How can I make lines wrapped in css, html or js - web

I'm using Arabic language while designing my website and I want to wrap lines like it displays in Microsoft word (in that there is no line wider/smaller than another)

Without any example of your code, it's hard to say based on your personal situation but you may be looking for the following CSS property:
word-wrap: break-word
This should wrap your text in an element where this property is applied.
See the following link from W3Schools.
If this isn't what you're looking for, post an example of your code and we can try again!! :)

I'm not too sure whether you're talking about your actual website content or your IDE / Developer Tool. I'd assume the latter as you're talking about javascript and css (which the user wouldn't see on the page) but hey, here's a reference to how to show users it like that (on a website) anyway
"how do you change spacing of words to fit the whole line?"
For line wrap, I suggest Googling "line wrap " + the tool you're using
For justify, it's likely not supported in the tool you're using, but you can still throw an attempt at Googling "justify text in " + the tool you're using
Note: I'd give more information, but your question lacks detail


Azure Search result highlight snippets

I am using the Hit Highlighting feature in Azure Search and noticed a discrepancy in the way it behaves from the documentation. In the documentation it says that when you use hit highlighting it will return a snippet of the field with the highlight, but it always returns the entire field (with proper highlighting).
Is there a way to have Azure Search instead return just a snippet (say of about 200 characters) that includes the highlight?
Currently, the answer is no, you cannot. The field breaks according to (English) sentence rules, ie. it breaks on ".", "!", "?".
Also see this question for an example on breaking and some more info relating to the delimiters.
Depending on the nature of the field you might be able to add one of the above delimiters to 'emulate' what you want to accomplish (as suggested by Nate Ko).
I want to suggest something else on top of what Nate spoke to. When you look at the document response, also take a look at the Highlights part of the results (as opposed to the Document). For example, you might be currently getting the field results by retrieving something like this:
If there is a highlight found for that field, the snipped will be found here:
What I like to do is to first check if there is a valid Highlight and if so display it. If not, I show the actual field content.
We recently introduced a change that improves the highlighter performance on large fields and NLP experience. One side effect of the change was that the new highlighter generates snippets based on sentences, breaking the text field on '.' (period).
One way to workaround the issue is to put '.'s in the field. We are working to enforce the snippet size and let you know when it is available.

notepad++ how to convert to typing assistant like?

I was using notepad++ to create a report and its taking a quite a while for me to type and do so.
Well i had tried a software called typing assistant it was really good(except for the money part :D).
TO the Point :
is there any way tat i can link a dict(text file of words) and use notepad ++ as typing assistant please tell me if so i
can speed my report.
Cause i am a programmer too so i really like the keyword completion and stuff .But is there a way to use it for text ?
already tried Phrase Express -.-:
Takes long and its kinda for macro text and text completion don't work tat fast for me to tab and complete
if there's a question in the form like mine link me to tat :
i searched it and i didn't get it
Yes, you can set up your own custom auto-complete dictionaries in notepad++. You need to create an xml file with your language name and put it under the plugins/APIs directory in notepad++. Of course this assumes you know how to write xml. There's a formal description of how to implement this here.
I've never tried to create an auto-complete dictionary for plain text files, so I'm not sure if it's possible, but I have successfully created them for user-defined languages, which you could also do if you can't get it to work with text files.
I'm not sure if this question is really a duplicate, but here is a very similar one, which may help you in your research.

Why doesn't the kitten example in the Chrome extension development tutorial load any images?

In the Getting Started page, we're promised kittenish goodness from Flickr. Putting the extension together according to the instructions, no kittenish goodness materializes. Instead, the popup window shows a small blank rectangular bar, devoid of anything fuzzy or cute.
(I'm asking this question with the intent to answer it, because I couldn't find any other way to report the mistake.)
As on 18-Jun-2014, the fix mentioned by Emerson seems to be taken care of in the sample downloads.
If you are still not able to see the images in the popup, you should consider applying for a Flickr API Key
And replace the existing key with the key that you generated in line number 25 of poupup.js file.
There's a bug in the popup.js file on line 40. The reference to kittensOnFlickr_ should be searchOnFlickr_ instead. Fix and reload, and tada, kitteh.
8/1/2014 - The code on line has indeed been fixed, but this tutorial still wouldn't work for me until I pasted my own API key.
Make sure you don't remove the trailing ampersand (the &) at the end of the pasted api key. The ampersand needs to be there or your code still won't work!

