Node and WordPress routing and setup - node.js

Here's what I'm wanting to do:
I want to run my front-end website with Node, but I want to use WordPress as my blog (self-hosted). Therefore have use my wordpress posts and such and actually handle the blogging aspect and Node.js handle the rest of the website.
I'm not a WordPress fanboy, but it does blogging pretty well, makes it simple and I would like to be able to have a content creator use it for uploading my posts.
I'm trying to think through alternatives that are not painful, but would really like opinions on this. I'd rather not use a sub-domain for this.
If this seems like a reasonable option, what would the best way to accomplish this.

The easiest way (assuming that you will have PHP running on the server) would be to:
Upload wordpress to
During the setup, be sure to select that wordpress will reside at
After you do that, everything at or below /blog/ will be handled by Wordpress, and the rest of your website will be pure Node.


Is is possible to develop website like with wordpress?

Hi I am running a delivery shop and using for my shop.
I also want to have my own website which user can order service or choose delivery time on the website like does.
I wonder if is it better to develop from scratch or can I use wordpress and customize it? or are there plugins or widgets I can use for my website?
Please give me some advice what will be the best way to build my website.
Thank you.
Well technically anything is pretty much possible in Wordpress but it won't happen out of the box, unless you already have a theme in mind which serves this purpose. I won't be surprised if there is a theme out there which you can use to do this.
Personally I would build this from scratch as you would be able to build exactly what you want and you can build it with scalability in mind as well.
Wordpress tends to fall off when the site starts getting A LOT of traffic.
Check out Ruby on Rails, you would be surprised how at how simple it can be to build something like this.
The server will go down (if) when your site will visit 1000+ persons, because one of the problem of universal script that can be used (in opinion of creators) every where is that it make 100 sql queryes to display one simple page.

Angular SEO for a directory multi-language app

I am doing an angularjs app with a nodejs-expressjs server.
I want to do an app that it's similar to a business directory.
I have doubts about if it's possible doing it SEO friendly to the all items at the directory, either by his name or his features (tags). Always having in mind that all pages are created with AngularJS.
If it is possible, how to do that dinamically.
I implemented an example that uses prerender server (this and the prerender-node library at the app server.
My example's pages, created by angularjs, does work (are SEO friendly, it appears at google's search)..but the pages are "static", and the directory it's going to add always new bussines to the directory that I want to appear in googles searching.
Besize, I want my app to be multi-language, and also have doubts about how to do all of that be multi-language, and if it is possible.
I hope you can help me.
If you're hosting your own Prerender server, it will serve the page "on the fly" every time Google accesses it, so it will always have the latest, dynamic content from your pages. If you're using a Prerender plugin to cache your pages, you'll need to make sure you recache them... or use our SaaS and we'll take care of all of the recaching for you.
It sounds like you just want Google to crawl your pages more often because of how dynamic your content might be. In order to have Google crawl your pages more often, make sure to quality inbound links from other sites to increase your PageRank.
Here is lots of advice from Google about multi language sites:

web and integrated wordpress or create web with wordpress

I would like to create a website with a blog. The website will have multiple languages.
I would like to know which option will be better:
Create a website and integrate wordpress in it.
Install wordpress and use plugins to have more than 1 language.
I have strong knowledge in web programming (php, js, html). But not with wordpress. The website will be standard.
Is it easier to use wordpress plugins or do a website and install multiple wordpress in it?
I would recommend you to run Wordpress and use a language plugin. WPML is the best I've used. Stay away from qTranslate since it'll be a mess if you want to uninstall it. I've heard some good about Ploylang but never used it myself.
Wordpress is really easy to learn if you're a web developer.

Can you configure a Wordpress-based site for private use only?

If I build a site using Wordpress, is there a straightforward way to restrict access to the whole site to only those who I specify?
I've looked a few plugins that attempt to redirect unregistered users to the login page, but most seem old, fragile, or generally just hacks.
I want to know if a standard Wordpress installation lets you do this, or otherwise if there's a decent and secure plugin to do it. I need a solution that doesn't involve changing the default wordpress PHP scripts as I don't have direct access to the server. It's quite important that the solution is secure.
Any help or past experience would be appreciated.
EDIT: Apologies if this is better suited to, wasn't aware this existed. Please move if necessary :-)
The new version of WP, I believe v 3.1.2, has this option for pages and posts under the quick edit.
You can set a password per post / page or mark them as private.

CMS for already-built site

I redesigned a website that was using CMS Made Simple. It's a relatively small site and I'm learning as I go along, so I first built the redesign using just HTML but I'm now going to use PHP includes.
But I don't know how to integrate what I'm building into the CMS. I searched around the server and I can't find any traces of the pages built with CMSMS, so I assume that everything is contained somewhere within the CMS.
But I want something that will allow pages to be built and edited both inside and outside the CMS. If it's done outside, I want to be able to just FTP the new or changed content to the server.
Is this possible, and if so, what would be the best free CMS?
Thank you.
I don't know if I understood yout question, but I think you don't understand the concept of a CMS.
The redesign you made should only change the Theme/Style files, the content itself should be changed only in the administration of the CMS. What you may change from outside and FTP is only the theme files.
Things work this way so the person that put content in the site doesn't have do be a designer/developer.
BUT, there are some kind of CMS that may allow you to do what you want, but they are not completely free. Give it a look at CushyCMS and PageLime.
Since they intend to be a CMS for editing already made static sites, you may use it and if needed you can pull some page from FTP, edit it and then push it back.
You can try Template Externalizer, which will give you FTP Access to Edit different content blocks, all templates, css and some content. I'm sure it will make your life easier when developing or integrating HTML into the page.
Template Externalizer, "watches" a FTP folder. and when you upload files onto the server, it saves the changes into the database making your change visible right away.
The files willl be located here: CMSROOT-INSTALLATION-PLACE/tmp/externalizer/
I hope this helps a bit.
