Can you verify that the sender of an event hasn't been faked? - pusher

Let's say I have a chat room and everyone is subscribed to the channel: private-chatroom
Anyone can send an event client-message with data like:
sender_user_id: 1,
text: "Hello everyone!"
Other users would receive that event and display the message along with the sender_user_id it received (taking it at face value).
How could you verify it was really sent by user #1 without having to involve my server everytime someone sends a message.
P.S. I'm using auth which allows only logged in users to send messages, but no further verification is done to verify faked user ids afterwards

In your scenario, you cannot. Even adding an authentication signature would do little, because I could fake being some user that has not yet logged in (if e.g. the user ID's are predictable). Then again, I would need to consider things like replay attacks, so I'd need to also include a timestamp in the authentication process.
To be able to trust the system I'd need an extra service that maps a sender id with its public key. Then whenever I receive a message from user X and I don't have his public key, I can ask the trusted server by sending id=X and getting a public key with an expiry date (I can cache that afterwards), and use it to authenticate the message body and timestamp, and verify that the timestamp is greater than the last received timestamp from X:
1234567: X: hash=0xdeadbeef: "Debit me USD 50,74"
1234511: Y: hash=0xdeafd00d: "OK, thanks"
1234567: X: hash=0xdeadbeef: "Debit me USD 50,74"
1234515: Y: hash=0xbaadf00d: "Wait, what?"
(Here X and Y's clocks are deliberately not synced - the important thing is that they're both monotonically increasing).
So you need to either modify the server behaviour or add a secondary, trusted authentication server, as well as modifying the client protocol (timestamp, hash) and behaviour (key verification, signing...). The connection between the two servers is not trivial: the key server must access the authentication data from the primary server and trust whoever connects to it.
It seems to me that the simplest way to go is that the chat server overwrites the sender ID based on the user authentication. This should be trivial to do and actually I'd expect things to work this way from the start.
Note that the work necessary on the chat server so that the authentication server can supply reliable information is not negligible - i.e., the secondary server is not a "zero intervention on the chat server" at all. Actually it is more complicated than just injecting the authenticated user ID in the messages on the chat server's part. The main difference is that now you're only interacting with the authentication module, and in some scenarios this might be easier to do:
How could you verify it was really sent by user #1 without having to involve my server every time someone sends a message.
When the user first creates the account on the main chat server (so only once in that user's lifetime), the chat server connects with the key server on a trusted connection and asks for a key pair for user 12345. The key server creates the pair and sends the private key to the chat server, who supplies it to the user. The chat server needs do nothing further. The client can now add timestamp and signed hash to each message. Whoever wants to verify the message only needs to interact with the key server, and only once for each sender.


Excluding consumer of a topic by sender in Pulsar

We're developing a system to support multiple real-time messages (chat) and updates (activity notifications).
That is, user A can receive via Web Socket messages for :
receiving new chat messages
receiving updates for some activity, for example if someone like their photo.
and more.
We use one single WebSocket connection to send all these different messages to the client.
However, we also support multiple applications/clients to be open by the user at the same time.
(i.e - user A connect on their web browser, and also from their mobile app, at the same time).
We have a "Hub" that stores a map of UserId to a list of active websocket sessions.
(user:123 -> listOf(session#1, session#2))
Each client, once websocket connection is established, has its own Consumer which subscribes to a pulsar topic "userId" (e.g - user:123 topic).
If user A connected on both mobile and web, each client has its own Consumer to topic user:A.
When user A sends a new message from session #1 to user B, the flow is :
user makes a REST POST request to send a message.
service stores a new message to DB.
service sends a Pulsar message to topic user:B and user:A.
return 200 status code + created Message response.
If user A has two sessions open (two clients/websockets), and they send a message from session #1, how can we make sure only session #2 gets the message ?
Since user A has already received the 200 response with the created message in session #1, there's no need to send the message to him again by sending a message to his Consumer.
I'm not sure if it's a Pulsar configuration, or perhaps our architecture is wrong.
how can we make sure only session #2 gets the message ?
I'm going to address this at the app level.
Prepend a unique nonce (e.g. a guid) to each message sent.
Maintain a short list of recently sent nonces,
aging them out so we never have more than, say, half a dozen.
Upon receiving a message,
check to see if we sent it.
That is, check to see if its nonce is in the list.
If so, silently discard it.
Equivalently, name each connection.
You could roll a guid just once when a new websocket is opened.
Or you could incorporate some of the websocket's addressing
bits into the name.
Prepend the connection name to each outbound message.
Discard any received message which has "sender" of "self".
With this de-dup'ing approach
there's still some wasted network bandwidth.
We can quibble about it if you wish.
When the K-th websocket is created,
we could create K topics,
each excluding a different endpoint.
Sounds like more work than it's worth!

