Can't authenticate Azure Web App with Azure AD. What am I doing wrong? - azure

We are a teeny tiny startup. We were in Bizspark, which has now expired, but we all still have our MSDN accounts at the free level. I have commented our product code, run JsDoc3 on it to generate a documentation website. I put up a free level Web App on Azure. Works fine unauthenticated. I figured I'd throw together a small AD for the few of us in there with our Microsoft accounts, set the authentication of the app to the AD and pow, good to go. It would ask us to log in with our Microsoft accounts and all would be fine. Only we would be able to see the site with our internal code documentation. Seemed to work for me since I created everything. But everyone else I put into the AD can't authenticate. We get this error:
"AADSTS50020: User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'app-id-key' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account."
I have no idea. I've never used AD before. This is so common, I figure it must be the simplest use-case. I must be missing something stupid. All of my googling and searching Stack Exchange isn't finding me the answer though. Can someone please help me figure this out?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Please ensure you have added the external account successfully in your Azure AD tenant. In my testing , if I haven’t added the external account , I will get the same error message like yours .
To add an exits Microsoft Account to azure ad tenant ,you could follow below steps :
In the classic portal , click users in your azure ad tenant .
Click [Add User] button ,choose type : User with an existing Microsoft account :
After added , you will find the added Microsoft account in azure ad tenant like :
In addition, There are some limitations of Azure AD external users ,for example ,external users can't consent to multi-tenant applications in directories outside of their home directory . You could click here to know more about external users in azure ad.


How do I add an initial User to a new Tenant in the Azure Portal?

I am trying to set up a new Web Application in Visual Studio using Microsoft authentication.
I have created a new Tenant in My issue is, every page I visit in the Azure Portal, including my profile, I receive a 403 error.
The only function I am able to perform is creating a new App Registration.
When I try to authentication in the Web Application, I receive the error "Selected user account does not exist in tenant".
I am confused with how to add the account that created the Tenant to it without the required permissions.
Does anybody know how I can go about resolving this issue?
Error means that the logged in email address you are trying to use to link to is not yet added to your new tenant. Please make sure that the work email address is added in that tenant, if it is not admin.
If you have added the account to tenant or you are the admin itself , please refresh and try again.
Sign out and clear all cookies .
Try using a Microsoft Edge "InPrivate"/ Incognito browser and check if you are signing into correct tenant and switch the tenant and try to access the app.
If you have the same account with matching your personal account ,try to change it and add as Microsoft account .
Try to login with common endpoint, if it is personal account and app is multitenant.
If above doesn’t solve the issue see This document which lists several causes to find yours.
azure active directory - Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'UserVoice, Inc.' - Stack Overflow
azure - Microsoft Graph Identity Java - Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' - Stack Overflow

Lost access to application when user was deleted

We deleted an "unused" user in our Azure AD. Deleting both the MS account as well as removing him from the AD. Now, a few days into the 60 day deletion process (of the MS account) we realize he might have been the creator of an AD application that we can now no longer find anywhere. My guess it is was a "private" application? But somehow still in AD? Not sure exactly.
We reopened the MS account and created the user again in the AD (as a global admin), but the application is no-where to be found. If we try to access the application via a direct link we have lying around, we see a 403 No Access page, and an error notification in the notification center that suggests there's a permission issue but the user is a global admin again:
Additional information from the call to get a token: Extension:
Microsoft_AAD_IAM Resource: identity.diagnostics Details: AADSTS50020:
User account '{EmailHidden}' from identity provider '' does
not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the
application 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'(ADIbizaUX) in that tenant. The account
needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out
and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user
account. Trace ID: xxxxxxxx Correlation xxxxxxx Timestamp: 2020-06-25
We've also tried logging in with multiple other global admins but no-one can access that page or find the application using the id it has. Is there something to be done maybe using Powershell?
Actually, as I recall, it might have been an application listed for this user under 'App registrations' -> 'Applications from personal account'. But that tab is no longer available after deleting and reopening the user :)
As per the New changes made in the Azure portal app registration
In the new experience, if your personal Microsoft account is also in
an Azure AD tenant, you will see three tabs--all applications in the
tenant, owned applications in the tenant as well as applications from
your personal account. So, if you believe that apps registered with
your personal Microsoft account are missing, check the Applications
from your personal account tab.
When you sign in using personal Microsoft accounts(e.g. Outlook, Live,
Xbox, etc.) with an Azure AD email address, we found out that when you
go to the Azure portal from the old experience, it signs you into a
different account with the same email in your Azure AD tenant. If you
still believe your applications are missing, sign out and sign in with
the right account.
The new app list shows applications that were registered through the
legacy app registrations experience in the Azure portal (apps that
sign in Azure AD accounts only) as well as apps registered though the
Application registration portal (apps that sign in both Azure AD and
personal Microsoft accounts).
If you know the application ID you can restore using Powershell
The error is due to using the v1 endpoint url. You need to use V2 endpoints in order to allow access from personal microsoft accounts.
Use this endpoint:
Please go through the document
I didn't realize it was possible to restore a deleted Azure AD user (for 30 days). Once I restored the deleted AD user instead of creating the user again, the app appeared again in the user's 'Applications from personal account' under 'App registrations'.
I'd still love to move the app to the Azure AD proper, but from an earlier SO question I was told that's not possible. I guess we'll either keep this old account or create the app again (and have all our users reauthorize).

