What are all the functions that can be done using node js? - node.js

I am a node js beginner.. I have done several services in node js like insert/update/delete/e-mail using SMTP/chat using socket.. i would like to know about what else can be done using node js.

Here's documentation for all the stuff node comes with:
But that's barely it. Node's used widely due to the variety of packages written for it. Check out Node Package Manager (npm): https://www.npmjs.com/
As you can see, there are ~400,000 packages. Of course, the ones you're gonna be using depend on your requirement.
Some starting packages you should look at:
Express—Web framework.
Mongoose—Database interface


Node 12 | Reference error: FinalizationRegistry is not defined

I am trying to host a node js (express) at dream host using shared unlimited plan. I was able to do most of the work. There is only one problem, dreamhost uses passenger to run node js app, and passenger does not support node 14+, so I have to stick with node v12.
The express js project I was building is built on typescript and I used node v16 to do all of the stuff installing, running etc. When I build the typescript, it uses an npm package exit-free-leak which uses FinalizationRegistry, hence requires node v14+.
So after building the app, When I run the app.js with node v12 it gives me the error that FinalizationRegistry is not defined. For now I am getting this error, but the exit-free-leak uses another node v14+ function "WeakRef".
So my question is how do I get around this issue while using node v12 ? is there anyway to polyfill these functions or disable use of the package exit-free-leak using tsconfig.json, or maybe an even better solution.
Unfortunately the answer to "how do I get around this issue while using node v12" is probably: "you don't".
Node 12 has been end-of-life for 9 months; given how fast the JavaScript ecosystem moves in general, it's unlikely that libraries will keep supporting that version for very long anyway.
You'd be best off asking Dreamhost about Node 16 or 18 support, or move elsewhere if they can't provide you with up-to-date runtimes that still get security updates.

crypto.getCurves is undefined

I am trying to use an oauth helper library called 'openid-client'. I am getting an error that reads in part '(TypeError): getCurves is not a function'. I poke around and find that getCurves is part of an inbuilt module of node.js 'crypto'.
If I console.log(typeOf(crypto.getCurves)) I get undefined. If I console.log(crypto) I see that crypto has many available methods but getCurves is not among them.
I am running node on my macbook and my project is a barebones npx create-react-app app with openid-client installed.
The node documentation outlines a way for determining if crypto support is unavailable, but that does not seem to indicate that crypto is unavailable for me.
I'm not sure why my version of node crypto does not have getCurves. Is there a way to install the correct version? Is there some sort of encryption restriction I am hitting due to OS? Any help appreciated.
node-openid-client is using APIs which are provided by Node and are missing in browser.
Node is being used by CRA as a development tool. App itself is running in browser and can't access Node's API-s, so it doesn't matter which Node version CRA is using.
When built, app is a set of JS files which can be served by a webserver (such as Nginx) directly without using Node at all.
So, this library can't be used with CRA apps.
As you said, crypto is a built-in module, which means that its functionality depends on the version of node.js you have installed (you can check it via node -v from the shell or via console.log(process.version) at runtime).
Node.js API docs say that getCurves() was added in v2.3.0, so make sure your node is more recent than that.

Is Node.js just used for dev-tooling on the front-end?

For my understanding, node.js is a javascript-engine which is running javascript-code without using a browser(window-global). You can use javascript on a server. But I saw now a lot of tutorials(react, angular, vue etc.). In every tutorial, I have to install something with npm. I can follow there are several dev-tools which I can use on my local machine to minimize my javscript-files or compile sass to css. But in the end, when I put my files on a webserver, I just have normal javascript-files, css-files etc. No node.js code in it, right?
My question is: React, angular, vue.js etc. are written in just normal javascript without node.js right? The reason why I use npm ist just to install every dependencies with one command, right?
A question more: Is there an any recommended order to learn all these frontend-development stuff? There are so much words I have to google it: angular.js, react, vue.js, vanilla.js, typescript, backbone.js, bower, grunt, webpack, yarn etc... I dont know where I start, so I look into few tutorials, but everytime I go through these tutorials, there is a new word(technology) I have to research.
I think you're getting your terminology a little muddled.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime, built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. However, that is not to say that Node programs are executed in a browser. They aren’t. Rather, the creator of Node (Ryan Dahl) took the V8 engine and enhanced it with various features (such as a file system API and an HTTP library) to create a program we can use to execute JavaScript on our computers.
Node comes bundled with a package manager called npm which you can use to install packages (such as React and Angular) from the npm registry. These packages are indeed written in normal JavaScript (or a language that compiles to JavaScript, such as TypeScript).
The reason why I use npm is just to install every dependencies with one command, right?
Kinda. You can certainly use npm to install dependencies. However, it does a lot more that that. For example you can use npm scripts to carry out various build tasks, or you can create a package yourself and use npm to publish it to the registry.
A question more: Is there an any recommended order to learn all these frontend-development stuff?
As with everything, it depends. What are you trying to build? It's relatively pointless to learn about Node, npm, React and Angular if you are attempting to build a simple static website. If I were you, I'd define a clear goal and set about learning the technologies you'll need to reach that goal. Saying that, if you are doing anything with front-end development, learning about npm will be a good use of your time.
Here's an article by way of further reading that explains things a little more: https://www.sitepoint.com/an-introduction-to-node-js/

How could you LINT your LESS and SCSS files in Node JS WITHOUT using grunt or gulp?

So the thing is I went through the internet and checked for available linters. Mostly all the the LESS linters available provide a command line interface or a plugin for grunt or gulp. What I really want is a simple Node Plugin which is configurable and usable with NODEJS through Code and not through CLI.
Also due to unavailability of the tags such as LESSLINT and SCSSLINT could not add those tags to the questions.
Is there any node plugin available to do this?
If not, How can I use CLI through NodeJS and also get the callbacks?
I need the callbacks since that's the most powerful feature of NodeJS and besides my code is dependent on the callbacks..
P.S.: I do not need any code, all I need is directions.
Thanks for the support
A Node port of scss-lint was recently released, you can get it here: https://github.com/FWeinb/scsslint
It can be used either in Grunt or just as a normal Node module.
LESS has built-in linting, but it doesn't seem to be accessible through Node. You can use spawn or exec and the LESS CLI with the --lint flag. See the LESS docs here: http://lesscss.org/usage/#command-line-usage-options

Are all node modules supposed to work out of the box with react native?

I have tried using a couple of node modules with react native using npm install (specifically https://github.com/Thuzi/facebook-node-sdk/) and I continually get errors about dependencies not being resolved when I run the app. Are node modules generally supposed to be supported by react native or only modules that are specifically written for it (such as this one https://github.com/brentvatne/react-native-login).
Many Node modules will not work with React Native. Some of the reasons are architectural and can be fixed (ex: currently React Native supports only asynchronous native methods while Node supports synchronous ones as well), while others are inherent to the fact that Node runs on V8 and React Native iOS runs on JSC.
As a heuristic, you should find success with Node modules that are utilities and depend only on JavaScript's core library (the APIs defined here: https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html). This includes things like sorting algorithms, string formatting, etc.
