Odd Kivy behavior on mouse event Ubuntu mate - linux

I've run into a weird behavior on Ubuntu mate when using kivy. For any app that I try to run when I click with a mouse I get second clicks in adjacent positions. That happens only on Ubuntu mate, for the app that I am developing(that works fine on windows) as well as any others(tried two others from online examples). I'm really new to programming and google gave me nothing this time.
The image shows what happens in a calculator app when I try clicking in the button 4 it also selects button 3.
I realize that this is not a greatly asked question, but I really don't have a clue on how to attack this issue.
Can anyone please point me a direction where to look for problems like this or is there anyone that have seen something like it?

Configure config.ini which is in your .kivy folder.
Go down to [input] and make sure it looks like this:
mouse = mouse
%(name)s = probesysfs


The Godot Engine Editor's IDE/GUI seems to be slow and to ignore mouse interaction

I'm using Godot_v3.2.1-stable_win64.exe(current Godot version) on my Windows 10. When running a project everything seems to work fine but when using the actual IDE of the Godot engine it seems like the IDE screen doesn't update fluidly on every mouse interaction but like only every 5 seconds instead (as like FPS would be low).
So mostly on hovering or clicking something it would light up or be triggered after you clicked on some other thing elsewhere (which is stupid of course).
This makes it even impossible to hit a button sometimes in the IDE.
E.g. when renaming a file a Window/Box for renaming pops up but you do not see it, because the IDE screen isn't updated. So if you don't blindly click on the box (which you don't see) the option for renaming is lost, because the box closes when clicking anywhere else. See what I mean?
Thank you for listening. Have a great day.
This is a known issue. Try updating your graphics driver to the latest version provided by Intel (not your OEM).

Logisim Task Bar Issue

When I open Logisim on my Windows 10 device, the task bar options are all clumped together and difficult to read(Screenshot tagged in the post). But looks fine on mac.
Screenshot of Left side Task Bar
Any help would be great.
Try pressing Windows Key + Up key.
Another possible solution is to hit the Windows button. This tends to bring up the task bar in most programs, for me, at least.
This may seem off topic, but I'd create a manifest file for this particular program if it occurs only there. That may solve the problem if done correctly.

How do I prevent my computer screen display to change when I try to bring a cygwin window?

I am a regular cygwin user, but since I added the curl functionality to my cygwin program, everytime I click on the cygwin icone, I get a change of screen color. The first image is what happen when I click on the cygwin icone.
the second image is how my screen should look like.
If you have a problem noticing the change of color, you could take a look at the windows icone on the bottom left of each image which appears different for each image while it should not.
Does anyone have an idea on what might have caused this, and how it could be fixed.
I also tried to find a similar question on stackoverflow but couldn't. Please let me know if you know a similar one where I might be able to get some help.

Python 3 & Tkinter buggy and slow

So, a few months back I made a small GUI for handling NPCs in a roleplaying campaign I was running. I haven't touched in since then, except that now I need it! Tomorrow, in fact...
I have a few odd error... Loading the GUI seems to work fine, but when I start to press buttons the troubles start. It seemed, at first, that it the script was very slow, which it shouldn't be, calling a two line dice function on a button press. I accidentally figured out that when I hover the mouse over the "close/minimize window" buttons (not in the GUI, but in the OS), the button would update with the result of the button press.
The same thing happens with a listbox I have: choosing an item may or may not select the item straight away (but hovering over the close/minimize updates it), and the results of the selection may or may not show. The results is in fact weirder: selecting a listbox item is supposed to get info from the selected item and print it in another frame. Even if the selection itself is fine without hovering, the printed text is somehow "clipped", showing only an area seeming to cover an arbitrarily sized square of text... Remedied by hovering, of course. The rest of the GUI have the exact same problems.
I have no clue what is going on here. The script was written on another computer, but that was also a Mac running the same OSX version (Mavericks), and it was a MUCH slower computer. This script shouldn't need any sort of advanced specs, though! I'm guessing it's something wrong with migrating to the new computer and the various version of different software? I'll paste the script down below, in case that'll help somehow.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially if it comes before the next epic campaign of Superheroes starts tomorrow afternoon! =P
It was some time ago, but I still would like to have this problem solved. I've reduced my script to just a simple button, and the problem persists: clicking the button, even though there is no function or anything associated with it, only results in the frozen "button-clicked"-colour (i.e. light blue on OSX Yosemite), and I have to hover my mouse pointer over the close/minimize/etc. buttons in the top left corner to make it go back to "idle-button"-colour (i.e. grey).
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
test = tk.Button(root, text='test')
So, the problem obviously isn't with any of my "downstream" scripting, but something with the module or my way of calling it. Calling the script for the Terminal doesn't give me any error messages, and the problem is still there. Any ideas? It would be really, really good to get to the bottom of this problem!
I had the same problem when using Tk 8.5.13 on Mac OS X Sierra (10.12.3) with Python and IDLE v3.6.0.
Upgrading to TCL/Tk as recommended on the Python Software Foundation page https://www.python.org/download/mac/tcltk/#activetcl-8-5-18-0 seemed to do the trick. This was the recommended version for my edition of the OS.
The interface I was building starting responding as I would expect, i.e. straight away when one of the controls was used. The only reservation I have so far is that normal buttons don't seem to have any sort of animation now, although the buttons do actually work.

Customizing/Replacing the Windows CE 5.0 Taskbar?

I'm currently getting my feet wet with Win CE 5.0 to update some code on an existing platform. We're interested in deploying a custom shell/home screen/application launcher as well and I had a couple questions:
1) We're running the standard CE shell and I'm assuming it can be customized because the source code is made available with Platform Builder. I was wondering how "painful" it would be to completely replace it with something like a status bar at the top of the screen (think iPhone). I was thinking task switching could then be handled by shortcut keys exclusively. I have my doubts about this.
2) If it can't be removed, can the taskbar be resized and moved to the top of the screen? We're basically trying to find a way to reserve the first 20 or so pixel rows at the top of the screen for our own status bar and prevent maximized application windows from drawing over top of it.
Thanks very much for the help.
I was happy and angry when I found the solution because it's more easy than I expect.
For 2) reserve space you need to do this:
RECT rc;
SetRect(&rc, 0, 25, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));
SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_SETWORKAREA, 0, (void*) &rc, SPIF_SENDCHANGE);
With this code you reserve 25 pixels in the top of the screen.
If you have doubts maybe this can help you or this.
Good luck.
To hide the task bar is a simple registry change:
; Hide the windows tasbar by default.
As far as customizing, your own, that is a little more work, and not something I've attempted.
I have some experience with modifying the taskbar in CE 5.0. It is not an easy task, but the results can really add that personal touch to the device. I was tasked with adding a user mode second taskbar with a password dialog and a second type of shell notification to add icons to the user bar.
In the end, it is just standard Windows CE programming - the taskbar, notification tray, start button, etc. are just like any other windows in the CE environment.
You should start exploring here:
Be careful, clone your code, and be prepared for lots of debug cycles. This is more than 5000 lines of serious spaghetti code.