How to add Azure AD Application using application identifier

I am having difficulty logging in to a Microsoft site using my Azure AD (Work) account.
After successfully authenticating, I get the error:
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '3075c070-b4d6-4bba-88c3-bcc51c74a2f4' was
not found in the directory '{my-directory}'. This can happen if the
application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant
or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your
authentication request to the wrong tenant.
I have gone into my Azure AD tenant and searched for an application with that Id so I can add it, but it returns no results.
I am able to authenticate if I use an account that has a Microsoft Account, however, when I get to the Microsoft page, I get an error saying I need to log in using the same email account that the account was registered under.
Unfortunately, the work account I need to use does not have an associated Microsoft Account.
I think a solution to this would be to add the Application into my tenant, but not sure how to find the application with ID only.
I am afraid that you can not add the application into your tenant manually. When you successfully login in to this application, this application will exist in your tenant under enterprise application.
But it seems that this application only allows Microsoft account to login.

How do I register an app in client's active directory using my multi tenant app in microsoft azure?

I have registered a multi-tenant app in my Azure subscription. using this App, I want to create an OAuth flow for my client to be able to give me permissions to create an app in his active directory.
We are using OpenID connect flow to access the Azure AD graph API.
In spite of making our app multi-tenanted via the console, we are getting the following error when the client ( tries to sign in:
User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'bf5ca806-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account
I used the following endpoint to get an access token:
Please help me to resolve this error
Unfortunately, you cannot use a guest user to login Azure AD Graph Explorer for now.
I came across the same issue as yours long time ago and I understand it's very important for customers. So, you can post your idea in this User Voice Page and the Azure Team will see it. I will also upvote for it.
But there are other solutions if you don't mind:
Solution 1: Try to use an internal account of that directory which upn ends with
Solution 2: Try to use other tools to get access token with a guest user(this account also need to be an admin of that directory), such as postman. Then you can use Postman to call Azure AD Graph API. You can refer to this blog to use Azure AD Graph API with Postman.
Hope this helps!

Azure Active Directory SSO - Account Mapping

iam currently researching how to implement Single Sign On for our WebService.
This is what i came up with so far.
If a customer of our WebService has an AzureActiveDirectory they can log on with their active directory user account to our WebService if we provide the nessecary interfaces for SAML, Oauth2, OpenID or whatever authorization protocoll we chose and azure supports.
The customers could also have their local network Active Directory synced to their Azure AD and use their Domain accounts to log on to our WebApplication.
Customers need to use the portal to "wrap" authentication.
Once everything is set up correctly the Identity Provider (AzureAD) would provide use with (e.g) an authenticated User Identity.
Here is were my problem begins.
Of course i need to somehow map the identity provided by the AzureAD to a certain Account for our WebService - we cannot simply use the provided identity.
As far as i understand it, you can grant AzureAD the right to create an Account on the target WebService in the name of the user which is currently signing in.
(Its called : enabling automatic user provisioning in the azure management portal).
However, when testing this with the Box, Canvas or Google apps i failed. Either i got an error or in the case of google apps i was just promted to login with my azure AD test account and then asked for a password and username of my google account (i set up SSO as an azure AD trust relation- so this should not happen)
Can someone provide some insights on how to accomplish the following?
Once the user is authenticated by SSO I want to create an account for our WebSerivce and then save the credentials for that user only in the Active directory of that particular user.
So if the user logs in the second time we can check wether there is an account already existing and log in the user with this account.
(I was told by microsoft that this might be possible with Azure Rights Management, but i cannot really find good documentation on that)
Storing the relationship: "Microsoft AD Identity <-> our WebServiceAccount Credentials" on our side is not desired because we cannot securly encrypt the data in a way that we DONT know whats in there. (or there is , and i dont know of it yet)
"Bonus Question":
Can i support SSO for a desktop application too? (Do i need a provide proxy web application or can the desktop app do this directly?)
Please see my answer to a similar question here: azure active directory user profile data
However - I'm trying to understand if you need something different. Are you expecting your customers to already have a directory and Azure AD accounts (maybe through having Office 365 subscriptions), and use those to sign in to your web app, or does your app scenario require creation/provisioning of user accounts into your customer's Azure AD directory? Provisioning can be done through graph API (as per your link), as long as the admin of your customer grants consent to allow your app to write to their directory. You can find some samples on github, and I recommend you look through and for code samples.
I think, without testing it. That using the Graph API enables me to save custom data for any Directory User effectively enabling my desired functionality.
This is the documentation i found very usefull.