Text editor and text-file-based hyperlinks

It seems that some text editors and IDEs are starting to get more "browser-like" in their features. Specifically, one such feature is the ability to treat ordinary text in an open text buffer as a hyperlink to another file, resource, or even a runnable command.
Programming this as an editor plugin or macro
Since this seems like a good idea, I have started programming some scripts and editor addons to do this very kind of thing, so that the user of a text editor can open or operate on links of the following style:
href="c:/files/foobar.txt" (click to open file)
href="c:/files/foobar.txt" jumpto="34" (jump to a line number)
href="c:/files/foobar.txt" find="Lorem" (jump to 1st line containing word)
href="find_in_files://c:/files" find="Lorem" (show all matching lines)
[[find_in_files://find=Lorem;exten=*.htm*]] (alternate syntax option)
href="redir://c:/files/feebar.txt" (replace current edit buffer)
href="run://c:/files/foobar.jpg" (open in default image editor)
[[run://c:/files/foobar.jpg;runwith=foo.exe]] (alternate syntax option)
Is there any kind of emerging convention for forming text-based hyperlinks?
If there is a convention for this kind of thing, is there a published specification?
Is there an implementation of this idea in your favorite editor/IDE?
Is there an alternate pre-existing approach for this idea that does not use hyperlinks?
How is this feature handled in the "grand-daddy" editors? (Vim, Emacs)
It looks like the question could have been clarified, but it turns out that Emacs Org mode is one specific example of what I was looking for that answers all of my questions.
Emacs' Org-Mode has support for all kinds of Hyperlinks.
There are several script for Vim that add hyperlinks and markup. One of the most popular is Viki.
URLs, such as (notice SO automatically links that), and sometimes a "www." prefix, just because it's so common. Email addresses are another example commonly recognized.
But not this quasi-xml-attribute stuff you have.
Of course not; once you try and make plain text follow some convention, you no longer have plain text.
Yes, see #5.
Yes, see #5.
It's extremely common for editors, especially programmers' editors, to have scripts, macros, tools, or whatever-they-want-to-call-it. Usually these are not controlled directly by the text in the file, but may use the file, filename, selection, cursor position, directory of the current file, etc. I expect many good programmers use such features without thinking about them anymore.
Mostly it sounds like you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Surely the jumpto="34" and find="Lorem" could be replaced with web-browser-style # and ? marks.
So your second and third example would look like so:
href="c:/files/foobar.txt#34" (jump to a line number)
href="c:/files/foobar.txt?Lorem" (jump to 1st line containing word)
Although, as Roger Pate says above, it does sound like you're solving a problem that doesn't exist.
Emacs also has "find-file-at-point", which you can invoke with M-x ffap
See also LinkD. Nothing fancy like Org. Simple, small.

Does Google offer the ability to ban results systematically from certain sources without the -site string?

I know the topic of removing has been beaten to death but having to type is tedious. Even the ability to auto add strings to a query would solve this problem. I can probably wrap this into some wget mess but this seems like basic functionality many users would base their search engine of choice on. If you have discovered some easy method to do this for yourself please let me know.
I imagine there is a really slick toolbar that feeds google your text plus the additional strings you choose. There is some internal limit to the number of words and or operators Google searches process (with good reason I suppose).
The Google Custom Search API allows you to include or exclude sites from your search. You can add a custom search engine to your iGoogle home page.
Google custom search:
2 easy ways in Firefox:
Write a Grease Monkey script.
Use a search keyword. You type the keyword plus a string in the address bar to trigger a search. In this case the URL is To search on the site your tab is currently in, use javascript:location=''%20+%20escape(location.hostname)%20+%20'%20%S'%20;%20void%200
As an alternative to excluding results, I have a greasemonkey script that highlights google search results by domain. I configure subtle colors for a few sites of interest to me, like wikipedia & stackoverflow. But I use red for expertsexchange, which allows me to visually skip right over it.
I can publish my script if there is interest...
If you want to whip up your own script, you need to operate on two kinds of elements. Here are the two XPath expressions that I use:
//cite[contains(., '" + domain + "')]/ancestor::li[1]
//span[#class='a'][contains(., '" + domain + "')]/ancestor::div[#class='g']
Then I just apply background-color styles to matching elements. Pretty straight forward.