How to build a fully secure login: do I need SSL?

I'm building a project to better understand login/security, and SSL is really tripping me up.
So far I have a front end (vue.js), an API (node/express), and a DB (postgreSQL).
This is the general auth flow:
When a user logs in they send an email and password (via Axios) to the API.
The API queries the database for a matching username and then using it checks the password that is hashed in the database.
If this is successful, the API signs a JWT and sends it to the client.
The client then saves the JWT in local storage and is used for future queries.
So far I think that all of the above is the best practice EXCEPT for the first step. From the reading, I've done so far the client needs SSL to securely send a password to the API. Is this the case? Does my server also need to be SSL or just the client/host?
I'm ultimately going to try to use firebase hosting (which is automatically SSL) for the frontend, and heroku for the API and database. If there are more secure options I'm open to suggestions.
Also, in general, I'm new to all of this security stuff - If I'm missing anything or if something else isn't secure, I would love the advice!
SSL creates a secure connection between two points. In our scenario between the client, and the server. After some initial negotiation, the client encrypts its messages in a way that only the server can decrypt. And the server does the same with its answers, or its own questions. By using SSL between these two end points, nobody but the client and server can read the messages.
This is important, since a message sent between client and server is actually seen by many more machines/processes in between. Dozens of other processes can thus see the message, and if the message is not encrypted that means all those processes can know exactly what's in the message. When the client and server communicate over SSL, the other processes still see the messages, but they can't decrypt them.
To your concrete questions: the client opens a secure connection to the server. Both the client and the server need to support this. If you write a custom server, that means you'll need to ensure it has a SSL certificate. A very common place to get these for free these days is

