Error while setting up Bing API on Microsoft Azure - azure

I'm trying to set up the Bing Spell Check API on my Microsoft Azure account. The deployment, however, fails with the following error message:
TRACKING ID 779d79cf-4b12-487f-ba97-c896bbdccb87
STATUS Conflict
TIMESTAMP 24/2/2017 09.55.58
DURATION 1 minute 22 seconds
TYPE Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts
RESOURCE ID /subscriptions/c68eec07-13e6-4f40-831c-c42f996fca89/resourceGroups/webis2/providers/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/webis
"error": {
"code": "RequestConflict",
"message": "Cannot replace resource with id 'webis'
because the resource entity tag has changed
while processing this request.
Please retry the request with the updated
The STATUSMESSAGE suggests to simply retry the request, but this fails, too, with the same error message.
Otherwise, I'm not sure how to resolve the issue, since I obviously have no access to the provisioning process of the Bing Spell Check API.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We are investigating this. For now you should be able to work around the issue by deploying to an existing Resource Group instead of creating a new Resource Group during the API account creation.
Update: This issue has been resolved and new API account creation should work correctly.


Azure Cognitive Services Read - Initial 202 response then 401 from analyzeResult

i am trying to make the "Read" function of the azure cognitive services working.
I have created the cognitive services and got the 2 Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key.
After i went to the API Console to test if it is working.
Select the same Location, past the key, send the image and got back "202 Accepted".
Then i went to link with the result but it says
"error": {
"code": "401",
"message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource."
I have tryed with the other key but still got the same error.
The other function, like OCR, are working correctly.
Any one has some ideas?

Microsoft Graph error processing a storage extension white getting subscription by ID

I am trying to get a subscription by ID from Microsoft Graph REST. If I list the subscriptions using GET /subscriptions, things are working fine and I am able to list all subscriptions. But if I take a subscription id from the list and try to get the details using GET /subscriptions/{id}, I am getting the following error:
"message":"There was an error processing a storage extension.",
Any ideas on where I might be going wrong?
PS: I am trying to get an individual subscription because the /subscriptions route does not provide the clientState property which is required for me.
When I route to the same /subscription got the #odata.context link.
I open the same link and search for clientState and got its type but not its value.
Note: the clientState property value is not returned for security purposes.
refer this github
Note : Client State is not set for the List Subscription on purpose by design, because subscription collections could be listed by say some other user (example tenant admin using Subscription.Read.All). It is not desirable to share this Client state information through the Listing API for that user who is not the creator of the subscription.
Reference :

Why Azure treating 400 (Bad request) response as SCIM implementation error in provider?

Audit Log:
I have chose to not to DELETE group according to scim specification
Clients request resource removal via DELETE. Service providers MAY
choose not to permanently delete the resource
But then Azure treats it as error, Below is what I see in Audit Log, Did I understood the specification correctly or am I missing something?
Failed to delete Group '' in customappsso; Error: The SCIM
endpoint is not fully compatible with the Azure Active Directory SCIM
client. Please refer to the Azure Active Directory SCIM provisioning
documentation and adapt the SCIM endpoint to be able to process
provisioning requests from Azure Active Directory. StatusCode:
BadRequest Message: Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an
exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response'
property of this exception for details. Web Response:
group not supported","status":null,"scimType":"mutability"}. This
operation was retried 0 times. It will be retried again after this
date: 2020-03-16T17:42:08.0940986Z UTC
The error shouldn't come up if you uncheck delete in the attribute mappings. You're right that the delete endpoint does not need to be implemented.

Does Azure trial version support , REST api for event query?

I have created trail account with Azure (Default directory).
For authentication I'm using the below endpoint-1 ,after authentication when I was trying for an access for activity logs of Azure using REST API mentioned below endpoint-2.
So I'm getting an error :
ERROR : { "error": { "code": "AuthorizationFailed", "message": "The client '52822c14-3f4a-4273-ad38-b1c746f1fbd9' with object id '52822c14-3f4a-4273-ad38-b1c746f1fbd9' does not have authorization to perform action 'microsoft.insights/eventtypes/values/read' over scope '/subscriptions/0b618ac0-b3e7-49f3-9205-07660b77252d' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials." } }
Auth URL(endpoint-1) :****************/oauth2/token
ActivityLog API (endpoint-2) :*******************/providers/microsoft.insights/eventtypes/management/values?api-version=2015-04-01&$filter=eventTimestamp ge '2020-01-01T20:00:00Z'
Based on your exception info, it is obvious that your app: 52822c14-3f4a-4273-ad38-b1c746f1fbd9 has no permission to pull activity logs of your Azure subscription. I can repro this issue on my side too.
To solve this issue, you should assign a proper Azure subscription Role which has permission to pull logs. For instance, if you just want to pull logs using this app , you can assign Reader Role to it on Azure portal:
With this step is done, get a new access token and you can pull the logs you need :
If you have any further concerns , pls feel free to let me know .

Azure API throwing Missing Subscription error

I am facing an issue with following Azure API.
I am trying to access the above API using my Subscription ID in place of resourceUri. But it is throwing the below error:
"error": {
"code": "MissingSubscription",
"message": "The request did not have a provided subscription. All requests must have an associated subscription Id."
I have checked in Azure Portal, everything seems fine. The Subscription ID is correct one. The user account have owner permissions. Still getting the error. Not sure of the reason.
Can someone help me out with the most common and basic reasons of this error and steps to resolve this one. Already I have spent couple of hours debugging this one, but no luck.
I have reproduced your issue, the resourceUri should be the Resource ID instead of the Subscription ID.
Use Subscription ID :
Use Resource ID(in my sample, I use a web app resource id, you could find it in the portal-> your web app -> Properties):
