I'm using Window. I ran the following command in a node.js command prompt
npm install -g react-native-cli
It shows what is in the image.
Node.js command prompt
Anyone can tell me what's wrong? Have I downloaded the react native cli?
Please follow this link for installation and comment the error message you receive
i updated my question please help me
enter image description here
open the package.json file and change jasmine-core" 3.7.1 to 3.8 and "karma-jasmine-html-reporter" from 1.5.0 to 1.7.0 and save it in devDependancies
Then run
npm install
ng serve
If you don't have a node module folder, you have to run
npm install
command first.
If you already have node module file, you can delete the folder and then run npm install command.
If any of this does not work, you can delete the whole project folder and start from ng new.
If the issue continues, you can update the angular cli and core. Can you send a screenshot of the command prompt after running this command - ng --version ?
I am starting to learn vuejs and I have a problem while creating a vue project with terminal. As you can see in the picture, the loadDep status line keeps spinning without moving. Can someone help me solve this problem T.T
enter image description here
As I can not see which command you have fired for installation in your image.
Please checkout the official Document's Installation Page for more In Depth Installation Information.
Use VueCLI for Command Line Installation.
If you are installing Vuejs using the terminal you need to:
Firstly install NPM package manager.
Then run the command below to install VueCLI:
npm install -g #vue/cli #vue/cli-service-global
After executing this command simply check if it works successfully by typing:
vue -v
It should print the vue version if it was successful.
Then you can create a Vue project by using following command:
vue create [Your Project Name]
It is all provided on VueCLI Site.
I just installed appcenter CLI on my MacBook following this guide:
When trying to run the commands from Terminal, e.g. appcenter login I get the following error:
-bash: appcenter: command not found
I quit all my terminal processes and startet one again, but no luck either. Do I need to export some sort of path for it to work?
I had similar issue and installing it globally worked
npm install -g appcenter-cli
Try to install appcenter-cli globally
yarn global add appcenter-cli
or using npm
npm install -g appcenter-cli
Anvesh from Appcenter pointed me to this link:
-bash: react-native: command not found
While it is not for appcenter per se, it solved my problem by adding the correct path.
I was also facing the same issue ,After running the installation cmd for appcenter-cli on successfully and when I have tried to check appcenter version using appcenter -v cmd on normal command prompt.. it gives me same error: appcenter: command not found
later on when i have tried to run same cmd on node.js command prompt then it able to fetch appcenter details...
screenshot of nodeJs command line
My node.js command line says 'install' is not recognised as an internal/external command when I try to update it, according to the installation instructions from a third party website.
Do I need to worry about updating node.js? I am about to embark on an exercise and want to ensure the programme is running correctly.
Thanks in advance.
If you are trying to install a package from npm then you need to use
npm install <package> [options] .
and not node install.
I am very new to AngularJS and trying to test a piece of functionality using Karma.
I installed node.js and when I open it and enter the following it doesn't do anything.
$ npm install -g karma
Please anyone can help me how can I achieve this.
I ran into a similar issue. I believe I wrote a fairly complete blob post about how to Setup AngularJS, Angular Seed, Node.js and Karma. This post describes how to install Karma on a windows computer using the command prompt.
On Windows, you can install Karma from the Command Prompt. Do not install it from within Node.js.
Steps to install Karma
1.install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/download/ site appropriate for your system
2.open command prompt and traverse to your project path 'C:\project folder\'
3.type and run this in command prompt ->npm install karma --save-dev
4.type and run this in command prompt ->npm install -g karma-cli