PubNub publish message between two Private Channels

I'm using Php and MySQL.
I have just signup for pubnub push API and successfully made my first push notification using the PHP Push API provided by Pubnub. I'm new into this Realtime technology so I have come up with some questions which I find confusing to understand myself. I have googled many times and searched all over stackoverflow. I didn't get any relevant suggestions or questions elsewhere, so I'm writing down my question here seeking your advice and expertise help.
Pubnub says it's not a good thing to create more than two channels per client. So, in my application, I have a requirement to create more than two channels to listen to notifications happening everywhere on my website but I will go with two channels for every logged in users as Pubnub suggested.
Logged in users listens to Channel1-Public
Logged in users listens to private UsersOwnDynamic-Channel to receive notifications related and only meant for him.
FYI: This link in PubNub says about creating LongChannel names to avoid Channel Snooping
My questions are given below:
A. Do I always have to create a new private Dynamic channel name everytime I logged into the website. If so, how would other users know how to send a notification to my private Channel.Or, do I just need to have only one static channel name stored in database table, so that other authenticated users will query the table and get my private channel name to sent me notifications. If this is the case, don't you think if a hacker get hold of some private channel name of certain users, they will be able to listen to that channel?
B.I'm using PHP and MySQL, so I still cannot think out a way or come up with a solution to send message to private channels of another user.
Lets take an example for a simple friend request system.
- UserA sends a friend request to UserB.
- UserB is listening to his own dynamic private channel name called DynamicPrivateChannelB
(how will UserA find the channel name for UserB which is private? Im thinking the only way for this is that the private channel of UserB should be stored in a database table for every loggedin users to query. Am I thinking the right way ? )
//first way. How can i possibly achieve this.
$sqlquery = "sent friend request from userA to userB";
$pubnub = new Pubnub( 'pubkey', 'subkey' );
$pubnub->publish( array(
'channel' => 'how do i find the private channel name for userB to sent this notification?',
'message' => array('friend_request' => 'A friend request') )
//2nd way ? Is this the right way ?
$sqlquery = "sent friend request from userA to userB";
$privatechannelofuserB = "get the channel name of userB from the db table";
$pubnub = new Pubnub( 'pubkey', 'subkey' );
$pubnub->publish( array(
'channel' => '$privatechannelofuserB',
'message' => array('friend_request' => 'A friend request') )
C. If we are always generating dynamic private channel names, storing in database table, updating whenever new dynamic channel names are generated. I think it will cause a problem because some message won't get delivered as new dynamic private channel names replaces old ones.
D. So, I have many notifications to sent to a single channel like New Friends request, New Private message replies, New gifts requests and many others like that. How do I sent all these data to a channel and how to find out and parse the incoming new notifications data. I know JSON is the format to send but im not sure about the format of sending.
According to this link, a single Pubnub channel can contain only up to 100 messages. Does it mean that if 200 messages comes at once to a single channel the first 100 gets delivered and the remaining is on queue ? How about if 10,000 messages comes at once to a single channel ? Do all the remaining messages stays in queue ? if so, how does it gets delivered to the subscriber in realtime ?
Let me give another simple scenario that I'm trying to achieve.
UserA is authenticated and logged in to the website.
UserA generates his own Dynamic channel name, UserAx732dsw3efsdfsdfsdf
UserA starts listening to his newly created channel UserAx732dsw3efsdfsdfsdf (Now, userA should start receiving messages from others)
- UserB sends a private message to userA. (Now, only userA should get notified on his private channel about the new private
message, how can userB or the System find out the channel
name UserAx732dsw3efsdfsdfsdf because, this is a private channel
generated dynamically by userA , neither the System or
userB has accessed to it. This same thing is happening for userB as well, if userB should be notified by any other entity or by the system again, there should be a way to find out the dynamic
channel name of userB .
Another issue is this scenario is that, if a user is dynamically generating channel name everytime he/she logged in to the website. What will happen to all the messages that was sent to the dynamic channel ? Do pubnub saves all the created channel names on their server? Is there any way that a system or a user can find out whether a channel name is still being own and atleast one user is listening to the channel ?.
I'm curious to know this because of the following concepts that I have:
UserA creates dynamicChannelA when he/she logged in to the website at 1AM.
UserA starts getting lots of notification pushout to his dynamic channel dynamicChannelA
Now, UserA logs out from the website at 1:30 AM, what will happen to the many other users who are still pushing out notification
to his dynamicChannelA because by the next time when UserA
logs into the website, UserA will be listening to different
dynamic channel name.UserA won't be listening to his previous
channel dynamicChannelA .
I'm thinking to use the method of retrieving channel name of a particular user from the database table. Is there any method or way to prevent unauthorised subscription of the channel? Because anybody can subscribe to the channel name if they have the subscribe key and channel name no matter how long the channel name is. I'm just curious because all subscription is happening in the client side and the subscription key and channel names are visible.
There's no one single way of tackling the issues that you've run into. Our customers have used a wide variety of design patterns to deal with them. I myself have run into this type of thing building PubNub apps and I'll help you as much as I can.
Pubnub says its not a good thing to create more than two channels per client. So, in my application, i have a requirement to create more than two channels to listen to notifications happening everywhere on my website but i will go with two channels for every logged in users as Pubnub suggested.
Logged in users listens to Channel1-Public
Logged in users listens to private UsersOwnDynamic-Channel to receive notifications related and only meant for him.
This is a good way to do it, and the way many of our massive scale customers do it. A global channel and a private, user-only channel.
Do i always have to create a new private Dynamic channel name everytime i logged into the website.
Not necessarily, though this is a good way. You can use PUBNUB.uuid() in JavaScript on the client-side to do this. Or, generate it server-side using PHP and render it to the client. Maybe you could set it as a cookie so the client always has access to it.
If so, how would other users know how to send a notification to my private Channel.
