Node command not found - node.js

I'm trying to install avrgirl-arduino using the command sudo npm install avrgirl-arduino. When I try running the command avrgirl-arduino list I get an error saying -bash: avrgirl-arduino: command not found. I ran npm init before running the first command and it still doesn't work.

You may want to install your package globally :
npm install -g avrgirl-arduino
This way you can use command line tool package (like grunt)


Cannot run the newman command on windows 10

I tried to install newman globally but no luck and here is what I did:
First I installed newman as follows:
Then I ran the command newman -h in another command prompt window:
'newman' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I looked for the newman module in the following folders but I didn't find any:
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules
Any idea on how to solve this issue?
After spending some time trying to solve this, I found out that npm is not configured correctly, and it installs the module in another directory.
Make sure that npm prefix is set to the path where NodeJs is installed using the following command:
npm config get prefix
In my case, I already installed NodeJS before running npm install -g newman in the following path:
So what I did to solve the issue, is to run the following command:
npm config set prefix "C:\Program Files\nodejs"
and then I re-installed Newman globally with npm install -g npm and that's all.
In the existing answer , the last command for installing Newman should be
npm install -g newman, instead of
npm install -g npm.

How to run TopoJSON on Mac?

I need to bind a CSV file to topojson. I installed Node js with brew.
I can successfully run the command npm install -g topojson but when I put in which topojson, it doesn't return any file path.
I checked to confirm I have the command line tools installed and I do.
My command to bind the CSV returns -bash: topojson: command not found even though the npm install -g topojson command runs smoothly.
topojson package installs five executables: geo2topo, toposimplify, topomerge, topo2geo, topoquantize.
Getting command not found for trying to execute topojson is the normal response: indeed, such an executable does not exist.

Install for #angular/cli not working on Mac

I'm trying to setup Angular 2 using "npm install #angular/cli -g "
After the install, the only warning I see is the UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY rxjs#^5.0.1, which I then install and reinstall "npm install #angular/cli -g"
No matter what I do, or what version of Node I setup with n, I keep getting the following message when trying to user the "ng" commands:
zsh: command not found: ng
I've been looking around and have not found a solution for this.
Has anyone run into this and have any suggestions?
It looks like this is not a angular/cli specific issue.
I now see that I get the same message when I try to run "Grunt" and "Ionic" commands on an existing project that was working fine.
zsh: command not found: ionic
zsh: command not found: grunt
Most likely, the directory in which the global modules are installed is not in your $PATH -- and therefore unknown to your shell.
To fix this issue, we can create a new directory for global node_modules, configure npm to use it, and add that directory to your $PATH.
# create a new directory where npm will install packages
$ mkdir ~/.node_modules
# set npm "prefix" config to that directory
$ npm config set prefix '~/.node_modules'
# append a line to your .zshrc instructing it to include that directory in your $PATH, making the executables known to the shell
$ echo 'export PATH=~/.node_modules/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
# update current shell with new path (not needed for new sessions)
$ source ~/.zshrc
Then, first reinstall the latest npm (npm i -g npm), followed by the global packages you need (npm i -g #angular/cli).
For more on PATH, see this definition:

Installing NPM package globally does not create bash command

I've tried to install http-server. It installs fine. Here's the output:
$ npm install -g http-server
/Users/jonrojas/.npm-packages/bin/http-server -> /Users/jonrojas/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server
/Users/jonrojas/.npm-packages/bin/hs -> /Users/jonrojas/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server
└── http-server#0.9.0
As soon as I try to run hs, I get:
-bash: hs: command not found
When I try npm config get prefix, I receive:
How would I update my .bashrc file to get this working? (or other steps?)
To note: this isn't specific to http-server. I also tried to install another package that has a bash command, but it also did not work.

sh.exe": http-server: command not found

After I ran following command
npm install
it was successfully executed
But when i tried to execute following command
It gave following error
sh.exe": http-server: command not found
Can somebody help me out to solve the above error
You have installed the http-server package locally, rather than globally.
Check the node_modules/.bin/ folder, find the executable and execute that.
If that works try $(npm bin)/http-server if you are running from git bash. If you use the windows command prompt try node_modules\.bin\http-server.cmd from the same folder where you ran npm install
