Apostrophe-cms: Unable to run apostrophe-cms version 0.5 - node.js

I am a newbee of Apostrophe-cms. I am trying to edit my project with apostrophe-cms version 0.5. When install a new apostrophe project, I got this error then run command: node app.js.
MongoError: driver is incompatible with this server version
at Object.toError (/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/utils.js:114:11)
at __executeInsertCommand(/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1926:27)
at Db._executeInsertCommand
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1348:12
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1442:20
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1196:16
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1905:9
at Server.Base._callHandler (/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/base.js:453:41)
at /Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:488:18
at MongoReply.parseBody (/Users/alvisstran/Desktop/websiteGar/apostrophe-sandbox/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/responses/mongo_reply.js:68:5)
These are packages which I installed:
- node: v6.2.1
- Homebrew 1.1.10
- mongodb: v3.0.12
- npm: v4.1.2
I think I installed wrong version of mongodb. I also tried to install mongodb:
npm install mongod#1.3.0 or npm install mongod#2.0.0
I still got the same error
Please help to give me some hints how to solve this problem.
Thank you.

I am the architect of Apostrophe at P'unk Avenue.
If you are a first-time Apostrophe developer, please do not use Apostrophe 0.5. That version is deprecated for new work.
Apostrophe 0.5 depends on an older version of the MongoDB driver, which cannot talk to certain newer versions of MongoDB. For our legacy projects, we pair it with MongoDB 2.6, which is receiving security patches so far in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and EPEL.
But don't do that! Use Apostrophe 2.x. It is superior in every conceivable way.
Hope this is helpful!


How to install a new version of npm?

I know this is a noob question but I just start learning to code. I don't know why I cannot upgrade the current version of npm in my computer (5.5.1) to the newer one (8.1.2).
Can someone please help me with this?
There are couple of solutions I can think of:
Solution #1
Uninstall Node.js from your computer and install again. As the error message says, "use the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js". This is the preferred solution and very straightforward. Unless... you want to keep multiple versions of node in your computer, if that is the case, solution #2 will help.
Solution #2
Install a Node version manager (such as n). The package n allows you to download multiple versions of Node.js in your computer and switch between then when needed.
If the issue persists, you may have conflicting versions or directories in your computer. Please read this post about How to completely remove node.js from Windows. Then try re-installing from the website once you are done removing Node.

While upgrading ES to version 5.6.16 throws error plugin [repository-s3] is incompatible with version [5.6.16]; was designed for version [5.2.0]

While upgrading ES to version 5.6.16, did a system restart for the new version to take effort.
Tried to get ES version, for which it said connection refused.
Then when I manually start elastic search throws error
plugin [repository-s3] is incompatible with version [5.6.16]; was designed for version [5.2.0]
This repository plugin is used for snapshot/restore solution. To run it please upgrade plugin also to 5.6.16 version
sudo ./elasticsearch-plugin install -b file:///pathToPluginZipFile/repository-s3-5.6.16.zip
What worked for me is that I uninstalled the repository-s3
Then reinstalled it. Then I manually started the ES and it worked.

material-kit-react.scss?v=1.8.0 not working on mac anymore

All over sudden I can not build my website created with Creative Tim any more due to issues with sass and node:
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:
There seam to be no working combination of them both. Tied every suggestions form GitHub but nothing has helped.
Ok, found a solution by downgrading node to v12 with the nvm manager

"Cannot find plugin.xml for plugin kapsel-plugin-i18n. Please try adding it again." when I'm trying to install kapsel-plugin-i18n for iOS 15 (local)

Do you know which version of kapsel-plugin-i18n might work with iOS 15 ?
Which version of npm and node might fit with Cordova 9.0.0 ?
Indeed, I had to upgrade the Kapsel plugins for my application to fit with iOS 15 but there is an error when I try to install the kapsel-plugin-i18n. (which comes from the SDK 3.2 SP04 PL1).
"Cannot find plugin.xml for plugin kapsel-plugin-i18n. Please try adding it again."
But the plugin.xml is here, in the local directory.
For information, I'm using :
Cordova 9.0.0
npm 6.14.15
node : 14.18.0
Mac OS Big Sur (11.6)
The command line I'm using is :
sudo cordova plugin add kapsel-plugin-i18n --searchpath /Absolute path to plugin local directory/.
Thank you for your answer.
As per the git repo :
Security holding package
This package contained malicious code and was
removed from the registry by the npm security team. A placeholder was
published to ensure users are not affected in the future.

Postgres Update - version mismatch error when running commands

I recently updated Postgres from version 9.3 to 9.6. After the update all of my commands (such as pg_dumpall) all point to version 9.3. I get the error of version mismatch.
I found that if I change my symlink in /usr/bin to point to 9.6 it seems to work. Is there a better way to point my commands to version 9.6? Thanks you for your help!
The best way to do it is using the package manager of your linux distro: it ensures all symlinks are changed to the newer version.
From your question it is possible to infer that the upgrade was done without using the package manager. I suggest to try to install Postgres with the package manager or give a little more information about your system so we can give you a more accurate answer.