They could get the id's from the PHP server; either via the global channel or the user's own private channel, which they are listening to.
Or, do i just need to have only one static channel name stored in database table, so that other authenticated users will query the table and get my private channel name to sent me notifications.
You could do it this way too. You might have the global channel the users can send to be different then the global channel they are listening to. Only the server has that subscribe key. Thus, authenticated users send a message to the server that tells it "I need the appropriate user keys", then the server does a query and sends a message back on that users private channel.
If this is the case, don't you think if a hacker get hold of some private channel name of certain users, they will be able to listen to that channel?
If you withhold the subscribe key on the global send channel, only the server can see the chatter on that channel.
Im using PHP and mysql, so i still cannot think out a way or come up with a solution to send message to private channels of another user.
Lets take an example for a simple friend request system.
- UserA sends a friend request to UserB.
- UserB is listening to his own dynamic private channel name called DynamicPrivateChannelB
(how will UserA find the channel name for UserB which is private? Im thinking the only way for this is that the private channel of UserB should be stored in a database table for every loggedin users to query. Am i thinking the right way ? )
This is very similar to your previous question. There's no one way to do it, but the design pattern I outlined above should work. To recap this design pattern:
Server side
Listens on Global-user-send-channel for user messages. The server is the only entity that has this subscribe key
Can query db to get user-ids, and then send to the various ids at will
Can also send on the Global-user-receive-channel, which all clients are listening on. The server is the only entity that has this publish key.
Client side
Listens on Global-user-receive-channel. This is how it gets mass server broadcasts. Cannot send on this channel (only has subscribe key)
Sends server messages on Global-user-send-channel. Cannot recieve on this channel (only has publish key)
Listens on private user channel. This is how user gets private messages. It can also use this for client-to-client communication.
Prevent abuse by appending all private messages with a private, per-user key stored on the server, and provided during the initial page-load. That way, a client knows if a message claiming to be from the server is legit.
If we are always generating dynamic private channel names, storing in database table, updating whenever new dynamic channel names are generated. I think it will cause a problem because some message won't get delivered as new dynamic private channel names replaces old ones.
If you're careful about when you generate new channel names, this shouldn't be a problem. Keep in mind, the client can always say on the Global-user-send-channel 'hey, I'm here! this is my id. keep me updated'. I usually design my apps to have the clients automatically shout this out every 30 seconds or so.
So, i have many notifications to sent to a single channel like New Friends request, New Private message replies, New gifts requests and many others like that. How do i sent all these data to a channel and how to find out and parse the incoming new notifications data. I know JSON is the format to send but im not sure about the format of sending.
JSON is good for sending and recieving. The way I do it is to have a property called "name" which defines what type of message it is. For example:
"id" : "blah_blah_unique_id", // sender_client_id
"name" : "friend_request", // type of message
"data" : { // the data itself
"requested_friend_id" : "blah_blah_some_other_unique_id"
You can actually use whatever format you want, but we'll wrap it in JSON (usually that means just wrapped in quotes) when it gets pushed through PubNub.
Hope this helps!
New Questions
According to this link, a single Pubnub channel can contain only upto 100 messages. Does it mean that if 200 messages comes at once to a single channel the first 100 gets delivered and the remaining is on queue ? How about if 10,000 messages comes at once to a single channel ? Do all the remaining messages stays in queue ? if so, how does it gets delivered to the subscriber in realtime ?
The 100 message limit is in regards to PubNub.history. If someone is subscribed and 200 messages come in, they will receive all 200 messages.
(Now, only userA should get notified on his private channel about the new private message, how can userB or the System find out the channel name UserAx732dsw3efsdfsdfsdf because, this is a private channel generated dynamically by userA , neither the System or userB has accessed to it. This same thing is happening for userB as well, if userB should be notified by any other entity or by the system again, there should be a way to find out the dynamic channel name of userB .
There's no one-size-fits-all solution to this question, but what I'd do is have the server generate that unique id on page load and render it to the client on your initial HTTP request.
Another issue is this scenario is that, if a user is dynamically generating channel name everytime he/she logged in to the website. What will happen to all the messages that was sent to the dynamic channel ? Do pubnub saves all the created channel names on their server?
You don't have to dynamically generate every time. You could.... but you also set a cookie with that unique id, or pull it from the database and render it to the client on page load (that's what I'd do). We don't save channel names.
Is there any way that a system or a user can find out whether a channel name is still being own and atleast one user is listening to the channel ?.
Not out of the box, but you could implement this easily. Just have your server send out a ping and set up your clients to always respond to pings if they're listening.
Now, UserA logs out from the website at 1:30 AM, what will happen to the many other users who are still pushing out notification to his dynamicChannelA because by the next time when UserA logs into the website, UserA will be listening to different dynamic channel name.UserA won't be listening to his previous channel dynamicChannelA .
The way you can prevent this is periodic (every 30 seconds?) pings from the server, who can keep track if users are still there. In the coming months we'll be launching a presence API to do this automatically, btw.
Im thinking to use the method of retrieving channel name of a particular user from the database table. Is there any method or way to prevent unauthorised subscription of the channel? Because anybody can subscribe to the channel name if they have the subscribe key and channel name no matter how long the channel name is. Im just curious because all subscription is happening in the client side and the subscription key and channel names are visible
The main way is strategically witholding publish/subscribe keys. You're right that anyone with the proper details can listen in - this is a big problem of client-only systems. For the time being, you'll have to come up with creative ways to get around it.

