascript IDE ).
good luck
If you're getting a "Microsoft JScript runtime error" that means that node.js isn't even getting invoked; instead Windows Script Host is trying to run your code. That's probably a problem with filetype associations; IIRC Windows defaults to trying to execute a ".js" file with WSH. You may wind up having to create a shortcut to your script, specifying a command line (probably something like "node %1") and a starting directory in order to make sure that it's executed properly.
It would help if you could tell us exactly how you're trying to invoke your code.
it seems that in the latest versions of the grunt modules, you would have to do the following to have it work under windows:
remove any globally installed grunt
npm uninstall -g grunt
install grunt-cli globally
npm install -g grunt-cli
install grunt locally into your project
npm install grunt
installing grunt (v0.4.x) globally does not seem to create the necessary grunt.cmd anymore. it seems that the recommendation is now to have grunt installed locally to be able to use version-specific Gruntfiles
As Florian F suggested, running grunt.cmd works. This is because of the process Windows is looking for your grunt command.
When typing grunt -h Windows will proceed to look for the following files:
./grunt.* (grunt.js is found in this case which is why you see "module is undefined")
An alternative to using "grunt.cmd" is to use grunter which simply renames the command to grunter... then you no longer have this problem.
To answer this, first we need to understand that the error is caused because it is being executed by Windows Script Host.
Now, run the code from your cmd promt with the following syntax:
>node <application_name>.js
this will allow the Node.js application to open through V8 JavaScript engine(Google's).
P.S: Please reply back if this has helped in resolving your issue else post the problem you are facing after trying this.
I had a similar issue, the problem is file association, I would recommend:
right click on a .js file and choose open with.
then you choose nodejs/node.exe (somewhere in "program files" folder
then make tick box where it says "always open .js files " (paraphrasing)
That should do the trick.
I went through the same issue when running an old Node project.
The issue was with the name of the js file, it was node.js. So the while running the command node node.js, it was opening up a windows dialogue box.
I just changed the name of the file to app.js and the error flew away.
So, in my case i had tryed all the mentioned above with no result.
But i have fund that im dont type: node in the full sentence as the following snipet
node script.js.And remember never understimate your own miscoding.
Go to any javascript file with "js" extension. (any file)
Right-Click(mouse) > Properties > "Opens with:" Change...(button)
Choose Notepad ( or any Javascript IDE like VS Code ).
