ServiceStack register error form CustomUserAuth in CredentialsAuthProvider - servicestack

searching the Internet I found many examples how to make your users table, everything works, check in on social networks, etc.
But I get problem when register's representative missions of RegistrationFeature.
It's a code and trace:
Thanks for help.

From v4.5.7+ that's now on MyGet you'll be able to use the built-in RegistrationFeature in ServiceStack with Custom IUserAuth and IUserAuthDetails data models.
For ServiceStack versions v4.5.6 and prior:
If you want to use Custom UserAuth tables you need to either inherit the existing UserAuth table, e.g:
public class LotoUserAuth : UserAuth {}
Which will let you use the existing Register Service.
Using a Custom Register Service
If you only want to implement IUserAuth you need to register a Custom Register Service that populates your Custom UserAuth table instead, which you can do by inheriting RegisterService<T> with your Custom UserAuth type, e.g:
public class CustomRegisterService : RegisterService<CustomUserAuth> { }
and register it in your AppHost with:
When using a Custom RegisterService you need to disable your existing configuration that registers the built-in RegisterService by removing these lines from your AppHost:
//authFeature.IncludeRegistrationService = true;
//Plugins.Add(new RegistrationFeature());
Finally since you're using a Custom RegisterService you'll need to register the RegistrationValidator which the RegistrationFeature would normally do in your AppHost with:
container.RegisterAs<RegistrationValidator, IValidator<Register>>();
AppHost Configuration Issues
Other problems with your AppHost is that you should register your Custom OrmLiteAuthRepository against the IAuthRepository interface:
container.Register<IAuthRepository>(c =>
new OrmLiteAuthRepository<LotoUserAuth, UserAuthDetails>(
Then if you'll need to create the Schema with:


How to use Custom Routes with Auto Query

Using the first example in the ServiceStack Auto Query documentation in a project structured similar to the EmailContacts sample project (i.e. separate projects for the ServiceModel and ServiceInterface), how would one register the custom route "/movies" defined by the Route attribute?
public class FindMovies : QueryBase<Movie>
public string[] Ratings { get; set; }
Normally, custom routes such as these can be register by passing the ServiceInterface assembly when instantiating AppHostBase:
public AppHost() : base("Email Contact Services", typeof(ContactsServices).Assembly) {}
However, the FindMovies request DTO does not have an associated service and therefore won't be included. No routes are registered.
If I pass typeof(FindMovies).Assembly instead of or in addition to typeof(ContactsServices).Assembly, then the pre-defined route will be registered (i.e. shows up in the metadata, postman, etc.) but the custom route is still not registered (i.e. does not show up in the metadata, postman, etc.).
What is the best way to register the custom route using attributes when there is no service and the ServiceModel and ServiceInterface are in separate projects?
These issues should be resolved in v4.0.24+ that's now available on MyGet.
There's a new AutoQueryFeature.LoadFromAssemblies property to specify an additional list of assemblies to scan for IQuery Request DTO's. This automatically looks in the assemblies where your other Request DTO's are defined so in most cases nothing needs to be done as it will automatically be able to find your query services.
The routes for Query DTO's should now appear on the metadata pages as well as Swagger and Postman metadata API's.

Dependency injection of IAuthSession resolves empty session

I am successfully using ServiceStack's credentials authentication along with a custom AuthUserSession. What I can't work out is how to use this in classes that have had dependencies injected via Funq.
I have several "Business" Classes which rely on Funq to inject the DAL dependency into them, this works perfectly.
However, within the DAL I obviously want to mark database fields such as "CreatedBy" and "ModifiedBy" with the currently logged in user id. So, I create a constructor parameter in the DAL to receive the AuthUserSession.
Within Global.asax, the following lines are in place:
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new MyAuthUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] { new MyCredentialsAuthProvider() }));
No matter how I register MyAuthUserSession with funq, it resolves to an instance with no Session information in it.
container.Register<IAuthSession>(new MyAuthUserSession());
container.Register(new MyAuthUserSession());
In a nutshell; What is the best way of getting "Current User ID" into a class via constructor injection?
UserSessions are not dependencies that are resolved from an IOC and as such should never be registered in an IOC which would be meaningless and cause confusion on how they actually work.
They are models that are hydrated from a Cache at runtime using the client's Cookies that are passed in with each HTTP Request. The Session wiki has more information about how Sessions work in ServiceStack.
Custom Typed User Sessions can be resolved in ServiceStack using the base.SessionAs<T> method, e.g:
public class MyService : Service
public MyDependencyThatUsesUserSession MyDep { get; set; }
public object Any(Request request)
MyAuthUserSession mySession = base.SessionAs<MyAuthUserSession>();
return MyDep.Execute(mySession, request.Id);

