Set an index page for a specific folder in .htaccess - .htaccess

What I want to do should be quite simple: when the admin writes I want that he's addressed to
I wrote this rule and I checked on other posts here on Stackoverflow: it apparently seems to be correct, but it actually doesn't work.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/admin/?$ /admin/admin_index.php [L,NC]
Has anyone any clue on why the redirect doesn't work, since it "stays" at outputting (obviously) the 403 error?

There is no need to use a rewrite rule. Just use DirectoryIndex directive in admin/.htaccess:
DirectoryIndex admin_index.php
This will load admin/admin_index.php when a request comes for


I am not sure if my .htaccess is wrong or if the server didn't read my .htaccess file yet

I am pretty certain, that my code is alright, for a briefly moment, my htaccess seems to work when i entered an url. After I extended the file and reuploaded it, my Rule didn't work any more. Even when I removed my edit the Rewrite Rule don't triggert any more.
Did i miss something in my Rule. I don't get it whats wrong right now.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^www\.sub\.domain\.de\/(.*)\.html$$1.html?&%{QUERY_STRING}
Okay. My first mistake was the complete url as first param in RewriteRule.
After I followed Kaddath's instuctions the rewrite kinda worked. I still had a problem with a loop call. The htaccess appendes planty "typo3/typo3/...", so that a RewriteCondition has to solve this. I checked if the url has already typo3 in his string. Now the Url is correctly rewritten.
I also tried [L] before to stop a looping rewriteRule, but it didn't help.
Thank you Kaddath for giving the right clues.

Redirects not working as expected

I have an .htaccess file with several lines. It does not work as expected. Mod_rewrite is enabled. RewriteLogLevel is set to 9.
The first two rules are there to forbid uris with a length more then 80 characters:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.{80}
RewriteRule .* - [F]
It does not seem to get evaluated as every test url passes through and it does not generate an error either.
I also tried:
RewriteRule .{80} - [F]
But that did not do the trick either. The process ends with a 404, not a 403.
This next rule is not working either. It used to work.
RewriteRule ^(\/)?([\w]+)$ /index.php [L]
The URI /Contact was always handled by this index.php.
Whatever URL I type I get a 404. I should get a 403 or a 200. Not a 404. What am I missing?
Apache has on all directories the permission to read, write and execute and on all files the permission to read and write.
The two urls for testing are:
The alias for used is
Try this rule instead:
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s/+\S{80}
RewriteRule ^ - [F]
Using THE_REQUEST instead of REQUEST_URI as that variable might get overwritten due to presence of other rules in your .htaccess
Finally I have found a solution. The problem was not in the coding of the .htaccess. I replaced the file with a previous version, added the new lines to test the request and it worked all fine.
It is not a satisfactory solution, because it can happen again and I do not have any clue what caused the error. If someone knows the error, I would love to hear what might have been the exact cause and how to solve that properly. I would like to change the tags of the question as the current tags might be misleading (although other people might experience the same problem how apache handles a .htaccess file), but I do not know which tags I should use.

trying to redirect a link in joomla or .htaccess

we moved our joomla site and rebuilt. in the process a link got moved that we need to be as it was before.
now it lives here:
it would seem that it would be easy to go into com_redirect and do this. however, it only works for the following without the www
with the www attached writing the old url returns a 404 error page, not a redirect.
i tried to make a separate redirect with the www too and it wouldnt let me. i tried a separate module with no success and have played around with the .htaccess file (although i am not very knowledgeable about htaccess).
could someone explain the reason why this would be an issue? the difference between the two. i tried calling my host and they were less than helpful and actually told me what i wanted to do couldnt be done LOL.
I take it the solution you have would work if you redirect the entire to
If so, create a .htaccess file in the website root. Put the following inside it:
########## Begin - Redirecting non-www request to www
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301]
########## End - Redirecting non-www request to www
You also need to make sure mod_rewrite is enabled on the apache-server, but I think most providers support that.
I suggest you post your full .htaccess here. However I think all you need is this rule:
RewriteRule ^(?!education/).*)$ education/$1 [L,NC]
The other two answers are good! but better implement 301 redirect in httpd.conf since it's compiled once on server restart. The same code in .htccess is interpreted for each and every HTTP request!

Stop mod_rewrite returning REQUEST_URI when (.*) is empty

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^mocks/site/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
That is my htaccess file's contents.
The htaccess file is in the root directory of the hosting account and I just want to redirect the directory mocks/site/ to the new domain (with or without any extra directories).
eg: if someone goes to then it needs to redirect to If they go to then it needs to redirect to I hope that makes sense.
So the problem I have is that the htaccess code above seems to work pretty well when there is something after mocks/site/ however when there isn't something after that then the $1 in the redirect seems to reference the whole REQUEST_URI (eg: mocks/site/ rather than nothing - as there is nothing after it).
I don't know how to stop this. I thought about using a RewriteCond, but I'm not sure what to use there. I can't find anything that helps me to determine if there is anything after mocks/site/ or not.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you.
That's very strange behaviour -- never seen anything like that. Therefore I think it could be something else (another rule somewhere -- on old or even new site). I recommend enabling rewrite debugging (RewriteLogLevel 9) and check the rewrite log (that's if you can edit Apache's config file / virtual host definition).
In any case, try this combination:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^mocks/site/$ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^mocks/site/(.+)$$1 [R=301,L]
It will do matching/redirecting in 2 steps: first rule is for exact directory match (so no $1 involved at all) and 2nd will work if there is at least 1 character after the /mocks/site/.
Alternatively (Apache docs even recommending this one) use Redirect directive (no need for mod_rewrite at all for such simple redirects):
Redirect 301 /mocks/site/

Simple and neat .htaccess redirect help required

This is a strange one...
A while back I managed to write a .htaccess redirect that worked so that the URL was read like: - and what the real URL of this page was
The problem has been that the FTP system of my webhost hides .htaccess files even though they are allowed and do operate - and so I have checked back on local copies I have of my .htaccess files and none of them have the code as to how this works - and I've forgotten how I did it!!
Essentially, I am using wildcards so that anything after mt?page= will actually be showing PageParser.php?file= but without having the PageParser.php showing within the URL (and this is the important bit, because the index.php on my site root is actually sent through PageParser.php first so that anything which shouldn't be there is wiped out before the end user sees it) - so how can .htaccess redirect/rewrite the URL so that any link to /mt?page= show the file located at /PageParser.php?file= without changing the URL the user sees?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)mt?page=(.*)$ $1PageParser.php?file=$2
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=([^&]+)
RewriteRule ^mt$ /PageParser.php?file=%1.php [NC,L]
This rule will rewrite (internal redirect) request for /mt?page=hello to /PageParser.php?file=hello.php without changing URL in browser.
Your source URL example ( has index while target URL ( has index.php. The above rule will add .php to the page name value, so if you request /mt?page=hello.php it will be rewritten to /PageParser.php?file=hello.php.php.
If there is a typo in your URL example and page value should be passed as is, then remove .php bit from rewrite rule.
The rule will work fine even if some other parameters are present (e.g. /mt?page=hello&name=Pinky) but those extra parameters will not be passed to rewritten URL. If needed -- add QSA flag to rewrite rule.
This rule is to be placed in .htaccess in website root folder. If placed elsewhere some small tweaking may be required.
Better write no explanation (I knew it/I did it before .. but now I forgot how I did it) than having these "excuses". While it may be 100% true, it just does not sound that great.