Security: How vulnerable is this authentication/encryption scheme?

I have a client-server game, where the client connects to a server and stays connected during the game (approx 5-60 min).
I want new clients to be able to register securely, as well as allowing existing clients to authenticate with no worries that the login credentials are exposed.
The thing is that for performance reasons it would be best to stick with a simple and cheap encryption like RC4 for the game session, but a symmetric key does not make it easy to secure the registration procedure.
Since I will want to keep a separate login server anyway, my idea is like this:
Client sends a HTTPS request to the login server with credentials (or registration information)
The login server collects the user information, and generates a temporary RC4 session encryption key
The user information + RC4 session + timestamp + digest (I can rely on both servers to be synchronized timewise) with a secret symmetric key, shared between game server and login server.
The packaged data + RC4 session encryption key + ip address to the game server is sent as a reply to the HTTPS request to the client.
The client opens a connection to the game server, sends an initial unencrypted hello message with the encrypted user information as a payload.
The game server unpacks the data packaged in (3). It now knows the user and the RC4 encryption key it is supposed to use.
If the timestamp indicates that the login credentials has expired, an error is returned to the client (who is then to retrieve new information). If the decrypted user data cannot be verified with the digest a different error is returned.
If everything checks ok, the server sends an unencrypted LOGIN_OK, and the RC4 encrypted communication starts.
Possible security concerns:
The game server 100% trusts the user info it has decrypted. This makes the servers completely decoupled which is nice, but if the key is compromised, users could completely fake their user info. This could be alleviated somewhat by rotating these keys, so that every day or month has a new key. Both game and login servers could get this from a third server that manages their keys. It might be overkill since: a) in case of a break-in where source code is exposed on the servers, they can be restarted with a new key b) a good enough key + encryption should make brute force attacks hard (suggestions on algorithm?)
RC4 isn't the most secure algorithm, but I make sure to throw away the first 512 bytes or so and each key is only valid for a limited time, e.g. 24h.
Doesn't seem susceptible to man-in-the middle from what I can see: SSL secures the RC4 session key, in (5) the RC4 session key sent to the game server is encrypted as well. All that is possible is DoS and to cause the user request a key again. If the data in (2) is cached until it expires, this should not create a new packet.
The encryption in (3) could be improved by adding random bits to the key. Those random bits are sent together with the encrypted packet, and presented to the game server in (5). In (6) the game server adds those random bits to his key and uses the result to decrypt the data. This way and attacker cannot see when the packed data changes.
Are there any vulnerabilities I'm overlooking here?
A summary of payloads created:
Client login-credentials (protected by SSL), sent to login server
User info + timestamp + temporary game server session key + digest encrypted by login server using a secret key shared with game server, given to the client that - without modifying it - passes it to the game server. Ought to be temper resistant because: a) client does not know the secret key b) has timestamp to avoid resending same data c) digest to verify content was encrypted correctly
temporary game server session key sent by the login server to the client together with the encrypted payload. Protected by SSL.
Client game server login packet, consists of encrypted packet received by login server.
A summary of encryption keys:
Temporary game server session key: randomly generated by login server for encrypted game server <-> client communication. Generated by login server, given to client and game server.
Secret user info encryption key. Shared between game server and login server, used pass user info to game server with client as messenger. Client does not possess this key.
First of all I wouldn't use RC4. There are both faster and more secure stream ciphers around so if you control both client and server then you can probably do better than RC4. Discarding only 512 bytes may not be enough for the Fluhrer, Mantin and Shamir attack, but even if you discard more bytes there's also the Klein's attack etc. I don't know if it's worth the trouble.
Second, make sure that the keys you generate are random. I know it seems obvious but for an example see:
But the real problem is this part: "The game server 100% trusts the user info it has decrypted. This makes the servers completely decoupled which is nice, but if the key is compromised, users could completely fake their user info."
You have to assume that the user knows the key. His game client has to know the key so it can communicate with the server. If the user can use his real data to log in via ssl, get a key for stream cipher and then send whatever info he wants to the game server then all the attacker has to do is just get an account and do whatever he wants.
It doesn't matter how often you change the key because every time you change it you have to still give it to the client so you might as well change it after every byte and it still wouldn't matter here.
This is more important than the cipher used or the key generation because no one will brute force the key if he just gets it.
You should never trust the client. You should store the client data on the server side and match it with the key or sign the data and verify it or use HMAC etc. because if the game server 100% trusts the user info then you will have problems sooner o later. There is pretty much no way around it.
It sounds like you're trying to reinvent SSL. Why not issue each client a certificate (signed by your own root authority), and have them connect to the game server over SSL, with mutual authentication?
I understand you cannot use SSL between the game server and the client as you don't want to go through the handshake again.
The protocol seems ok from a first glance. There is no replay attack also as you really need the symmetric session key to do anything meaningful. The best thing you can do is switch to AES is also very fast and very secure. I highly doubt you will see any performance hit by switching to AES.
Also the first security concern bullet point you mentioned is not really a concern. Well it is a concern for all clients on the desktop, for example your browser has the same problem talking over HTTPS. So you don't really have to solve it. Your game logic somehow has to look for bad behavior if you want to actively monitor manipulation attempts. You cannot solve it by re-keying.
I ended up also posting on sci.crypt and I'll try to summarize the suggested changes (as far as I understand them) below in case it might be of interest.
Step 1: Client sends a HTTPS request to the login server with credentials
Assuming that the credentials take the form of a login token, also add a self-assigned unique id.
Step 3: The user information + RC4 session + timestamp + digest
Use an encryption algorithm that ensures integrity, instead of using a digest explicitly. E.g. AES-GCM or AES-CCM. Add the extra id field in step 1. Add the ip to the game server as well.
Step 4: The packaged data + RC4 session encryption key + ip address to the game server is sent as a reply.
Giving the timestamp to the client will allow the client to know when the session has expired. This avoids unnecessary connects to the game server with expired credentials.
Step 5: The client opens a connection to the game server, sends an initial unencrypted hello message with the encrypted user information as a payload.
Add the self-assigned id in step 1 unencrypted to the payload.
Step 6: The game server unpacks the data packaged in (3). It now knows the user and the RC4 encryption key it is supposed to use.
The game server matches both its own ip with the encrypted ip, as well as the encrypted id with the id given by the client. The first prevents the user from going to a different server with the same credentials.
Step 8: If everything checks ok, the server sends an unencrypted LOGIN_OK, and the RC4 encrypted communication starts.
At this point the game server cannot be sure of the client's identity. Use the session key and encrypt nonce + strictly increasing session id + login success state using AES-GCM/CCM and send it to the client.
The client decrypts and checks the login success state. If this is true, then the client knows that the game server knows the session key (GCM/CCM verifies that the packet has not been tampered with). The client returns sid + nonce.
The server verifies sid + nonce is the same as the values sent.
Finally the client and server creates new session keys by hash-ing the session key with sid + nonce + salt to create the key for the consequent communication, to prevent a possible replay attack.
Regarding RC4
There are vulnerabilities in RC4, but it probably would suffice for this scheme because of the rather aggressive key rescheduling. However, there are modern ciphers which are more secure and faster, such as Snow 2.0 or Trivium.
Just use SSL to the game server. Modern cryptanalysis has resulted in a few very fast implementations of some of the better encryption algorithms. For example, well optimized AES implementations can easily encrypt at better than 150MB/s on any remotely modern machine. Also while AES is held with high regard, it does have two weaknesses that I know of, but when used correctly those weaknesses become insignificant.
I noticed that you failed to mention that you would be using an advanced key scheduling algorithm between the client and the game server. Failing to do so would make the weaknesses of the encryption algorithm much more severe. SSL/TLS should do the key scheduling for you.