ServiceStack: Adding routes dynamically

I have not tried this yet, but I would like each module (Silverlight) to register its own routes, rather then adding it in application start.
Can routes be added to AppHost after application start, or do they all have to be immediatelly registered during Configure step?
I am thinking to scan all assemblies at the startup and provide AppHost with all assemblies that implement service stack services, but let each module add its own routes (have not figured out yet exact mechanism.
Before I go down this route, need to know if it is possible to add routes after the Configure step.
All configuration and registration in ServiceStack should be done within the AppHost.Configure() method and remain immutable thereafter.
If you want to encapsulate registrations of routes in a module than package it as a Plugin and register them manually on IPlugin.Register(IAppHost).
Here are some different ways to register routes:
public class MyModule : IPlugin
public void Register(IAppHost appHost)
appHost.Routes.Add<MyRequestDto>("/myservice", "POST PUT");
appHost.Routes.Add(typeof(MyRequestDto2), "/myservice2", "GET");
appHost.RegisterService(typeof(MyService), "/myservice3");
Then inside your AppHost.Configure you would register the Plugin, e.g:
Plugins.Add(new MyModule());

Pluggable service assemblies. How to add list of assemblies without hardcoding tem in the AppHost constructor

I have question about how to make service assemblies pluggable (read them from config file) into the ServiceStack.
I want to register my services assemblies from configuration file and not to hard code them in the AppHost constructor like this:
public appHost() : base("My Pluggable Web Services", typeof(ServiceAssembly1).Assembly, typeof(AnotherServiceAssembly).Assembly) { }
I couldn't find other way to register the assemblies outside of this constructor. The constructor also accepts params and does not have overload for example with IEnumerable<Assembly> as parameter.
The idea is to be able to plug service assemblies without touching the service stack REST web site.
I looked at the Plugin interface but I think it is more suitable to be used to extend the service stack not to dynamically plug service assemblies.
Are there any way to implement such pluggable service assemblies feature with the current service stack release? Can you also add constructor overload that will accept the array of assembly?
Thank you in advance
The purpose of your ServiceStack's AppHost is to be a bespoke class customized for your solution that has hard references to all your service dependencies. It's much easier to verify your application is configured correctly, at build time if you declare your dependencies in code as opposed to un-typed configuration.
Having said that you can override the strategy that ServiceStack uses to discover your Service types by overriding AppHostBase.CreateServiceManager():
protected virtual ServiceManager CreateServiceManager(params Assembly[] assembliesWithServices)
return new ServiceManager(assembliesWithServices);
//Alternative way to inject Container + Service Resolver strategy
//return new ServiceManager(new Container(),
// new ServiceController(() => assembliesWithServices.ToList().SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())));
Otherwise you can still do what you want by just passing your assemblies into your AppHost, e.g:
var appHost = new AppHost("Service Name", MyConfig.LoadAssembliesFromConfig());
(new AppHost()).Init();

adding custom methods in Hook environment?

i am adding a new method into CalEventLocalServiceImpl using hook...
my code is ..
public class MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl extends CalEventLocalServiceWrapper {
public MyCalendarLocalServiceImpl(CalEventLocalService calEventLocalService) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public List getUserData(long userId) throws SystemException{
DynamicQuery query=DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(CalEvent.class)
List deatils=CalEventLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(query);
return deatils;
my question is how to use getUserData from jsp file.
Can anybody help me out....
i think u didn't gt my question...i want list of events based on USERID from Calendar achieve this task what i need to do??
I assume getUserData() is not overridden but a new method (can't look up currently). This is not what you can do when overriding a service. Instead you'd have to add a new Service and make it available to the portal.
Remember that a customized ("hooked") jsp is running in the portal classloader, while your overloaded service is running in the hook's classloader. Thus, if you create a new service and make the service.jar available to Liferay (e.g. on the global classpath) you can call it from JSPs. The interface of Liferay services can not be extended through an overloaded service.
In case getUserData() is already in the interface (as I said I can't look up currently), you just need to call the CalendarLocalServiceUtil from your jsp and it will be delegated to your wrapper.
Just to add to Olaf's answer and comments...
if you you want to extend CalEventLocalService service with just "getUsetData" and use it in one jsp than building your own service might be overkill. Simply put your code from "getUserData" in jsp. Otherwise follow Olaf's suggestions.