Need ideas for securing a JMS based server process and database

I have a tool that is distributed freely as an Eclipse plugin, which means that I can't track who uses it or ask them to register.
Every client tool communicate via a JMS broker with a single shared server process (written in Java) and can receive messages in reply. The server connects via Hibernate to a MySQL database.
At present, the only message that the tool sends is a request for data, and the server gets the message and sends a bulk of XML data representing elements to the client, which displays corresponding items in the IDE. Hence, I don't think that there is much that can be done to the server except a DoS attack.
Now, however, I want to add the following functionality: a user can assign a rating to a particular element (identified by a numeric id), and a message will be sent to the server which will store the rating as an event in a rating event table. When next requests for data come in, the average rating for each item will be sent with the request.
My problem is that I've never deployed a tool that used a public server like this, even if it is hidden by the JMS broker. What attacks could be deployed against me and how can I defend against them?
There's the problem of DoS, and I'm not sure how to address it.
There's the possibility of injection, but all my data is numeric and I don't know how hibernate deals with things.
There's the problem of spam or dummy-voting, and I can't really think of how to address that.
I'm sure there are others...
With regard to the dummy voting, this is not secure (i.e. it wouldn't be acceptable for electoral purposes!) but it is a simple mechanism:
Create a GUID on the server, store it in an appropriate table and send to client. When client votes, it sends back the GUID, which is compared to the Database. If the GUID is valid, accept the vote and remove the DB stored GUID.
